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Currently listening to this song[YOUTUBE]CSvFpBOe8eY[/YOUTUBE]
Great song also a name of a food Very meaning full Song
according to some site
The beginning of this song talks about a person who is trying to cover up their problems so that everyone else thinks that they are totally fine. We know that the person is going through hard times because they talk about how he wants to hide "scars" to fade away the "shake up" (fight). We see that the person is trying to hide it on the outside (grab a brush and put on a little make-up, hide the scars...)but, of course, the problems, whatever they may happen to be, won't go away. Now, the speaker states that others don't understand his self-righteous suiside. Of course they wouldn't understand, they just see his outside, not his cold, troubled inside
there is more but its too long
I've been in the mod to post a bit lately, so I figured I'd make a rare appearance in the music forum here and show some love to SSC who is doing a splendid job running the section.

Anywho on to the topic at end. Most people that know anything about my taste in music knows that it is predominantly country. That makes me one of the 3 or 4 on the forum that dig the country tunes. Currently the most played song on my playlist is this gem by Toby Keith.


This is a vintage Toby Keith type song despite the fact it is relatively new. The thing I love most about this song (and most of Toby's songs) it sticks with that old style of country music in that it tells a great story. It has that rough and ready type country tune and it is a good song to tap your foot too. Also I'm sure it is something most of us have daydreamed about. Hooking up with a girl, stealing some money, and running away to Mexico. It gives you that feeling and need to seek out on some sort of an adventure.
Fatboy Slim - Right Here Right Now

A real favourite of mine, Fatboy Slim's Right Here Right Now is possibly my favourite music video of all time. First off, the subject matter is great, it's essentially the story of evolution from the Big Bang through to modern day earth. This is well presented and a brilliant video that looks outstanding. In terms of actual song, while not a lyrical masterpiece, Slim is a great DJ and as such creates a great sound for this song. Top quality work from a top quality artist.

Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger.

Had a friend of mine introduce me to this song a few days ago. And I've been more or less listening to it ever since.

Not only is this song pretty decent to chill out at, it's also able to get you a bit worked up. It has both elementals of chill in the beginning, and a bit of heavy in the final half. Which I think is absolutely great, I love it, really love it when a song goes from soothing to heavy, and slowly descends a little bit backwards (Like for example Bullet For My Valentine - The End).

I've always sorta liked Avenged Sevenfold. I've never been that exposed to their music, but I had a few songs I liked here and there. But this is definitely a song that probably has gone on fairly quickly to become my favorite Avenged Sevenfold song, and maybe even one of my favorite songs of all time.

Overall great, and if you're an Avenged Sevenfold fan, and you haven't heard this. Oh boy you've missed out.
First things first, I want to give a big shout out to LSN80 for getting me addicted to Halestorm. Good music, and Lzzy (lead singer) is officially my second favourite female singer now. Much love to you.

Now, the song I am digging the most right now is "The Royal We" by The Silversun Pickups.


The lead singer of this group has perhaps the most unique voice I have ever heard in music. This is my favourite song by them. Love the lyrics , the vocals, everything. Just a plain and simple good song. The whole album "Swoon" is good , but this song sticks out for me.

Zakk Wylde is extremely talented, both as a muscian and as a singer. I like alot of his slower work, and this is one of my favourites.

I think its great how BLS can go from brutal heavy songs to piano based ballads like this, literally next to each other on the CD and it sounds fine.

Awesome band

Just posted this in the GSM forum in my merry xmas thread, but its what I am listening to, so I thought I would post it here too.

Merry Christmas guys!
Mad World - Michael Andrews & Gary Jules

Seeing as it's Christmas, I thought I'd do a Christmas #1 that was a little less traditional. In 1982, Tears for Fears released Mad World, a song about looking at the world through the eyes of a teenager (or at least that's what Curt Smith said), in 2001 Michael Andrews & Gary Jules did a cover for the cult classic Donnie Darko. This version is far slower, much more like a ballad. The films increasing success lead to this version becoming a hit and the 2001 Christmas #1 in the UK. An excellent song from an excellent film.

Zakk Wylde is extremely talented, both as a muscian and as a singer. I like alot of his slower work, and this is one of my favourites.

I think its great how BLS can go from brutal heavy songs to piano based ballads like this, literally next to each other on the CD and it sounds fine.

Awesome band

DUDE!!! I was thinking to post this exact song! Man, we think alike too much lol.

Anyway, inspired by the guitarist tournament (you must take a look if you didn't), I decide to listen/post this old buddy:

Pantera: "Domination"


Jesus fucking christ! Dimebag is a fucking shredding machine. I'm a guitar player so I know about these things and I can assure you that the shredding done by Dimebag here is fucking hard!:worship: I love this song because it shows how awesome Dimebag was and why he is one the biggest influence on metal.

Enjoy! :)

Godsmack - Batalla De Los Tambores

This has to be one of the most awesome things I've ever experienced at a live performance. The battle between Sully Erna and Shannon Larkin here is absolutely golden. Before I watched this, I didn't know of Sully's abilities as a multi-instrumental performer, but this certainly opened my eyes. Sully and Shannon are two great drummers, and this performance in itself proves the very fact.

I like how they just seem to go at it like one has to prove something to the other, when it really is just a performance to please the fans. And trust me, as a fan of Godsmack, I was very pleased to watch this performance, because of the kick-ass performance from these two. Definitely one of their better numbers as a whole.
Written In The Stars:Tinie Tempah


I have to thank Dave for this gem. I had never heard of Tempah until I started my Ipod thread about needing new music. Alot of people contributed, but this may be my favorite song of the lot. It's one of those songs, at least for me, that transcends genre because the chorus is so phenomenal. The lyrics along with the music literally give me chills, which is hard to do. Eric Turner lending his voice to the chorus really is a nice touch. Its a rarety in that its a song I feel genuinely moved by,but have yet to fully grasp the entire meaning of. And I think thats a great thing.
These last few weeks I've been all over the place, musically.

First up, I've been on a kick for The Cardigans. I ended up with a cassette of "First Band on the Moon" (their American breakthrough album) through one of those old Columbia House 11 for $1 deals from the mail. This was like 15 years ago. Anyway, I gave it to my little brother and thought nothing of it. Later on, he'd grown tired of only listening to their one hit from the album (anyone alive in the 90's remembers "Lovefool"), and ditched the tape back into my collection. I gave it a whirl once, expecting to toss it out afterwards. Lo and behold, I liked it. I really liked it. In fact, except for the one hit single, which I always skip over to this day, the majority of the album is amazing stuff. I dig that the band behind Nina, the singer, used to do Swedish black metal before starting this band, and a lot of that influence carries into their writing. The band has even covered Black Sabbath/Ozzy tunes, albeit with their own personal touch.

Anyway, after many years of having not touched them, I got back into them, and looked up their other releases in search of more good tunes. I was not disappointed. Their later career included more traditional sounding (for the late 90's, anyway) stuff that I'm not so moved by, but there were some earlier albums which held the stuff I wanted.

The Cardigans - War (from the album "Other Side of the Moon")

The Cardigans - Nasty Sunny Beam (from the album "Other Side of the Moon")

Of course, not all of the their newer stuff was bad. I'd always been a fan of the track "My Favorite Game" from the "Gran Turismo 2" game for PSX, and so I looked up that album and found...

The Cardigans - Starter (from the album "Gran Turismo")

And finally, from the last (I believe) studio album they released, I found one good track that sounds a bit closer to something by Garbage (possibly my favorite band, behind NoFX).

The Cardigans - I need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer (from the album "Super Extra Gravity")

Moving on from that, I recently got into Goldeneye 007 for the Wii. I'm worried SSC may think ill of me for not noticing anytime he's posted this guy's stuff before, but I'm a believer now. Fresh from the Barcelona Nightclub level...

Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I remember (from the album "Random Album Title")

Progressive falls just a tad outside of my tastes, or at least I thought it did. For weeks after hearing this song the first time, it haunted me, as if on auto-repeat in my brain. And it was GLORY. I will definitely be going out of my way to check out this guy's work.

And finally, what would Christmas be without the traditional music? Jingle Bells...Little Star of Bethlehem...Joy to the World...or is that "Oi to the World"?

The Vandals - A Gun for Christmas (from the album "Oi to the World")

I play this album at least once each day the month of December. I couldn't imagine the holidays without it. This comes from my Nor Cal Punk days, and I don't see it ever changing.

Merry Christmas, all you music lovers.
Been listening to Voodoo by Godsmack lately - This song's great..

It would get into your head sooner than you think! ^^
Must Be Santa - Bob Dylan

Over the festive period, there has only been one Christmas album that I have voluntarily listened to. That album would be Christmas in the Heart by Bob Dylan. You know how in food you get concentrated flavour mixtures? Yes? Well this album is like the musical equivalent. And the flavour is pure Christmas. (Genius analogy right?). The whole thing is brilliant. It's full of Christmas songs but Dylan gives them an air of credibility (partly through him being Dylan).

The song I would have chosen would have been 'Winter Wonderland' as it is more well known than the song in the video. However, I couldn't find it on the internet. So this is Must Be Santa. It isn't as Christmassy (I don't think that is a word) as some other songs on the album but it is still fantastic, catchy, festive and a must-listen around this time of year.

Kingston - Sean Kingston

I was watching some Kofi Kingston videos on YouTube, and I came across a video claiming it had a heel theme for him, so I gave it a shot, and it ended up introducing me to this song. I would post the music video, but it doesn't look like there is one, and those lyrics videos are boring, so here's the video I saw.


Regardless of the debate about the possibility of it being a good WWE theme, it's a catchy song. It's got a nice hook, and that reggae-rap sound that Sean Kingston usually produces. I've probably listened to it at least 10 times in the last 2 days.

However, if I'd decided to post here any other time in the last few months, there's a good chance I would've been listening to Fuck You! - Cee Lo Green. You're all probably familiar with the song by now. It's popular, and it deserves to be.


I probably haven't gone a day without listening to this song since I first heard it. As someone who's been in the friend zone on and off for most of my teenage life, it articulates my feelings about the situation in a genuine, but still fun and upbeat way. Not to mention, Cee Lo's got soul. The guy has an incredible voice. The part of the song from 2:45 on is especially impressive to me.
Summertime Suicide by The Murderdolls

Haven't actually listened to all of 'Women and Children Last' yet, and i have to say, that i feel differently from most people who've pasted their opinions. Most people are happy that they've taken a more serious route this time around, whereas i personally am not.

My favourite songs on 'Valley of the MurderDolls' were all the really stupid, jokey ones ie. 'Graverobbing USA' and '197666', so i was hoping for at least a couple of songs like that. This album just sounds like Wednesday 13's usual solo stuff with crisper musicians.

However, since hearing 'Summertime Suicide', i haven't been able to get it out of my head, so despite me slagging off the album, THAT is the track i'm listening to the most currently.

Devlin has an uncanny ability to make any song listenable, but this definitely has to be one of my favourites by this guy. That beat is haunting, but it's his lyrics that are always on point. When I first heard of him, I didn't give him as much of a chance as I should have done, but now I've got his album, Bud, Sweat and Beers and definitely don't regret it. Recommended to anyone who enjoys any sort of music!

I had not heard this song in agggges!

I make compilation cds to play in the car, with a mixture of stuff I have downloaded and dont have on cd and my favourite tracks from the 200+ CDs I own. I have done over 100 of these home made cds so far.

This Hoobastank song was on the second one I ever made when I was about 16. I found the old CD in a box underneath another disc and thought I would see what was on it. I remember being really into this tune when it came out, and listening to it on a school trip to Germany and Poland.

They've got good songs :)

The reason is a nice song.. It's my favourite of theirs! ^^

I don't get how to attach the song here T.T

But here's the link.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZADpco6Zn9I

If you guys haven't heard it, you should :)

You might wanna listen to it if you're movin on after somethin has happened in your love life or somethin X) I don't sound corny, do I?
Here's a sweet electronic Jam by Copy, one of my better West Coast electronic artists out there. He's got a unique style, his beats are catchy, funky and get better with each listen.

I've posted plenty of Copy songs on here before, but this one has yet to even bless youtube, until today that is. I was surprised this track wasn't on youtube, as find it to be one of his more badass tracks.

There's nothing too complicated about the beat, and it's pretty easy to see why the track was titled Assassinator, perfect music for fraggin up some zombies or some shit like that.


Nothing's better than a chill afternoon with some Led Zepp playing.

Also the fact that Planty's put together lyrics from Albert King's Killing Floor in it just adds to the epicness.

I love this track, an absolute classic. Before the singers suicide Joy Division were on the verge of becoming massive, and its sad that we will never know just how successful they would have been had Ian Curtis lived.

As a Mancunian, this song is MASSIVE. Everyone knows it, everyone likes it, and it is still played in EVERY indie nightclub in the city almost every night I am there. Brilliant track, wonderful manchester guitaring and although Curtis doesnt have a good voice really, it works so well in this tune.
Keane- Everybody's Changing


I think that this song is about how everybody seems to make progress in their lives and you don't. To me, the song is supposed to be inspirational as well as sad, which I feel just adds to the beauty of it.

Im happily married, and spend much of my time running a mental health agency. While I love my work and couldn't see myself doing anything else,progress is one thing I feel Im sorely lacking at times. People often think Im crazy when I say I feel this way. But quite often, its EXACTLY how I feel. Being successful in one area of life doesn't necessarily equate to success in other areas of life, nor does it necessarily bring about happiness. There are so many things in life I can't do because of health problems(mostly ), and its an endless source of frustration for me.

I wonder if a solution to what ails me(seizures) will be found, or if Ill be stuck in the same place years from now when others are enjoying rich happy lives. The line "Everybody's changing, but I don't feel the same" is how I feel every time I encounter another setback in my health after seeing progress for awhile, and I wind up in the same place as before. I can be depressing living in the idea that everybody else around me is changing and I dont feel I am. But I do find inspiration in the ideal and belief that someday that change will occur in me. So I find the song to be somewhat depressing, but encouraging nonetheless.
Once again with the not being able to post a video due to work thing, the song of choice at the moment is

Soldier - Eminem

In my own opinion one of the songs you show to someone who doesn't think that Eminem can rap (if you can find any), I rap and freestyle every now and again, write lyrics etc. I found myself trying to rap this song and my tongue just gets twisted in every which way. This song apparently about when Eminem got sued for picking a fight with a bouncer who kissed his wife. On "The Eminem Show" there is a skit called "The Kiss" right before this song with Em and his friend in a car waiting for his wife to come out of a club I believe it is. He then proceeds to do what drove him to write this song. Crazy rhyme scheme in this song with insane verses such as

Pistol whippin mutha fuckin bouncas 6'2
Who needs bullets as soon as I pull it you sweat bullets

Great song.

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