What song are you currently listening to?


I'm a little late to the party on this one, though that's because I didn't really care for this song when I first heard it. Then, like a damn fungus, it started to grow on me, and now it's stuck in my head. Like, right now, as I type this. So, I feel the need to share this sickness with whomever decides to click play on the video. Enjoy!

Imogen Heap - Speeding Cars

Her voice is so.. Unique. So is this song. Nothing better than some Imogen Heap for your quiet time to just relax.

I hate to be a 90s Nostalgia Critic... but this song is without a doubt one of the best "sex" songs ever made. I understand, I was a kid back then that didn't KNOW what the words meant... but now, I do ;)

Seriously though, it's alright to listen to your favorite one hit wonders every once and a while.

Imogen Heap - Speeding Cars

Her voice is so.. Unique. So is this song. Nothing better than some Imogen Heap for your quiet time to just relax.

I was actually at her London show in 2005/6 when she debuted that song.

This has been stuck in my head all week. It's getting kind of annoying.
I'm going to have to go with a track by a local underground group I listen to called The Gemini Projekt. Its a couple of guys I've seen open a few times for bigger names on Psychopathic Records and Suburban Noize. They're really cool guys and they finally got to put out their first album Experiment 17 about a month ago, so I've been listening to them a lot lately. They mix rap and metal a lot, I guess I'd sum them up as being a horrorcore group. Here's a little taste to anyone that's interested in some underground. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfPOr-Z-bLQ

I am currently reading "Tattoo's & Tequila", the autobiography of Motley Crue's lead singer Vince Neil. So, to go along with that I decided to take my Motley Greatest Hits (Red White & Crue) CD in the car for the drive to work today.

The backstory behind this song is that Nikki Sixx had an overdose, technically died and been rushed to hospital where he had his heart restarted. Sixx then checked himself out, did some more heroin (WTF?!) and wrote "Kickstart My Heart" which is one of my favourite Crue songs. If that isn't rock 'n' fucking roll I don't know what is! Stupid, yes but rock 'n' roll definitely.

I've been on an Alexisonfire binge the past couple of days and this is the song I've been listening to the most, Passing Out In America. A cover of the Moneen song, this appeared on the EP 'The Switcheroo Series' where AOF and Moneen each covered songs by the other band. What I like about this video in particular is that for one, it doesn't have any cuts despite a lot of things happening in it and all the people involved appear in both videos.
This is also the song where I really started to love Dallas Green's singing, Dallas being the non-shouty singer.
Been on a Jane's Addiction kick.


I don't know what Dave Navarro does to his guitar to get that sound but I love it. The crazy effects on the instruments make this song. Perry Farrel's vocals are as good as ever.

The video's great with a 1920s feel with the hot women and the insteresting imagery, its great.

Jordin Sparks - One step at a time

Searched it to get the link for the 'What's your Theme Song' thread and ended up letting it play. I'm listening to it after quite sometime.

Falling in love with the song all over again.
I'm currently listening to Foster the People's ''Torches'' and The Black Key's perfect ''El Camino'', at the moment.


These three songs, in my opinion are the strongest outings in the album. That's not to say the other songs aren't any good, because believe me they are. My favourite songs off the album change all the time depending on my mood. That's good, by the way. Anyway, these three songs both have awesome riffs, great catchy chorus' and decent lyrics. What's not to like? I'm actually going all the way to Vancouver to see them, that's how much I like them.


This album is fairly decent. Especially, with it being their debut one. The fact that 8 of the songs are fully licensed out to adverts and videogames speaks volumes in itself. These three song are currently on top of MY FAVE THREE, now. Note, they all have one element in common: the piano. The piano should be used more in contemporary music. It's awesome. Someone start a e-petition or get it trending on twitter. 21st century style.

Been listening to alot of older stuff from the best band in the world, the one and only Jericho and his crew, Fozzy! This album really doesnt get the respect or credit it deserves, Happenstance wasn't their best but it was a solid group of songs with their first real jump into doing original songs. I just love listening to their albums from their first to most recent because you can hear the change in quality so easily, with each album it gets better and better both musically and lyrically. Excellent song, incredible band, greatness.

Truly one of the greatest songs of all time from a magnificent band. There are a few songs that you jsut never skip when they come on shuffle, and for me this is one of them.

Absolutely awesome. Totally different from the more "out-there" beginnings of The Verve, and some of the original fans did not like the way the band changed over the years, but I think "Urban Hymns" is one of the best albums ever made, and this track is one of the reasons why. A Richard Ashcroft masterpiece

I feel like I havent listened to Disturbed in ages but when I was working on updating some stuff with Itunes I stumbled on some old playlists and songs, sure enough this one was on there. I like all the main stream, big songs from them but I really like ones like this, especially the one that are a little toned down but still heavy. This song just makes me think of my group of friends from high school every time I listen to it because of our drive to go see Rush we listened to this one about 3 times, great song.

I'm not sure how many times I've listened to this song over the past couple of days, but it's probably a high number. It's been the song I listen to just before I get into work to get me in a good positive mood for the shift ahead. I've also been considering making a video with clips from various ladder incorporated matches like the TLCs, MITBs and standard ladder matches too.

Big Wreck-Albatross

So My ITunes was being an annoying prick and keep suggesting this song to me. I really had no interest but they wouldn't let up I tells ya! So finally, I caved and listened to the minute and a half clip. It didn't sound that impressive but it aroused my interest enough to look it up on Youtube. Strangely enough, after listening to the full song, I think I actually like it. The song actually gets better with every listen. Check it out, you might be surprised to find you might actually like it.

I've been so obsessed with Barry White's music recently. I find it kind of weird how I've suddenly found myself swooning over his voice. Haven't listened to this guy in a long time until I was browsing my iPod the other day on my way home from school. Now I always listen to it on my way home. But I have to be careful when listening to Barry White on the train because just last Friday, I was listening to his album on my way home and missed my stop by quite a few stops because his music made me drift off to sleep!
SCORE! Between the massive amounts of Toby Keith and Metallica playing on my itunes this little gem played a few seconds ago. A song that is just so smooth and beautiful with a songwriter that is Legen...wait for it...Dary! Dont Let Me Be Lonely Tonight is so awesome and just gives you an amazing feel when listening to it. So go ahead and enjoy some classic James Taylor


I could easily have lied and posted some other song, but I have to admit, I have a big ol' soft spot for Kelly Clarkson. As a pop song it's pretty catchy, has a positive message and is pretty upbeat.

In preperation for purchasing New Order tickets this morning for their new reunited tour, I was listening to this in the car this morning. Great track. Definitely one of my favourites.

However, when I saw the ticket prices were over £40 including postage I haven't picked them up yet. I am getting a new car tomorrow, so I dont know if I can justify paying over £40 for a gig...

Was listening to Kerrang Radio on Saturday & heard this song, thinking it was something new. Immediately noted down the name and artist, having never heard of Ugly Kid Joe before. Ever since then, I've been listening to it excessively. Bloody brilliant song!

Candlebox-Far Behind
Such an awesome song, I think I heard this one for the first time in years about a month ago and have been listening to it nonstop since. It's a badass song to listen to on a drive but at the same time the guitar riff from the beginning is so relaxing that most nights when I'm crashing I'll put that on and it just puts me in such a relaxed state that I go out before the song is over, but in a good way. :p

This is one of those pieces of music that I need to be in the mood for, and the past few nights I've listened to this a couple of times on repeat on the walk home from work. Despite how good or bad the day has been, or how tired and cold I am, I've put this song on and just thought about how someone can create such a great piece of music. Absolutely love it.
College- A Real Hero


I completely fell in love with this song when I saw Drive in theatres, just an awesome song that set the tone for the entire movie. Gosling's character had all the characteristics of a "real hero" at times, yet it seemed he struggled with the aspects of being a "real human being". But I digress.

The visuals that were on display while this song was playing were stunning. It was a perfect overview of Los Angeles, and made me want to instantly hop on a plane just to drive through the city. Further, the beauty of this song really helped set the stage for the film noire aspects of the movie. This entire movie was beautiful in that aspect, with my favorite being the elevator scene where Driver kisses Irene, then turns and brutally kills the assassin sent to kill him. Everything from the kiss to the killing was beautiful because of the camera work, which was simply spectacular. For most of the movie, this song was stuck in my head.

Anyway, I had forgotten about the song until I saw the movie again this past weekend with my wife. And it was just as stunning the second time.

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