What Really Grinds YOUR Gears?

People who say 'like' inappropriately.

That could quite possibly the most infuriating aspect of my generation. Whoever started it should be repeatedly kicked in the face.
People who say 'should of' instead of 'should have'.

Again, this just proves how little people know about the language they speak.
Some more grammatical/speech annoyances:
1. When people say "axe" instead of "ask".
2. When people say "bafroom" instead of "bathroom", or any variation, like "birfday".
3. When people mix up to/too/two or there/their/they're.
4. When people say "nah mean". ESPECIALLY when that's ALL they said in a nutshell, so they're essentially saying "Do you know what I mean...do you know what I mean?"
5. When people type "iunno".
6. When people type without punctuation and the sentence isn't short enough that it doesn't really require any.

Oh, another thing: when people have song quotes as their MySpace names. Stealing someone else's lyrics and putting them as your name doesn't make you creative or insightful.
What really aggravates me is having people ask the meanings of words like:

Intolerance, inferior and seldom.

Three words that have been asked (among numerous other asinine questions) in my English class within the last month.

The problem I have is not in the fact that they did not know the meanings of these words (because I accept that some people are just morons), but in the way they went about trying to understand them. I mean, God forbid these people actually use a dictionary instead of unwittingly flaunting their INFERIOR knowledge of the language they speak (poorly) in the middle of a discussion that has nothing at all to do with the words.
When you're driving, and you let someone come out of a intersection, or let them get into your lane, or whatever the case is, and they don't give you the courtesy wave, or the little "thank you" head nod. Assholes.
The thing I hate the most in this world, and if you do it to me I will kill you, is being late. There is no need for anyone to be late to anything. Ever. It is not fucking hard to get somewhere for 12. Especially when we live 2 seconds away from each other and I can get there on time!

I also hate people who move near you and smoke. Fuck off and stop killing me. Eugh there is no use for cigarettes. Awful things.

I hate people who claim benefits because they're too lazy to get off their arses and get a job.
I hate people being late too because I always aim to be early. So if someone's 15 minutes late, chances are I have been there for half an hour.
The thing I hate the most in this world, and if you do it to me I will kill you, is being late. There is no need for anyone to be late to anything. Ever. It is not fucking hard to get somewhere for 12. Especially when we live 2 seconds away from each other and I can get there on time!

I also hate people who move near you and smoke. Fuck off and stop killing me. Eugh there is no use for cigarettes. Awful things.

I hate people who claim benefits because they're too lazy to get off their arses and get a job.

All agreed. The third is such a cliche though.
FLUK, Nessie has done nothing to you. you stop that.

And agreed with Becca. Whats worse, is generally someone who is late, is fucking habitually late. and have been spoken to about it several times. my mother is like this. I just utterly lack comprehension of how people can do this. the only thing I have ever been late to in my life was my own birth. I find it highly disrespectfull to be late, and I get highly offended when someone does it to me...
I have these two friends who are ALWAYS late and I tell them every time, make sure you're on time, but nope they're late again!

I am never late but I am going to be late for my own funeral.

The Nessie comment came about after watching some old south park episodes...he asked me for tree fitty.
Teenage girls who get pregnant at 13-14 and spunge of the benifits. then when they are 20 they have about 4 kids who will all grow up to impreganate or be impreganated by other usless scrotes at around about the same age. and thus the cycle continues

that really pisses me off.

People who always get stupidly drunk even when theres no reason to.
When I organise plans to do stuff with my mates and they never give me a clear yes or no answer or if they do give a straight yes answer, then cancel the night before.
Whenever he has anything on that somehow involves me, my friend will call the night before and ask me where he has to go and when he has to get there. It fucking pisses me off. I TOLD YOU YESTERDAY
And agreed with Becca. Whats worse, is generally someone who is late, is fucking habitually late. and have been spoken to about it several times. my mother is like this. I just utterly lack comprehension of how people can do this. the only thing I have ever been late to in my life was my own birth. I find it highly disrespectfull to be late, and I get highly offended when someone does it to me...
It's the same with my mother. I don't have a car and when I have to ask her for a ride I am late 99.99% of the time. That's why I ask my brother instead

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