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This isnt one of my favorite songs by Asking Alexandria but its not bad found it while listning to another one of their songs and as a big fan of AA decided to check it out and now im a fan.

The rihana songs Pls dont stop the music this song i am currently listening to.


Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
Gunter glieben glauchen globen!
Back to the roots, Def Leppard was the first rock groups my dad got me into as a kid back in the day, along with guys like The Scorpions and Dio. But these guys will always be my favorite from that era, none of those other bands gave me more songs that I loved. Songs like Pour Some Sugar On Me, Photograph and Animal were the soundtrack to my life back then and they'll always be some of my favorites. One of the best british groups ever and personally one of my favorite vocalists of all time in any genre.

A remix of the P.O.D single "Boom". Their album "Satellite" was one of my favourites during my high school days. This track, the title track, "Alive" and "Youth Of The Nation" still get regular plays on my ipod even today.

I love the original version of this track, but the remix is that little bit faster and more aggressive, which makes it a good song to listen to in the gym. I have always really liked Sonny Sandoval's vocals, the rap/reggae twist he puts on it is really cool.

I would still like to see P.O.D live one day, hopefully they will tour the UK again soon.

Great song, funny, but still rocking. It's been stuck in my head all day, it's really catchy, and it's good to listen to on repeat. Funny music video, all of it is just a work of art :D

Kill by Earl Sweatshirt

Earl Sweatshirt is already one of the rawest rappers out, and celebrated his 18th birthday in February. Check this guy out if you haven't yet. He says whatever the hell he wants and his flow will make you start noddin your head. He is of course with the group OFWGKTA, led by Tyler, the Creator.

Actually listening to this song as I post this. The whole album is phenomenal: called "Fables from a mayfly: what i tell you three times is true" by Fair to Midland. This is just the first song.

Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
God I love the 80's, and this song is 80's personified. Enjoy The Silence is classic Depeche Mode and a song that I can listen to really anytime in any mood and I can get into it. Just a fun song to play along to, like the kind of song you blast in your car and sing along to at a stop light to bug the guy next to you. Unfortunatly I can only listen to it when I'm out or with my friends because the fiance doesn't appriciate it's awesomeness.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THE SONG? Because it's what I am currently listening to

WHY DO YOU LIKE THE MUSIC? It's upbeat and puts me in a hell of a good mood, and I like to dance to it.

HOW DOES THE MUSIC MAKE YOU FEEL? Like a Greek God eating frosted flakes off Kate Upton.

Whenever I watch this video, I get that feeling "I was there"... what a concert it was!

I was badly hungover as it had been my College Prom the day before, but that did not matter, I was absolutely goin all out for the whole set list. This was the opening track, and it still ranks as one of my favourite Oasis tunes, although most people don't seem to love it as much as I do.

It was the opening track from "Don't Believe The Truth" which the critics say was Oasis's "comeback" album after a couple of sub-par efforts, but it was never a single....and I think it should be.

It's what Oasis are all about, just pure rock 'n' roll, made for mega concerts like this one, with the crowd goin crazy.


Superband, super great song. Layne Staley is one of the all time great vocalists, I just wish I could hear one more song from him with Jerry Cantrell's voice complimenting his own. RIP

Pantera - Cemetary Gates

Probably one of the greatest songs ever by the greatest band ever, Pantera...wow that brings back some memories. Out of all the heavier bands that I got into back in the day Pantera was always my favorite, I didn't love all their songs but when they were good they were very very good. Cemetary Gates is a perfect example of one of those songs, it's got the softer sound at times with the guitar but then busts out with sick riffs from Darrell and ofcourse Phil Anselmo's intense vocals. They just don't make em like this anymore.....RIP Dimebag.

LOVE this song, it's still the only Accept song I have ever heard...I really should listen to more...

I heard this on a documentary about Metal that I bought on DVD, I tracked down the artist through the lyrics and Google search, and its a fantastic headbanging tune. Vocals like AC/DC but with a better riff.

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy have covered this, and while their version is decent, it isn't a patch on the original.

There's something about hearing this 2 or 3 times a day for a month that burns it into my mind. Now usually, this type of song/noise isn't what I'd normally listen to, but there's something enjoyable about the crazy sounds and booming bassness of it that is just infectious.
(Plus this song helped me sell some Sonos stuff so it has happy memories for me)

This is Last Ride of the Day by Nightwish, the instrumental version.

It came on random shuffle on my iPhone earlier today and I kept repeating it for the whole ride home from work just now. It is arguably the best track from Imaginaerum and it's a really fun song to listen to whether it be the original lyrical version or this instrumental version. What I love about the album as a whole is how well the tracks are done as instrumentals, let alone the original lyrical versions. The instrumentals can completely stand on their own without lyrics. The original versions of the tracks are even better though, of course. I have the special edition which contains the instrumental version, so I listened to both versions of the song several times today. I love it! Even the Tarja fans who hate the new singer can appreciate this awesome instrumental track.

Jane Says by Jane's Addiction.

One of the best songs ever written about the nature of trying to break out of the cycle of drug addiction. The repetitive nature of the 2 chords being played all the way through coupled with the repetition of the lines, 'Jane says...' and 'I'm going to kick tomorrow' all tie into the continual cycle of struggling to break free.
As downbeat as the nature of the song is, it remains incredibly catchy and powerful 2 decades on.

So yeah,new Fozzy everybody! These guys got chops and they seem to get better and better with every album. This song is phenomenal and features one of Jericho's best vocal work. This song is a must for any Fozzy fan. Highly recommend. Can't wait for Sin and Bones, should be a good one.

Audioslave's first single, and one of my favourite music videos of all time- must have cost a fortune with the fireworks.

I was a big fan of RATM, and when I heard they were back together but with a new singer I had to check it out. That it when I discovered Chris Cornell and his amazing voice. From that point I went out and bought some Soundgarden CDs which led to me getting into grunge music other than Nirvana which I already liked.

So thanks to Audioslave- Cochise, I became a fan of Soundgarden, Temple Of The Dog, Alice In Chains and many more bands. Thanks guys!

Sugar Ray- Words To Me
Man I haven't heard this song in years, but I came across it while watching another video on Youtube. But I first heard this while watching the first live action Scooby Doo movie with my little brother and I've loved it ever since. Sugar Ray always had that lighter beachy summer feel to their music and considering the time of year its the perfect time to listen to it now.

Awww yehhh!

What a tune from my favourite band of all time. At one point it was the longest song ever to have reached UK number 1 (the full version is over 7 mins long), and was the first single from Be Here Now which was the fastest selling album in UK history when it came out. People were queuing at record stores at midnight to buy this single.

This is Oasis at their finest. The song gets me pumped up and it's impossible to listen to it without getting a bit of a swagger on, pure rock n fucking roll at its best. I loved Oasis in this coked up wall-of-sound phase, although the critics never really went for it. It's a shame they stopped playing most songs from this album in their live shows, as there are plenty of classics on there.

While Limp Bizkit is more known for their party anthems like Rollin etc, I maintain they are underrated when it comes to serious songs, this one and several others show that they can talk about serious ideas and the music suits the lyrics.

I don't what's in the water in Australia..but that continent can produce some fantastic music. This whole April Uprising album is solid track to track. Recommend this to almost any music fan.

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