Wrestlemania XXX Main Events & Returning Legends


Wrestlezones Top Heel
At this point WWE should start finalising Mania main events. We know no they starting with the legends with the announcement of "The Animals" return.Who else should return.What should the main events of Mania be.

First off this is not the time for torch passing it's Mania XXX.This is where legends where made Rock,Cena,Hogan,Austin,Taker,HHH,HBK,Hart,Orton,etc. So we need the legends in the spotlight.Not saying young stars don't deserve spotlight as well but it's not the time.Let Orton,Cena,HHH,Batista,Mysterio,Jericho,Rock,Taker help them after Mania.It worked for Punk,Sheamus,Bryan,Del Rio (to an extent). They should do it for Shield (as single competitors ),Cesaro,Langston,Axel,Ryback,Rhodes.But after Mania by WM XXXI We may just have a new era with Cena passing the torch in the main event.But not for this year with people wanting Cena vs. Wyatt or Reigns vs. Taker in main events.Even though they would deliver their not ready yet.Why should they be able to just jump in Mania main events mainly the biggest one in history.Then what back to mid-card after 3 months of being buried by Cena because they wasn't ready.They need to work their way up.It doesn't happen over night.


Cena vs. Taker (I quit match)
Punk vs. HHH
Batista /w/ Ric Flair vs. Orton /w/ HHH
Rock or Jericho or Sheamus order Orton for title vs. Lesnar

And if possible HBK vs. Bryan

Returning Legends: Hogan as host,Jeff Hardy,MVP,Warrior,Flair,HBK,Batista,Booker,Hart,Foley,Outlaws,Xpac,Nash,Roberts,DDP,Mickie James,Lita,Trish,StoneCold,Hall,Jericho,etc.
I hundred percent agree with you on the 'not passing the torch' bit.

The IWC has a reputation of getting restless and suggesting various combinations of matches which would look good in a video game but not in real life.

WM 30 needs to be a HUGE event on the backdrop of a lackluster year for WWE.
Something like,
Cena vs Orton vs Bryan
Taker vs Jericho
Batista vs HHH (Flair as guest referee)
Punk vs HBK
Shield vs Wyatts
Rhodes vs Usos vs Real Americans vs New Age Outlaws

would be huge in terms of money and quality of matches.
My WrestleMania XXX card:
John Cena vs The Undertaker Streak match
Batista vs Brock Lesnar
Randy Orton vs CM Punk WWE World title
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan

Those would be my main events for WrestleMania, this way you have ALL the top and important stars who are likely to appear at the grand stage. These are all interesting matches that IMO would sell very well, with the uncertainty of HBK coming out of retirement, HHH seems like the closest bet for The Yes Man.
to address the actual topic, Hulk Hogan needs to be inmvolved in some form, probably not a 1-1 match, maybe even a tag team match, a spot in a 30years of Mania battle royale or some run in and pose routine. Batista is back in a couple fo weeks, he is hardly a legend, he is like Jericho or RVD returning. As it is Mania 30, I see Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels being featured in some form like Hulk. Flair maybe as well if WWE have forgiven his drunken escapades from Summerslam weekend last year.
Now, my card for Wrestlemania XXX


FEATURING GUYS CURRENTLY ON THE ROSTER LIKE BIG SHOW, RYBACK, MARK HENRY, KANE, SANTINO, KHALI , BOOKER T AND also a host of WWE legends who have performed at Wrestlemania over the years
At this point WWE should start finalising Mania main events. We know no they starting with the legends with the announcement of "The Animals" return.Who else should return.What should the main events of Mania be.

First off this is not the time for torch passing it's Mania XXX.This is where legends where made Rock,Cena,Hogan,Austin,Taker,HHH,HBK,Hart,Orton,etc. So we need the legends in the spotlight.Not saying young stars don't deserve spotlight as well but it's not the time.Let Orton,Cena,HHH,Batista,Mysterio,Jericho,Rock,Taker help them after Mania.It worked for Punk,Sheamus,Bryan,Del Rio (to an extent). They should do it for Shield (as single competitors ),Cesaro,Langston,Axel,Ryback,Rhodes.But after Mania by WM XXXI We may just have a new era with Cena passing the torch in the main event.But not for this year with people wanting Cena vs. Wyatt or Reigns vs. Taker in main events.Even though they would deliver their not ready yet.Why should they be able to just jump in Mania main events mainly the biggest one in history.Then what back to mid-card after 3 months of being buried by Cena because they wasn't ready.They need to work their way up.It doesn't happen over night.


Cena vs. Taker (I quit match)

Stop right there... how would this end when Taker has never submitted ever (unless you want to count CM Punk at BP 2009) and Cena is unbeaten in I Quit Matches with UT is unbeaten at WM, how could you book a match where one man has never lost at said PPV and the other has never lost at said match.
Stop right there... how would this end when Taker has never submitted ever (unless you want to count CM Punk at BP 2009) and Cena is unbeaten in I Quit Matches with UT is unbeaten at WM, how could you book a match where one man has never lost at said PPV and the other has never lost at said match.
That's the point it gets fans on their feet and a shocking moment.Maybe it ends in a draw with both men showing respect to one another at the end.
Royal Rumble 2014-
Batista wins the rumble as planned by WWE
Randy Orton retains against Cena Again
Bryan vs the Wyatts
Punk vs HHH
random filler matches
Undertaker returns and announces an open challenge for his retirement match

Raw after RR
John Cena, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, and Kane all argue about who should take on Undertaker at WM30. The Authority books an elimination chamber match to determine who faces the Undertaker.

EC 2014
randy Orton vs CM Punk
Undertaker EC match- Cena Wins
Intercontinental EC match- Big E, Damien Sandow, Fandango, Kofi, RVD, Alberto Del Rio, Seth Rollins- Seth wins
AJ Lee vs Tamina Snuka ends in DQ when Paige debuts

Pre-sHow- Lumber jill match- Nikki bella vs brie bella
triple threat ladder match title unification. Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose- 20-25 min
Tag Team Championship- Prime Time Players vs The Real Americans-10-15 min
Mysterio vs Sin Cara- Loser leaves WWE 10-15 min
Rhodes vs Goldust 15-20 min
Divas Championship Triple Threat No DQ- AJ vs Tamina vs Paige 10-15 min
iron man submission-Daniel Bryan & CM Punk vs Triple H and HBK 30 min
Wyatt Family vs Jericho, RVD and Christian 15 min
Steel Cage- Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar 20-25 min
Big E vs Mark Henry 10-15 min
I Quit Match- John Cena vs Undertaker 35-40 min
WWEWHC Championship match-
Last Man Standing- Batista vs Randy Orton 40-45 min

5 hour show

5 hour show
ok so im not going to fantasy book this, im just going to make a quick statement.

the plan as of now is for batista to win the rumble, which im happy with. batista vs orton would be pretty good in my eyes. the plan is also for brock to come back and fight taker for the streak, i am also VERY happy with that. we all know these two already have some sort of "beef" to feed from with takers confrontation with brock in that UFC match.
With all the talk about people returning for mania I am shocked that no one has mentioned a return that is absolutely needed for the biggest mania ever.....

Jim Ross.... He really needs to be in the booth... here is the card I would make.

Main Event WWE Title:
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

John Cena vs. Undertaker

Title Unification Scramble:
Big E. Langston vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Alberto Del Rio vs.Mark Henry vs. RVD vs. Christian

6 Man Tag:
The Wyatt Family vs. Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and Chris Jericho

Daniel Bryan vs. HBK

Batista w/ Ric Flair vs. HHH w/ Vince McMahon

Tag Team Championship:
The Rhodes Dynasty vs. The Shield (This should be were Roman Reigns breaks away from the team)

Battle Royal with the rest plus a couple returning legends

Divas stuff
With regards to legends I think they should keep it simple. There is no need for guys like Slaughter, Duggan, Ron Simmons, Vader that could well return but have no worth. The only "legends" I want to see at WM30 is Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, HBK and Austin. That is with the assumption that The Rock, if he is there, wrestles.

I would love to see Wrestlemania open with Vince McMahon - think "welcome to Wrestlemania". Then perhaps the aforementioned names come out for an embrace; maybe hit their finishers on 3MB and get some fireworks to open the show. Simple, fun and a chance to see the big names that made WM great. Having The Rock wrestle would also be fantastic. Other than that I'm not desperate to see anyone else. Nash/Hall/Warrior perhaps and maybe the New Age Outlaws backstage but that is pretty much it.
As far as the various legends go, the only ones that will really be of any benefit as a significant attraction would be the likes of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Ultimate Warrior, Stone Cold Steve Austin, HBK and The Rock. I think the two biggest attractions as far as the legends go would be Hogan & Warrior simply because of how long its been since they've been in a WWE ring whatsoever. It's been over a decade for Hogan and more than 20 years for Warrior. Warrior's long running feud with WWE over one thing or another has all but taken on a life of itself, especially over the past 10 years or so. So if Warrior & Vince are able to patch things up, even if it's just for business, and Warrior agrees to appear at WrestleMania XXX and be the headliner for the HOF Class of 2014, people are going to want to see it. I'm not a fan of Warrior and never was, but the guy was a big star that a lot of fans were and still are into.

Don't get me wrong, it'd still be nice to see Austin, Flair, HBK, Hart, etc. but it's just not the same a couple of major stars who've been out of WWE for so long. It'd also be nice to see guys like Slaughter, Duggan, Vader, Simmons, DiBiase, Rhodes, etc. but there's no real need for them at WrestleMania for reasons I already mentioned. WrestleMania shouldn't be transformed into a legends' reunion. Keep it simple and whittle it down to the inclusion of legends that can pop a few nostalgia buys.

As to the main events of the show, based on various reports that I've read, pretty much nothing is set in stone right now. However, the main events look to be this:

Very Likely
CM Punk vs. Triple H - I don't know if Vince will be part of this and if his power struggle angle with Trips will be reasserted into this feud. If he is, then it could be fine as long as they keep the primary focus on Punk & Trips rather than Vince & Trips.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar - Allegedly, the reason Lesnar went over Punk at SummerSlam was because Taker contacted WWE officials a few days before to confirm that he was on board for WM XXX. I'm both excited as a fan and concerned as a human being for this match because as much as I'd like to see it, I don't see Taker getting out of this match without being hurt.

Likely As Of Right Now
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. Batista - There've been reports out this week that this match could well be on the books. Personally, I hope it isn't because I have damn near zero interest in this program. I know a lot of fans are into Batista, but I just couldn't care less about him. I've never been much of a Batista fan and I'd almost rather see Orton vs. Big Show again. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I think this will be a lackluster title feud for WrestleMania XXX.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt - The WON announced that Cena vs. Wyatt was a match that was scheduled for WM, at least as of this past Tuesday. If they keep Cena in serious mode, being a bit unsettled & intimidated by Wyatt's bizarre nature, have Cena take Wyatt seriously and not have him cracking lame jokes as if he's Wyatt isn't a serious threat; then this could be a fun feud.

Daniel Bryan vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE officials want this match to happen, but it's all down to HBK and if he wants to do it. HBK coming out of retirement for "one more match" has a good vibe to it, in my opinion. IF HBK agrees to do the match, I'd personally like to see a little angle done in which Daniel Bryan confronts The Undertaker to sort of, I guess, ask his blessing. Taker's an old school guy and so is Bryan in a lot of ways, so I just think it'd be a cool moment if Bryan went up to Taker man to man, out of respect and asked him if it'd be cool with him for Bryan to have a shot at HBK since Taker is the one who retired him. HBK's music could hit, his dander could get up and his nose bent all out of shape that someone has the audacity to ask someone else if it's okay for him to come out of retirement. This could lead to an in-ring confrontation between Bryan & HBK, maybe breaking down into a brawl after Taker says Yes, the crowd would probably be chanting Yes, and as Bryan & HBK are at each other's throats all the way up the ramp, with officials tryin' to pull them apart, Brock Lesnar comes through the crowd behind Taker, spins him around and delivers an F-5.
I don't see the need for any of the part-timers bar the Streak challenger having full matches at WM. The card is stacked as it is and in addition to quite a few Main Eventers being available, the Up and Coming talent need to be pushed as the WWE has a golden chance to get over quite a few of the younger guys or rather all of them if they do the right programs( the Shield, the Wyatts, Big E Langston and Cody Rhodes). Those I mentioned all are under-30 years old and are the Future of the Company in the long-run. Four great matches can be booked using those guys easily.

The Legends can have cameos and maybe an ensemble tag match. Have Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior team with 2 Current stars in a tag match, or maybe just have a Tag match filler with Hogan,Warrior,Flair and Piper/ the Rock and Stone Cold. Some variation involving those guys for the nostalgia effect of WM30.

My WM Card(At Present,subject to changes):

WWE Divas title Dark Match: AJ Lee(c) vs Tamina Snuka

WWE Tag Titles: Wyatts(Harper & Rowan)(c) vs Real Americans vs the Usos vs Dolph Ziggler & Kofi Kingston

US title: Dean Ambrose(c) vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins

IC title: Mark Henry(c) vs Big E Langston

CM Punk vs Triple H

John Cena vs the Wyatt family

the Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

WWE World Heavyweight title: Batista(c) vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

(Fill in one nostalgia filler match-up somehow, maybe involving both Hogan and Ultimate Warrior in tag team action perhaps).

Also I haven't found a way to add Sheamus in, nor possible Y2J/the Rock appearances. Would have loved a Rock vs Taker (Career vs Streak match-up) to happen, but doubt it will.
A good way to add Sheamus in, is to have him return at WM itself and interfere somehow in one of the matches. Just a thought.
Sheamus will return at the Royal Rumble, he is ready to return, Vince holding back for a push leading to Mania 30
A lot of people seem against Brock vs Batista because of the way Brock vs Goldberg flunked. This is completely different, Brock aqnd Goldberg were both leaving the company, Batista and Brock are full time and part time respectively. Both will still appear after the event. I see this happening at Summerslam though. WWE will save this as Mania will sell itself without these two monsters going at it.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Brock Lesnar

I honestly think it could be Cena vs Brock for the Title now. Their last match was superb and I have no issues with a rematch. Hopefully Brock goes over this one and has a short run as Champion like The Rock did. Brock is the biggest name in WWE right now and having him hold the new title makes it more legit than ever.

Streak Match - Undertaker vs Batista

Rumors of Brock vs Taker have plagued us for months. I have no issues with this but think this would be better suited to Mania 31 now Batista is back. Brock doesn't want to come off Mania to a huge loss when Batista is about. They both need to look unstoppable for a potential match up.

Batista is returning full time so he can be built very strongly for this and not suffer in defeat. A few tune up matches and clearing the ring with pay due to that. They had a match at Mania 23 and it was very good so no issues with another on here. Batista can be seen as a legit threat. I would go down face vs face here.

McMahon vs Levesque - CM Punk, Daniel Bryan & The Wyatts vs Triple H, Randy Orton & The Shield

This match is a win win for everybody. I don't see HBK vs Bryan happening. Triple H, Orton and The Shield makes sense as a team as do Punk and Bryan. Adding the Wyatts would be an interesting move and they could turn face over the coming months with Bryan 'brainwashing' them and sacrificing himself week after week to turn them good. Everyone here is already involved in some way so it makes sense. Plus we see The Shield and Wyatts go at it. Throw in Vince and Steph on the outside. HBK as the special guest Ref could add some spice and draw more heat for Hunter. He could cost them the match setting up Triple H vs HBK for Mania 31. That match will happen someday. Trips will be retired by HBK.

Other matches...

Big E Langston vs Mark Henry
Sheamus vs Kane
Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

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