What song are you currently listening to?


I really love the message in this song, I'm a huge Jason Aldean fan and I love all of his stuff but this one is one of my favorites. As he says in the song, it's about people who live in the big cities flyin over the country and not realizing what a great place the small towns and whatnot in those states they're flying over are. It's a cool thing to think about, so if any of you are ever flyin over some desolate looking land, hold off on thinking lowly about it and maybe go there sometime, because you'll be surprised at how cool it can be. :)
Dream The Dream - Stan Bush

Yes I know it's a wrestling tribute (the song starts around :38). it's also the only thing with this song on Youtube.​

This video is where i first heard this song and I got hooked. I find this song very inspirational and it actually brought a tear to my eye the first time i heard it and it still sends chills down my spine. Really great song to listen to when I'm feeling depressed, it picks me right back up. It's also a pretty good rock song, if you're a fan of this song or this type of music i urge you to give this album a listen (Which is also called Dream The Dream) I don't think you'll be disappointed
Disturbed - Glass Shattered

Awesomeness right? One of my favorite WWE theme songs of all time. One of my faovrite bands of all time. Who knew they were one in the same; I sure didn't. I only recently discovered Disturbed performed Stone Cold Steve Austin's entrance theme he used regularly from 2000-2001 or something like that. This song just kicks all kinds of ass and what a better theme for someone who kicks so much ass inside the ring. I'm not the one who usually listens to wrestling theme songs but that doesn't stop the song from being my ringtone on my Andriod. Cool song with an awesome sound that is simply indescribable.

Gotta love Pandora, without it I probably never would have found this song. I'm not a big fan of 3 Doors Down in general but I really like this one. It's gotta a great chorus and it's alot of fun to blast while rippin down the freeway, this is definitely gonna be one of those songs that I get in my head and repeat about 100 times over the period of a few days and then get tired of, but right now this shit is my crack.

Thanks to my iPod's iHeartRadio app, I finally figured out the name of this song. This is typically the problem I find myself having with smooth jazz music because I love the genre but I can never tell what the names of the songs are on the radio unless the host names them (which they don't always do) and I can't look up lyrics to songs like this. Pleasure Seeker by Paul Taylor was one of the first songs that got me into jazz. It mellowed me out and still does today. I've been listening to it every day for the past two weeks because of all the stress I've been going through with projects and exams. I swear, I can't wait for my vacation during Thanksgiving week.
I'm in one of the discover phases. Been finding a lot of good music lately and its just quenching my thirst and my drive to discover more but for now I'll post a few examples


Who here knows these guys? Better yet who remembers the Dudley Boy theme Bombshell? Or the Song When Worlds Collide from the first Smackdown Vs Raw video game? Yupp it was these guys. This song in Particular Is called Super Villain by Powerman 5000. I would imagine these guys are an acquired taste but I just recently rediscovered them with this song and decided to look em up. Pretty solid band. A recommendation for anybody who likes good hard rock with a techno feel to it.


Unkind-Sloan. I heard this song on the radio and was immediately drawn in with this catchy hook and chorus. Its got more of a classic rock feel but the song is just so well delivered its enough to bring anyone in and just enjoy a good rock song which is sure too soon to be a classic.


Kick Ass-Egypt Central. The song kicks ass...need I say more. A Nice good fist pumping anthem. The theme to anybody just about to kick some ass. Look to include this to your workout playlist.

I'm sure some of you are familiar with Mayer Hawthorne (if not, firmly punch your mother/sister/aunt/grandmother in the face). This song is off his latest album, entitled How Do You Do, which is a solid follow up to A Strange Arrangement. I actually prefer A Strange Arrangement to this album, but there's a handful of dope songs here. Including the one I posted, obviously.

Blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, Mr. Hawthorne is a great instrumentalist and writer. If you love that "throwback" soul sound, you'll dig this tune.

I've never been a big Shinedown fan but just like the last song I posted I heard this one on Pandora in the car and took a liking to it. So as I normally do when this happens I bookmark the song while keeping my eyes on the road and just do it with my badass abilities(because it's not safe to look down at your phone to bookmark a song on Pandora while driving kids). But anyway back to the song, I really like the lead singers voice, it kind of remind's me of Daughty's voice but better and you don't have to say that you like Daughty if you listen to these guys instead.
Believe it or not, this is the song I'm currently listening to:


Fuck yeah, this song is greatness. I use to know this song back in my day and then it just slipped from my mind and I've seemingly lost my ability to talk/sing really fast. Either way this song is fucking awesome. You can thank the ****ty Pumpkin episode of How I Met Your Mother for me bringing this out of the burial grounds. It has been stuck in my head since that day and I haven't complained once. Usually a song drive me nuts when it is planted in my head for an extended time, but this song is different. It is fun, goofy, and just great to chill out and jam to. Anyone that thinks otherwise is clearly wrong and should be removed immediately.
Believe it or not, this is the song I'm currently listening to:


Fuck yeah, this song is greatness. I use to know this song back in my day and then it just slipped from my mind and I've seemingly lost my ability to talk/sing really fast. Either way this song is fucking awesome. You can thank the ****ty Pumpkin episode of How I Met Your Mother for me bringing this out of the burial grounds. It has been stuck in my head since that day and I haven't complained once. Usually a song drive me nuts when it is planted in my head for an extended time, but this song is different. It is fun, goofy, and just great to chill out and jam to. Anyone that thinks otherwise is clearly wrong and should be removed immediately.

Hahahah! I remember this song! I first heard this song as a kid watching the Digimon movie on VHS. Good times, good times. Anyway, as for the song I'm hearing now.


Killswitch Engage is typically known by most wrestling fans as the band that did CM Punk's first WWE theme (which I miss hearing on television although Cult of Personality is awesome too) and really that's all they would've been to me if I didn't bother getting into them. This was the first song (not counting This Fire Burns) that really got me hooked on Killswitch Engage. I've heard some of their older work while Jesse Leach was the band's vocalist and while I liked him, I prefer Howard Jones here as the vocalist. He can do screams just as well as Leach did but on top of that, I think he's also just a better all around singer. I can just listen to this song over and over without getting tired of it.
What song am I currently listening to?


I love this song simply because I love sheamus at the moment. He is Smackdown's next world heavyweight champion, mark my words.

Killswitch Engage is typically known by most wrestling fans as the band that did CM Punk's first WWE theme (which I miss hearing on television although Cult of Personality is awesome too) and really that's all they would've been to me if I didn't bother getting into them. This was the first song (not counting This Fire Burns) that really got me hooked on Killswitch Engage. I've heard some of their older work while Jesse Leach was the band's vocalist and while I liked him, I prefer Howard Jones here as the vocalist. He can do screams just as well as Leach did but on top of that, I think he's also just a better all around singer. I can just listen to this song over and over without getting tired of it.

That song is fucking pure awesomeness, I remember when I was first really getting into KSE and that song and My Curse were the first ones I became obsessed with after hearing This Fire Burns.

Now for my song this evening, or actually very early morning now, fuck I need to adjust my sleep schedule.


I'd actually never heard this song until the other day on Pandora, but judging by the number of views it has on Youtube it must be pretty well known to everyone but me, I never even heard of the band until now. But enough about that, what I need to say is that I think that the guitar in this song is fucking godly. It's just so pure and smooth, it really relaxes me and for that reason I have been listening to it alot since. It kind of helps me fall asleep, not in a it's boring and it's making me fall asleep way but in a really awesome yet soothing way. Anyway it's a great song and I'm really enjoying it, hopefully it helps me crash now.

My song of the day. I love me some Disturbed. Prayer is the second by Disturbed that I've heard (the first being Stricken which I played on Guitar Hero 3!) and I just loved it. Just gets me pumped up every time I play it in the morning. Makes me feel like I'm gonna kick ass. Also, it's pretty cool to see a city fall to the power of Disturbed's music. :p

One of the best songs from the best live performance that Metallica has ever graced us with. I could go on about the perfection that is this song and this entire concert but I'll tone it down, everything about the band and the symphony that night was perfect. Hetfeild's voice was better than ever, the rest of the boys were amazing with their instruments and the crowd was excellent. This song in particular is one of the better ones, it has a great energy and out of all the songs on the album I think that the symphony compliments this one best, anyway it's an awesome song and I love it.

Lana Del Rey - Video Games

For the past week or so I'd been hearing clips of this song on radio, at shops and just in the general coming and going. Got a text from my sister tonight saying there's a song she just can't stop listening to at the moment despite it being quite melancholic and lo and behold it happened to be the song that had taunted me all this week.

Words cannot truely describe my love for this song, or that of Rammstein. I have been a huge fan for years and since friday have been on a binge from when my friends and I cranked my Rammstein mix while pluggin away at terrorists on Call Of Duty Mod Warfare 2. It's great pump up music and for someone a lot of family ties in Germany it's my way of embracing my culture, hell listening to Rammstein helped me learn some German so there's another reason to love them.

Words cannot truely describe my love for this song, or that of Rammstein. I have been a huge fan for years and since friday have been on a binge from when my friends and I cranked my Rammstein mix while pluggin away at terrorists on Call Of Duty Mod Warfare 2. It's great pump up music and for someone a lot of family ties in Germany it's my way of embracing my culture, hell listening to Rammstein helped me learn some German so there's another reason to love them.

"You must spread some reputation before giving to JW again."

Rammstein are one of the best bands for gaming music, whether it be COD, Smash Brothers, Resident Evil 4 or any Mario Kart game, they're a band for many gaming occasions. Mutter is definitely in my top 10 albums list, think there's only maybe 1 or 2 songs I would omit from a rockin' playlist. Awesome pick once again sir!
Voices - Disturbed

Awh shit! Another one from my favorite band Disturbed. From their album The Sickness is one of my most played songs from Disturbed, Voices. This song does a good job on the intro with the chorus effect and then the lead singer shouting "so" in his trademark disturbing voice. From there the heaviness kicks in and the song takes off. Lead Singer David Draiman does a great job of using a half screaming half singing tempo that makes this song a good one to listen too when you feel like going crazy. Turn this shit way up when no ones home and beat your children. It's pure awesome.
"You must spread some reputation before giving to JW again."

Rammstein are one of the best bands for gaming music, whether it be COD, Smash Brothers, Resident Evil 4 or any Mario Kart game, they're a band for many gaming occasions. Mutter is definitely in my top 10 albums list, think there's only maybe 1 or 2 songs I would omit from a rockin' playlist. Awesome pick once again sir!

Well thank you sir ;) They're definitely great for gaming music and Mutter is one of my favorite albums of all time. Here's one that you should check out if you havent heard it already.


I didn't know about this one until I stumbled upon it on Youtube but it was a bonus track on Liebe ist fur alle da and it kicks ass! Not my favorite compared to the rest of the album but definitely one of the best, great song with alot of energy.

Lost in this world by Kanye West featuring Bon Iver. I first heard this when I saw the movie Runaway a few days ago and loved. It is really different than mos Kanyr or Hip Hop songs. A real joy to listen to aswell.

Monster - Kanye West ft. Bon Iver, Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj

A very catchy song. I'm not a big fan of Kanye West but I love this song,
especially Nicki's rap which I feel like completes it. :)

The Lonely Island, in my own opinion are just getting better and better with each song they produce. This is not an exception. Michael Bolton just adds even more brilliance to this one. Love it.

Coldplay-The Scientist
Once again it's guilty pleasure time for the Gunslinger, and I gotta admit I love me some Coldplay. This one in particular is one of my favorites, just a really beautiful song and one that I love singing along to. Actually theres a bit of a funny story with Coldplay and my life, my cousin and I love them and my fiance cannot stand them. So me and my cuz blast this whenever he and his family visit just to mess with her, and they happen to be coming this weekend so there will be some Coldplay blasting from my house and someone screaming "Turn it off I hate Coldplay!", it's gonna be a good time. :blush:

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