What Really Grinds YOUR Gears?

For the benefit of the forum:

For all what DS posted, He had contridicted himself with one sentence, The said sentence was left in my rep box(before I get to the point, Thanks Norcal), And the sentence read:

"I look forward to you minusing another point off of my reputation."

Therefore DS must infact care for this, Moronic, Silly, Terrible, Twit.
I'm Spunky. :) nice to meet you, Just to refresh you memory, I'm the guy you said you didn't like because I had a few different belief's than you.

Based on your logic then, Explain how you came to judge me.

Oh i'm sorry I didn't know I was writing you a fucking essay, If I ask nicely will you mark it for me?

1/3. You've done it with me in a few thread's.

2. It must of been easier than bungee jumping in and out of your mothe..... I'll stop there, I would'nt want an infraction.

4. A debate is trying to prove another's opinion wrong while respecting it, And stating why you think you opinion is of an higher one.

Why would you reply to me then?

Wit: Is a form of intellectual humor, based on the manipulation of concepts.

I would'nt go to that extreme, But by all mean's tell your parents.

Not by any mean's, The fact that i've only been on this forum around 4 times in the last 3 weeks would disprove that.

I wouldn't have said I didn't like you because our opinions didn't match. I would have said I don't like you because I think you're a dick from what I can gather from this place.

From my non-comparing logic, I probably came to judge you as an idiot from the way you've posted: the poor use of grammar, and in the way that you seem to have no idea about what you're really arguing for. But that's just what I've gathered from this thread.

Yet again, we have people who complain when other people correct them on their rubbishuous use of the English language. Just because someone wants you to post with proper English, does not mean that they want you to write an 'essay'. I mean, Christ. That is a really silly thing to have said, in my estimation. And you'd get an E.

Actually, I have not attempted to 'convince' you of any opinion of mine, so I guess, by fact, you are wrong there. Obviously, I should not bother telling you this, because you seem to ignore the fact that I actually do not care about 'convincing' you of anything. How you came to this conclusion is beyond me.

Oo. Mother-sexing-up humour. "Witty".

Actually, a debate is not trying to disprove anything. It's trying to make your opinion appear better through presenting your arguments against someone else's. I believe I already stated this. I thought most people had established that opinions can't be disproved and therefore don't actually attempt to do as such. Have you?

I reply to you because I find your posts annoying. So I can't actually let myself ignore them. If I did, I'd probably not be able to sleep at night.

Hmm, I never actually thought I was trying to be 'intellectually humourous'. I guess I do try, though, because you said I do. Well, I guess you know more about my intentions than I do, so you win.

Let's not go down the parents path with myself. Thank you.

And saying that you are not often on this place really doesn't disguise how much you remember, and therefore probably care. So...yeah. I miss the point.


I obviously think your opinions are stupid. But I fail to see how that says that yours are actually wrong and mine are right. That's just what I believe.

This is silly. Go retake English class for about 8 years. And stop mis-interpreting things or I will be forced to write a formal complaint to the owner of this establishment.
For the benefit of the forum:

For all what DS posted, He had contridicted himself with one sentence, The said sentence was left in my rep box(before I get to the point, Thanks Norcal), And the sentence read:

"I look forward to you minusing another point off of my reputation."

Therefore DS must infact care for this, Moronic, Silly, Terrible, Twit.

I don't get it. How exactly do I care because of that? Ugh. Silly, silly, silly.

"For all what"? Seriously?...Sigh.
Burton is nicer than Stoke. If you can use the term nicer.

I'm still yet to see this water based Trent thing.
Have you been to a movie by yourself before? I haven't, but I don't even want to imagine what it's like.

Dude, it's a movie it's not like you can talk to them while your watching it, it's almost the same being there by your self as it is with someone, in fact it's much much cheaper to go by yourself, and easier to find a place to seat, since you don't have to play the "where do you want to sit game?" for ten minutes
I hate the fact that my local movie theater is filled with a bunch of kid friendly Disney shit right now, I realize alot of people like to take their kids to the movies around this time of year and shit, but I assure you people my age without kids have very little interest in seeing HSM3, Madagascar 2, Bolt, Bolt in 3D!, or Twilight
People who come into work, see the sign on the coffee machine saying "This machine is currently out of working order" and ask me if it's working.
When girls lead me on then I find they already have a boyfriend.

Fuck sake man
My current SOSE assignment. The relationship between Australia and a country of your choosing. I did America. It's ridiculous, the question could be interpreted a different way and my teacher (also a reason why this assignment gets worse) says that the information (that it took a good 5 hours to find and put together) isn't correct. That is based on the fact I have more comparison information than "what we actually did for each other". End rant.

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