With the WWE youth movement in full effect what Main events are mania worthy?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Its obvious at the moment that the Wwe is in a youth movement. There are few legends left (taker and triple H are the only ones i can think of and they may not make it to mania) Batista is gone, HBK is gone, Jericho may be gone.

There is a thread asking if mania will bomb because of these problems, though i dont believe mania will bomb it did take me a while to think of main events for the mania 27 that would actually be worthy and not be just a complete letdown

my main events are this

Randy Orton vs The Miz(c) WWE Championship
I know what your all thinking, this feud will most likely start by then, but what if it doesn't? what if somehow Randy is screwed out of his rematch by nexus and he feuds with them till the rumble where he wins the rumble match for the second time in his career and takes on Miz. Think of the promos these 2 could have building this match up

Edge(C) vs Heel Christian World Championship
I'll probably get heat for this but both of these man are veterans who can put on a great match and this match has over 10 years worth of build up

If they are back i would also love to see Taker vs HHH 2! it would be easy to set this match up because Taker retired HBK

So what main events do you think are worthy this year? if possible please use something that hasnt already been done 1000 times because if its done too much then it really isnt mania worthy
I don't get when so many people believe The Miz will hold onto the title until WM 27.

I just had to get that out of the way. But I do believe Randy Orton will be WWE Champ by WM. But for WrestleMania quality match that hasn't been seen so many times, CM Punk could be the challenger and heres why:

Now Triple H is most likely gonna return at the Rumble and is the most likely to end up winning, but among all current WWE superstars, CM Punk is the best available who has never won the Rumble. Punk could then choose to face Orton for the WWE Title has he could finally get his revenge for Orton punting him in the head costing him the World Heavyweight Title.

As for the World Heavyweight Title match at WM I do agree that Edge vs. Christian for the title would be the best possible among something different. But with the youth movement, I wouldn't be surprised that it could be Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio.

Otherwise, we most likely will get to see John Cena for the 7th straight WM compete for a World Title.
The new youth brings so much talent but it's obvious that we still like to see those familiar faces in those familiar feuds. There still are great wrestlers with tenure in the WWE, and I can think of some good matches to main event the main event.

Edge vs. Orton
Show vs. Taker
Cena vs. Orton
Taker vs. Edge
Cena vs. Taker

Sadly, there are only 5 names there.
Jericho will be back by then i believe. And they have never done an orton jericho fued. I could actually see jericho vs orton for the title at mania since orton punted him in the head. I would then book cena vs taker as this may be taker's last match, and the wwe would be ******ed not to do this match. Finally, i think it will be kane vs hhh for the whc, maybe with sheamus making it a three way bout. I would somehow make edge come back to reveal the gm of raw, and face nexus to get rid of them.
morrison vs. miz. This would be one of the best workers against one of the best talkers of the young bucks. They both are new to the Main Event scene and if booked right, it could be the best wwe championship match at wrestlemania match since shawn vs cena.
Jericho will be back by then i believe. And they have never done an orton jericho fued. I could actually see jericho vs orton for the title at mania since orton punted him in the head. I would then book cena vs taker as this may be taker's last match, and the wwe would be ******ed not to do this match. Finally, i think it will be kane vs hhh for the whc, maybe with sheamus making it a three way bout. I would somehow make edge come back to reveal the gm of raw, and face nexus to get rid of them.

They Did feud over the WWE title when Jericho returned in 2007!Yeah it ended Quickly with JBL coming out of Retirement and starting a feud with Y2J!

Even i dont believe The Miz would hold the title till WM27.WWE tries to shake things up with their Elimination CHamber PPV.But if Miz is the CHampion(they trying to change the WWE title) heading into WM27 then he should Face Orton and Win.
If Orton is the Champ,It could be MIZ or a Returning Jericho!But i Seriously feel they need to book JoMo and Sheamus well for WM27.

Smackdown : Kane Should be the Champion Heading into Mania,Makes sense if this guy has beaten Taker 3 straight times,shows hez dominant!But if Kane is the Champ i have no idea who he could face off against at WM27.I think Smackdown Should have a triple threat Main event.Christian Edge Kane may be!
Morrison Vs Miz been done before, I wouldn't mind seeing a feud between Orton and Jericho or a Edge vs Jericho match. I would love to see the canadians go at it. I would also love to see Christian get a shot at Edge. Christian and Edge are both golden on the mic this could be an easy build up.
lets jus get this out the way: barring some sudden swift change cena vs taker is almost a lock becuz its the best way to turn cena heel and end takers streak. now as for the 2 title matches i wanna see something new but lets face it mania real isnt a time to gamble i would love to see miz vs orton vs HHH vs jericho for the wwe title and edge vs christian. i also would love to see a MITB match with ziggler, punk, morrison, kingston, barret, sheamus, del rio, and jack swagger with morrison winning
The Youth Movement is in full effect. But I don't see The Miz carrying the title to 'Mania unless he faces Randy, Cena or another veteran.

HHH will return at the Rumble but I don't see him winning. Orton has probably the best chance of going to 'Mania with the World Title. Punk might as well if he recovers from injury. Cena could possibly be in the title picture, possibly against The Miz as there has been a small feud between the two previously. As far as 'Taker goes, I say if he ain't ready for 'Mania, keep him off the card altogether.

You could have Orton or Otunga or Cena vs Barrett at 'Mania. Each of them has a reason to face Barrett and settle things and move on to other angles. I think Nexus needs to be taken back to that point where there were 6 or 7 of them in the faction. If Creative keeps the Hart Dynasty together it would be good to see the two factions feuding. Or maybe create another faction to compete against Nexus (and that new faction shouldn't contain Main Eventers.) I can't remember 2 factions feuding since DX vs The Nation. Their series of matches helped elevate HHH and The Rock. (Be serious, DX vs Spirit Squad was crap. DX was always going to own SS.) It would be good to see if Nexus could get a tag title run and even win the US and Intercontinental belts in the same way Evolution dominated.

I've seen in other threads that some people suggested Truth win the Rumble but that's insane. At the moment he's mid-carder at best.

An Edge vs Christian for the World Title would be awesome and could really carry 'Mania. But I think for that to happen they need to get that storyline happening now, otherwise I'd like to see that 'Mania 2012 with a great build-up. Christian has been around for long time now and is more than ready to be catapulted into the World Title scene. It would also give SD another main eventer.

Rhodes and Di Biase aren't ready to be elavated but with a decent push could dominate the US/Intercontinental scene. Then after a few title runs, push them for the World Title if they've developed their skills.

As for MITB at 'Mania, it should go back to how it was originally. 1 match, 1 case, 1 winner.
I reckon it will either be Orton Vs Miz at WM for the WWE champion or CM Punk Vs Orton, if the Punk Vs Orton happens I reckon we could see a hardcore match between Miz and JoMo, I believe that match could get a lot of hype and JoMo could really make that match great.

But if Orton Vs Miz I reckon Punk will face HHH, it hasn't been done before I believe and could be really interesting. JoMo will probably win the MITB if that all happens.

On Smackdown I reckon Edge Vs Christian for World title and Undertaker Vs Kane (Hell in A Cell). Or Kane Vs Edge Vs Christian and Taker vs Cena.

They are the only matches I see, also possibly Big Show facing a random celebrity. Also there is still the slim chance of Lesnar Vs Taker. So WWE do have options, let's just see which option or options they choose.
I think the one match that has to happen at Wrestlemania 27 is Undertaker vs John Cena, regardless of this youth movement and all. he next Wrestlemania may well be the worst purely because a lot of talent is out and there is doubt surrounding the whole event. I wouldn't pay out to see Mania next year because I would have to travel far and the cost of that wouldn't be worth it yet. I wouldn't see some of my favourite superstars, potentially. That's the main problem that WWE have. They're missing people and people don't wanna risk paying out to see something without at least something being advertised. Mania is the type of event you hype up over months not make a surprise card like 2 weeks before.

To bring up ticket sales, they need to announce something.. anything. A big name to return for one match or just to show up. Also they need to risk booking matches never seen before. Aka Cena vs Taker. They also need to have some youth there and just have something big go down.

If Undertaker is fit to return then WWE NEEDS to take the big jump and risk it. Have Cena main event with Taker because the outcome may be inevitable, but the build up would be immense. The match itself would not be amazing for wrestling, because Taker is older and nowhere near as good as he once was, and Cena isn't the best but he's the entertainment factor. It has the ability to steal the show though and go down in history because as I said, it's never been done before. To draw sales for tickets and PPV buys, WWE have to step into the unknown and do something never been done before. Taker Vs Cena is one of those things and I think it's worth the risk. It's easier to be done than having Vince pay a large sum of money to present celebrities at Wrestlemania 27.

Let's face it, using the current roster in WWE, what singles match has the possibility to draw more than 93,173 attendance? IMO, it's only Taker vs Cena at WM 27 if Taker can defeat HBK and Cena can defeat Batista this year. Being held in Georgia Dome with Cena (as we knew it) booked as an irresistible force ever since his run as an icon against Taker who is booked as an immovable object at Wrestlemania for nearly 2 decades in the second largest domed structure in this world?

The attention this match could garner is unimaginable, and the hype would be out of this planet. WWE would be an idiot to avoid booking this match again if Taker goes 18-0 and Cena defeats Batista this year. Let's face it, no other matches come close. Not Taker vs Sheamus or Taker vs Wade Barrett. And of course not another Cena vs Orton or Cena vs HHH for the millionth time. Even IWC virgins & WWE No Balls Board Directors have to admit Cena is the biggest draw and threat for The Streak, more so than Jericho, Punk, Sheamus, or Ted DiBiase Jr all combined.

The Undertaker vs John Cena at Wrestlemania XXVII IS the match that needs to happen in order to capitalize this era, regardless who wins. Taker vs Triple H CANNOT capitalize this era, but Taker vs Cena CAN. Sure, there are big man wrestlers type mid-carders (i.e: Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Ezekiel Jackson, and Vance Archer) in WWE currently. But let's face it, The Undertaker could never carry giants into a legendary match at Wrestlemania. Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, Big Show, A-Train, and Mark Henry proved that.

Sure, Masked Kane, Diesel, Sid, and Batista proved otherwise. But look at the record, 4 out of 10 giants? Less than half right? Why would throw another 50:50 chance with a no name? You want to witness another bad match for The Streak after five failures?

So yes, a match against Undertaker can not hurt his rep any more then it currently is. Also Cena being booked would actually have people on edge because people know the WWE might book him to win. more surprising then Henry vs Taker anyway

Believe me, Undertaker vs Sheamus or Undertaker vs Barrett (which won't happen) alone can never draw even half of 93,173 attendance. But with Undertaker vs Cena next year, it's a different story. Atalanta was WCW's base, and since this year's crowd was a funeral one WWE would be killed without booking the match of a lifetime.

Besides, Taker vs HHH won't be able to top their match at WM 17. I noticed Taker vs HHH at WM X-7 was a classic cause it was during the swansong of The Attitude Era, so the match was brutal (much like a street fight than a normal match) which saw both men brawling throughout the arena using weapons. The match turned out great because both men were brawlers and Attitude Era, whether you like it or not, bring the best out of the brawlers like Stone Cold, Triple H, and Undertaker.

Now, in PG, everything has been watered down. They couldn't use weapons anymore, they couldn't brawl inside the crowd anymore. Undertaker is injured as we knew it. HHH isn't a technical masterpiece so the match wouldn't be a technical classic like Edge vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXIV. And not taking anything from him, but Hunter is nowhere near Shawn Michaels or Undertaker in terms of in ring psychology. So, if the match happens it will surely not touch Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXV & XXVI which witnessed the crowds greatly contributed to the match. Long story short, Undertaker vs Triple H at WM X-7 was the best the two could provide when they were paired. Their latter matches together in King Of The Ring 2002, Insurextion 2002, Smackdown!, and Elimination Chamber didn't even come close to their Wrestlemania X-7 performance. Besides, The Undertaker has proved in 2 different occasions he always failed to emulate or surpass his previous Wrestlemania match when he was given the same opponent on the same show. The first evidence being Undertaker vs Kane at WM 20, which wasn't even one fifth as good as their legendary match at WM 14. The second is Taker vs HBK this year which was obviously inferior compared to their match last year. So, considering Taker got better chemistry with HBK & Kane than he got with HHH, if his match with HHH is done again surely it would only make their second math look inferior to their first, because if Taker couldn't do it with HBK & Kane whom he got legendary chemistry with, what makes anyone think he could do it with HHH? Someone whom he got inferior chemistry compared to Kane and HBK.

That's why I can't understand why people fancy this possible match-up. And the way I see it, this possible rematch, career vs streak or not, is futile. Not to mention HHH can't possibly give new name or new credibility for The Streak. His name is already written on it. New credible face like John Cena is more welcomed and would give fresher match for The Streak next year. Surely this match could draw more than matches like Undertaker vs Wade Barrett or Undertaker vs Sheamus or The Miz vs John Cena or John Cena vs Randy Orton again.

Whether WWE likes it or not, Taker vs Cena is the only saving grace for Wrestlemania 27 to not suffer no sold out crowd and declining buyrate for 3 Wrestlemanias in a row. The ticket sales are looking horrible for WM 27 so far, they need to book Taker vs Cena ASAP.
They Did feud over the WWE title when Jericho returned in 2007!Yeah it ended Quickly with JBL coming out of Retirement and starting a feud with Y2J!

Even i dont believe The Miz would hold the title till WM27.WWE tries to shake things up with their Elimination CHamber PPV.But if Miz is the CHampion(they trying to change the WWE title) heading into WM27 then he should Face Orton and Win.
If Orton is the Champ,It could be MIZ or a Returning Jericho!But i Seriously feel they need to book JoMo and Sheamus well for WM27.

Smackdown : Kane Should be the Champion Heading into Mania,Makes sense if this guy has beaten Taker 3 straight times,shows hez dominant!But if Kane is the Champ i have no idea who he could face off against at WM27.I think Smackdown Should have a triple threat Main event.Christian Edge Kane may be!

yeah, but i wouldnt really call that a fued. it was more of a set up for jericho vs jbl, and really a way to get jbl out of retirement. it was like, jericho is back, he gets a title shot because he is exciting, looses to start his real fued.

they would do a great fued i think because both are so callous. it would be pretty interesting.
I'd have Cena V Barrett - I think they can stretch this out a few more months. I don't think Miz will retain till WM but I kinda hope he does and we see Miz V JoMo. On the other side I'd like to see Kane V Alberto Del Rio. They can somehow work a Sheamus Orton feud in the next few months to lead up to WM, while keeping HHH Taker as an option. (another option I'd like to see is Taker V Nexus)

Let's face it - the 8 guys in KOTR on Monday are the future of WWE alongside Ziggler and maybe DHS and Tyson, and Mason Ryan and Jackson Andrews. Any of those 8 guys in the main event of WM would suit me.
WWE Title Scramble Match: Miz(c) vs Orton vs Cena vs Morrison vs R-Truth. It's never been done at Mania and could help fill up some spots.

World Title TLC Match: Edge(c) vs Christian (Royal Rumble Winner). The feud has been done (during the invasion angle I think) but now it's about the big prize and the fact that Christian has been living in Edge's shadow. Great promos/story.

Undertaker/Kane vs Nexus (Barrett, Gabriel, Slater, McGuillicuty, Harris)-Kane turns face before Mania (Don't ask how) and starts fueding with Nexus which leads to Kane revealing that the Undertaker is returning to get revenge. It would be a 5 on 2 handicap match so it would add that "maybe the streak is over" factor to the match.

Triple H vs Sheamus II-Revenge/Grudge match. (Triple H probably returns around rumble time and goes after "King Sheamus" right away. They both get put into the chamber match at EC and then carry the fued to Mania.

US Title Match: Daniel Bryan(c) vs CM Punk-C'mon, who doesn't want to see these 2 in the ring together. Before he got injured, it looked like Punk was ready to get into a fued with Bryan too...

These are some matches I could definately see happening and I'd pay to see.
There is no one from the youth movement I'm particularly excited to see at Mania. Let's recap. Drew Macintyre was angled as "the chosen one". He came in and beat the crap out of R-Truth to get over. What's happened since? He crawls under the ring like a little bitch and gets beat all the time. Lame.

Then we got the members of Nexus. Each of them as individuals come off as jobbers. None have credibility as skillful wrestlers. So who wants to see them? What about Sheamus? There's some potential there, but WWE has done a poor job building him as a formidable force, especially for the Undertaker. I think Ezekiel Jackson has potential, if only the WWE would let him speak on the mic, give him some nice suites, and let him totally anniliate Kane.

WWE is doing an aweful job building the youth. None have been situated as formidable competitors. Their champion The Miz is less of a maniacle heel and more of a whiny nerd from high school with a point to prove. And whatever happened to gimmicks, like IRS, Sgt. Slaughter, Doink the clown. That stuff works. It gives wrestlers identity. Josh Koscheck has more personality as a villian than The Miz, and Koscheck isn't required to act. Basically, WWE is letting these superstars' true personality ring out when most have no personality.
morrison vs. miz. This would be one of the best workers against one of the best talkers of the young bucks. They both are new to the Main Event scene and if booked right, it could be the best wwe championship match at wrestlemania match since shawn vs cena.

i completely agree....Forgive me for not riding the Miz's genitals like the rest of the IWC, but i still cannot take him seriously as a "wrestler". To me he's still the real world guy and a wannabe wrestler, but das another story for another thread. My point here is, that the Miz has yet to show me that he can put on a solid match, period. i think he best performance was with jerry lawler last monday. So putting him in the ring with john morrison, morrison can make him look really good. BUT only if its booked right

i say morrison ends up winning a title shot at the miz (not by the royal rumble) and then they go on to have a feud simular to that of cena/batista, where they would what shoot on each other from real life situations. WWE can highlight where they both came from and how they got to where they are at. Miz from the real world and Morrison from tough enough and everything they had been thru together...now its time to see, who is truly the best and who truly is the future of the wwe..
Il start off by saying Taker v Cena should not happen yet. It should happen in 2012 20-0 retirement it needs to happen and will make that WM Massive .

Now as for match to happen that are new but Big Feeling Matchs

One that i think should happen and could be good is Big Show Vs Sheamus the worlds largest Athlete Vs Celtic Warrior both have Size and are good in the ring and it wont be your typical big man vs big man match, I can see it being a good wrestling match with 2 powerful superstars

Another good one would be Cody Vs Ted in a title Unification they can get them to win the US & Inter and have a feud over whos the better champion ending in the WM matc

Like somone else said a proper well done Miz v Jomo match and maybe make it a loser leaves raw match as be good to move one of them to SD (JoMo) then maybe have a 2012 Champion Vs Champion

Also a Punk Vs Bryan match would be amazing the match would no doubt steal the show

Il have to agree with everyone about Edge Vs Chritian if its done right another amazing match

Then maybe a Barrat v Orton v Cena WWE Championship match as they all have beef with each other
Its obvious at the moment that the Wwe is in a youth movement. There are few legends left (taker and triple H are the only ones i can think of and they may not make it to mania) Batista is gone, HBK is gone, Jericho may be gone.

There is a thread asking if mania will bomb because of these problems, though i dont believe mania will bomb it did take me a while to think of main events for the mania 27 that would actually be worthy and not be just a complete letdown

my main events are this

Randy Orton vs The Miz(c) WWE Championship
I know what your all thinking, this feud will most likely start by then, but what if it doesn't? what if somehow Randy is screwed out of his rematch by nexus and he feuds with them till the rumble where he wins the rumble match for the second time in his career and takes on Miz. Think of the promos these 2 could have building this match up

Edge(C) vs Heel Christian World Championship
I'll probably get heat for this but both of these man are veterans who can put on a great match and this match has over 10 years worth of build up

If they are back i would also love to see Taker vs HHH 2! it would be easy to set this match up because Taker retired HBK

So what main events do you think are worthy this year? if possible please use something that hasnt already been done 1000 times because if its done too much then it really isnt mania worthy

I'm sorry but I could never justify buying a Wrestlemania where The Miz is in the main event. Defend his mic skills all you want, his matches are crap and unless he's fighting someone who can absolutely carry him he can't put on a show worththe fifty bucks I'd be shelling out.

I think straight-edge hit the nail on the head with Orton vs CM Punk, that match would be amazing.

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