What song are you currently listening to?

Been a fairly long time since I posted in the music section, but I don't see why I shouldn't share this bad boy right here:

Snake Tounged Beast - Saybia

Not something I'd perhaps normally listen to, Snake Tongued Beast was the song the creator of Bleach chose the represent the character in my sig; Gin Ichimaru. The song reflects the dark, treacherous nature of Gin. The constant strumming of the keyboard and guitar in the background makes for a consistently busy and fast paced underbelly to the song with the hissing vocals adding a great sense of atmosphere. A cracking little ditty for sure.

Kenny G was one of my idols when I was a child. I remember owning a bunch of Kenny G concerts on VHS. The man made me a fan of the saxophone. Haha. Anyway, I'm currently just listening to a smooth jazz station on iHeartRadio and this beauty is playing right now. Thought I'd share it. Just another soothing song while I work on this goddamn oceanography homework.

For those who can't see the video- meaning everyone because Idk who the crud to show the video (not that there is one) the song linked is Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back by My Chemical Romance.

Tbh, I have the entire Danger Days album on a YouTube playlist (haha, no waste of money there lol) and it was playing.

Now when I listen to music, what happens is I find a part of it that I can relate to. Such as the one that is actually playing right now (Zero Percent) is how I feel Bob Nutting feels towards the Pirate fans during the one section ("I hate you, KILL EVERYBODY.").

Now, with SYIHTB, well, that's just how I act. I want to be like who's narrating this song, they're fihting and they want the people they love to be safe, even if they die. That's how I am, it's just never gotten that far before. I want to make sure my family and friends are okay before I worry about myself- it's part of the reason I get so picked on at school.

It's my theme song basically and it's a part of the code I live by.
Apocalyptica feat. Til Lindemann- Helden
If I could go on about how much I love this song I wouldn't stop for days, this is my current favorite song. I caught this one on my Rammstein Pandora station and fell in love with it instantly, part of what makes it so awesome is probably because it's featuring Rammstein's lead singer Til Lindemann. But on top of that it's classical instruments and upbeat sound make it very unique, it's like listening to an upbeat Rammstein song which there aren't really any so it's very fun for someone who is a fan of them. I've been hearing songs by this band Apocalyptica and I love their instrumentals but the best one is definitely this and alot of that is because of Til.

I've personally been on a Deicide kick since I wrote out my top ten albums of the year. Their album To hell with god was pretty great. So for the past two days I've been just playing all Deicide.

Lunatic Of God's Creation

Great song for anyone thinking of wanting to lisiten to more Deicide

I have just found out that my boss at work is a secret gangsta rap fan, and we have swapped a load of CDs today to check out some stuff we didnt have.

One of the CDs I lent him is 2Pac's greatest hits and I was listening to that disc on the way to work this morning in the car. "California Love" is such a classic tune, and one that will still be getting the croad going in clubs for many more years.

Pac was at his best in this track, and works so well with Dre. I wish there were more songs out there with the 2 of them working together, as Pac and Dre have the best voices in rap in my eyes

Kept hearing a short bit of this song in a Canon advert and eventually tracked it down. Poor timing on my behalf to sound a very upbeat summery song as winter rolls in and it's pitch black by 4, but oh well!
Right now I am in a bit of a nostalgic mood and I'm thinking back to my first concert that my parents let me go to on my own with a friend. Me and my buddy went... I believe freshman year of highschool to a joint in San Francisco called Slims and we saw a kickass show with Black Tide, Light This City, Chimaira and All That Remains. Black Tide was a small highschool band but I remember seeing their biggest song on an Itunes free song of the week deal a while later so that was cool. Light This City was not a band I was crazy about but they put on a good show. Chimaira were amazing, I don't think I've ever seen a band with such a heavy presence, maybe it was their booming amps but those guys kicked ass, and I was a fan of theirs before the show so I was pumped. But the band I was there to see was All That Remains, I fell in love with their song Six from Guitar Hero and after that I became obsessed with anything ATR, I still say that The Fall Of Ideals album was one of the best ever. But those guys tore down the place, they were amazing and they went on forever, I've never seen more energy from anyone than I did from their lead singer Phil Labonte. Overall it was an amazing show but it cemented my love for the band,fuckin rock on ATR.

Well I'm off to see Alter Bridge tonight so I've been getting into the mood.


Such a brilliant song, I love the riffs, Mark Tremonti is awesome on guitar, Scott Phillips' drumming is great, Brian Marshall's bass is cool and Myles Kennedy's vocals are amazing (as is his guitar work)

Lacuna Coil-Our Truth
Yes, I did hear this song on guitar hero originally, but after hearing it on the game I listening started listening to Lacuna Coil alot more and I really love their sound. I always enjoy expanding my horizons when it comes to good music, and adding a kickass Italian metal band from Milan is perfect, and Christina Scabbia's beautiful and powerful voice mixed with the band's smooth and heavy sound kicks maximum ass, great band and an excellent song.

Best I ever had - Vertical Horizon

Suddenly had an aching to listen to this song and found my eyes watery. A song that's been replayed again and again before and is being now - I still haven't gotten sick of it. The lyrics are so simple. Yet there's so much meaning.

Evanescence-Everyboy's Fool
This is my current favorite song from Evanescence, I've just recently gotten back into listening to them and I really like this one. I first started listening to them back when I first heard Bring Me To Life back when Daredevil came out and this song was on the soundtrack. I listened to a few of their songs here and there but got over them pretty quickly, but now I've been getting alot of stuff from them on my Rammstein Pandora and I've started getting back into them and liking their stuff more and more. I really like this one and it might actually replace Bring Me To Life as my favorite of theirs.

I'm currently mashing through Professor Green's debut mixtape. Lyrically it's very very good and it's a lot more impressive than the tripe that he's brought out in the charts. I'm a big fan of the whole UK Hip Hop scene at the moment, there's a lot of talent coming through and there's some artists that could go far in he US and elsewhere. Mainstream wise, this fella could be one of them, though I'll stick with his early releases.

Lacuna Coil-Our Truth
Yes, I did hear this song on guitar hero originally, but after hearing it on the game I listening started listening to Lacuna Coil alot more and I really love their sound. I always enjoy expanding my horizons when it comes to good music, and adding a kickass Italian metal band from Milan is perfect, and Christina Scabbia's beautiful and powerful voice mixed with the band's smooth and heavy sound kicks maximum ass, great band and an excellent song.

Absolute kickass song. I was a huge Lacuna Coil fan back in the day, and Heaven's a Lie was one of my favorite songs back in 2003-2004. Im surprised they're still around, to be honest.

Brand New: Fork and Knife

Brand New is one of my favorite bands on the planet, and have been since they released their first album, My Favorite Weapon. The great thing abpout Bran d New is they went from just another dime-a-dozen whiny Emo band to a band with incredible depth.They've also gotten infinitely weirder across the years, but that's a good thing. Upon first listen, many of their songs make little sense, as is the case with this song. But if you give the song two to three listens, the messsge becomes clear.

In this case, the band laments the lack of determination shown by people to break patterns that have been engrained in them since youth through their parents. The great thing about this song is although lead singer Jacob Lacey laments his disapointment through his writing and his wails of passion in the chorus, he also implores the audience to look for ways to change. It's a departure from the typical "Woe Is Us" mentality, and a great song to boot.

Tis the season! What can be said about this song that hasn't already? It's one of the most loved Christmas songs and revolves around a couple drunkenly reminiscing and having a bit of an argument. The nostalgic charm of this song seems to grow year on year and the lyrics:

Guy: I could have been someone,
Girl: Well so could anyone, you took my dreams from me, when I first found you,
Guy: I kept them with me babe, I put them with my own, can't make it out alone, I built my dreams around you

are pretty touching, and end the song on an uplifting and romantic tone despite each using name calling (****, ******) earlier.
Seeing Michael Monroe and Wednesday 13 tonight, so I've been listening to them.



Michael Monroe is a great glam performer and Wednesday 13 is a great horror punk performer. Variety at its finest.

I am addicted to this song right now. It is a bonus track off of War is the Answer by Five Finger Death Punch. The song is called Undone and it is a true masterpiece. Every word in this song is a connection to my life and how I feel. It really makes you think of how to undo all the fucked up shit you've done in your life. If you don't like the band just play the video and read the words and see if you can connect to it. Music is about connection and feelings and I feel this song deep. Five Finger is a true epic band that makes beautiful music that I enjoy all the time. Check the song out and if you don't then you are missing out on a great song.
Rammstein-Ohne Dich
One of my favorite Rammstein songs of all time, the epic power ballad Ohne Dich, or in english "Without You" about not being able to live without their loved one. It's a very powerful song both lyrically and musically, and when you watch the music video it's even more emotional. I really love Til's voice in this song, I always do but something about it in this song sets it apart, you can really feel the emotion in his voice and it really makes listening to the song an experience.

Im going slightly old school on this one! Let's take a trip back to 1993, shall we?

Looking Through Patient Eyes: PM Dawn


I hadn't heard these jabronis before I heard this song, and Ive heard nothing from them since. But this is one hell of a great R&B song.

I was 12 when this song came out, and my musical tastes ranged more towards Nirvana, SoundGarden, and Alice in Chains. However, I spemt every weekday night at my neighbor's house, and we eagerly awaited the "Top 8 at 8" on our local radio station as we played some NBA Jam. (Remember that game?) Anyway, this is the first song i recall to ever debut at number one on the countdown, and for good reason. This is the first R&B song I ever truly liked, and opened my eyes to be able to appreciate other genres of music. But after a year or so, the song faded from my memory, never to be remembered again. Or so I thought.

Last week, I was on the phone with my good friend Andrea who lives in Florida. We always compare IPod music, and generally introduce each other to different artists we weren't aware of before. As she was going through her list, she asked me if I had anything by P.M. Dawn. I didn't, and for a second, forgot who the heck they were.But I ran a search for them, and immediately found this song, which brought back so many memories from middle school. This song has quickly shot to the top of my playlist in the past week, and I just gave it a listen about 15 minutes ago. Smooth, relaxing song that takes me back.
Sammy Kershaw-When You Love Someone
One of the most underrated Country artists to ever grace the genre, Sammy Kershaw is one of my Country heros. His unique twangy voice and his amazing songs & lyrics are what drew me to him and his music and kept me listening, but he is just an amazing artist in general and he doesn't get enough credit, I still chuckle at the fact that he ran for Gov of Arkansas a few years ago. But this is one of my favorite of his songs both musically and lyrically, just plain beautiful and one that I serenaded my fiance back in the day when we were first dating.

Let me start with this caveat: I'm not a huge fan of the post-punk/indie revival genre. However, I find the Bravery to be an infectious group of musicians that I can't help but crank up in the car when I'm listening to them. I'll take Fearless, Unconditional and Time won't Let me Go over most anything in my library, and they're among the few songs Ive listened to time and again that Ive yet to grow sick of. However, my favorite of the lot is the cliched one, their biggest hit.

An Honest Mistake: The Bravery

It took some convincing, and myself paying, but I was able to convince some friends to come see them with me when they were playing a small venue in Pittsburgh. None of them were terribly excited about seeing them, but I can honestly say that each of them left raving about the show, and with a new-found appreciation for the band. They may not be fans, but if I mention the Bravery, those friends smile with rememberance of a great time. Just an infectious band that can get me up for anything, be it a workout, my job, or lifting my spirits from a bad day. What more could I ask for?

The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana

David Bowie's original song - it's great. But I love Nirvana's cover. There's so much more emotion to it and Kurt's voice is beautiful, as it always was.

Frank Sinatra-I've Got You Under My Skin
Talking with Harthan, Theo and Phatso in the bar room about great old oldies from the likes of Sammy Davis Jr, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra put me in the mood for some classics. So I fired up my Sinatra Pandora station and this gem came up, one of my favorites of all time from ol blue eyes. Also has some nice memories that go along with it, my fiance listen to it when we work on planning our wedding since it's one of the songs we're going to have on that wonderful day. :blush:

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