What Match Closes Wrestlemania XXX.

What Main Events Wrestlemania XXX?

  • Triple H vs Daniel Bryan

  • The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

  • Batista vs Randy Orton

  • Other

  • WWE title Match if Bryan is Inserted

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Getting Noticed By Management
With Mania getting closer and closer, WWE has to be very careful how they want to end Mania. Now, I'm a traditionalist and think the title has to close the Night..... But with Batista getting booed more and more, and Randy beijg technically the heel, how can that end WM 30!!!!

Theres some matches confirmed and some announced but what should close the night?

Randy Orton vs Batista for the WWE Wold Heavyweight Championship. The Title match between the champion the Authority has chosen and the returning Batista. Problem with this is that Batista cant handle a 20+ minute match to save his life, he is the babyface but is getting booed more than Orton, the people want Daniel Bryan, and unless you want the people to shit, hijack and ruin your main event, you change it or you don't let this close

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar for the Streak. This match has the least amount of drama going into the event. Taker and Brock will give us a great brawl, people will cheer for the baby face and boo the heel, this will be a big deal since this will be #22 and this has to be one of the biggest "realistic" threats to the streak. It would be a good feel good moment that will send the crowd home happy but this has little to no history and doesn't feel like a BIG deal for now.

Triple H vs Daniel Bryan in a Grudge Match. People will go crazy with the Yes chant all match long and even more if Bryan happens to win. This match will have the most history behind it by Mania Time. But if HHH goes over as many people fear I can see people rioting. On the other side a victory for Bryan would be a culmination of the Bryan vs Authority storyline, effectively proving Bryan is an A+ Player.

Personally if no stipulations are added I would have HHH vs Bryan close, cause like it or not Orton Batista will be booed off the building, at least it wont be the end of the night. The only way i can see The WWE title match ending the night is if Bryan is inserted somehow tbh.

What do you think?
If the DB - HHH match doesn't have the stipulation of Bryan winning would send him to the WWEWHC match, than I think that match will close the night.

Basically any match that DB is in will finish the night imo.
I went with DB/HHH. The title doesn't have much prestige considering both participants are head on train wrecks. Batista looks horrible and Orton has been pushed to the side after a strong initial push.

I don't see DB winning the title or being in the title match unless they have DB face HHH on a RAW with the stipulation added then that he will be in the title match if he wins.
When I look at the card for a PPV the main event should be the match that I am most interested in watching and when it comes to Mania I am not interested in Taker-Lesnar, Bryan-HHH, Batista-Orton or Cena-Wyatt so I am picking Ambrose v Rollins v Reigns for the simple fact that if it is booked it is the match that I am most looking forward to. This Wrestlemania looks like it is going to be terrible for me as I have almost no interest in the top 4 matches on the show so I am glad I am dedicated enough to WWE to waste my money
With no Bryan, the WWE title would be an awful way to end the show. Cena losing is pretty poor as well. Bryan defeating HHH could work but it shouldn't be the main-event. A semi-retired Triple H vs Daniel Bryan should never headline Mania. It will be a good match, no doubt, but I'm not convinced it is big enough.

Lesnar vs Taker is the obvious choice for me. Taker's streak is such an awesome part of Mania and Lesnar (Goldberg match aside) is one of the most incredibly consistent guy to ever wrestle. The match cannot fail and Taker winning would be a great way to end the show. Then they can have him end the next night on Raw with Sting in the rafters ;)
Honestly, I can see Cena-Wyatt closing the show. The Streak match is a special attraction at this point, and as we all know there is a strong possibility that Batista-Orton will be hijacked in a big way by the crowd. I don't see Bryan in the title match this year, the majority of fans had predicted Rock-Cena II at WM29 since Punk turned at RAW 1000 (some even at WM28 when Rock went over) but WWE stuck to their guns regardless with that match. I really feel they will stick to Batista vs Orton for the title in much the same way this year. However having said that, they will know how the crowd are likely to respond and probably book it higher up the card to avoid ending the big show on a low note.

Now, assuming Bryan-HHH therefore goes ahead, I don't know if they see Bryan's grudge match being bigger than the title. Cena and Rock did it at WM28, as did Taker and HBK at WM26, but those matches were sold on the dream factor and HBK's retirement respectively. Does WWE view Bryan-HHH as a match of a similar magnitude? I don't know.

Cena, on the other hand, is the poster boy of WWE. He's closed almost all of the past 8 Wrestlemanias, including one without the title with Rock as previously mentioned. If he's not in the main event, he's still the main event, period (in WWE's eyes - see Punk's title reign, 2013). Wyatt is hot, having gone over Daniel Bryan and The Shield in his last two PPV outings, and the WWE showed us with Miz at WM27 that they trust Cena with unproven heels to deliver for the last match of the night. Plus, with Hogan as the host and the Family putting Cena at a numerical disadvantage, I could totally see Hogan getting involved to even things up and allow Cena to win the match and then have the two celebrate together to close the show. Hulk Hogan, first Wrestlemania star, and John Cena, the current face of the WWE, posing together in the ring at at the closing of Wrestlemania 30? Seems too big an opportunity to miss if you're Vince McMahon.
The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar.

It's the biggest match on the card, and that includes Bryan in the title match. Batista VS Orton is a lost cause at this point. Bryan will change everything, if WWE throws a curveball for a triple threat. Still, you're putting a lot of pressure on a doomed Batista/Orton match, or a triple threat with Bryan, if they have to follow Brock VS Taker.

Fans look forward to the The Streak match at Wrestlemania every year, and you're running the risk of an exhausted and lackadaisical crowd, if Lesnar VS Taker doesn't close Wrestlemania XXX. End the show with 22-0 on the titantron, Taker celebrating with the fans, and an extravagant fireworks show.
I hate it but t's going to be Taker vs Lesnar, thinking about it today I figure that is why WWE don't care that the crowd hate the WWE title match and why they aren't putting Bryan in it to win it and thus have his moment not finish the show, as they want to close the 30th Mania with WWE's longest serving wrestler standing(kneeling) tall.
Bryan v. Triple H
If Bryan wins he'll get a shot at the winner of Orton/Batista later in the night. Opening match.

Orton defends WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Batista
Orton cheats rather quickly to save his energy and health for the eventual showdown with Bryan. Meanwhile Bryan had a hard fought fight w/ Triple H.

Orton defends WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Bryan
Payoff!! Closes the night. Dramatic ending. Officially triumphs over The Authority, with two fights in one night. Takes the belt BACK from the guy who took it from him 7-8 months before.

Et al Bret Hart @ Wrestlemania X! Very similar scenario. It can be done and has been done. C'mon, what the HELL goes on in the creative room w/ them WWE writers if this isn't seriously pitched??
I vaguely remember hearing that any match with Cena in it will close PPVs. I could be completely wrong though. So for that reason I'd go with Cena v Wyatt if it happens. Which has the potential to be a brilliant match, which Wyatt should win.
Hopefully Orton/Batista ends the show. It'll be for the main prize in the whole promotion, feature the Royal Rumble winner and the top heel in the company. It should go on last. It's also shaping up to be the most fascinating match on the card. That is if WWE hold their nerve and don't insert Bryan into the match.
Id prefer an option for just WWE World Heavyweight title match. Regardless of whos in the match, Orton, Batista, Bryan, even Santino lol, I'm of the belief that the title should be seen as the pinnacle. Something every wrestler aspires to hold, especially now there is only one unified version. To put the streak or Bryan vs HHH ahead of it will dilute the titles importance in my eyes.

Of course, I dont expect other people or WWE to follow that logic, because they have disregarded the title in order of significance at ppvs before, but if it was my company, on the biggest, most watched night of the year, id want my champion ending the show holding the THE title,
The final match of Wrestlemania 30 needs to be the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, regardless of if Daniel Bryan is added to the match or not. This is the 30th edition of Wrestlemania. The world title needs to go on last, period. WWE have made significant mistakes so far as I do not agree that Batista VS Orton is the most stellar match they could have provided, but even if we get stuck with that, it has to go on last. I have no desire to see Taker & Lesnar close the show. Sure the streak gets more impressive each year, but it shouldn't go last. We all know Taker is going to win, it just doesn't feel right to close the show that way. It worked for Wrestlemania 26 because it was a dream match. This isn't. Cena VS Wyatt wouldn't make much more sense either. The only time a world title match should not go on last is if an epic dream match is on the card. We do not have anything along the lines of Taker VS Michaels or Cena VS Rock this year, so expect Randy Orton to defend his title against Batista (and hopefully Daniel Bryan too) in the last match of the night. I will admit I am disappointed in the booking so far, but Wrestlemania season has only just started. They have more than a month left to fix the main event. Fingers are crossed that they can pull it off.
I think that it will be Daniel Bryan versus Triple H, unless there's any WWE Championship stipulation inserted (which is possible, but I'm inclined not to get my hopes up). A win over Triple H isn't quite the payoff that everybody was expecting but it would be a huge win, regardless, for the most popular guy in the company to go over the guy who is more or less in charge these days (and, unlike Vince who assumed that role in previous authority-based rivalries, is a guy with an illustrious in-ring career and could easily steal the show with the right opponent).

There's no way that the title match goes on last, at least not in its current form. Lesnar/Undertaker is a possibility but I'm inclined to think that it probably won't, due to the absence of a long-term consequence, for the lack of a better term.
Really difficult question,lMO.

So far we have(or seemingly have):

the Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar -- Two huge Superstars for sure in this match, and it will generate interest. However, as Dagger Dias said, the outcome unless WWE surprise us Big time means that this match shouldn't be on last. However, if it is to be on last, it would have to be done to setup a match for next year, perhaps Sting, lurking in the rafters, for instance, although such an ending to Mania might be better suited to a show not as significant as this one is.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt(Wyatt Family) -- Quite simply, an interesting match-up and fresh as well. However, Cena Main-Evented two Manias in a row with the Rock and Bray Wyatt is too inexperienced at this point. Not a good match to close the show, whether it be a 5-star match or not.

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H -- From a personal point of view, I have no urge to see Triple H end a show as huge as Wrestlemania 30. However, that can be counteracted by the fact that Daniel Bryan ending a show by leading a huge possible 70,000+ YES! Chants to end Mania would be an iconic moment befitting of the Third Decade Anniversary of WWE's biggest Event. For that, I'd say this is the most fitting match to end the PPV, especially if you consider that the last few PPVs have seen Heels essentially triumphing(no, Batista winning wasn't a popular Babyface type moment,btw).
Also, maybe throw in the Host of WM30, Hulk Hogan, to do the YES! chant alongwith Daniel Bryan, and the iconic moment would get even BIGGER,lMO!

Randy Orton vs Batista -- Quite frankly, an essential Heel on Heel match which won't result in a happy moment is not the way to go,lMO. Batista is getting nowhere near to a babyface reaction at any show thus far. His booking has caused this type of reaction more than anything, and unless someone else that is popular is booked into this match(D-Bry the popular option), then this match should not come near to closing the event, unless WWE wants to set a Boo-fest record of some type.
Id prefer an option for just WWE World Heavyweight title match. Regardless of whos in the match, Orton, Batista, Bryan, even Santino lol, I'm of the belief that the title should be seen as the pinnacle. Something every wrestler aspires to hold, especially now there is only one unified version. To put the streak or Bryan vs HHH ahead of it will dilute the titles importance in my eyes.

Of course, I dont expect other people or WWE to follow that logic, because they have disregarded the title in order of significance at ppvs before, but if it was my company, on the biggest, most watched night of the year, id want my champion ending the show holding the THE title,

Whilst I do agree with your logic, that the Main title should be the closing match of Wrestlemania. I have to also add that such a thing is only possible if the guys in the match reflect that importance in terms of how the fans react to them.

Batista nor Orton can be termed as the Top Babyface or the Top Heel in the company at this point. Which is what should be happening in the last match at Mania. The Top Heel vs the Top Babyface, usually for the title. Or Two Top Guys(HBK/Taker; Austin/Rock; Cena/Rock; Hogan/Rock, etc.) who could sell tickets for their match due to starpower.

Batista was supposed to be the Huge Babyface Celeb guy from the past returning for a huge Swansong run in the WWE, and the WWE Universe was supposed to embrace him. However, it hasn't happened that way since there is another guy who has become very popular and who most want to see at the top. The other guy who could have been an alternative in the fans' eyes is gone of his own accord. As for Top Heel, it is Triple H and his wife, who are Orton's bosses, and it was Triple H who won the title for Orton in the first place.

Orton for all purposes is merely the secondary Heel character in the WWE, whilst what Batista's status is, is not clear,atm.
In actual fact, Triple H is the Top Heel as said above, whilst Daniel Bryan is the Top Babyface(based on fan reaction). Thus, them closing the show makes sense in anycase, since they both have been the Main Parts of the Main Story in the WWE since SummerSlam.
I think Taker/Lesnar match should.One,it is the biggest match on the card.It will most likely be the match of the night.Taker hasn't headlined since WM26.Besides it's Wrestlemania 30 why not have the guy with the most apperances and is 21-0 at the event headline.
Bryan/HHH should go last. It's had a longer buildup. The feud has been going on since August. The video package they should have for this match will be epic. Hell, the moment when HHH finally puts his hands on Bryan again will be epic. Also, you got to consider other factors like will HBK be involved, will Vince be involved, probably will be the biggest match of the night
A random grudge match between a semi retired guy and db should go on last? You guys are idiots...i think you guys would let khali vs db end the show as long as db gets his yes chant as the show closes lol...Title match should always close the show.

HHH is the top heel an db is the top face so they should main event lol wtf....so than WM 15 should have been Vince vs SCSA for the title??? Dumb logic all over the place in this thread. The main event should be the title match which should be the biggest match but since its not than Taker vs Brock would be the second option as it is bigger than HHH vs db and there is NO significance to db vs HHH. At least Taker vs Brock has the streak.
Bryan will close it out, Vince wants the loudest chant in history to close out Wrestlemania.

I think 2 things will either happen.

1. "Bret Hart WM X Part 2".. Bryan vs Triple H, stipulations of course. Bryan wins he gets the title shott at the main event Triple H wins he never does. it could be simple as that, Bryan always getting screwed, and getting his shot , or Triple H being right all along and Bryan forever being a B+ star ,Bryan will win this, if he loses fans will riot . Sounds crazy but book it the opening match, crowd will be nuts all night. Especially knowing the Title match is saved,
Bryan vs Orton vs Batista close it out, Authority trys to interfer and boom the HOGAN comes out saves Bryan, Bryan wins the Title, WM 30 ends with Hogan and Bryan Celeberating....That would be a MOMENT

2'."The feud "... The only one thats been going on longer then royal rumble, ever since Summerslam, Bryan beating Triple H closing out WM is just as good as him winning the Title, of course stipulations are gonna be on the line, leading to Bryans title reign but fans have saw Bryan get pushed back and screwed by someone who doesnt think hes got what it takes, and wins to close out wrestlemania would be huge, they can go LESNAR TAKER, but why? A feud this ongoing needs to finish out WM
I think it has to be either Triple H/Bryan or Undertaker/Lesnar.
There is no way Orton/Batista can close the show. That match is going to be a disaster, a snorefest from start to finish and leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, including Vince & Hunter's. That fans will let them know that no one wants to see that match. So you can't end the show that way... though it's becoming more and more obvious that the WWE is so stubborn, they will, it will get shit on, and they won't care.
Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H.

Batista and Orton are going to be booed out of the building and be more infamous than Lesnar and Goldberg. No one cares to see Orton and Batista for the belt unless Bryan is added to the match. And at this point, the Streak and Bryan vs. HHH are way bigger than the World Heavyweight Title match.

I think Taker vs. Lesnar is going to end up being similar to Cena vs. Lesnar at Extreme Rules 2012, with Brock dominating the majority of the match until Taker pulls out a Tombstone on him for the win. Bryan vs. Triple H is sure to be a competitive match with a lot more drama and a lot more emotion involved in the match. Between the two, I'd rather see Bryan and Triple H go on last as it should be the more exciting match.

Like others have said, the Bryan/Triple H story has been going on since Summerslam, it's time for the big payoff which I'm sure fans are dying more to see than Taker going 22-0. And you have the moment of Bryan leading the millions in attendance in YES! chants after he finally overcomes The Authority, which would be a much more satisfying and iconic moment to end Wrestlemania than Taker kneeling down in the ring with 22-0 showing on the titantron.
A random grudge match between a semi retired guy and db should go on last? You guys are idiots...i think you guys would let khali vs db end the show as long as db gets his yes chant as the show closes lol...Title match should always close the show.

HHH is the top heel an db is the top face so they should main event lol wtf....so than WM 15 should have been Vince vs SCSA for the title??? Dumb logic all over the place in this thread. The main event should be the title match which should be the biggest match.

Right, just like how a semi retired guy (The Rock) main evented WM27 with Cena, and the title match with CM Punk & Jericho was in the middle of the card. Because that can't happen at all, right? Just dumb logic, right?
Right, just like how a semi retired guy (The Rock) main evented WM27 with Cena, and the title match with CM Punk & Jericho was in the middle of the card. Because that can't happen at all, right? Just dumb logic, right?

o so ur gonna play dumb??? Ur gonna act like Rock vs Cena is the equivalent to hhh vs db...come on dude use some common sense. I'm going to assume that you're an adult and I shouldn't have to explain why those two things are different. Rock vs Cena was a passing of torch from two all time greats, in the rocks hometown, and it was arguably the biggest wrestler of all times return to wrestlemania. None of those fit the HHH vs DB match. HHH isnt the rock and db isnt John Cena.....like I said before, dumb logic. There's no reason for me to care who wins between HHH and db. If db wins than cool I guess, there is absolutely no reason for me to be on the edge of my seat during that match. Db wrestling hhh means nothing, there's nothing on the line in this match. Rock vs Cena had the allure of past meets present, icon vs icon, two greats see which is better, once in a lifetime even though it happened twice at the time if felt as though it was truly once in a lifetime. There is NOTHING special about hhh vs db. Only way this could main event is if it was like a HIAC or I quit match or something with hhh's career on the line.
o so ur gonna play dumb??? Ur gonna act like Rock vs Cena is the equivalent to hhh vs db...come on dude use some common sense. I'm going to assume that you're an adult and I shouldn't have to explain why those two things are different. Rock vs Cena was a passing of torch from two all time greats, in the rocks hometown, and it was arguably the biggest wrestler of all times return to wrestlemania. None of those fit the HHH vs DB match. HHH isnt the rock and db isnt John Cena.....like I said before, dumb logic. There's no reason for me to care who wins between HHH and db. If db wins than cool I guess, there is absolutely no reason for me to be on the edge of my seat during that match. Db wrestling hhh means nothing, there's nothing on the line in this match. Rock vs Cena had the allure of past meets present, icon vs icon, two greats see which is better, once in a lifetime even though it happened twice at the time if felt as though it was truly once in a lifetime. There is NOTHING special about hhh vs db. Only way this could main event is if it was like a HIAC or I quit match or something with hhh's career on the line.

Well 99% of fans have no reason to watch Orton vs Batista either, even if the title is on the line. Fans are indifferent. Whichever one of them wins the title, no one cares.

If you're going to say the WWE Championship match should ALWAYS close the show, and say it's illogical for it not to close the show, and then completely change your position when there's an example of it not closing the show, then you're a hypocrite. The fact of the matter is that it's happened before, and it could easily happen again, and it won't be a big deal.

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