What song are you currently listening to?


Apocalyptica ft. Adam Gontier - I Don't Care

First off, I have absolutely no idea how the hell I stumbled over this song. I remember sitting and listening to Three Days Grace music, and I guess I simply spotted this song in the related or something, and I'm like "Uh, Adam Gontier featured on something else.. Interesting, let's check it out".

So I did, and now I've been listening to this song for about the last 3½ hour, including 2-3 hours before I went to bed. Adam has a firm voice, mostly for albums though, but nonetheless he has a voice that I like listening to, and mix it over with a sorta different style than what I'm used to with the style of Apocalyptica, and I'll admit I think something great was created right here.

Worth checking out, whether you're a Three Days Grace or an Apocalyptica fan.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave.

Another classic in a long line of them from Maiden. Great little riff to start this one off and I especially love the tail end of it. My favourite part of this song is the chorus, I've had it stuck in my head for days, Bruce's voice is just so powerful (nothing out of the ordinary there) and it sounds even better live.

Also love the two minute solos in the middle of this song, a great example of the diversity of Iron Maidens guitarists, starting off with a very bluesy solo before going to a full on shredding metal solo then back to a bluesy one. Not an easy thing to do and make sound good but it is done perfectly here.
Imaginary - Evanescence


I've been listening to the Fallen album for a couple of days now. I still haven't found a song that I completely dislike. Imaginary is rising up in the list of my favorites from Evanescence. Another great harmonizing from Amy Lee, her voice is one of the best in music.

One of the anthems of the Madchester era in Manchester, UK.

808 State were one of the first bands to use electronic beats without any lyrics, and this is a masterpiece. It is just so chilled out and relaxing and perfect for the acid and pill-popping Madchester scene.

It still fills the dancefloors all over the country today, such a beautiful piece if music, pure bliss

Megadeth - Holy Wars (The Punishment Due)

This is thrash metal at it's very finest folks, this one is right up there with Master Of Puppets and Raining Blood for the best thrash song of all time. Everything about it is just great, the riffs are fast and heavy with my favourite being the one just after the spanish guitar (or what ever it is) solo. Speaking of which that is a freaking great, and very creative little solo right there.

The main reason I love this song though is the lyrics, they are some of Dave Mustaines best if you ask me. They tell an awesome story, my personal favourite lines from the song are,"killing for religion, something I don't understand" and "next thing you know they take my thoughts away". Both of them make very good points.

Pussy Liquor - Rob Zombie.

I'm listening to a lot of stuff tonight for some reason so you can expect a few more where this came from.

Anyway great song from Rom Zombie. It has probably my favourite bass line ever in in, it has just got such a great grove to it you can't help but love it.

There isn't really much to say about this one, cool song, great groove, catchy and kind of funny chorus, decent lyrics. Just an all round great song.

Dyers Eve - Metallica.

Another really good thrash song here, I'm so glad Metallica finally started to play this one live as it is a great song and it deserved to be included in their set on a regular basis.

Anyway, where to start with this song? Insanely fucking fast riff, it may not sound it but try playing it, I can assure it it aint fucking easy. Then of course Lars is a god behind the kit as always, getting an awesome little solo at the start and some great fills from there on in.

Love the lyrics of this one, telling the story of some parents who completely shield their child from the world, don't let him think for himself etc. My favourite line is "Same thing I've always heard from you, do as I say not as I do".

As with the rest of the AJFA album my only complaint if Jason's bass is too low in the mix, it is barely audible at times.

Slayer - Angel Of Death

Fucking badass song here, love the shit out of it. It is just so heavy, from the opening riff you know you are in for something brutal, and that is just what you get.

I don't know what my favourite part of this song is, the opening riff is fast and heavy, the middle of the song lead/riff is amazing, Dave Lombardo's drum solo near the end of the song is one of my all time favourites and the lyrics paint a very clear but very gruesome picture of the evils Hitler did.

Really no complaints about this song at all, every thing is spot on.

This has always been one of my favoruite songs. Cool video too.

I have listened to quite a bit of Ill Nino, and cant really get into them, but this one song has IT. Awesome chorus, the guy can really sing when he isnt screaming. Luckily, there isnt too much of that on this track.

I love the whole idea of "what goes around comes around" and you end up paying for what you have done. Cool song

I would like to dedicate this little ditty to all the people who view WrestleZone Forums and are not singed up as members.

I love this band. SCREECHING WEASEL is an '80's punk band from the mid west. I got into their music in the late '90's and I still love to play their cds.
If you like bands like Blink 182 or Green Day you might like this band.

I would also like to take a minute to thank each of you for posting great songs.
Sometimes I am looking for something to listen to, and more than once I have found some great shit on this thread.

Liam Gallagher of Oasis fame returns with his new band Beady Eye, (which is Oasis without Noel).

I really like this song, which is to be their first single off their new debut album which is out soon. I heard another track off the album and didnt like that one, so I didnt have high hopes for this, but Liam changed my mind

He sings more softly that usual, and it certainly has a Beatles/Lennon vibe to it, sounding similar to "Perfect Karma" by Lennon, and is very catchy.

So good to have Liam back making music, I can't wait for the Beady Eye album!

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths

This song is one of my favourites of all time and I happen to be listening to it right now.
It's emotional, which is only heightened by the effect that Morrisseys voice has on me, I do love it. There's a sense of mystery whenever he opens his mouth, with a lilting voice he has.
As well as this, I'm also listening to Serj Tankian's new album, which if anyone likes SOAD or Serj's 1st Album, I'd suggest this to anyone, it's fucking amazing.
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths

This song is one of my favourites of all time and I happen to be listening to it right now.
It's emotional, which is only heightened by the effect that Morrisseys voice has on me, I do love it. There's a sense of mystery whenever he opens his mouth, with a lilting voice he has.

What a song, the area around the "Salford Lads Club" has been regenerated in recent years, so it isnt a shit hole as much now. I live in a new apartment about 2 minutes drive from there near Deansgate in Manchester. I see that building every day on my drive to work, and always said I would get a photo posing on a bike infront of it...still need to do it though!

I prefer New Order/Stone Roses/Inspiral Carpets/Happy Mondays from that era of Manchester music, but The Smiths certainly made some fantastic songs...this being in my top 2 from them.

Rep for you Sir for a fine choice, as soon as I can rep again :)

Anyway... time for my pick


Total opposite from The Smiths haha. This was one of the first songs I reallllly fell in love with, and made me a rock music fan. I still love it to this day, although I am no longer a huge Limp Bizkit fan. I still Limp with the Bizkit occasionally, and they did produce some really good stuff, this remains my favourite track by them. Cool video too, and brilliant live.

Metallica - Fuel

Really started to love this song in the last few days, not sure why but I have really been enjoying it more than usual. Anyway in my opinion this is easily the best song of their last four albums (Load, Re-Load, St Anger, Death Magnetic) and while that isn't saying much it's still something.

It is certainly very different from classic Metallica but not necessarily in a bad way. It still has a really good riff to it and classic hard rocking lyrics.

This song is amazing live too, it was part of the set when I saw them and it blew me away. They had flames of just about every colour shooting from the stage during the chorus, I kid you not there was red, blue, yellow, black and even purple flames, some really cool shit.
That sounds awesome man! Would love to see Metallica live. I am definitely gonna try and get tickets the next time they tour the UK by themselves.


Bit different to Metallica haha. I love The Game. I think he is by far the best mainstream rapper we get in the UK. I am really into the west coast mid-90s rap and The Game seems like he has stepped out of a time machine, because his style is exactly how rap was in the days of Tupac and Biggie. Not his best track, but still a really good tune
So we all know I'm a big into the electronic tunes, as well as the varies sub genres that inhabit the electronic music genre. Well today it's time I unveil yet another electronic genre that I love to listen too.

Ambient, sometimes described as "boring" sometimes described as "intelligent", but to me, ambient music is like the classical of the electronic genre. I find most "good" ambient music is usually of the progressive variety, always diving deeper into organic sounds while slowly building up to an orgasmic release of sounds and energy.

One of favorite Ambient artists, Solar Fields, just released a new album about a month ago, but the digital release didn't happen until last Monday. The album is great, right on par with his other work; but one track stood out above the rest, it's mesmerizing bass line puts you into a trance, and before you know it ten minutes has passed.

Solar Fields - Unite

Amazing track right there, it really picks up at about the 5 min mark, and from that point on it's nothing but pure bliss. Ambient is such a versatile genre, great music for anything life throws at you, perfect for unwinding after work, great tunes to listen to while you read or relax; or just the perfect late night puff puff pass music. Do yourself a favor and add a little culture to your musical taste.

What a song. I loved this for years without knowing who it was by. Great electronicky feel and soooo chilled out. SSC you may like this one.

I think the singer has just relaxing, chilling vocals. I dont really know what genre this fits into but its a damm fine song.
What a song. I loved this for years without knowing who it was by. Great electronicky feel and soooo chilled out. SSC you may like this one.

I think the singer has just relaxing, chilling vocals. I dont really know what genre this fits into but its a damm fine song.

Well, overall it definitely falls into grouping of electronic(a), anytime there are vocals over electronic it usually get thrown into the electronic dance category, or the synth pop genre. While this track had a few qualities that could put it into either category I'm not sure what category I'd group them into.

Whenever someone posts a electronic track with smooth vocals like that I always, ALWAYS respond with a little Cut Copy. electronic music, with smooth vocals, pretty upbeat for the most part, and I'd definitely categorize it as synth pop.

Also, gotta put some Calvin Harris up as well, when it comes to Synth Pop, this homey rests on top of the highest hill. I'd say the Beloved falls somewhere between Calvin Harris and Cut Copy.

America needs to catch up with all these great overseas electronic/synth pop artists and stop releasing so much mainstream bullshit.

Been a little while since I posted in here.

God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash

This song here is a song all about you getting what's coming to you. Or to be more specific, bad people getting what they deserve, because you can never escape God. This is probably one of the most recognisable Johnny Cash songs. It's a quality song that you can sing along too, but it also has that deeper meaning. The music video won a Grammy and features a huge amount of celebrities such as Johnny Depp, Kanye West & even Kate Moss. A classic song, and a classic video.

Yeah I know..cheesy as hell right?

All I know is..I was pissed off this morning after having had a shit nights sleep after my fucking bed broke last night while I was in the middle of *Ahem!*..you know :P. So we had to sleep on the mattress on the floor while worrying about how much that is gonna cost me

And then this song came on the ipod speakers while I was styling my hair before work...and my mood became better. What more can you ask for from a piece of music.
Andre Nickatina ft. Equipto - Jungle

This is my personal favorite Nickatina song. The beat is just raw, and it never gets old. Nickatina has a really unique sound too, so it makes the song perfect. Nickatina and Equipto have a great flow together, fucking great song. The rhymes in this song are ridiculous, too. It's a shame that Nickatina is not as famous as he deserves to be, especially since his second album (under the name Dre Dog) I Hate You With a Passion experienced some pretty big success.
Andre Nickatina ft. Equipto - Jungle

This is my personal favorite Nickatina song. The beat is just raw, and it never gets old. Nickatina has a really unique sound too, so it makes the song perfect. Nickatina and Equipto have a great flow together, fucking great song. The rhymes in this song are ridiculous, too. It's a shame that Nickatina is not as famous as he deserves to be, especially since his second album (under the name Dre Dog) I Hate You With a Passion experienced some pretty big success.

Aww Yeah! Andre Nicky baby gotta get me sum!

Nice selection Crock, probably one of the more popular Nickatina tracks, and definitely a solid one.

I was inspired to listen to my favorite Nickatina/Equipto track after listening to Jungle.

Andre Nickatina ft. Equipto - Ate Miles From the City of Dope

I love the beat on this track, fucking gives me the chills at times. This is also probably the best Equipto rap on a Nicky track as well, at least that's my opinion. Nickatina's flow is top notch as always, I could listen to this one on repeat all day!

Here's a little Nicky knowledge for ya'll, give this track a listen and have your mind blown when you realize Nickatina sampled this shit before Biggie did.

That's right, respect the West boss sauce.
When I'm Gone - Phil Ochs


My dad was just listening to this song downstairs and I could vaguely hear it. It just reminded me of it's sheer fucking beauty. It's possibly my favourite song of all time. The album that it is from, Phil Ochs in Concert, is also possibly my favourite album of all time. Those are big words for someone who loves music but there you go.

It's just one man and his guitar, lamenting on mortality and life and what not. I think it's quite poignant considering the tragic nature of his death (basically mental illness resulting in suicide). His voice manages to be strong with a hint of fragility. The guitar playing, meanwhile, is fantastic (you can see he is talented with the instrument) yet understated.
"Long Time Ago" by Concrete Blonde


I recently ended my first marathon of The Shield and have many a fond memory of that show. This was the song in the final credit sequence (posted above) which went through various images from the show's seven year run, and the lyrics about love and broken trust sync up hauntingly with some major characters from the show whose fates were... less than ideal. Can't listen to the song without thinking of some great memory from the show, and even something as simple as Shane wearing earbuds in the video gets a chuckle out of me. It's something I can use to experience an 88 episode epic in two minutes and change. A great song which might have topped the use of Cash's "I Hung My Head" in the sixth season opener as the show's best musical choice.

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