What song are you currently listening to?

I just started listening to They Might Be Giants a few weeks back, and while they are quite strange, their music is very catchy and likeable. This is the most fun song from their first album.

Yes I know I am nerd for choosing a song only designed for a movie:blush:. This makes you want to get off your feet and do whatever the hell you want! The movie itself is one of my favorite animated films ever!


I was looking at Royal Rumble 2011 Highlights package when the user put this song in. I love Breaking Benjamin in general and this is one of their better songs in my opinion. There is not as much screaming and hard parts as in there other songs and it really connects with me. By the way anyone else think this should be the official theme song of Twitter?!

This one keeps popping up on my Puddle Of Mudd Pandora station and I've really fallen in love with it, I swear it gets better every time I listen to it. I like their two vocalists and I get a feel of a mix of P.O.M and Staind, but I love this song and I'm starting to listen to more of Crossfade's stuff because of this one. Surprised I've never heard of them til now but you learn/find something new every day I suppose, anyway really good stuff.
I stumbled upon this song while watching Scrubs, still one of the best darn shows I've ever seen. I think it was the song they used at the ending of an episode when Perry's son was being baptized, and he reluctantly showed up, wearing a Red Wings jersey with beer in hand! How awesome is that? Only on TV can one drink beer at a Christian baptism!


The song itself is decidely Christian, but it has all the presence of a great love song as well. One of the things my wife enjoys being 8 months pregnant(and having great difficulty sleeping) is me singing her to sleep. SOme nights, it takes me hours, and my voice gets quite tired. I'm an average singer, at best, but she enjoys the fact that when I sing to her, I sing songs with lyrics that I mean with complete reference to her. Some of these songs may not be my normal cup of tea, but they make my wife happy. And I love that this song contains lyrics that describe my feelings for her:

All of the words and all of my life
That could never explain and never describe
All of my love which is nothing to hide

Im done being a sentimental sap now, but the song has been on my mind alot recently as the insomnia has been worsening for her. The up until 5am nights aren't something I enjoy, but at least I take joy in knowing that songs like this comfort her. :)

Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton-Christmas Without You
Good lord if that isn't one of the lamest music videos ever(check out Bob Saget's look alike at 2:34), but I really do love this song and it helps me get in the christmas spirit. I first heard this/saw the video on CMT when they were doing the top 20 Country Christmas songs countdown, it was pretty funny and they had comedians poking fun at all the goofy and lame 80's and 90's music videos but there were a few that I really enjoyed and this was one of them. This song actually turned me on to other Christmas songs by the two of them and I enjoyed those too so this song has made my christmas music playlist much better. :)

Ever since Requiem for a Dream, I've kept an eye on which films Clint Mansell is scoring and he has done some amazing stuff. Perhaps his recent efforts have not quite hit the peaks of the theme from Requiem, but the guy is immensely talented.
I'm not usually one for buying soundtracks, but I bought The Fountain OST a while back and have played it over and over again, especially when it came to studying. As it's nearing Christmas I'm holding off buying stuff for myself, but I've been listening to tracks from the Moon soundtrack and this is one of the best. A fitting soundtrack for an excellent film.
Firstly to JWGunslinger if you're looking for some good Crossfade songs id suggest So far away, colours and the deep end. I really got into them a few months ago and have been spreading the word since.

Now for my choice which is none other then the newest Black Keys song.


Heard this at work during the week and ive been listening to this since. I don't think ive ever heard a Black Keys song i didn't like and i can't see that changing anytime soon. Extra point's for the guy doing the Carlton Banks dance in the video. I would also recommend Tighten up, Hard row and your touch from this kickass band.

Five Finger Death Punch-My Own Hell
Alright time to turn away from the soft mix of Dolly and Kenny and listen to my favorite song from my boys Five Finger Death Punch. I have really been into these guys in the last year or so, I first heard their version of Bad Company two summers ago and became a huge fan, stopped for a while and now im and on and off listener. But I love their sound, they have some absolutely badass songs and they're big supporters of the military, in other words they're awesome. But I really like this song because the guitar riffs are great but I love the way the song shows off Ivan's excellent vocals, kickass song.

I heard this last night as I was on my way home from work. It sounded like a familiar voice, but I just couldn't figure it out. Thankfully I have Shazam on my phone, and it says Alice Cooper - Poison. Then I started thinking "What the hell? Why am I not more familiar with this song?" Then today I started listening on youtube and then realized that I could download it. So I did that and have been listening to it on repeat for the past half hour. Damn Alice Cooper is a talented bastard. Just the sound, the lyrics, the chorus, it all hit me in a "LISTEN TO ME DUMBASS!" kind of way.
This may be lame, but I'm listening to this:


I gotta support my Canadian roots and 80's new wave pop (or so I think)

This is a song I have been jamming for the past few days. The raw emotion in this is just bone-chilling. You can really feel the pain that all four of these guys feel, especially if you ever have had to go through something very painful or bad in your life. Crooked I absolutely went off in his verse, with as much raw emotion as I have heard since the days of Tupac Shakur. I love how Joell Ortiz really gets a chance to so off his story-telling skills here as well, and of course you can't go wrong with Royce Da 5'9 and Joe Budden, ever. I usually find Royce and Budden superior on most tracks, but I was really digging Crook and Ortiz here. Also, it has a wonderfully done hook by Novel, which is catchy yet harrowing at the same time. Overall, one of my favorite songs at the moment.

EDIT: I also absolutely love a line by Joe Budden in this song: "They say a man of many hats buys the hooker for a quarter."
basically he is saying a man with many responsibilities who deals with a lot gets fucked over easily. It's a really true line, and I loved the way he put it.

Kid Rock-Lonely Road Of Faith
Currently my favorite song from Kid, I go through phases with his music where I go from listening to his older stuff and then his newer stuff and this one is one of my favorite older songs of his. Really relaxing and fun song, I love the chorus and this is one of my favorite songs for Kid's vocals. Kid kind of has a raspy voice in most of his songs but I love the way he uses it in this one, fuckin classic from my main man.

Ive been a huge 10 Years fan since the days of Wasteland and So Long, Goodbye, both great songs in their own right. I love the idea proposed here- taking one more chance on a relationship with two people who still have deep feelings for one another. The belief here is that there is little to lose in doing so, and I'm more then inclined to agree. The implication is that the regret could be so much worse. For me, the band has always been a nice mix between "social conscience" and introspection, and they still generally rock hard enough that it's not all fluff.

George Jones-The Grand Tour
An amazing song from an amazing man, George Jones is the definition of a Country legend and he shows us exactly why with one of my favorites of his in The Grand Tour. There is so much emotion in this song as he takes you through the house that he and his wife lived in together and talking about all the things that remind him of her, a tragic but beautiful story. I love the song musically and lyrically, all around brilliant but the lyrics are what make it so great, when you're listening to it you feel like you're being told a story and that's what Country music is all about, and this is a perfect example of it.

Probably my favourite Ian Brown song. Some critics call it one of his finest pieces of work, others slag it off as a lame Oasis reject song, due to Noel Gallagher co-writing it, and the music being more Oasis-esque than anything else Browny has done.

I don't care, I love it. Great to sing along to. I have been hammering this in the car recently.
Crap, here is the correct link for the above post. Waited too long so wasnt able to edit the original post.


First heard this song on Sons of Anarchy last year. It was played at the end of the first episode during Half-Sack's funeral. It struck a chord with me, perfectly put in by Kurt Sutter. Next day I was searching for it on youtube, trying to find out what the hell the name of the song was. Then I finally found it, downloaded it, and have been enjoying it since. It's the thoughts about a soldier being stationed in Iraq and how death can come from any which way. Great song and great selection for the show.

"A sinister kid is a kid who
Runs to meet his Maker
A drop dead sprint from the day he's born
Straight into his Maker's arms
And that's me, that's me
The boy with the broken halo
That's me, that's me
The devil won't let me be"

Been listening to Black Keys newer album but this song is by far my favorite from their previous. Just the fact that the lyrics tells a dark and personal story and not to mention the addictive beat throughout the entire song. I could leave this and just this song alone on repeat and listen to it for hours and never get bored of it. Great song.

Aaron Tippen-I Wonder How Far It Is Over You
Man I haven't listened to Aaron Tippen in what feels like ages, I think the last time I did was this time of year in 2009 when I was going to my cousin's house for Christmas and I drove my dad's truck since he had to leave early, I listened to an Aaron Tippen cd and a Joe Diffie cd on repeat for the 5 hour drive and it was a blast. I love when you listen to a song and instantly associate it with a personal memory like with this one, but I also love the song itself and the artist. Aaron is definitely an artist that people tend to love or hate because some people enjoy and understand twangy voiced country artists and others don't, I'm the kind that appriciates a good twang and Aaron has one of my favorite voices in country, excellent song.

On of my top 10 favorite songs ever. David Gray is one of the few people who is better live then on CD and massively underrated in my opinion. He's never been able to bring out an album as good as his debut album "White Ladder" which this track was on, although when you set the bar as high as he did with "White Ladder" it's no surprise he hasn't been able to top it's success. An absolute masterpiece in my book.

Pink Floyd-Comfortably Numb
Is there a more legendary, epic song than this? My personal favorite from Pink Floyd, whenever I hear this song all I can think of is the sex scene from The Departed. It fit the scene so perfectly with Leo Dicaprio coming in from the rain, but I loved that such an amazing song that I've loved for so long was used there, the chorus gives me chills every time.

As much fun as playing the "Two Song of the Day" game was with Dave for about half of this past year, I seem to go back to old comfortable bands with comfortable themes time and again when I'm looking for one song to listen to when that's all i have time for, as is the case today. Much like my last entry from 10 Years, this song talks about the memories of love gone bad, which has always been one I've been drawn too, which is odd for a happily married guy. Sometimes, my wife wonders the same thing about me! Anyway, Seether has been a favorite of mine since I saw them live when they were virtual unknowns at a summer festival 9 years ago, although Here and Now is a song off their latest album. Im not one to pre-order many CD's but I did this one. I wasn't disapointed, and this song, among others, is the reason for that.

I never heard this song, or this artist until this past Saturday. I can't get enough of this track. I was checking out some rappers from Detroit and came across a Black Milk song featuring Royce Da 5"9' and this cat I never heard of named ELZHI (I'm not sure on how to pronounce his name.) I checked out a few more of his songs he had on YouTube and this track just stuck in my head. I tried to go over to iTunes and purchase this jam, but I could not find this particular song. So I'm going to have to buy a few of his other tracks and obtain this one illegally. I hope a few of you others enjoy this track as much as I am.

I much prefer Kid Rock's "rockier" material to his rap or country style stuff, and this is one of my favourites. The riff on this track is one of my favourites, I never tire of it. I'm not a fan of some of the lyrics "you smell like sex", but that riff....awesome

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