RAW & Smackdown before Wrestlemania


Dark Match Jobber
***What should happen on the last Raw and Smackdown
before Wrestlemania?

-I think we should all be left wondering what the main-event at 'Mania will be!

---I think Raw before 'Mania should end with a huge brawl featuring all the top guys in a huge tag match!
---I would like to see Jericho, Batista, & HBK vs Edge, Cena, & Taker!
---Have the ones feuding pair off and fight in the crowd.
---Why not even have Sheamus come out and cause a DQ, only for HHH to then come out!

---I think Smackdown before 'Mania should end with HBK destroying 'Taker only for 'Taker to "sit up" as the cameras go dark!
---I also think on the last Smackdown before 'Mania that Edge should NOT spear Jericho.
---He can spear Jericho at 'Mania, but NOT on the last Smackdown!

***No one knows for sure what the last match will be, but we all agree that
it will either be Edge/Jericho, HBK/'Taker, or Cena/Batista.
no..no..no..NO you're all wrong dude.

---I think Raw before 'Mania should end with a huge brawl featuring all the top guys in a huge tag match!

We already have a tag team match, WWE won't make Raw feature two tag team matches, and not of this size neither, I have my doubts that I need to say much more about this.

---I would like to see Jericho, Batista, & HBK vs Edge, Cena, & Taker!

No thank you, as D-man so nicely put it in another thread on this forum, superstars should try to avoid much contact in feuds before the PPV itself, besides HBK going against Undertaker at some point in the match is bound to happen, something I don't want to be seeing BEFORE the actual PPV, hell I don't wanna see these guys square off in an official match before Wrestlemania.
Yes I know Batista vs John Cena has already ruined the above mentioned, but hell I could probably live with just that, but the two others, no thank you.

---Have the ones feuding pair off and fight in the crowd.

Would cause too much spread out chaos, would cause alot of people to loose track of the match, and would eventually grow into one big boring mess.

---Why not even have Sheamus come out and cause a DQ, only for HHH to then come out!

Why not? I'll give you a why not, because he's already been in a match prior to that one if you're gonna want it to be the main event.
Certainly we've seen other times where someone causes a disqualification from interference after he's been in a match, doesn't need to see it all the time all thou.

---I think Smackdown before 'Mania should end with HBK destroying 'Taker only for 'Taker to "sit up" as the cameras go dark!

Again, please, no contact before Wrestlemania, besides I have my doubts Shawn Michaels is just gonna be destroying Undertaker like that, for him to sit back up, would end up leaving not much to the imagination at Wrestlemania, I like things being left to the imagination at times.

---I also think on the last Smackdown before 'Mania that Edge should NOT spear Jericho.

Wow, I agree with you.
Yes Edge should not hit the spear on the last Smackdown, because I actually wanna see Jericho gain some momentum, and I must admit I cheered a bit as I saw Edge get slammed by the title belt last week.
So pretty much your saying, that you want to see RAW and SD riot for the whole show.

I think Raw before 'Mania should end with a huge brawl featuring all the top guys in a huge tag match!

Pete Rose already made a handicap tag team match for RAW next week, HHH/Orton Vs Legacy/Sheamus. And WWE won't create another tag team match in the same show.

I would like to see Jericho, Batista, & HBK vs Edge, Cena, & Taker!

They really need to save all that energy until Wrestlemania. You might see them in the show, but they will not wrestle until WrestleMania.

Have the ones feuding pair off and fight in the crowd.

Yeah right you really think that Vince will allow that. There is no point for them to be out in the crowd fighting, Wasting there enegy.

Why not even have Sheamus come out and cause a DQ, only for HHH to then come out!

Sheamus and Legacy will be in the mainevent against HHH and Orton. They might get DQ, But thats it. I really don't think that they will go all the way. That will be just a waste of time.

I think Smackdown before 'Mania should end with HBK destroying 'Taker only for 'Taker to "sit up" as the cameras go dark!

HBK might come out and call out Taker like always, But the match in wrestlemania will be a major match between these two legends. I really don't think that HBK will come out and destroy Taker. If that some how happends it's a major risk for them, They could get Injured and we don't want that to happend.

I also think on the last Smackdown before 'Mania that Edge should NOT spear Jericho.

The spear got old and boring, so I really don't care if he spears him or not. Also if Y2J get's a spear by Edge this will give Jericho some momentum and we don't want that to happend.

He can spear Jericho at 'Mania, but NOT on the last Smackdown!

Trust me he will, he will beat the living hell out of him. And Edge will become the new World Heavyweight Champion.
I would honestly liked to have seen HHH vs HBK

If HBK is leaving then we should see some classics. They had a decent HBK/Y2J match and I think HBK vs HHH shouldve ended Raw with HBK saying he wants Hunter to bring the best out of him as his ultimate preparation for Sunday

have Taker attack Triple H after the match as a message to Shawn after Shawn wins and he & Triple H huge each other, maybe the lights go off a Triple H is hugging Taker and Taker chokeslams him

something anyhow

That would set up HHH/Taker on SD! as big match

so HHH/HBK on Raw & HHH/Taker on SD!

That makes a big Raw & SD! before WM imo

and you still have big matches in a potential Orton/Cena vs Legacy match on Raw (remember the surprisingly good team work of RKCena)

Batista/Sheamus maybe on Raw

And on SD! Jericho, Miz & Bigshow vs Edge, John Morrison & R-Truth

I think those are cool enough matches for the last Raw & SD!
I'd love to see DiBiase turn on Rhodes as well. Just to get rid of this teaming up mentality considering its now a triple threat match. Have them destroy Orton in the tag match and while Sheamus is dealing with HHH have Dibiase hit Dream Street on Rhodes!! Will give him some credibility going in Mania.

I have a feeling that HBK wont do much so is 100% for mania because he's gonna need to be to pull of a match that gets even close to last year.

Surely they'll feature some good matches with the MITB guys. Get Christian some airtime on RAW because he's already getting lost. Perhaps have Kane destroy some of the guys and really make it look like he's gonna be hard to beat (even though we all know he wont win)

Plus lets gets some interaction between Morrison and MIZ please. Really amp up this rivalry a bit or else the match is and will turn into a filler on the card. Maybe one of MIZ's 'Rock-esque' promos are in order. I thought we'd see a lot more cockiness from him considering the 3 belts he has.

Cena will cut one of his 'superman' promos that Vince loves so much and Batista will interrupt like normal.

I have a feeling that Vince will try something to give him the advantage against Bret Hart.... maybe bring someone into his corner or a special referee or something. I was really hoping for a massive 'Vince screwed Vince' chant at the end of RAW this week but it didn't happen.
they still need build up for legacy's feud. Also another thing, someone tell me why exactly everyone saw the breakup of legacy inevitable. has they're ever been a tag team that have retired together since 2000 onwards.

To me the legacy feud is nothing of the sort ready for wrestlemania.
Ted pinning Orton needed to be worked on but instead an attack on ted was all orton did. He needed to punt someone!

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