What song are you currently listening to?


Anyone familiar with the old military expression of there being "No Athiests in Foxholes?" Well, that's the idea that's on display here. And it rings true, if you think about it. God can be presented as satirical, the magic man in the sky, and the subject of long essays denouncing his existence like the now-late Christopher Hitchens.

Anyway, the concept here is that we take God much more seriously when we're faced with those dire situations in life that invade each and every one of our existences. This isn't to say we become believers, or even cry out to God for help. Sometimes, it re-enforces one's lack of belief, or makes even the most ardent believer hate him. But what Regina is hauntingly getting at is that God becomes more present and more serious to us in these difficult times then he may have for the duration of our lives prior. Just a brilliant song.

Shot to prominence with thier self-titled critically aclaimed debut album "Glasvegas" in 2008, second album was praised and panned in equal measure. James Allen is a great songwriter when he is conscious, you do generally have to be from glasgow to understand the lyrics but nevertheless a great band

Fixed :)

Cannot get enough of this song at the moment. I have a 35-40 minute walk to work now so I've added some longer tunes onto the playlist to avoid skipping every couple minutes. As an opening song to an album it's pretty dam good too, worth a listen or 7 :)

What a song!

Until recently I had forgotten just how much I loved this when I first heard it. Seether are fast becoming one of the bands I listen to the most, and the lead singer has an absolutely phenomenal voice, definitely one of my favourite vocalists. His gravelly style works so well with Amy Lee's soaring vocals. I think this is possibly the best Lee has ever sounded, and I did used to like her in Evanescence.

Such an emotional song, and the 2 voices combine perfectly to make a brilliant piece of music. I prefer this version to the one with just male vocals.

From one of my favorite albums ever, Downward is Heavenward, a song I feel captures pretty well what Hum was as a band. I miss them dearly, and the fact that there has been no one like them since makes it even worse to know that they're done. At least I have the old stuff to enjoy.

J. Cole- Lights Please.

Cole is nominated for Best New Artist at this years Grammy Awards.

Any true hip hop fan on here who hasn't listened to 'Cole World: Sideline Story' I highly recommend doing so.
Delilah - Tom Jones

Delilah is a much loved song over in the UK and around the world. It's recognised as quite possibly Tom Jones' biggest early hit. It's also a deeply, deeply morbid and violent song. You may not realise it due to its celebrated legacy and, in the video provided, the "groovy" 60's style dancing, but Delilah is about obsession and death.

It tells the story of a man who grows more and more obsessed with his neighbour (the title character; Delilah) to the point where he has to confront her with his feelings. He knocks on her door and when she opens, she laughs. This tips the man into a rage and he murders her with a knife. The rest of the song is about the man's regret and his eventually arrest ("Why, Why, Why, Delilah" being an example).

It's a great song as far as I'm considered. It tells a story, has a tremendous backing track to it, and Jones' voice is quite arguably at its strongest here with this performance. Whether you’re a fan of Jones, Stoke City or are Welsh, or even just like the song, it's instantly recognisable.

"Forgive me Delilah, I just couldn't take anymore..."
Delilah - Tom Jones

Delilah is a much loved song over in the UK and around the world. It's recognised as quite possibly Tom Jones' biggest early hit. It's also a deeply, deeply morbid and violent song. You may not realise it due to its celebrated legacy and, in the video provided, the "groovy" 60's style dancing, but Delilah is about obsession and death.

It tells the story of a man who grows more and more obsessed with his neighbour (the title character; Delilah) to the point where he has to confront her with his feelings. He knocks on her door and when she opens, she laughs. This tips the man into a rage and he murders her with a knife. The rest of the song is about the man's regret and his eventually arrest ("Why, Why, Why, Delilah" being an example).

It's a great song as far as I'm considered. It tells a story, has a tremendous backing track to it, and Jones' voice is quite arguably at its strongest here with this performance. Whether you’re a fan of Jones, Stoke City or are Welsh, or even just like the song, it's instantly recognisable.

"Forgive me Delilah, I just couldn't take anymore..."

Have you seen the film Romance and Cigarettes? It's a comedy musical by John Turturro and there is a scene where Christopher Walken sings and dances to Delilah as well as acting out the story of the lyrics. To be honest before I watched the film I'd never really paid attention to the lyrics and was surprised that such a popular song covered such dark matter. It's funny to think of songs like that from the 60s and maybe earlier, compared to artists like Eminem today and how some groups are outraged at the lyrical content of his stuff.

This song is on a few times throughout the day at work and it's slowly crept up on me. At first I was quite neutral on it, but at the moment I'm enjoying it more and more and look forward to it coming on at work. The lyrics are by no means faultless, but the piano and stringed instruments are a combination I like hearing and really add to the melancholy of the song's content.
What am I listening to? We'll let me indulge your ear drums.

Our Lady Peace-Heavyweight


The newest single from my favorite band was just released today and I swear, I feel like I played it over a thousand times. I love everything about this song,the guitar,the drum,the lyrics,its all amazing. The chorus especially is very up lifting and full of spirit that lifts the soul, sends a chill down my spine.

In my humble opinion it is the best first single they've released in almost a decade and I'm very happy. I can't wait to hear the new material. If its even half as good as this song then I think a lot of fans,both old and new will find something to like. Truly a fantastic song that mixes the old sound with a new twist. People have been yearning for the old OLP to make a return for years now and I think this is what most people wanted to hear and now they can finally have it.
OutKast - Sorry Ms. Jackson

Actually, I've been listening to OutKast for about 12 hours today, and the past few days. Where have they been all my life!? Probably the best hip-hop music of the late 90s-2000s, and some of THE best music I've personally listened to, period. All of the songs have these great, musical backing tracks, and the music is completely unpredictable yet nothing sticks out as being shoe-horned in or lame. I always see/hear them referred to as "Southern Hip-Hop", but it takes that subgenre where its never been before and probably won't ever go again. If you're a fan of jazz, soul, funk, and a lot of electronic experimentation, Andre 3000's half of Spearkerboxx/The Love Below (which would indeed be The Love Below) is a must-listen. It's barely even hip-hop anymore, just this anagram combining the history of black music and blasting it all into the future.
Well after watching some Kota Ibushi matches today, his theme song has caught on in my brain so I'm currently listening to "27" by Breaking Point.


Yeah. The guitar on this song always mellows me right out. It me be a little against the grain to listen to this sort of music these days, but fuck you guys. I hate hair metal with a passion, but not every band in the 80s with long hair put out that garbage. Some of them just put together some kick ass tunes and Tesla is one of them.
Tesla is an allright band, I'm not really up to snuff with alot of 80's bands because the few that I have listened kinda killed it for me. But the lead singer had a great sound to his voice. There are quite a few gems in 80's rock and metal. But you have to dig for them.


I put these guys as number 9 on my list of the top ten metal albums of the year. Their album came out late, and I only gave it about two full plays. I was wrong, it should be up at about #4 or 5. This whole album is pretty amazing, this is the first song on the album, and the ending is just amazing. It just clicked with me a few days ago that this is one of the best endings to a song I've ever had the chance to listen to.
Five Finger Death Punch: Remember Everything​


Five Finger Death Punch is a band that's incredibly popular in my area, and you'ld be less likely to find people who don't like them around here then do. To me, they've become an acquired taste, as I didn't like them whatsoever when I first heard them. It wasn't until I saw a friend of mine fight in a(very) minor league MMA bout and come out to Under and Over It, which was pretty badass.

Anyway, I came across this song when my friend Cami posted the opening lyrics of the chorus on my Facebook page. We play this game where we'll post the lyrics to a song we've recently heard but haven't downloaded yet, and whoever can't finish the lyrics pays for the song for the other person. It's a silly game we've been playing for years, and it's been alot of fun, plus a great way to find new music. Anyway, I didn't know this song whatsoever, and in the instance of fairness, I didn't Google the lyrics, although I was tempted to. But it turned out well, as I downloaded the song myself as well. Likely my favorite song by these guys.

Fire & Ice are easily in my top 3 favorite bands. They are a staple in the hardcore community and are from Richmond VA. I love this band because of their lyrics, and the way they make music. It doesn't sound like anything currently in the hardcore scene. I can listen to both of their ep's all day long and not get tired of them. Also props to two guys from Boise that filmed and edited this video. Keep an eye out for these guys. New LP dropping 2012.

I got the 3rd BLS album for christmas and I've been listening to that in the car the last couple of days. This was one of the best songs they played when I saw them supporting Alter Bridge last month, and although it sounded better live its still a pretty cool song on CD.

The lead singer of BSC definitely have one of the best voices in music right now, world class.

Say Anything is back with a new album this 2012 and they recently released a song from their upcoming album. The following video contains the new song. Max Bemis, Say Anything's lead singer, said that they wanted to mimic the sound from their album "Is a Real Boy." The new song sounds a little bit like the old album mixed with their latest self-titled album.

Say Anything is my favorite band, and I am always fascinated by Max's usage of lyrics. So happy to see/hear that they released this early.

I've been listening to older Weezer a lot lately (Pinkerton, Maladroit), and this song has been stuck in my head for about three days now. Awesome stuff.

This is just fucking sick as hell! It's a mash up of Black and Yellow by Wiz Khalifa and We are one by 12 stones, also used the theme song for the Nexus and New Nexus. There is a second features more of Black and Yellow's lyrics but I prefer this one since the voices don't cancel each other out times. I loved both songs and this is the best mash-up of 2 songs that I have ever heard!

Do I really need to explain why I picked this song today? Ok, I will.

Early this morning, my wife gave birth to our first child, Analise Sophia. I remembered this song from Knocked Up, and for some reason this song popped into my head today. As I sit here typing with her in my arms, there are so many thing I want her to know. Every time she falls, I'll be there to catch her. I see the wheels turning in her tiny mind, and she truly blows my mind. I feel like I truly never experienced life before today. Now suddenly, I've learned how to live,
and it's all because of her. Every time you want something, Ana, I'll be there to make sure you have it. Your mother and I are so thankful for and feel so blessed to have you. Wherever life takes us, no matter where we go, you'll always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. Every time you blink, you strike me blind. Today is truly the best day of my life, and it's because of you, Ana.

Yeah, I'm a sentimental guy at times like these. What of it? ;)

Amazing song by SID Metal band, Machinae Supremacy. Formed in Sweden, they use the SID Chip from the ol' Commodore 64 for their music tweaks. An awesome band to listen to if you like video games, anime, sci fi, etc.

Japanese Voyeurs are a British band still in relative infancy (only released their debut last year) but they sure sound great. Yeah the singer's voice takes a while getting used to, but its actually good and unique. (which I think is agood thing) They seem like a band who listened to a whole load of stuff and wanted to do their own thing and not try and imitiate anyone else (which I applaud)

I've always been a big fan of the grudge sound. No idea what the rest of these guys' work sounds like, but I really dig this. Kinda has a slight hint of Kurt Cobain and Weezer with a side of Beck.

Plus the song content is kind of unique, something lost on most artists these days.

Totally different to pretty much every other Motorhead song I have ever heard, "God Was Never On Your Side" shows a less aggresive style of Lemmy's vocals.

I lent the album "Kiss Of Death" off a friend, and this was one of the songs I discovered, and has become one of my favourite songs by the band. Check it out.

This dude flows smooth as a motherfucker. I remember this dude named Joe used to play this shit all the time at my old warehouse job. He listened to a lot of bullshit, but this song always stuck out as a killer.


Not anything real special, but it's just so damn chill. Makes me want to go drive around in the day time, smoking a fat blunt.

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