What song are you currently listening to?

A great Video and song By my favorite Band,Lots of people can relate to this song,Please don't flame me going like Oh (Insert name of Band here) is better
Because we all have preferences and we can't all like the same Band or singer

Awesome. I love Breaking Benjamin!
My favourite's


I find this song somehow inspirational :)

One of the slower BLS tracks, but still a powerful guitar based chorus, Zakk sounds phenomenal on this one. I cannot wait to see these guys live in a couple of weeks. I have Guitar Hero to thank for finding this song, as I bought the album after becoming obsessed with "Stillborn" from the game. Now I own 6 BLS albums, and am a huge fan

All thanks to Guitar Hero World Tour

There you go, I fixed your video for you...

As for what I am listening to:

This song is a part of my work-out soundtrack and I absolutely love it. Joining the ranks of TRUSTcompany, Metallica and LostProphets, it fits right in. To be honest, I am a really one-dimensional person when it comes to music that I want to work out to. When it comes to lifting weights, I want rock music that has a strong percussion element within and this song is absolutely perfect for that. The drum line, in particular, is something that I really enjoy about this song. This is particularly daunting because of The Rev's death at the age of 28.

That being said, this song just hits all of the right spots when I work out and even when I don't. If any of you guys are into lifting weights, this is the song that you want to be playing in your ears when you are trying to get that last rep out. It might work for you, it certainly has for me.
The Who - Who Are You?


A recognisable classic from one of the greatest bands of all time: The Who. This is part of the album of the same name, and also the final one with Keith Moon as the band's drummer before he passed away. This song is also more widely known perhaps as the opening theme to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. There is also a rumour that the word fuck can be heard at 2:16 and 5:43 of the album version of the song. It's a classic from its quality vocals, to its skilled guitar playing and of course to Keith Moon's drumming. May he R.I.P.
'The Night'
By Disturbed

This song is pure epic. If any song got me into Disturbed it would be this one. Obviously, the track was released in early 2009 so I haven't listened to them as long I would like to have. This song's main chorus is very catchy as Don Donegan sings the lyrics with back up vocals provided by John Moyer. The part that really catches my attention would be lead vocalist Donegan's guitar solo towards the end in which he got a huge amount of praises for the solo. This song is way better than some other of Disturbed's songs. The only one I can see comparing would be their classic Down with the Sickness. Phenomenal song.

This thread definitely needs more fucking Rihanna.

Say what you like about my taste in music, I don't really care. The fact of the matter is that, although quite effeminate, Rihanna is my latest celebrity crush. Not only is she ridiculously beautiful, her songs are actually amazing. This song is no fucking different. I mean, she is talking about how she liked S&M! If there is a kinkier singer out there that has managed to break into the mainstream, then I am blind as fuck.

Just the lyrics are enough to get you excited but the tune and the awesome bass line to this song just make it a great effort on the part of Rihanna. This song is off of the album “Loud” and is the starting track. Rihanna really draws you into the album with this one and it has really become quite a cult classic around these parts. There is nothing better than a song that can really get a club bouncing around and this song is definitely one of those. One of my favourites from Loud and beyond.
Russian Roulette
By Rihanna

Ah, here you go Dave. I actually do not mind a little Rihanna. She's quite enjoyable at times. The single Russian Roulette off of her album 'Rated R' is by far my favorite song of hers. While I'm not too much into the pop industry, this song brings chills to my spine. It's erie and a very slow/dramatic/emotional song. Here, Rihanna takes her former relationship with Chris Brown and compares it to a game of Russian Roulette.

The song starts out with an slow, erie, strangled guitar sounds and slowly builds to a heart beat like bass line. Before Rihanna breaks out the lyrics we hear a gun being loaded in the background. Her lyrics compare a difficult relationship to a game of russian roulette. The song eventually ends with a bang when we hear the creepy gunshot closing the song. Rihanna showed just how dynamic and talented she can be with this total opposite of her usual 'poppy' songs. The song is always worth a listen.

A classic, from the mid 90s. Charlatans are a band who have always modifed their style over time, but although some of their more recent material has been excellent, they have never quite managed to top this one.

It still fills the dancefloor at every indie disco, and brings back memories for me of the 1t time I saw them live in 2002, this track was the one I was waiting for, and I went crazy. Great echo-y vocals from Tim Burgess, classic Madchester guitar. Great tune
That's right! I am posting more RiRi up in this bitch! This time though, she is collaborating with one of my favourite rap superstars in Eminem for the second part of their whirl-wind sensation that is “Love The Way You Lie”.

Personally, I adore this song and think it has it all over part one. Don't get me wrong though, part one was fantastic and really made Recovery an unmissable album with a few great anthems included within. That being said, this song is just far more emotional and real. When I listen to it, it reminds me of the problems that my parents used to go through and still do. They argue constantly and this song really strikes a nerve with me every time I hear it. It also reminds me of Rihanna's relationship with Chris Brown and how that turned out to wrong. Perhaps she was channelling some of that experience in this song? Who knows.

The absolute best part of this song though, is Eminem. His talent really knows no bounds and every song that features him adds a whole new element. This song is absolutely no different as Eminem and Rihanna tackle some difficult and sensitive subject matter. The last verses of this song are incredible and when Rihanna comes in after Eminem's verses, I cannot help but be overcome. This song is incredible and rounds off my posting of Rihanna songs rather nicely.

Big fan of this song. I think the organ adds to the track, and the chorus is great to sing along to.

Pretty depressing subject though, about an aborted baby dumped in a landfill to get rid of it, which does sorta spoil the song for me a little bit when I realised what it is about, but still very very good.

Stoner metal at its best

Five For Fighting - Chances

Okay, lets get it out of the way, it's the song that was used for Shawn's Hall of Fame promo. But I INSTANTLY fell in love with it. It's a song I now associate with Shawn's career and because I spend a fair amount of time on public transport, I have quite a bit of spare thinking time, and WrestleMania & the Hall of Fame has been on my mind quite a bit recently. This always happens around this time of year. I find songs that are associated with these two events and listen to them like non-stop in order to get me as pumped as I will be come WrestleMania weekend. Tinie Tempah - Written In The Stars has been played a fair amount too.
The Beatles: "While my guitar gently weeps


This is such an amazing song. The Beatles have so many great songs, but this one right here for me is on the top 5. I have never found a song so beatiful and calm. When the vocals say "while my guitar gently weeps" I just want to sat down, look at the world, pick my guitar and reflect all that is wrong with the world through my music and my guitar. Music cries while men dies.
I'm Not Alone by Calvin Harris

I love Harris, he's fucking excellent. Now, I'm more of a Hip-Hop guy, but I'll listen to this any day. It's more electro type of stuff then I usually listen to, but if I like it... well... I like it. You know? I can't help but get this stuck in my head. I love the way he just "powers into" the song. It starts slow, but it builds. I also think these are some excellent vocals, Harris is damn good. He'll be coming into town here in Salt Lake on the 21st of May, and I'll be there. No doubt.

Another Oasis classic, with a piano introduction that is eerily reminscent of John Lennon's "Imagine". Noel Gallagher is even wearing the Lennon style glasses in the video, its so obvious why Oasis get criticised for their Beatles influence. I could quite easily see the Fab Four having released this as one of their own.

It used to be my favourite Oasis song of them all until I delved deeper into their back catalogue. Now it isnt even in my top 20 but still a masterpiece and one of the most instantly recoginsable songs out there.
Green Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends

I absolutely love this song! There isn't a song in my extensive music library that evokes the same reaction from me whenever I listen to it and it is because of the memory that is tied to it. When I was just a young grasshopper, I listened to the American Idiot album religiously. My friend and I would finish up at school and go home to my house to listen to it from start to finish and play some 360.

However, at this point, one of my best friends was killed in a car accident. He was basically the first friend I had and although he couldn't stand rock and punk music, I always think of him when I hear the opening chords of this song. If he is watching me now, he would likely be calling me an asshole and cursing my choice of music but I don't care. This song is just the perfect memento of him and the lyrics just strike a chord with me every single time I hear it. It was tragic that I had to lose such a good friend but this song reminds me to take advantage of the fact that I am still young and free. I still have friends and family that love me and that I would give anything for them.

RIP, Anthony!​

This is my favorite band. A few guys that I've had the awesome experience of meeting when they came down for a EWF Show. So down to earth, and nice, classy guys.

But this song wrote by Andrew Volpe(lead singer) is a parody of all the emo bullshit that is being played. But other than this I asked him, because I thought it was a love song, it is so dark and evil, and has such a lingering hurt inside of his soul, that I had thought he killed the girl in the song. But he told me straight up, and I quote " I hate all the emo bitches in this world, there is no reason to be all cut wrist happy, and this song is a parody, nothing more, nothing less." But Ludo is an awesome band and my favorite band right now.

Simply a classic song that never gets old the more and more I hear it. Probably my favorite from the Beatles.

A truly classic song by the band who I consider the greatest band in Rock 'n Roll history, Led Zeppelin. Originally written by Anne Bredon, and first recorded by Joan Baez, Led Zeppelin took it and made it there own! Just a truly awesome song!

Temple of The Dog Hunger Strike

Temple of the Dog was a one-album project conceived in 1990. The purpose of Temple of the Dog was to pay tribute to the late Andrew Wood, the lead singer of Mother Love Bone, who died of a heroin overdose in 1990. Following his death, Mother Love Bone broke up, but Wood's bandmates Jeff Ament (bass) and Stone Gossard (guitar) decided to continue working together. Before Ament and Gossard formed a new band, they assembled Temple of the Dog, recruiting Chris Cornell (vocals) and Matt Cameron (drums) from Soundgarden to form the core of the group. Temple of the Dog also featured contributions from then-unknown vocalist Eddie Vedder.
Motorhead - The Ace of Spades (Acoustic)

Last year, a brand new version of the Motorhead classic hit our screens in an advert for Kronenbourg as part of their 'slow' campaign. This new version was performed by Lemmy and the gang and here it is. I personally love this new version. The old version is the band's signature song, and is a classic rock song. This on the other hand may as well be a different song. The lyrics and performer are the same, but the style is different with the harmonica dominating as opposed to the guitar. It feels like it should be part of a classic western and it reminds me of this:


Five For Fighting - Chances

Shit. I came in here to post this song only to see I'm not the only one thinking about the first weekend of April.

Anyways, like Rob, I'm absolutly in love with this song . A huge part of it is that I automatically associate it with HBK, but once I stoped getting all emotional thinking about Shawn's induction, I started listening to the lyrics and I think this is one of the greatest songs ever written. Or at least for me it is anyway.

Phenomenal song.
Came across a great new electronic artists this week, one that must be shared with the masses. Some of the funkiest music I've heard in a good while, great beats and even better synths.

Ilija Rudman - Twenty Questions

So I ended up picking this album up on either Tuesday or Wednesday last week, and I was forced to fork out that hard earned skrill as well, as a torrent was just going to be impossible to come by so early on in it's release. Now, I don't fork out duckets unless I KNOW the music is gonna be good, and the previews told me that I couldn't go wrong; well, the previews where right, and now I'm a happy stoner.

If you enjoy those delicious sounds of the 80's or just appreciate good work with the synthesizer than Rudman is definitely an artists you should check out, like now.

As it's Valentines Day and all, got it
sent to me earlier today as a txt from
the gf. Though simple it's an awesome
song, from an awesome band, with an
awesome, good natured message. Have
a great day peeps. And consider sending
something like this to someone else; I
think everyone likes to feel wanted.

A Blondie classic on the radio. I have a few of their biggest hits on my ipod, and this is one of the best. A timeless song, people will still be playing this in another 20 years. I think I first heard this on GTA Vice City, that was one helluva soundtrack!

Debbie Harry was fucking hot back in the day

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