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Downstait - End of the Story


The same guys who brought you both The Miz's, Alex Riley's and recently re-recorded Dolph Ziggler's WWE theme songs; Downstait. I have never really listened to these guys but a few days ago, I looked up some of their recommended songs and found End of the Story and I was instantly hooked. These guys sound really good especially in this song. Sort of a Nu-Metal type band. End of the Story is track ten off their debut album entitled Downstait.

Give it a listen. Pretty good song.
Puddle Of Mudd-Control

Heard this one on Pandora today, i've always liked P.O.M. and i've heard this one before but it's been awhile. Kick ass song, and gotta love Edge's evil twin rockin lead vocals. :lmao: Seriously though, it's scary how much Wes Scantlin looks like Edge.

As a mild fan of Theory of a Deadman. I felt somewhat obligated to check out their new album. It for the most part really isn't that good, with maybe a couple songs that have some replay value. Bitch Came Back being one of them. The lyrics might offend most women but I find that the ones I talk to find this song very catchy a fun to sing along with, I'm inclined to agree. Its just one those songs I just find a lot of fun in listening to. One of the only decent songs on their new album.
Green Day: "Basket Case" Live at Reading festival 2004


I'm not at all a fan of the current Green Day, but I was definitely back in the 90's. This is probably one of the 90's anthem along with "Smells like teen spirit" and others.

So a couple of months ago, I started doing therapy and my therapist came to the conclusion that I have this conditon of being depressive/neurotic and depersonalisation with my identity. I've been constantly thinking about it and well, I see and most importantly, I understand why I am the way I am. So I feel realted to this song alot actually.

Plus it's a great performance with an amazing audience.
tonight by tobymac

tobymac is undoubtfully one of the best christain artist put there. unlike others who come off as cheesy he manages to keep his songs fresh and have a great beat. this is personally my favorite song of his.

Half Of My Heart - John Mayer ft Taylor Swift

I really like this song.

Their voices sound good together. (:

There's a special thing about this video which I adore.
Currently i am listening to sooner or later by breaking benjamin


I love it is easily my favorite song from breaking benjamin its really a great song
i am listning to Smells Like Teen Spirt by Nirvana i fucking love this song and right now all i listin to is oldies rock and im addicted to this song right now its amazing
I have wierd ass song for you: Pendulum- hold your colour

the lyrics are a work of art even if you might not know what they mean. how can you not say that "twisted the knife and opened yor eyes" is not awesome. It has a very creppy tone staring from that adult swim like voice at the very beggining.

I can picture crazy shit happining when i listen to this song. Its just another one of those songs that you can daydream to about almost anything. in my opinnion thats what makes a song good: the meaning.

I frickin love this song, it was one that really got me into Kid Rock back in the day and i've just started listening more again. It's songs like this I wish I could have as my ringtone, but because I have an Iphone and Kid doesn't do Itunes i'm screwed there :disappointed:
But lets focus on the fact that it's an exellent song and enjoy it! :)
I've been on a fucking 8 bit kick for about 3 days now. I don't know why it just sounds so simple, but yet amazing. I'm not even thinking about Game 8 bit. It's just the sound it makes. On top of that August Burns red is a pretty good band, even without the singer i'm pretty content on just playing it like this.


Now I run - Shannon Noll

One of my all time favourites.

I adore this song.

The lyrics, his voice and everything :)

Like for so many other songs, thanks to Sis for making me listen to this.

Yes I am listening to none other than Y2J Chris Jericho's band Fozzy, and the song is my favorite Fozzy song "Broken Soul". I love this song because it breaks away from the normal sound of most of their songs and brings a lighter but still kickass song to the table from them, and really shows their versatility as a band.

Off the brand new Kasabian album, "Velociraptor!" this is a big leap from the style of Kasabian's earlier material. A very dance orientated, electronic song and one that they pull off well. I am a big fan of this, and have been since I first listened to it on Friday (the album arrived a few days early :) ).

The line " My soul, you can have it 'cos it don't mean shit...I'll sell it to the devil for another hit!" is one of the best song lyrics I have heard in a long time.

Great track from an album which I liked straight away, and I think I wil grow to like it even more!
I don't know how Kid Rock does it, every single time he puts out a new CD I tell myself i'm not gonna pay for his whole CD when I could just download it, but I always end up buying it. Why?

1) Every Album of his that i've bought has been exellent and i've loved every single song.

2) While it's very inconvenient that he doesn't have his music on Itunes, it sets him apart from most artists these days and makes me want to buy the whole album.

3) I don't want to download his music because I am a huge fan of Kid and I want to support him by buying his album, with other bands I don't care but for some reason i'm always inclined to buy his CD's.

4) This is the only reason needed, I frickin love Kid Rock's music.
dont really have time to post a video (maybe later I will) but wonderman by tinie temphah while being almost the oposite song you would expect me to listen too has a light tone and a beat that will be sutck in your had for hours,

i will probably post a video later.
All My Life - Foo Fighters.

Just got back into this Song after listening to & covering all of their new stuff. It's fucking great & the video, however simple it may be is also brilliant. Definitely one of my favourite Foo songs.


Cannot stop listening to this song from the Drive soundtrack just now and was the inspiration for my thread. Fits the film so well and reminds me a lot of the Cocteau Twins who are a guilty pleasure of mine. Synth-pop done well can be glorious!
That's right, yall knew it was coming, some B Adams is what i've been listening to. I don't know why but out of the blue today I thought what the hell, I should listen to some Bryan Adams, so there ya go.

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