What song are you currently listening to?

If anybody out there,anybody who visits this site or views this thread on occasion is any bit like me and is constantly on the hunt for good,quality music. You might find,depending on your personal taste's, that is getting increasingly difficult.

Sometimes you really got to search far and wide to find something,a little extra special.


Crash Kings-Mountain Man

I dunno how I discovered this song. Just randomly trolling Youtube in search of something new to listen to. Stumbled upon this little gem. I haven't checked out the band itself yet,only this and another song. I Think that's about to change soon though because I really,really do dig this song. It's got a bit of a classical feel to it,something you might have heard in the late 60's or 70's. It has a good beat and catchy lyrics. Its just fun to listen to in a sense that it doesn't feel forced.In today's music industry it's the fresh bands and fresh sounds that I tend to flutter towards to. It's great to see bands out there that still thrive to develop some sense of identity instead of a common mold.

Seriously,give it a listen,you might be surprised how much you like it;)

Literally one of the most tuneful, relaxing songs I have ever heard. There is nothing better than lying in the sun, cold beer in hand, eyes closed and some of this relaxing trance to make you forget about everything and just drift away.

Oceanlab is a group made up of the 3 members of the trance trio Above & Beyond, with the additional female vocals of Justine Luissa. Her singing fits perfectly onto a track like this, it is a mesmerising piece of music.

I do have quite a soft spot for Nelly Furtado's earlier stuff. From Maneater onwards I've been less into her stuff.

The video for Try reminds me a hell of a lot of Cold Mountain which was a big favourite of mine a few years ago. The lyrics are amongst her best work and capture a myriad of different feelings that people go through when growing up. Nice wee tune all in all :)

This isn't normally my type of music at all, but I fooking love this.

My mate posted it on facebook last night, and was raving about the film and the soundtrack, so I listened to it and thought this is awesome! Such a cool tune, totally different than anything else I own. I immediately downloaded it.

I have never seen Drive, but I have heard alot about the film and I am pretty sure I will probably pick it up in the near future.
I have never seen Drive, but I have heard alot about the film and I am pretty sure I will probably pick it up in the near future.

Dammit Naitch! Get on it! :D

I'll even give you a trade-off, I'll post some Oasis and Stone Roses to cover your absence while you get round to seeing one of the years best films, deal?

My manager at work has a pretty cool playlist on the go at the moment of which Cast No Shadow is a part. Due to Aberdeen having a rather droll sense of humour, whenever this song comes on, it's either as foggy as San Francisco or just incredibly cloudy so indeed, no shadows are cast. (By the sun at least.)

Good tune though and brings back memories of the summer my dad bought this album.
Dammit Naitch! Get on it! :D

I'll even give you a trade-off, I'll post some Oasis and Stone Roses to cover your absence while you get round to seeing one of the years best films, deal?

I have just purchased Drive for the pricely sum of £5 from Tesco, I will probably get watching it at the weekend :)

As for what song I have been listening to today, none other than this little gem.


Never been a massive fan of Cast, but they do have a few classic tunes, this being one of the best- along with "Sandstorm", "Free Me" and "Walkaway".

A great tune from a decade fucking full of them. Gotta love the 90s britpop/indie scene, so many absolute belting tunes!
Counterfeit-Limp Bizkit
Album: Three dollar bill y'all$

Its full of great guitar work and lots of yelling and rage. Wes Borland goes all out on this track and churns out a chugging riff. Fred Durst is yelling and screaming, anything but singing and he's just basically being Fred Durst. The rest of band also does well with keeping the rythm and filling in the rest of the song. Good song when you want to get pumped or when you are angry.

Link here:http://youtu.be/OSYMqfnARXk

This made me feel old this morning when it came on, but it still brought back some good memories and remains a fun song. Although I had my headphones on, as soon as the chorus started up I was half-tempted to sing along with it, but thought better of it.

Good god what an amazing song from RATM. Powerful lyrics delivered by Zach. Morello is a god. Brad is a great drummer. Tim is insane on the bass. One of my favorites from these guys and it's only 2 and half minutes long. Awesome

I'm not usually one for the heavier side of metal, but this song and this band are fucking awesome. So powerful and angry. Makes me want to punch something. Great tune.

Placebo are a band I go through times of really enjoying and other times just skip whatever song of theirs comes on. Had a shit day at work today and was waiting for the bus home when Pure Morning came on. The distorted guitars and heavy vibe of the song has always made it one of my favourite Placebo songs, along with the repetitive sing-song lyrics.

Let's lighten things up around here with a classic from The Fresh Prince!

If there ever was a song to put you in a good mood, this is it. So catchy, great to sing along to, and damm Will Smith is one cool guy!

Sampling "And The Beat Goes On" by The Whispers, "Miami" is a song I have loved for as long as I can remember. I think I could probably rap every line, and while some of the lines are the usual Big Will cheese, it is a just a great song.

Will needs to do something else like this, but I doubt he would ever be able to top it!
This song pretty much summarizes my high school years.

Bound for the floor by Local H.

I remember this song coming on the radio and had an instant addiction to it. Kinda heavy song with a deep meaning.

So since my avatar is of Breaking Benjamin I kinda think it appropriate I at least put one song up here by them. But which one to choose I honestly feel you can not go wrong, all there albums from Saturate to Dear Agony are pure gold. So consider this not my favorite but the one I most relate to right now.

"My engine's running on dry, my head's so fucked up inside"

Love it :)

Classic, badass song. Get's me pumped up (just what I need at 5 in the morning when I'm getting ready for bed, haha)

Kasabian back on top form with this. Great song, definitely up there with their earlier classics like "Club Foot", "L.S.F" and "Underdog". It's a really catchy tune that I liked as soon as I heard it on their latest album, "Velociraptor!". I'm glad it was chosen to be a single, as it is bound to stay a popular song in Indie clubs and radio for a long while.

Hit me. Harder. I'm gettin' re-wired
Perfect Circle
"the nurse who loved me"

A sad brilliant song I liked to think of it as a guy who's crazy and thinks this nurse loves him. I can't say enough good about this song, I know it's a cover but who could possibly sing this better?

Is it just me or is this song really catchy? I actually catch myself singing this all the time. Chicks kinda hot too and the end of the video is amazing.

Is it just me or is this song really catchy? I actually catch myself singing this all the time. Chicks kinda hot too and the end of the video is amazing.
It is too catchy... I try to avoid it at all costs or I'll end up singing it all day.

Oh God, I have a feeling I'll be annoying my family with this song all day now :lmao:
After re-watching all three seasons on Hulu+, The 88's song
At Least It was Here—the theme for NBC's Community—has
been on constant auto-loop in my head. I've even gone so far
as to learn the guitar, bass and drum tracks.

PS My current threesome fantasy is Alison Brie & Lizzy Caplan.

This is what Wes Borland of Limp Bizkit fame does when he's not playing with Fred Durst and co.

I think it shows what an amazing musician Wes Borland is. This band (and his previous one Big Dumb Face) show how versatile he actually is. This sounding very Nine Inch Nails like.

This is what Wes Borland of Limp Bizkit fame does when he's not playing with Fred Durst and co.

I think it shows what an amazing musician Wes Borland is. This band (and his previous one Big Dumb Face) show how versatile he actually is. This sounding very Nine Inch Nails like.

Not too bad. Sounds like a tune WWE would use for a PPV in the early-mid 00s. Much better than that Gold Cobra shite I heard from Durst.

Every now and then I alternate the song for my alarm to get me up in the mornings so at the moment I'm using this wee belter from Alexisonfire's 'Switcheroo Series' EP with Moneen. Bit of an odd title, granted, but a good high energy song to wake me up in the mornings.

Couple of things to note about this song that I like; the opening sounds like a car enging revving and the 2 singers go back and forth over what's happened prior to what would be their getaway.
Lady Gaga- Judas

Normally not my cup of tea but I heard it in the car the other day and has been stuck in my head. But I love the catchy chorus and the fact that Norman Reedus from Boondock Saints plays Judas in the music video makes it that much more appealing. On top of that the dancing is pretty cool, again not normally my kind of music but something about this song snagged me.

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