What song are you currently listening to?

Sugar by System of A Down

I recently started listening to system again after so long. I only owned Mesmerized and Toxicity. So after youtubing some songs I found Sugar and its probably my new favorite system song.

Really feeling Eminem's "Difficult". It is a tribute to Proof. It is a pretty damn good song. No Hook on it at all. Just 3 verses with Eminem reminiscing about times he had with Proof and speaking about Proof's kids and family. Good shit....

I've really been into my Kany West as of late, and when I heard Kany and Jay-Z will be doing a Collaberation EP together called "Watch the Throne", I marked the fuck out. The title to the album fits both of these guys as they are currently running the rap game. Kanye's latest album was amazing and probably one of his best yet. There were some songs that were leaked or released a few weeks ago, one of them was "That's my bitch". It feature that chick from the band La Roux. Its got a phenomenal beat to it. It's not your typical derogatory rap song, the lyrics are great and the song flies by for some reason. A very great song. This is the Kanye I want to see.
@ The person on top thank you I now have a new favorite song to jam.

I myself am playing all Chamillionaire all the time with a hit from mixtape messiah 5. Swagger like Koop

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-0I2hkXrI5s?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-0I2hkXrI5s?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

When Swagger like us it made "posse cuts" popular again. Which is a group of 4 or more rappers who are highly succesful making a allstar cast track. Well Cham decied He was going to freestyle over the instrumental and kill in order Kayne, Jayz, Lil Wayne, T.I. That boy from Houston killed Mr. West, Jay, the king of the south and Weezy the best rapper alive. He unlike drake and others who tried swagger like us did the whole song. all 5 mins. He even dissed the word swag by saying "Matter fact you can take swag back, it's a word rappers use when they know&#65279; they can't rap."
and opening line "Let me&#65279; start like this, tried to put on skinny jeans and couldn't zip my zip, nah, let me be blunt real quick, I don't wear skinny jeans cuz my dick don't fit" just kills. So go get some Cham in your life you will be better for it.

I was given the new Eminem album for christmas and am playing it in the car at the moment. Obviously I knew this song before hand but it remains my favourite track on the album so far, I am up to track 10 right now.

The chorus on this track is great and that is what I think is missing a bit from the album, I love the style of some of Em's earlier stuff like "The Way I Am", "White America" and "Sing For The Moment", where he mixes his great rhymes with powerful choruses which can be sung along to...I dont think many of the songs on this album have that.

Its still decent though, or as much as I have heard so far is

Kiss!! Hell yeah!

Cheesy I know, but you cannot help singing along to this song, it is just catchy as hell and puts you in a good mood! I prefer other Kiss songs, but this came on shuffle this morning as I was getting ready for work so I cranked it up and enjoyed :)

Gotta love a bit of Kiss to start the day
Currently on the Mathix now playing list is Heart In My Hands - Trust Company.

Trust Company is back after probably 8 years of doing practically nothing since The Lonely Position Of Neutral (such an epic album). Then they pretty much feel backward with True Parallels which had a couple good songs but nothing groundbreaking. TLPON is an album i've listened to all the way through many a times. It has their lead single "Downfall" which was non arguably their most popular song.

Anyway sorry about the history I just feel this band never got as big as they could have been but they are back with "Heart In My Hands" which they released a couple months ago and I just downloaded it right now. Pretty awesome really catchy, I could do without the love ballad but hey at least they are back is all im stoked for!!

"Doom Gloom Heartache and Whiskey" - Viking Skull

I heard this band on Viva La Bam one day, looked up their latest album of the same name and it's a pretty kickass band. iTunes has them listed as Hard Rock so let's go with them. The album is indeed badass. Give it a listen.

I may have posted this at some point in the past but fuck it, its that good I will post it again if I have to

I love this track, which is a Lynyrd Skynrd cover. It is such a beautiful piece of music, and Zakk Wylde sounds totally different than on the majoirty of BLS tracks. That is why I am such a big fan of the band, the range of music they cover is awesome. From massively heavy powerhouse riffs to the slow piano based ballads, and then the slow guitaring on display here.

What an immense song, definitely one of the best things Zakk has ever done IMO.

Check it out, and wait for the epic solo in the middle
I have recently found my self listening to a lot of Primus, particularly My Name is Mud. My god that song is awesome, the bass line in it is one of the best I have ever heard as Les Claypool continues to be an absolute god on the Bass. The lyrics of course as weird and funny as your would expect from any Primus song I especially love the line "So I kissed him upside the cranium with an aluminium baseball bat" not really sure why but I always seem to laugh at it. I can't wait to see them live next month it is gonna be fucking awesome. Oh and Primus Sucks (any other fans will get what I mean).

This is a friend of mine. He makes his own beats and raps actually pretty damn good. He has a Youtube channel called "Q-Teezy" which is also the name he uses along with Q-Mystic. I've been listening to his shit all day. Most of his beats are remixes of songs that most of us have heard. I've heard him do a couple freestyles for school and he's got a bright future and he's only 17. This song is a remix of his original song called "Posted". Pretty good rappin'.

"Folk Death 95" - Mogwai

I'm a big Mogwai fan and I've been listening to their album Mr. Beast this evening. It's not their best disc and I wouldn't say there is a stone cold classic on it, but it's definitely one of their most polished works. Time seems to fly by when listening to it and "Folk Death 95" is a short, sweet example of their music.

Metallica - Harvester Of Sorrow.

I love this song at the moment, seriously awesome. Everything about it, the riffs are awesome especially the chorus one, Lars is perfect on the drums some of his fills are really awesome. Especially love the lyrics though, there are two theories as to the meanings behind them those being an Abusive Parent or Abortion, although I am not sure which one is the case they are awesome lyrics none the less. Only complaint is the bass being barely audible, as is the case on the whole And Justice For All album, real shame that.

I do love me a bit of Velvet Revolver. I really regret not making the effort to see them in Liverpool on their last tour before Scott Weiland left the band.

Not only did they play their own stuff but the covers of Guns n STP tracks were all my favourite songs by both bands, so I was really annoyed when I found that out.

I prefer the two original bands to VR, but both albums the band have done are very good. Scott's voice is excellent on this track, and the only downside I can say about VR is that Slash doesnt really go all out with his solos as he did in Guns, which is a bit disappointing.

Still a great rock n roll song though

Rob Zombie - Jesus Frankenstein

Great song here from Rob Zombies most recent album. Got a pretty cool riff and a catchy chorus, what more can you ask for?

Can't wait till I see him live, he looks to put on a really awesome live show somewhat reminiscent of Alice Cooper, lots of lights and smoke and just all in all a really cool looking rock n' roll show which I cant wait to be a part of.

Ahhh the old Justin Credible theme music.

A really good song with a great chorus, but the verses let it down somewhat. From this song I would go with the statement that the lead singer doesnt have a particularly good voice.

I still enjoy the track though, its the only Prong track I know. Are there any other good songs by this band, I have never really heard of them doing much else?

"Hospital Fat Bags" - Gaza

I'm probably not what you would call a "metalhead". However, I absolutely adore extreme metal - the heavier and more vile, the better. ReR USA's Dave Kerman gave the perfect quote to describe them, calling Gaza the "scariest group of motherfuckers on the planet". Their music is utterly hateful, but the musicianship is impressive and the three minute instrumental section at the end of this song, which is from the hilariously titled I Don't Care Where I Go When I Die, is fan-fucking-tasitc. Great stuff if you like incredibly heavy metal.

I finally got around to puchasing the latest A7X album, so am about half way through it as I type this. It has been pretty impressive so far, not a bad track as of yet.

I love the title track "Nightmare", it has a quiet little intro before kicking into an awesome riff when the lyrics start, the kind I like. M Shadows almost raps it seems on this in the build up to the chorus, his short fast lyrics being different to anything I have heard him do before. The chorus is great too, as in most A7X songs.

Definitely seems to be a good choice of an album to buy anyway, looking forward to listening to the 2nd half of it on the way home from work tonight.
Recently, I've been listening to a Local Band who I'm friends with, who are just becoming popular in the area. They've got a stupid name to be honest - "Sheila & The Mangoes', but their music isn't that bad.


They just made this Fan Page for their band, so you can check them out. The only song they've wrote so far, "Pinch Punch" is quite good. Got a nice Guitar Solo, a good beat. They say they're writing more over the weekend, so if anyone listens to it & likes it, I'll keep them posted.

Been listening to this more or less non-stop whenever I've had the ability to access Youtube, and wasn't at work or on a Skype call the last week's time. It's grown to be a very meaningful song to me, I'm not exactly sure why, but I find it very soothing, very relaxing and something sorta comforting if you can say that.

I've always kinda liked Three Days Grace, I think they're an amazing album band, not necessarily that great live, but nonetheless it's their albums I care about, and this song has quickly grown to become my favorite song from them.

I am a big fan of The Real People, a pretty much unknown band from Liverpool. I think its shocking they have never become big stars, they are so talented. I picked up their latest album (1st in over a decade) last week and it is great.

This is one song that never made it onto an album, but it is sooo good.

They let Oasis use their recording studio when the Gallaghers were just starting out and co-wrote a couple of Oasis songs which are 2 of my favourites- "Columbia" and "Rockin' Chair"

Criminally underrated band I think.

Anyway, check out the Realies

Murderdolls - My Dark Place Alone

I have only just gotten into these guys but I really like what I hear so far. Always been somewhat of a fan of Joey Jordinson and Slipknot and I heard good things of Wednesday 13 so I figured I would probably enjoy this, I figured right.

Really awesome song, loving the opening riff and I can't get it out of my head at the moment. Very cool chorus, also really love the bridge (sick in the head, in the head motherfucker).

Definitely different from what I was expecting of this band, but in a very good way.
Ribotto - Flight of the Balloon Boy

Pretty much just got stoned, was listening to some Ribotto and decided I'd upload a new track to youtube and share with everyone.

If you've recently checked out the electronic sampler platter you might be familiar with Ribotto's work, if not, to sum it up, he pretty much takes the cake as far as experimental electronic is concerned.

This track is off his line of "Lasermoth" Ep's, which incorporates a live band, and is one of the reasons that nobody can range sound like Ribotto. His beats are always changing, and he's always adding new sounds to keep the listeners full attention.

Flight of the Balloon boy is a fantastic track, the track really starts to pick up around the 0:57 mark, then it's onto a barrage of new sounds with the live band coming in around the two and half minute mark. Ribotto puts time into everyone of his tracks, and you can tell he cares about the music he puts out.

Agitator: Slave
This song is about how disgusting drug dealers are. Basically I like this because I hate scummy people.
Agitator are an angry straight edge hardcore band that hate everything. Good tunes. heck them out some time.
Ribotto - Slydog

I'm continuing right along with my current Ribotto binge.

This track is off the original Lasermoth EP, the one that started it all, for this line of EP's anyway. I'll probably move onto another line of Ribotto EP's after this track, perhaps we'll venture into Ribotto's interpretation of Dubstep. I've yet to make up my mind, though.

I really like how the basic dub influences are present in this song, the best part is you wouldn't expect or probably even recognize the dub, unless you where looking for it. I love the experimental styles of Ribotto, mixing all different kinds of sounds styles, while defying any single genre. The funky breakdown around the 3:14 mark is probably my favorite part of this song.

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