What song are you currently listening to?


In this Life - Delta Goodrem

Like many other people who know this song.. I've gotta thank Blackberry.

LOL, I bumped into this music video when I was messing around with my Dad's Blackberry and I loved it instantly. Lovely song.
Our Lady Peace - Clumsy. It's a Great Song! :lmao:


Sorry if it doesn't post. I'm new here. :P
I'm big on switching it up when it comes to music, as I'll generally listen to, and find enjoyment in, most genres of music. But when it comes to specific situations/events, I'm pretty set in what I listen to, and don't switch things up in that respect. I decided to vary from that today as I went with Shuffle on my Ipod as I was taking a walk. And I wound up hitting on a band I not only hadn't listened to for years, but also forgot were on my Ipod whatsoever!

Fuel: Falls On Me

My love for these guys began when I went to a summer festival, and Fuel was the headlining act, along with Staind. Probably more then ten years ago, I still vividly remember lead singer Brett Scallions unusual behavior during this song. As they began to play this one, Scallions took his shirt off, encouraging females in front to throw their bras to him. As expected, many women were more then acquiesce. At the same time he's singing, he placed one bra after another one himself, admiring each as he wore them. Finally, he settled on one particular bra, and wore it through the rest of their set. This song was the best of their list, and I became a huge Fuel fan for awhile, seeing them again in concert. I don't know what they're up to now, but I enjoyed them back in my college days and through my early to mid-twenties. Falls on Me was and still is my favorite of the lot.

Creed-Pity For A Dime

I've been in a bit of a nostalgic mood as of late and since most of my childhood and early teens were full of Creed, it's no wonder that this one ended up on my playlist. Such an excellent song from my favorite of their albums, it's not the best on the album but it'd be pretty hard to beat the best on My Own Prison. This song always got overlooked and never got the attention I felt it deserved but I love it, you get all the great sides of the band and Stapp's voice in this one and it's a classic for any hardcore Creed fan.

Patsy Cline - Crazy

A very melancholic song but one I absolutely love to pieces. I've been cleaning the flat today and had my music on shuffle when this came on, and I had to keep coming through to where my mp3 player was to put the song on again and again.
There seems to be such genuineness in Patsy's voice which is one of the things that I really like about the song. The other is the nostalgiac feelings it summons; when I was younger my parents had an old static caravan from the late 60s/early 70s. It didn't have any plumbing or electric heating which made setting it up on cold friday evenings a bit of an unwanted chore as we had to maneuvre the gas bottles into position, take out the bikes from inside the van and go and fill the water bottle.
After all the grunting, fussing and unpacking was out of the way, we'd usually have some food and settle down for the evening. My parents had an array of weird and wonderfully shaped wine bottles which were then transformed into candle holders. As there was no electricity, we had no TV to watch so we'd play board games, card games or charades with one of my dad's radio cassette players whispering out songs in the background, of which 'Crazy' (and I Fall to Pieces too) was one of the songs I associate with those dimly lit family evenings.

I don't know if there's a whole lot of love for Christian music up in this section, but David Crowder's final album just came out. I rarely ever listen to Christian music anymore, because honestly...99% of it sucks. But when I was a teen and going to church and youth groups, I loved Crowder. I still do, as I feel he's part of the 1% of musicians who knows how to write Christian music, and be TALENTED at the same time. The album actually comes out in a few days, but a friend of mine runs part of their set-up and got me a copy well in advance. I have to say, musically the album is phenomenal. Thematically, it's really complicated, but I think once I listen to it a bit more I'll get what the album as a whole is trying to say. It's a 2-disc effort with 34 tracks...so it's a bit ambitious.

Crowder is crazy. In the same album he can go from straight rock, to prog and post-rock influence like Dreamtheater, to straight-up bluegrass... It's weird, but it's also amazing. The specific song I chose is called "Sequence 1" and is the first of 7 sequences at the end of disc one, that together make up one 17-minute-long song. This song is short, and inspired completely by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
John Hawkes - Marcy's song


So i went to see the girl with the dragon tattoo in the cinema on monday(good movie but that's another story). Beforehand a trailer for the movie Martha Marcy May Marlene came on and this song was playing for most of it. I have to admit i was blown away by how good it was. While ive seen John Hawkes act before i never expected him to be such a talented singer. There is a real haunting sound to his voice that compliments the song very well. Safe to say i looked it up on youtube as soon as i got out of the cinema. Great song!

Patsy Cline - Crazy

A very melancholic song but one I absolutely love to pieces. I've been cleaning the flat today and had my music on shuffle when this came on, and I had to keep coming through to where my mp3 player was to put the song on again and again.
There seems to be such genuineness in Patsy's voice which is one of the things that I really like about the song. The other is the nostalgiac feelings it summons; when I was younger my parents had an old static caravan from the late 60s/early 70s. It didn't have any plumbing or electric heating which made setting it up on cold friday evenings a bit of an unwanted chore as we had to maneuvre the gas bottles into position, take out the bikes from inside the van and go and fill the water bottle.
After all the grunting, fussing and unpacking was out of the way, we'd usually have some food and settle down for the evening. My parents had an array of weird and wonderfully shaped wine bottles which were then transformed into candle holders. As there was no electricity, we had no TV to watch so we'd play board games, card games or charades with one of my dad's radio cassette players whispering out songs in the background, of which 'Crazy' (and I Fall to Pieces too) was one of the songs I associate with those dimly lit family evenings.

Yeah, as soon as I can you are getting rep my friend. Excellent song by one of country's finest ladies.


George Strait: Carried Away
One of my favorites by one of my biggest influences in Country music, a real classic by the guy who can make any song good, George Strait. He really has that voice that can make the most boring song good, but instead he just makes good songs better and I have never heard the man give a bad performance. Also one of my favorite songs to dance to with my fiance, so it has some good memories attatched to it as well. :blush:
So I've been recently talking to one of my ex's again and every time I make conversation with her I hurt a little inside(too emo?). Once the conversation is over I go back and listen to this song.

The Exies-Stray


To me the song is just so powerful, the singer sings with such emotion that it reflects how I feel. The entire song,the lyrics honestly reflect 1 to 1 precisely on how I feel and how it reflects our time together,and our break up. One of my all time favorites, mainly for personal reasons but nonetheless its still a good song ether way. Enjoy.
Any Hoobastank fans in the house? No a huge fan but I do know enough songs to consider myself a casual fan. Here's one of my favorites by them

Hoobastank-The First Of Me


I really like the message behind this song. Be the first of you, don't be a sheep, a follower or a clone. Never sell your soul for any reason, for a sum of money, nothing. Be true to who you are and never feel the need to change just because others can't figure you out. A good song with a powerful meaning. Take a listen, you might be surprise you like it.

Diamond Head are one of the metal bands who influenced Metallica, who actually covered this song on their late '90s "Garage Inc" album among other Diamond Head songs.

In fact, the band are still held in such high regard by Hetfield and co. that they were special guests on the shows that the big 4 thrash bands played together a couple of years ago.

I do prefer the Metallica version, but the original is still pretty good too.
Yeah, as soon as I can you are getting rep my friend. Excellent song by one of country's finest ladies.


Too kind JW! Any other Patsy songs you could recommend? I've got 'I Fall to Pieces' on my laptop too but no others, so if you can point me in the direction of some I would be most grateful!

This has been my go to song this week for starting my walk to work in the mornings. The song, like myself, starts a little underwhelmingly but doesn't take long to get into gear and usually wakes my head up enough to get my legs to start functioning normally.

I've been listening to this song for about two hours straight now and I love it. I don't know what it is about this song (or any of her songs for that matter) but I just find it so damn remarkable and I can't stop listening to it. I only discovered Lana Del Rey a couple of days ago but there is something about her voice. The word odd keeps popping into my head but I think different might be the best way to describe her. The fact that I can't find the right words to describe her should say enough about her music. Maybe hauntingly beautiful. Maybe that's the best way to describe her.

On a side note, I find her face to be remarkably attractive. Something about the way she looks and the way she looks at the camera is so damn alluring.
By Common

Lol at Drake thinking he can compete with this. It's ironic when a song entitled Sweet can have hard and tough sound like this does. Sweet has one of the single best hip hop beats I've heard in a long while. No I.D. continues to deliver in this song as its producer. Here, Common proves he hasn't lost a single step since day one. His lyrics are well thought out and sophisticated in that Common way. While he says the song isn't actually aimed at anyone, it sounds better when you think it is.
I am going to take the thread title entirely literally...This song is playing through Pandora as I type this, so it is actually the song I am currently listening to:

The Cars have always amused me. For you kiddies, the Cars were kind of a pop/new wave type band in the late 70s/early 80s, not entirely unlike the Cure, and their Heartbeat City album got a lot of Walkman time when I was a kid.
I've been in 90's Grunge mode for a few days now. Everyone has their classic music, this is the decade for me. I honestly just can't listen to very much music form the 70s and 80s anymore, it's just too tired.

I'm not going to pretend to be some huge STP fan, but I love the singles I've heard. I own one of their albums but I never give most of the songs any play other than Plush, Sex Type Thing, Dead and Bloated, Wicked Gardens, and Creep. Plush being my absolute favorite. No idea what it's about even though I know all the words. It's all about the music for me.
I've been in 90's Grunge mode for a few days now. Everyone has their classic music, this is the decade for me. I honestly just can't listen to very much music form the 70s and 80s anymore, it's just too tired.

I'm not going to pretend to be some huge STP fan, but I love the singles I've heard. I own one of their albums but I never give most of the songs any play other than Plush, Sex Type Thing, Dead and Bloated, Wicked Gardens, and Creep. Plush being my absolute favorite. No idea what it's about even though I know all the words. It's all about the music for me.

You should try some of the songs of Purple, like Vasoline, Big Empty and Interstate Love Song.

Anyways I've been listening to this.


I have to thank Dave Grohl for getting me into Queens Of The Stone Age. Playing with Josh Homme in Them Crooked Vultures and playing drums on this album made me decide to check it out. While I was initially skeptical of Josh Homme's singing, it's grown on me and I quite like it, he's also good at writing a catchy riff.
I am going to press shuffle on my iPod and post the first song that comes on. I hope it's not to embarrassing.


NOFX - Leave It Alone

As a kid I loved NOFX, I'm still fond of them to this day. My iPod is full of NOFX songs so it is no surprise that one cam up first. For some reason NOFX always makes me thing of spring time, I have no idea why.

If you like bands like Blink-182, Green Day, and such. You might enjoy NOFX, go check them out.

One of my friends is a huge Nazareth fan, and kept pestering me to listen to some of their stuff.

I did. I wasn't impressed. He then took the time to make me a CD of the Naz songs he thought would be to my tastes. Some were shit, some were good, and I really like this one.

Plus they spelt "dogs" with a Z. Pimping 1999, yo
As time goes on I find more and more songs with lyrics that happen to fit my mood or outlook on life at a given point in time. I don't intentionally look for meaning or any connections, but it just seems to happen. This song is no different.


NSL actually got me into TAT a few years ago with this song. Thought it was bitchin' and downloaded the whole album. TAT is really good and has that sexy front-lady. Now, the song is all about how life is tough and the road to paradise isn't paved for you to just waltz down and get there easily. You question how the fuck you got to where you are, how you fell off the track. You need to take chances to get where you want to go, and it's gonna be tough but if you have the will you will find a way. Love this song.
Ever heard of the Juliana Theory? I'm guessing the responses on this one will be 50/50. Growing up in the same hometown as I, I not only knew of the band, but was close friends with 3 of them. Moreso, this included being in the wedding of the younger brother of Brett Detar, the lead singer of the band. The fine chaps from this band were quite the rage for some time, and even did some tours opening up for the likes of Yellowcard, The Goo Goo Dolls, Weezer, and The Foo Fighters.

Into The Dark-The Juliana Theory

Before they disbanded, I considered these chaps to be a fine band. I don't say this because I grew up with them, but because I legitimately enjoy their music. Into The Dark was easily their most popular and well-known song off any of the three albums they put out. I can understand how their sound would be too "poppish" for an alternative rock band, but I found their style to be refreshing. The clarity of both the music and the vocals is quite polished as well. If you like this song, the album this is off of, Love, might be for you.

Machine Gun Kelly (Feat. Ester Dean) - Invincible

Read this afternoon that this is going to be at least one of the theme songs to WrestleMania XXVIII and have been listening to it for a good 4 hours straight since. It's really hit me what time of year it is, and despite it being over 3 months away, I'm absolutely pumped for WrestleMania now. The song itself is fantastic and I suspect I would of enjoyed it if it wasn't going to be a WrestleMania theme song. Machine Gun Kelly is actually a pretty decent rapper, Half Naked and Almost Famous is a great song, definitely recommend that.

Blockhead - Insomniac Olympics.
Absolutely love this song. Decent length, nice beat and just a generally good piece of music. This vid was one me and my mate made a while ago over the course of a week or so, but it turned out fairly well.

Noel Gallagher is the brains behind Oasis, my favourite band of all time.

Now he has formed his own band "Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds" he continues to impress me. With each listen, his first solo album has become more and more enjoyable- it also went straight to number 1 in the UK. The Chief is a great singer, and this single, the 3rd of the album is just great. So tuneful.

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