What song are you currently listening to?


Oh My God I had totally forgotten about this song. Being from the North West of England, I grew up with The Verve, and this is the last song from their most recent album. They have since broken up for a 3rd time, and if this is the last piece of recorded material that is ever released from that magnificent band, then what a way to go.

An absolutely wonderful piece of music, Richard Ashcroft gives another great vocal performance and its such a dreamy, then emotional musical journey. I had the "Forth" CD on in the car this morning and this blew my mind when it came on, I cannot believe I had forgotton how good it was. Definitely my favourite song right now, I have had the song on repeat several times already today. Magic
If you only ever listen to one song I post in here, make it this one.


While you may laugh at some points of the song and even the title, there is a ton of smart remarks in this song about shit that is going on in the world and North America. The song is a few years old, but sadly, everything said is just as true now as it was than.

Fuck we lived in fucked up place.

Another awesome track by the great 2Pac, from his post-humous album "Until The End Of Time".

My friend copied me this album while I was in college about 7 years ago, but I have never actually listened to it, which is really surprising as I love 2Pac and regularly play his albums. I thought I had lost the CD, I hadnt seen it for years. I was getting rid of some old CD's the other day, and found the 2 discs inside an old case that had been on top of my CD racks for years.

So I have it on in the car right now and am half way through disc 1. There are alot of good tracks on there so far, this being one of the best.

Supposedly its a diss at LL Cool J, or thats what people are saying on YouTube but I don't understand why, I cant hear any LL dissin going on here?
Weird Al Yankovic - I'll Sue Ya

A song from everyone's favourite parody act, Weird Al. Weird Al made his name parodying songs such as Another One Bites the Dust (Another One Rides the Bus) and Beat It (Eat It). His career has been littered with great recognition (Kurt Cobain claimed that he felt he'd 'arrived' when Al parodied 'Smells Like Teen Spirit') and also some controversy (Coolio wasn't best pleased with Amish Paradise). This is a newer song of Al's and is an obvious parody of Rage Against the Machine.

It's a nice little parody featuring lines on suing Ben Affleck (no reason needed) and Delta Airlines (apparently New Jersey sucked). It's biggest problem is it's late to the party. Rage were bigger news back in the 90's and since this came out in 2006, it's quite far behind. It's a fun song and worth a listen, just Al's missed the mark a little here.
Here's an amazing song I think SSC might appreciate:

mind.in.a.box - Walking

This came up on my Neuroticfish Pandora station and I was awestruck from the first five seconds. I love everything about this song, but in particular the vocals. When they kick in I am spellbound. The sound is just so gorgeous and full and unique...I can't even explain it. You know how when you listen to a piece of music and you know that it's special, but you can't figure out why? That's how I feel about this song. The combination of vocals, beats, and that little something extra make it incredible.​

It's kind of gay but it's mine and my ladies song, at least that's what she say. It's actually from a gay ass movie called From Justin To Kelly. It has Kelly Clarkson back when she won American Idol and that dude Justin..uh someone...

Smoke Dope and Rap by Andre Nickatina

Big thanks to you SSC for getting me into Andre Nickatina in the first place. Ever since you gave me the recommendation, this guy has shot to my top five favorite music artists. The beat is just sick and makes me proud to be living in the Bay. Definitely worth a listen.

Also if it's not much trouble, any other Bay Area rap recommendations you can provide me will much appreciated, SSC.

Devlin Feat. Yasmin - Runaway

I tell you what, British hip-hop/rap is getting a kick start up the arse of a late. Tinie Tempah and Dizzie Rascal being the two biggest stars of the genre in this country. So therefore the interest in this music has taken a massive increase and this actually is one of the more decent rap-songs. Only problem is, the guy looks 19 and the kind of guy who has three kids he dosen't support financially. Still, nice lyrics. Plus not only is this Yasmin girl quite good at singing but she's very hot as well.

Not by choice, it is just on the radio at work. Not a bad song, I do have it on my I-Pod, but it is just a slightly-above-average indie song that you would dance along to if you were drunk in a club, with everyone holding their drinks in the air, closing their eyes and shouting completely out of tune...

"Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruubeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!"

Not by choice, it is just on the radio at work. Not a bad song, I do have it on my I-Pod, but it is just a slightly-above-average indie song that you would dance along to if you were drunk in a club, with everyone holding their drinks in the air, closing their eyes and shouting completely out of tune...

"Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruubeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!"

Went to see them live three years ago, hearing Ruby live was one of the coolest experiences I've had at any gig.


Everlast - Friend

I'll hear this say once a month on my iPod when it's on shuffle, and I instantly fall in love with this song all over again. I first heard this coincidently five days after my ex broke up with me, and for whatever reason it gave me strength. Perhaps it's the inspirational lyrics or just the pleasant sound of the Acoustic guitar. Plus this guys rugged voice is actually really really good. A big fan, his album is fantastic. Youtube 'Saving Grace' as well, that is an amazing song too.

Well a group my fiancee has always liked is a group called Blood On The Dance Floor. At first I thought they were awful, but after hearing this song, I changed my tune. My fiancee wants it as our wedding song, but it's gonna be a no. Great Song Though.

This is Red, they just came out with a new album and this is the first song off it and I have to say its one of my favorites. I recommend this band to anybody who likes strong hard rock.
Lua - Bright Eyes


After getting their albums back on my iPod after they were wiped, I've been listening to a lot of Bright Eyes, in particular "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning". The album is everything I love in music: acoustic, vocally strong and lyrically ambitious.

The best thing about Lua is Conor Oberst's distinctive, fragile voice. It takes centre stage while the simple acostic guitar is subtle in what it adds to the song. I love the minimal sound that this song has. It sounds special as it is. If it was a big production, it wouldn't.
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart

Yes I am a big softie. Total Eclipse of the Heart is the one song Bonnie Tyler will forever be remembered/associated with. It's her most successful song and gained her acclaim worldwide, reaching #1 in 9 countries. It's a song all about having loved & lossed the one in your life. It's pretty sappy but it's still a damn good song. Oddly enough I listened to it because of a cover that Chris Jericho & David Arquette did together on a talk show together. Another random factoid is that this was nearly a Meatloaf song, but his record label refused to pay the songwriter and as such it went to Bonnie Tyler.
Juelz Santana x Lil Wayne - Homerun

Man this song is catchy as hell. I remember hearing this song early last year and forgetting about it. They just dropped the music video. This song just screams summer though....
Rihanna – What's My Name (Featuring Drake)

In case you haven't noticed my signature in the short time I have had it attached to my profile, then perhaps I can tell you myself that I am a huge Rihanna fan. I remember seeing her first song that was a hit in the UK (Pon De Replay) and thinking that she was going to be a breath of fresh air blowing across the very stale scene of Pop. So far, I have been proved right but let's face it, it didn't take a genius to figure it out.

Since then, Rihanna has gone on to show us that she is one of the most talented signers in the current era of pop. Not only that, she is practically drama-free, save for the odd punch-up with Chris Brown. She has become the darling of the pop genre and everyone is clamouring to sing her praises. Her songs are all over the radio and the internet and it is a testament to how talented she is. I am going to see her later in the year and I could not be more excited about that fact. She always puts on a great show (apparently). I cannot wait to be a part of that.
"Westwood Freestyle"
By Eminem feat. Royce da 59 & Mr. Porter

This shit is fucking sick if you haven't heard it. Here, Eminem proves just how dominant he is and how he reigns supreme over every other main stream rapper currently in the music industry. This Westwood Freestyle is an 8 minute freestyle with Eminem featuring Royce da 59 and Mr. Porter (I don't know who those two guys are). Eminem makes it a must to stop by Tim Westwood's show everytime he's in the United Kingdom to promote various project, this one promoting his recent album Recovery and this current frestyle may be his best to date. I believe several other rival rap artist have made an attempted to out do Em in Tim Westwood's studio includings guys like Lil Wayne. But Em's freestyle stomps every other freestyle I've heard in Tim Westwood's studio. Best. Rapper. Ever.

My tastes vary between 90s Punk & hip hop and then some current stuff.
This song is by a very famous punk/ ska band called NoFX. They're often compared to Rancid as they are quite similar.

This song here is the epitome (IMO) of storytelling through song. What I read from the lyrics is that it's about a guy who went through life getting wasted before his liver explodes and the doctor says he can't drink anymore. So then he tries some self-discipline and shaves his head as a start. It ends with the repeated lyrics "Will he ever walk the line?". It's a sick song.

Big Godsmack fan here, and this is one of the best tracks from their most recent alum- "The Oracle".

It had the usual Godsmack style instrumentals and drumming, and a fantastic anthemic chrous, the kind of which I love. Most of my favourite songs by the band have the powerful chorus, I think Sully Erna has a fantastic voice when he uses it right.

Godsmack are definitely a band I would like to see live one day, if they ever get their asses to the UK

I love Muse. That is all that needs to be said on the band.

Personally, I think they are one of the most talented and inventive bands on the planet. Not only have they achieved worldwide success because of their talents, they are basically one of the most original bands to walk the planet. Matt Bellamy is amazing. The fact that he can play all sorts of instruments that I haven't even heard of, whilst he simultaneously blasts out a vocal performance, that is probably better live than it is on CD, is completely mind-blowing. Muse are a fabulous abnd and deserve all of the success they have achieved over the last few years.

This song, in particular, is amazing. Mainly because of the fan interaction. You can find this song on the HAARP CD live from Wembley stadium and I must ask you to give it a chance. The interaction between Muse and the fans is just something to behold. Especially for Invincible, Time is Running Out and Starlight. Starlight is a poppy little song that just gets you in a better mood, no matter when you listen to it. One of my favourites, for sure.

A great Video and song By my favorite Band,Lots of people can relate to this song,Please don't flame me going like Oh (Insert name of Band here) is better
Because we all have preferences and we can't all like the same Band or singer

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