2009 WWE Draft Announced

I think a couple of mid-card and main event swaps would benefit Raw more than anything else. Raw's mid-card lacks any real charisma, or a worker thats great on the mic. The main event needs freshing up for Cena to continue to have intresting feuds- Edge/Undertaker feuds are the two that would be the biggest draws. Aside from that HBK or Jericho to smackdown looks a pretty safe bet, if they are serious about getting it to the same level as Raw.
I'm glad they're doing the Draft earlier this year. The Draft is always interesting, and a good ratings getter, so hopefully with the Draft they'll be able to continue the ratings momentum they get from WM.
Undertaker to Raw:
In place of Shawn Michaels, Raw needs another big name, and who better than the Deadman himself? He's been on Smackdown since the show debuted in 2002, I believe. I think it's time for a change and this can only be a positive move for both HBK and Undertaker, as we all love fresh feuds.

I've finally decided to correct everyone who's said that Undertaker has been on SD! since the brand split.

Those of us with decent memories will remember that when the brand split first started in 2002, not long after the Invasion angle ended and Jericho won the Undisputed title, when Vince and Ric Flair were co-owners of the WWE, Ric Flair's #1 draftee was in fact the Undertaker.... TO RAW!!!!!!! which sent Taker into a furious rage in Vince's office, because it was the exact opposite of what Taker wanted, and led he and Flair into their WM match.

Several months down the line, when the Undisputed title was split into 2 again, when Brock was signed to appear only on SD!, and they had HHH v Taker to decide Raw's 1st WHC, Lesnar interfered, costing Taker the match, allowing HHH to finally get a pinfall victory on television over the Deadman, and Taker then moved to SD! to get revenge on Brock and challenge for the new WWE title.

And i chose this post because specifically, because Smackdown has been going on since 1999 Rust, not 2002.
A lot of ppl seem to say that Taker moved to Raw is a good idea, which i agree. He has been the face of SD for a long time, now Edge is the face of SD. I think he would welcome the move and it will be one of the "major moves" afterall he is one of the only major names not to switch brands in a draft.

I don't think HBK will move which means he may, but HBK is really raw MVP and they need an veteran that is adaptable. Jericho should move and re-establish himself as a main event talent and not fear being cena bitch anymore.

Kane should go to ECW and hopefully win the title. Koslov will go to raw, Miz and Morrison will be split, that's the only way to end their tag team respectfully. Matt will go to raw, they need some good heels and I don't know what will happen with him after him and Jeff are done on SD. And Big show should move to raw.
was triple h's draft to smackdown just so that the family would be more settled for the year? if so could triple h be going back to raw? meaning that another top face would be needed on smackdown, what if Cena were to be drafted to smackdown? he's had fueds with pretty much everyone on raw and on smackdown he could fued with undertaker, jeff, kennedy, koslov etc giving him a fresh start, possible?
Well I am going to take a shot at this, The idea I had running through my head is put the muscle on Raw and technichal/flyers on SD! as main eventers. So that being said I would to see the draft go like this.

Raw Gets

SD Gets
Knox (he could be Edge's hired hitman, plus Kane is Raw no need for two bully's)

Regal (i like this idea alot, can be a teacher/main eventer)
Kenndrick (no other plus for him then there right now)
bring DH and Joe Henning
For me this draft will be very exciting. I liked last years alot. I mean Jeff and HHH to SD was genius. This year will be intresting. I am only going to list 2 I cant think of many atm. I can not see who will be drafted to SD either because they all ready have great main eventers over there.

Taker- I hope this happens. With Taker being on SD since it ever started. Him going to Raw could actually start the HBK and Taker feud because it looks like that wont be happening at WM25 any more. He could also feud with Jericho ( would be amazing as well) and even the well anticipated Cena and Taker feud we are all waiting for now. It would be about time Taker goes onto the "A" show with now HHH and Edge on SD.

Matt Hardy- Matt Hardy was last on the Raw brand during 2005 and he had a awesome feud then with Edge. Hardy could still feud with Jeff when he gets drafted to Raw. Then he could have some decent feuds on Raw as well. Imagine a Mysterio and Hardy feud or Batista and Hardy feud. Could be good, not great but good.

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