What song are you currently listening to?

The thread's 1000th post :D


Been listening to the Red Hot Chili Pepper's latest album I'm With You and its great, its going back to their funk influences which I prefer and this song is great.
The first experience I had with The Noisettes was when they supported Muse on their tour of the UK for the Black Holes and Revelations tour. They sucked then and still suck now.

Good luck with the half-marathon stuff though, are you tuning up for a full marathon? Or just running to keep warm? I keep hearing about these cold winds coming in off the Atlantic but it's been superbly mild over on the east coast for the most part :D

You don't like The Noisettes? What's not to like about two black women playing hard rock? Anyway, I'm officially stripping you of your Scottish nationality. Ain't no Scot of mine who doesn't appreciate the musical stylings of the Noisettes!

I ran the half-marathon yesterday. Finished it seventh out of 25 and never walked once, unlike basically everyone. No, no plans for a full marathon but, I may do a triathlon in May! And, about the winds... I'm off to sunny Spain. Enjoy the old people yammering on about how ''Jimmy couldnae tae work in MaccyDee's and got fired'', though.
¡Roján!;3765642 said:
You don't like The Noisettes? What's not to like about two black women playing hard rock? Anyway, I'm officially stripping you of your Scottish nationality. Ain't no Scot of mine who doesn't appreciate the musical stylings of the Noisettes!

I ran the half-marathon yesterday. Finished it seventh out of 25 and never walked once, unlike basically everyone. No, no plans for a full marathon but, I may do a triathlon in May! And, about the winds... I'm off to sunny Spain. Enjoy the old people yammering on about how ''Jimmy couldnae tae work in MaccyDee's and got fired'', though.

Noisettes are from London I thought? If I had besmirched the name of The Proclaimers, Rod Stewart or even Travis I would hand over my Scottish rights in an instant. For annoying sassenachs, nae chance son ;)

It's funny seeing the McDonalds in Aberdeen that's had it's renovation to look all smart and that, but still see the usual trackie families smoking and picking fights outside it.

In honour of your voyage to Spain, I've got a song you can play on repeat for the whole duration and probably not get sick of.

Also, hope you meet your Spanish equivalent, just like Rab met his.
The thread's 1000th post :D

What feels like my 100th post in this thread! ;)

So I never finished my list of random songs from my top ten albums from 2011, and that's for the best. It's not like me to generally abandon something, but me thinks that's what I'll be doing here! But instead, I've decided to do something different: Run down my ten favorite songs from 2011 overall, in order! I will finish this list! On to #10!

10. The Decembrists: This Is Why We Fight


I was first turned on to this band by Shadowmancer when he posted a couple of videos from these guys in my "I need new music for my Ipod" thread back around Christmas 2009. Kinda sorry that I remember that, huh? Anyway, Ive become a huge fan of the indie folk rock genre ever since, and have kept my eyes out for anything new by these guys ever since.

So imagine my excitement when in January of last year, they released The King is Dead. It was a complete oversight that the album was left off my top 10 albums of last year, but I wasn't about to make that mistake twice. One of the few albums I can listen through without skipping a song, it was hard to pick a favorite song off this album, but I settled on This Is Why We Fight awhile ago, and I'm sticking with it.

There's a sense of suffering that is portrayed in these lyrics, and despite my belief that people underestimate what true sufferring is, I like the theme of being prepared to tackle the sufferring head on, rather then cowering from it. Hell is on the way, they say, and whether they're referring to war, personal struggles or the overall troubles in the war, I find the song to be inspiring to keep fighting when things are at their worst. All of us have some capacity, realized or not, to stand and fight against life's troubles, even when "Hell itself" is on the way. And I think it's that courage to fight despite the trouble is what allows us to die with our "arms unbound", referring to the courage shown during either a literal or figurative death. An inspiring song.
#9: The Joy Formidable- Whirring


To get the most important thing out of the way, lead singer Ritzy Bryan is fine. Now, on to lesser details.

Dave Grohl(lead singer of the Foo Fighters) gave the band the a ringing endorsement when he tweeted that Whirring was the best song to come out in 2011. As a huge fan of everything Grohl has done, I figured I owed it to myself to see what the fuss was about. And while it's not my favorite song of the year, I can see where Grohl was coming from.

The premise of the song is fairly simple, but it's the music and the expression behind it that makes this song truly great. Songs about having feelings for someone and being unable to express them properly are a dime a dozen, but the lyrics and the gravitas with which Bryan sings it is what makes this song special.

Turn the dial on my words
I can feel them fall short
Turn the dial, chime alarm
Watch these hands move apart
Turn the dial on my words

Surprisingly, with all the instrumentals, this is only a three piece band. Those three members provide what to many may seem like a long song, clocking in at over 6 minutes. But for me, the mix of alternative rock with indie influences provides a great 3-4 minutes of instrumental crescendo followed by some phenomenal guitar work finish the song off perfectly, and not a moment too soon. Bryan's voice softly and subtly inserted underneath the loud instrumentals make for a fascinating contrast that Ive heard only a handful of times, and it's never been pulled off better. It's that combination that truly makes this song for me.

I only discovered Cold about 6 months ago, when I heard the they had written a song dedicated to the deaths of Layne Staley and Kurt Cobain, titled "The Day Seattle Died", and I went out and tracked down the album with that song- "Year Of The Spider".

I am really glad I did, it is a very, very good album. The singer's voice sounds uncannily like Aaron Lewis from Stain'd on some tracks, especially "Remedy".

However, as good as the Staley/Cobain tribute song is, "Don't Belong" is probably my favourite song on the album. Just a great rock song, with meaningful lyrics. Also, its great to drive to...very fast.
So i started watching the movie Drive this evening( i had to stop 20 minutes in because my roomates are watching tv with the volume near full) but i was able to catch this song during the intro an man it is freaking amazing. Few things i love more then getting to hear an awesome song in a movie that i never would have gotten to hear otherwise, and while your reading this post i will be getting acquainted with some of the other songs Kavinsky has out. They have a job on their hands to match this song though!
Sebastien Tellier - Roche

Amazing song by Sebastien Tellier, produced by Guy-Man of Daft Punk. It's got such a good beat to it and the piano at the start leading into the eruption of the main music is pure amaaaze! It can be relaxing yet good to dance to if you feel the mood. Only problem is the fact that it reminds me of my ex. Yeah.
But before I get to that.....

I only discovered Cold about 6 months ago, when I heard the they had written a song dedicated to the deaths of Layne Staley and Kurt Cobain, titled "The Day Seattle Died", and I went out and tracked down the album with that song- "Year Of The Spider".

Wait, what? You only discovered Cold six months ago? How does that happen with a music afficienado like you? I saw them in concert nine years ago, when Year of the Spider was actually...new. If you liked this one, I'd recommend their first album,13 Ways to Bleed on Stage. The album includes an awesome acoustic duet with Aaron Lewis of Staind. They've put out two albums since, A Diffferent Kind of Pain(2005), and Superfiction(2011), but neither stand up to their first two major offerrings. Anyway, this is quite the strange coincidence.....

#8 Cold: Dream On


So after leaning heavily into the indie rock genre for songs #10 and #9, American alternative rock band Cold holds the #8 song, with their cover of Aerosmith's Dream On. I imagine I'll receive a bit of criticism for this, but since buying Superfiction, the album of which this song is off of, I feel quite self-assured in saying I believe the Cold cover is better then the Aerosmith original.

This is complete and utter bias on my part, but it's my list. ;) Scooter Ward has an amazing voice that has projected the given emotion of a song better then most singers in his genre for the past 12 years, and the cover of Dream On is no exception. Musically, there's no comparison, as the original blows this version away, but I think Ward's take on the song vocally is far better then Steven Tyler's. Ward sounds composed and passionate, while Tyler sounds wreckless and rushed. Both are great sounds, and great versions of the song.

There's no right or wrong answer here, I just prefer Ward's take to Tyler's. I've always loved this song, and to hear a different take on it by one of my favorite bands was an exciting thing, and good enough to place it at #8 on my list of top songs of 2011.
#7 Foo Fighters- Walk


I have to admit, even as a humungous Foo Fighters fan, I found Wasting Light to be a disapointing offering on the whole. What's not disapointing about the album is that it's top heavy with a few great songs, with the best of the lot being Walk. Lyrically, it puts forth a similar vibe that my favorite Foo song-Times Like These, does, and it's a simple theme. Wasting time denying yourself the ability to become your best self is a re-occurring theme in all of our lives. It's the "one step forward, two steps back" idea, with the emphasis on taking that step once again, even if it's been a long time since you've done so. These lyrics resonate so well with me, and even though the hype for the album exceded the content, Walk was a diamond in the rough. Dave Grohl continues to amaze me as a lyricist, writer, and musician, with songs like Walk as prime examples as to why.

Simply put, it's the type of song that's made the Foo Fighters one of the biggest rock bands of the past 15 years. And it's also one of my favorite songs from the past year.
LSN, I am surprised at myself that I had never heard of Cold until fairly recently. Literally have never seen them mentioned in a music magazine, seen a video of theirs on TV or heard anyone talk about them.

I actually thought they had split up- sure I read something about that when I was looking on Wikipedia about them after I purchased "Year Of The Spider". I will be sure to listen to more of their stuff, and the cover of the classic "Dream On" is brilliant!

Now, what am I listening to today:


I first heard this song when Guns N Roses covered it on their "Spaghetti Incident" album, and thought it was pretty good. My friend is a massive Nazareth fan an urged me to check out the original, so I did. I prefer Axl's version, but the Naz original is enjoyable too.

I am going to see Naz in Liverpool this Friday- booked the day off work so I can hit the booze early. I agreed to go with my mate after he had come with me to see Slash and Puddle Of Mudd/Soil when I needed someone to go with. I am looking forward to it. Naz are not the sort of band I would usually pay to watch, but it will be a good day out, and should be a laugh.
LSN, I am surprised at myself that I had never heard of Cold until fairly recently. Literally have never seen them mentioned in a music magazine, seen a video of theirs on TV or heard anyone talk about them.

I actually thought they had split up- sure I read something about that when I was looking on Wikipedia about them after I purchased "Year Of The Spider". I will be sure to listen to more of their stuff, and the cover of the classic "Dream On" is brilliant!

As I said above, and Im ready to be spat upon for it, I believe their take on it to be better then the original. Personal preference, I suppose. The reason you read that Cold broke up in the past is because....they did! They lost both their guitar and bass player to Evanesence, and did a poor job of replacing them, hence the subpar album "A Different Kind of Pain" in 2005.

But when Amy Lee went mestrual again and fired them both, as she did the original band, they reunited with lead singer Scooter Ward to make Superfiction, which is almost as good as Year of The Spider. It's not quite at that level, but it's still a very solid album.

Anyway, here's my choice for my #6 song of 2011.

#6 Death Cab For Cutie: You Are A Tourist


Death Cab has always been hit or miss for me, as their sound can be very grating to me at times. But over the years, there have been a few gems that I've really enjoyed. Before I even knew Codes and Keys had been released, a friend of mine had posted the lyrics for part of the song online, and I was instantly drawn to needing to hear this song. The lyrics are as follows:

"And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born
Then it's time to go
And define your destination
There's so many different places to call home
Because when you find yourself the villain in the story you have written
It's plain to see
That sometimes the best intentions are in need of redemptions"

Damn, did these lyrics blow me away. Speaking for myself, I've found myself in places of self-examination where I wasn't as satisfied and didn't like myself as much as I thought I did. There have even been times where I've definitely, upon closer examination, found myself to "be the villian" in my own story.

What I love best is how this song flows merrily along, then stops abruptly and becomes all business with this refrain. It's as if something had just dawned on the lead singer while in the course of living his life, and it was something that needed examined right now.

I've been there before, it resonates with me, and I absolutely love the lyrics. Codes and Keys as an album wasn't for me, but this was one of my favorite songs of the year, no question.

Lissie - Go Your Own Way

As was the case with Charlene Soraia's cover of 'Wherever You Will Go' I came across this song via a TV advert for the tea company Twinings, where their message has been to 'find yourself,' and both these songs tie in well to that message.

I still have a lot of love for the original version by Fleetwood Mac but Lissie's version has a great style about it too, with the guitar having a somewhat U2 sound about it coupled with the intermittent double hits of the booming drum. Wouldn't at all surprise me to hear this used in a tv series finale or at the end of a film either.

PS LSN, I'll rep you for that DCFC song soon. Kept hearing it without knowing who it was/what it was called.

New Hopsin track that just premiered yesterday and it's fucking dope. I love hearing someone rap about something different other than the standard "I got money and bitches" shit they usually do. Plus the dude has the multiple syllable style down pat, probably one of the best I've heard since Eminem.

The video is funny as fuck too, MK makes a special appearance at the end.
#5: 30 Seconds to Mars: Night of the Hunter(MTV Unplugged)

This song came out in 2009, you say? Being that this is my list, I'm claiming it as 2011 material on a technicality. The re-mixing of the song is the acoustic rendering of the song done in an MTV unplugged session in 2011, and the song has a varying degree of difference om terms of sound to it.


Even acoustically, with a background choir, Jared Leto's fury is on full display here. Whether it's the residual crowings over a very poor childhood, or the belief of man's propensity and capability of doing evil things, the acoustic nature of the song seems to accentuate that anger all the more. Based loosely on the the 1955 film Night of The Hunter , the song hits on the notes of movie, which was a frightening and bone-chilling thriller for its time. Leto sounds like a violent and chilling sociopath at times in the song, much like the "pastor" in the film.

Blessed by a bitch from a bastard's seed
Pleasure to meet you but prepare to bleed
Rise, I'll rise, I'll rise
Skinned her alive, ripped her apart
Scattered her ashes, buried her heart
Rise up above it, high up above it and see

I loved this song back in 2009, and loved the acoustic version released in 2011 of the song all the more.
#4 Jay-Z and Kanye West- *****s In Paris

Even someone like me whon has had a love/hate-mostly hate- relationship with the rap/R & B genre recognizes the genius of the Watch The Throne album. This was either going to be an album where egos exploded and what resulted was a complete disaster, or two of the unquestionable leaders of the industry would make gold. Fortunately, the latter occured. The influence on Kanye's style that Jay-Z has had has always been evident, but none so more here. Still, it's not the case of one man outshining the other, but two men working together to make music that generally doesn't work for me. So why did *****s in Paris work for me?

"Noone knows what it means, but it's provocative. Gets the people going!"

I have to admit, I had to listen to the song several times before I caught that it was Will Ferrell from Blades of Glory at the beginning and the middle, and it's perfect here. Sometimes, a song is good for just pure entertainment value, and combine that with a somewhat menacing beat and a synthesizer, and you've got one of the best songs of the year. As much as I'm loathe to give Kanye West credit for anything, he does get "in his zone" here. Both he and Jay-Z are at their absolute standout best here. Easily one of my favorite songs from 2011, and a nice change of pace for me.
And another female unknown to me before this year makes the list.

#3 Lykke Li: Love Out of Lust


In a song that blends pop, indie rock and electronic music at its absolute best, 25 year old Lykke Li's Love Out of Lust is a refreshingly honest song. We don't fall for someone else initially because of sparkling personalities or a great sense of humor. As much as we want to convey that we're above those superficial things that go into noticing someone, those are the things that draw things to one another in the first place.

However, the lyrics to this song successfully describe the transition from the state of lust to that of love, and nails the definition of love.

We will live longer than I will
We will be better than I was
We can cross rivers with our will
We can do better than I can
So dance while you can
Dance cause you must
Love out of lust
Dance while you can

There's something to be said for the relationship being greater then the sum of its parts. At a young age, Li seems to understand that. It's a mature theme in a mature song that shows the transition of moving from a relationship where one puts themself first to putting the relationship first, combining the better attributes of each person to make for a great dynamic. Li doesn't believe that dynamic is attainable here-She's quite grounded- But the emotional part of her still longs for it to be so, and she's going to enjoy it while she can.

As for me, I'm still enjoying this song some 6 months later after hearing it for the first time. The music here shows a mournful sensuality that matches the broken nature of Li's voice. Dripping with equal parts sexuality and vulnerability, the song is like listening to the soft rumbling of trains over tracks, with a heavy downpour accompanying it as you drift off to sleep. The combination of the indie and electronic rock vibe that Li protrudes makes the album, Wounded Rhymes, one of the year's best, with this the best of the lot.
And another female unknown to me before this year makes the list.

#3 Lykke Li: Love Out of Lust

I had never heard of her before either, until I read your post just now. That was a very soothing song and I liked it. I've enjoyed reading and listening to your countdown of 2011 tracks in this thread. My favorite of them so far was Walk by the Foo Fighters, which would make it into the top tier for 2011 tracks in my opinion. The Kanye West & Jay-Z track was excellent as well, as is that whole cd.

Anyways, so now I'll share a track. It's actually from 2010, but I didn't discover it until this past fall when it began playing almost daily on a local rock radio station here.

Buried Alive by Avenged Sevenfold


I was already familiar with the band from back in 2006 when a friend from college convinced me to purchase the cd City of Evil, telling me he was sure I'd like it. He ended up being right. My favorite track of theirs was Beast & The Harlot, until I heard Buried Alive this past fall. Buried Alive is now my favorite song by Avenged Sevenfold because it completely blows away anything else they have ever released. Much like countless other rock songs that I enjoy, it is both heavy and catchy. The opening riff is rather recognizeable too, anytime it plays on the radio I recognize it immediately and that brings a smile to my face. We sometimes play local rock stations on the radio up at work during the early 6AM until opening shift and this song has played numerous times. It makes out-of-stocking and re-shelving far more entertaining, let me tell you!
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - False Pretense


I've heard of the band before, and listened to some of their stuff based on recommendations from my friends. I always enjoyed the songs that I had heard, but never really thought about them after maybe 20 minutes. Not exactly forgettable but I would just move on to something else after saying I would have to look into more of their music.

Well this past Sunday I was on my way to Best Buy with my bro, and one of their songs, I want to say it was False Pretense but I can't remember, came on. So as we are in Best Buy I eventually happen upon the music section, and am looking up RJA. I end up buying the two CDs that I could find and go on home and start enjoying them. Wouldn't ya know that this song has stuck out to me the most from both their first and most recent albums. Just something about the overall sound, guitar, drums, vocals, works so well and has clicked with me. I'll end up playing it another couple hundred times and be sick of it in a few months. But until then I'm rocking the hell out to some RJA.

You cannot beat a good bit of Kasabian, they are proving time and again why they are one of the best bands around on the UK music scene. After a scorching debut album but a poor second album, they came back with a really good third release and then bettered that with "Velociraptor!", their most recent album.

This is one of the singles from that CD, and probably one of my favourite songs they have ever released. Catchy, with a great beat and it sounds great live. I had it on repeat this morning as I was driving to work, and the 5th play sounded just as good as the first.

These 2 wee Canadian sisters appeared on my musical radar just over a year or so ago while I was looking up music by another Canadian artist, Dallas Green. Their songs are short and can be a little hit or miss, but some of the hits have a way of really sticking in my head.

The lyrics of "Call it Off" are my favourite as they sum up the mixed feelings and apprehension about ending a relationship in a very straight-forward manner. I quite like the quick guitar plucking in the background with some slower sounds, such as the synthesiser, playing over the top as if to replicate the increased heart-rate due to breaking up but calming thoughts of being better out of the relationship.

Yeah, yeah...it's a little bit different from the Nazareth and Black Stone Cherry videos I have been posting recently!

I do like a bit of trance. I am not an expert on the genre, unlike some of my friends but every now and then I find an absolute gem of a track that I love, and this is one of them.

I have tickets for the Gareth Emery "Garuda" night in Manchester next Friday, which should be good. I have been to one Trance night before and while it was good, about 6 hours of it may be too much! Looking forward to it though.

I love trying out different genres of music, there is always something out there new and exciting to listen to.

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