What song are you currently listening to?


Justin Timberlake - What goes around comes around

Didn't listen to this in a long time and it's been put on replay for quite sometime to now. I really like Justin Timberlake's music.

It's unique and just damn good. This is my favourite track of his.

Love her. Part hippy, part Kate Bush with a bit of Pink Floyd thrown in on Daphne. Grown Unknown is a great album.

I absolutely love The Twang's debut album, every song (bar one) is brilliant and this is no exception. A great album closer, and one that gets the crowd going every time. The band suffered from the famous "second album syndrome" and released a record with only a couple of decent tracks on it, but are preparing to drop their 3rd record in the very near future. I for one am definitely looking forward to it.

If you like good indie with a kind of Stone Roses vibe to the music, you really should check out the Twang's debut album "Love It When I Feel Like This", its awesome. I hope their next album goes back to the lad indie with the cool guitaring and good lyrics, rather than sticky with the soppy tone of their second.

"Better phone the jugggggllller!"
What am I currently listening to?

Underoath-Paper Lungs


The first time I heard the beginning two minutes of this song, I thought they were 30 Seconds to Mars. They had the Jared Leto singing the lyrics/yelling the chorus type sound to them. As a huge 3STM fan, I was wondering if they had put out something new, until I heard the last minute, where the singer went into all-out screaming mode.

Still, it's a kick-ass song. I haven't heard much else from the band other than this, and what I've heard, I haven't particularly cared for. But this offerring is awesome. The song is about being an enabler for someone, and burning the candle at both ends to help them out of what seems like, and often is, a situation you can do little about. Been there. Then you get in so deep trying to help, it's about impossible to get out.

I try too hard looking for insight in lyrics when listening to music, don't I?

At the Drive-In - One Armed Scissor

Simply put, this is an absolute beast of a song and one I regularly listen to when drunk and in a good mood. Today I thought I was going to be in some trouble at work over some paperwork issues, but my manager was very reassuring and calmed me down. It all got sorted and I ended up having a good day as I was the top-seller for the branch.
I don't know why, but I had this song in my head after the meeting with the manager and it spurred me on the rest of the day. The passion and intensity from the band, particularly the vocalist, makes a lot of their songs get repeat playings from me.

The Band Perry - If I Die Young

Just heard this song this morning but I've had it in my head most of the day and has a very nice mainstream country sound to it. One line that I really like in this song is, "A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar." There's a cheeky charm about it that just made me smile when I heard it.
Visually, I really like the way the video was filmed too. Nice and simple but with some cool little shot choices.

Phil Vassar-That's when I love you
I hope FitFinlay4Life sees this because I know he'll appriciate it. One of my favorite songs from Mr Vassar, he really knows how to write and a love song and although he has plenty of slower ones I like his lighter happy love songs and this is definitely the best of those. I emailed this one to my fiance on our anniversary just because of how much I love it, just got lucky that it was fitting. :p
Sadly it was "Every Rose Has it's Thorn" by Poison. It was just released for Rock Band last Tuesday and I was watching a play through of it to see if it was anymore interesting to feign playing to that it is just listening to it. Big surprise....it's not.

A cover version so damm good that even Bob Dylan says that Guns N Roses have made the song their own. A beautiful solo from Slash, great soulful vocals from Axl and the perfect song for Guns to cover. A classic

After hearing this song being played in the background during one of the most bad-ass television scenes ever (Breaking Bad S02E10) I instantly looked it up. Love the song and the lyrics, and it's very easy to listen too.

I love How I Met Your Mother. One of my favorite shows of all time. Over the past few weeks, I've seen that my daughter loves the theme song to the show. She always stops, stares at the TV, smiles, and starts dancing. Fucking adorable. So I figured I would look up the song and play it for her. Man... I fucking hate this kind of music. Just... ugh. If I could just cut out the last 40 seconds of the song I would be golden, but I can't stand the rest of it.

Been on a huge kick of Chimaira lately. I forgot how fucking awesome they are. One of the best bands I've seen live. Great song along with this song I am hooked on right now. Good wake up music to face the fucking bull shit day ahead of me.


This is my jam right now by them. It has been featured on two albums. This is from their first album version and it is still awesome. I hope they don't call it quits like I have been hearing the are planning on doing.

John Anderson-Straight Tequila Night
Man this song brings back memories, really just of listening to this song a long time ago but memories none the less. I always thought John Anderson was really corny but I must admit there are quite a few of his songs that I enjoy, his style of music is what I love about 80's and 90's country. I wish mainstream country could go back to being like this, maybe one day....
Im doing this randomly , but with some sense of order at the same time. After completing the long-ass thread on my top 10 albums of 2011, I figured I'd post a song off of each album per day, starting with ten and working down to one. The catch? I hit random on my Ipod, and whatever song came up, good or not, that's the song I would go with. On second thought, this is kind of a stupid idea, but here goes:

10. Seether: Pass Slowly


I said in the Top Ten thread that I put Seether on the list at ten out of sheer laziness, but there are some decent songs on this album. Seether hasn't really evolved musically or lyrically over the years, but they do have a distinctive sound that Ive grown somewhat fond of. This is the typical Seether ballad, like "Broken" of the past. It mourns lost love and begging the lost love to let lead singer Shawn Morgan down easily. Sound familar? It should, because it's the same theme Seether goes with in every ballad they've ever written. Still, I like this song, if for no other reason that it works for me musically, and Morgan's voice really shines here.

Stay tuned for PJ Harvey tomorrow! :)

I was listening to my ipod the other day and "Follow Me" by Uncle Kracker came on, and brought back alot of memories from the early 2000s. I am a big Kid Rock (or the old rap metal Kid) and found out about Kracker as he is Kid's DJ.

I ended up looking on Amazon and ordering a pre-owned copy of Kracker's "Double Wide" album for 1p (+postage) and it arrived today. It's an average album as I expected it would be, but there are a few songs I really like off it, and this is one. I actually remember hearing "Yeah Yeah Yeah" on TV years ago. Catchy and fun.

For the past few days I've had the hook from this song going through my head over and over again. One of Jeff's best crafted songs; it starts with an atmospheric kind of feel to it before the hook is played, the lyrics conjure up a lot of imagery while the intensity of the instruments start to really come alive.

Halestorm - Here's to us

Got a Lyric video request from a friend yesterday and while working on it, I fell in love with this song.

I've heard a few other songs by Halestorm and they're really good. Just uploaded the video I completed. :)
Been listening to the first 30 Seconds To Mars album. Love it and the opening track Capricorn (A Brand New Name) is a great track and really rocking. Shows that when he wants to Jared Leto can rock


Halestorm - Here's to us

Got a Lyric video request from a friend yesterday and while working on it, I fell in love with this song.

I've heard a few other songs by Halestorm and they're really good. Just uploaded the video I completed. :)

Ugh. We can't be friends anymore.

I used to bang the fuck out of this album a few years back. Yeah, it's pretty much just some local cats(though the album was shipped nationally) and they really didn't get a lot of promotion elsewhere, but I've always thought that these 2 dudes were much better than any of the bullshit they put in rotation.

Honestly though, the first verse is the hardest one. Kutt Calhoun is a monster. Really a shame how under-rated he's been over the years. He raps his fucking heart out and this song is a prime example of it.
"Take A Bow" - Muse
Was watching the trailer for Watchmen & I heard this. Starts & ends so differently though.

Band of Skulls - Fires

A friend of mine put me onto this band a few nights ago after seeing them live in a local club. The thing that stood out most about this track was it's grungey feel with the quiet-loud-quiet formula used throughout. After looking them up on Wikipedia, I saw they were from Seattle, which kinda explained everything! Another song of theirs worth checking out is 'Honest'.

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