2009 WWE Draft Announced

I think that after last year, this year we wont see any major changes involving WWE HeavyWeight Titles...

So with that sad, I do believe that someone as MVP need to be drafted but I don't see him going to Monday Night RAW, unfortunately, he may be heading to ECW to be one of the top faces of the brand.

Altough I don't believe that Vince wants to make ECW credible enough as the third brand, probably they will add some in-ring talent like so many of you have said, The Brian Kendrick, but I see him drafting all by himself, to push him and push Ezekiel as a SmackDown! superstar (he will do the same path as Kozlov, winning streak just to lose to some main-event washed up guy that doesn't need a push... wow, I just described Triple H), in the other hand, Kozlov will go to RAW to feud with John Cena and perhaps doing the same job as Mike Knox, by that, I mean jobbing to Rey Mysterio.

We will probably have a Supplemental Draft and I see almost every Diva changing brands, and they could change the titles, sending Divas Title to RAW and Womens Championship to SmackDown!, but it would make even more sense to send of one of the female divisions to ECW, so they could have developmental territory for the Divas on TV, too.

I don't see Undertaker or HBK changing brands, and I predict that Christian Cage will be heading to one of the other two brands, but not on the normal Draft only on the Supplemental Draft (they will probably make some interesting match at RAW with Edge tagging with Christian or fighting each other, but I don't see almost any ECW superstar winning a match for his brand on the draft... that's just the way WWE works)...

Diva's Championship
Michelle McCool
Jillian Hall
Eve Torres
Kelly Kelly
The Briand Kendrick
William Regal

Christian Cage
The Miz
John Morrison (perhaps they will split them at the draft)

To SmackDown!:
Jamie Noble
Kofi Kingston
CM Punk
Mike Knox

If you think Kelly Kelly and Maria are coming off of either of the Big Two....then you're not allowed to post here anymore. They are the FACES of The Women's Division. Kelly is in line for a HUGE Raw run this year. And let's face it, take Maria off Smackdown and the "woof" factor rises to new levels.

I have a bad feeling about Jericho going to Smackdown. If that were to happen, and Edge, HHH, Shelton, Show, Taker....even Christian...end up all on Smackdown--WHY would I even bother watching Raw anymore? What is left for Orton to do? Feud with a subpar wrestler like JBL(who just seriously needs to go. He draws no money for that company and cannot perform anything close to a watchable wrestling match yet, for some reason, gets shoved down our throats time and time again) or Cena for a year?

I'm not 12 and I'm not a girl, so John Cena fucking sucks. He's a bad wrestler and an even worse actor (and I don't even mean his movies). He's actually ANNOYING to watch.....like X-Pac annoying. If you ask me, in a perfect world, I would LOVE for Jericho to take the face rout and have a very extensive feud with Orton on Raw. Not a thrown together one that lasts a month like their first one. I'm talking one that culminates with one of them winning next year's rumble and facing the other in...perhaps a ladder match at WM 26.

Draft we SEE on Raw:

1- Punk to Smackdown
2- MVP and/or Shelton to Raw (whichever ends up with the belt)
3- Christian goes to Smackdown
4- Kendrick goes back to ECW
5- JBL goes to ECW
6- JR back to Raw- (Cole can go fuck himself wherever he ends up)
7- Big Show to Raw
8- Kane to Smackdown
9- Don't be surprised if one of the Hardy's move
10- For that matter don't be SHOCKED if both Edge and Cena switch shows

the little ones they have afterward: Bourne to Raw. Candice to SD. Maria to Raw. McCool to Raw. Glamarella (all 3) to SD. Kofi could relocate. Ziggler could relocate.

For those of you saying Miz and Morrison should switch shows......does anyone REALLY know which show they're on now????? They wrestle on all 3 on a regular basis. What's the point of having different brands if you're going to cross them up ever week. It's stupid.
I really think it would be nice to see Jericho move to SD, and maybe have MVP move to Raw, and Manu to ECW. I dunno...I hate thinking LOL
Here are my choices on who should switch brands.

Jericho to Smackdown- He needs a brand change & it could give him new people to feud with like Taker(if he don't switch brands, Triple H again(if he don't switch brands), etc.

Triple H to RAW- I somehow see this happening if they continue the McMahons/Orton storyline after Wrestlemania just so they can have him defend his in-laws & fight Orton for the World Heavyweight Title(I definitely see Orton winning at Wrestlemania.

MVP to RAW- he doesn't really have anything left to prove on Smackdown & RAW would be a fresh start for him.

Kendrick or Ezekial Jackon to ECW- Either one of these two will work as it could make Jackson pair with Henry & Atlas or it could give Kendrick a chance at the ECW Title.
If you think Kelly Kelly and Maria are coming off of either of the Big Two....then you're not allowed to post here anymore. They are the FACES of The Women's Division. Kelly is in line for a HUGE Raw run this year. And let's face it, take Maria off Smackdown and the "woof" factor rises to new levels.
For some reason I said move one of the diva's division to ECW. I mean, if they want them to showcase their talent, which by the way is not enough to be where they are, they need to put them on a show they could have matches every single week and even two if they do on singles divas match and one mixed tag team matches, and it would spice things up a bit on ECW, and let them, Divas, win some credibility and would help also newcomers getting over with a valet or with someone with a new gimmick, like TJ Wilson aka Tyson Kidd that has Natalya (with makes sense for them to be together, not like Alicia Fox and DJ Gabriel, but that is something else do discuss).

In the other hand you win too with SmackDown! or RAW without one of the divisions, because then, the show without womens division would put much more effort to make their Midcard Championship mean more, and they could also unite the tag belts and make it an all WWE Division, because Miz and Morrison are right now in every single show, so it won't make any difference for the normal viewer.
I love the draft, and I believe it is a necessary thing each year. It provides fresh feuds, angles, and can really spark a career. Unfortunately, in my area, we don't have MyNetworkTV, so I can't watch episodes of Smackdown. So it's hard for me to want guys like Jericho and Punk sent there, where I couldn't follow them.

That said, here is one guy per show I would switch:

Kofi Kingston to Smackdown!:

Kofi is an incredibly athletic, inventive young star. As a face on Smackdown, I believe he would be a fantastic addition to the U.S. title picture, with Shelton, R-Truth, and The Brian Kendrick, among others. They could have some very quick, very fun matches for that title.

John Morrison to RAW:

I think, hopefully, that everyone notices that this guy is the next great young star in the WWE. He has a good character, and is one of a kind superstar with an interesting charisma and original style. I say he's ready for a World Title push, but on Raw, he could carry the Intercontinental title brilliantly.

Rey Mysterio to ECW:

I'll be honest, I'm not a huge Rey fan. I think he gets protected too much, and he has an injury bug. On Raw, they consistantly put him with monsters like Kane and Knox, where the feuds and matches just aren't very good. He would be a valuable IC title contender there, but I think he would be even more valuable on ECW. He has a big enough name, and his style would work well with the quick, young guys that are on ECW.
This is what I think should change:

To Raw:
Evan Bourne (from ECW)
Finlay (from ECW)
Undertaker (from Smackdown)
HHH ( from smackdown)
Koslov (from Smackdown)

To Smackdown:

Y2J (from Raw)
Regal (from raw)
Candice (from raw)
Morrison And Miz (from ECW)
Christian ( from ECW)


CM Punk (from Raw)
The Brian Kendrick (from Smackdown)
MVP (from Smackdown)
The Great Khali ( from Smackdown)
R-Truth (from Smackdown)

why would they move cm punk back to ecw when he just came from there in last years draft. hes one of the best mid/main event carders they have. putting him on ecw would be a slap in the face to him and ratings
[Brian Kendrick to ECW[/b] With his push stalled on Smackdown I think he could use a change of scenery. If thy put Kendrick on ECW he would be able to showcase his abilities every week on a show that he could really help. Kendrick at the least would be entertaining on ECW.

Kennedy to RAW - just because I love Kennedy and want to see him on the A show. Kennedy would make a perfect Intercontinental champion on RAW. He's young, talented, and funny. That's something no I-C champ has had in a long time. I'd love to see a Kennedy feud vs CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, or Kofi Kingston. I think he'd bring a lot of buzz to RAW.
rather than say who should go where i'm going to say WHY?

1) they had a draft less than 9 months ago, this shows a major lack of planning

2) they have people switch who they want to anyway (matt hardy on smackdown, miz and morrisson on everything, Paul Burchill on ECW, Natalya now on ECW, oh wait didn't undertaker just wrestle on raw this week)

The draft is great when it's over a year between each one and everyone on each brand has in essence feuded with each other.

again, there is no point, we just had one and people switch brands when needed anyway!
i agree that an undertaker/cena, and an undertaker/jericho feud would be good, but i wouldnt move undertaker to raw. he rules smackdown and hbk wont leave raw so instead of sending him to raw, send jericho and cena to smackdown. send triple h to raw to fill cenas place as a top face. send christian to raw. send kozlov to raw because i think he'd do better there. he's a brutal force and he could have great battles on that show where as smackdowns talent doesnt seem to be fitting for him. send kofi kingston to smackdown for mvp. mvp needs a push and a switch to raw would be good since he's never been there. kofi seems like more of a smackdown guy to my anyways. move eziekel jackson to raw and give him a big psuh. he's got potential similar to bobby lashly except he's less boring. also, move mark henry to raw as he will be boring wherever he goes if he stays for to long so send his ass to raw for batista/henry, kane/henry, and so on and so forth. here is my draft recap:

to smackdown:

chris jericho
john cena
Kofi Kingston

to raw:

triple h
eziekel jackson
mark henry

smackdowns main eventers would be jeff hardy/ john cena/ chris jericho/ undertaker/umaga/ big show/ edge

raws main eventers would be randy orton/ Hbk/ Triple h/ batista/ rey mysterio/ cm punk/ mvp/ kane/ jbl/

smackdown now has amazing potential for outstanding new feuds, and raw has a great blend of attitude, young main eventers mixed with veterans, good heels and good faces
I can't see HBK being drafted to SD due to him being a born-again Christian and the Smackdown taping schedule does not fit with when he attends church.
Cm Punk to SD would be huge if he could fued with Edge for the title and bring Jeff Hardy into the picture culminating in a triple theat Ladder/TLC match for the WWE Championship that would blow the roof of any fuckin event.....and of course John Cena and HHH to Ecw becacuse well fuck them that's why
shut it nolubez

your first idea is good but the hhh and cena bit is a bunch of crap

triple h has been one of the best in the business for ages and john cena may be one of the best performers ever

as for the draft, i do want ecw to get better but get christian and bourne outta there

undertaker to raw
cm punk to sd
tbk and zeek to ecw
mvp to raw
So I took a look at the WWE Superstars pages and came up with a few more.

Charlie Haas to SmackDown would be a good idea. I mean, as a singles wrestler, he'd still get creamed by the competition, but with Shelton there, there's tons of potential to reform the WGTT and spark interest in the tag team division again with one of the better teams of the era coming back. It would get Charlie back on the map and after a year's run or so, he could do well as United States champion if they so choose. Potentially feuding with Benjamin.

I'd pack Ziggler off to ECW unless they have other plans for him. One has to imagine there's something going on - debuting on Raw, being an almost weekly guy, winning damn near all his TV matches. But if there isn't a plan, then why not get him on there. He's actually a good wrestler and his charisma is strong, and a year on ECW could build him up to a great midcard talent.

Might as well send Manu to SmackDown and either push him as a singles guy (he is a damn fine to wrestler) or pair him up with Umaga and run a tag team. One can only dream. But even as a singles guy he'd have great potential as a US Champion there. Of course, the alternative is simply to keep him on Raw and make him IC Champion, but either way. I'd prefer him in the tag team with Umaga.

I think a lot of people will get packed off ECW this year. Christian's time on ECW seems like just a way to shake off ring rust, get him reacquainted with the business and the fans, and probably move him on up. The one issue is that it's nearly guaranteed he'll be ECW Champion after WrestleMania, and with the draft so close...what do they do? Have him vacate 8 days after winning? Ship the title off of him on his last episode of ECW, again about 8 days after WM? But I can't see Christian on ECW after this draft. The same goes for Swagger and Bourne, who almost certainly deserve a move to Raw. I'd pick some good midcarder and put him on ECW to keep some interest in the show for a while - as some have said, Kendrick would certainly be great, as would Koslov. But all in all, I think we'll see Christian on SmackDown and Bourne and Swagger on Raw after the draft, with one or two guys moving in to be the top of the show.

SmackDown has a lot of young guys to move to ECW and get them build up. Braddock and Goldman would do well with a move down, and I wouldn't mind seeing Funaki or Wang Yang go. Could send R-Truth to ECW as well, if they wanted. Not counting the guys I made in my original pick, I don't see a lot of SD guys who would benefit from a move to Raw. Most already there seem to be doing a good job of it.
Raw Picks

The Miz
John Morrison
Triple H
The Undertaker

Explanation Time: First of all this year, everyone is BRAND EXCLUSIVE... that means no "Talent Exchange" simply, it's ******ed to have talent exchange. Well MVP really has no need of staying on SmackDown again on Raw he can have new fresh feuds coming in a face. Using MVP as a High Mid-Carder with a couple of title reigns including and IC and his big push to the top. Miz & Morrison either go seprate ways or dominate as a Tag Team. If Miz & Morrison split, then Miz would stay in IC reign and turn Face. For Morrison he would go on being one of Raw's biggest heel's. Bringing him into a High Mid Carder, leaving Miz as a normal Mid-Carder. Triple H, did pretty shit with SmackDown this year, his best feud was with Hardy & Kozlov. Even though I like The Game, I think he needs to go on Raw, he draws a better fan base on Monday Nights. Last but not least will be the last draft pick for Raw. The Deadman, he will amaze the world with this draft pick. This would catapult Raws ratings with both DX and BOD on one show. Think if Taker has the title, and DX works together to take him out, and Kane helps out. Think about it Drawing BIG attention.

ECW Picks

Ted DiBiase
The Brian Kendirk (bringing along Ezeikel Jackson)

This will defanitley catapult ECW. First change ECW back to 2 hours. And sign more rookies on the show. Have DiBiase be domiant and win the title. DiBiase has alot of talent. Plus he can feud with all the top faces including Finlay & Bourne. Have him and Swagger make an alliance called "Priceless Swagger" or "Priceless All-Americans" or something like that. Secondly The Brian Kendrick, this would create great feuds. Probably with people like Dreamer & Mark Henry. First with Dreamer, Dreamer and Kendrick can fight it off with Big Zeik always helping Kendrick with the victorys. And with Mark Henry taking on Zeik. Basically two big men taking it on. Then once Zeik says for one night for Kendrick can manage him. But Kendrick doesn't show up. Which Zeik will switch with Henry to create "Nation Of Domination 2"
with Ortiz turning heel and joining the group as well. With Ortiz,Henry,Zeik and Atlas as there leader.

SmackDown! Draft Picks

Chris Jericho
Cody Rhodes
Vince McMahon
John Cena

This is a BIG patch of superstars. Christian will come to SmackDown! turn heel and Matt will say sorry to his brother and turns face again. Yup you guessed it, Edge & Christian reunite to take on the Hardyz. This will be SmackDown! Top Main Eventer Tag Team BIG STARS as to Raws DX and BOD thing. And at Survivour Series... for SmackDown vs Raw 4on4 match. It would be DX and BOD taking on Edge,Christian and the Hardyz. Second Pick would be Y2J. Jericho would definiley be one of the top picks for SD! Jericho would obviously feud with top contenders and mid-carders. I would probably give him one Wwe Title. He would definiltey pick up a US and Tag Team titles. Jericho will keep up his heel act and maybe someone shows him an old video of the old Jericho so he dissapears for about 2 months, his hair long again and the old Y2J returns as a face which would pop the ratings. For Rhodes, since DiBiase would be going to ECW, might aas well trade Rhodes as well. For Rhodes, I would keep him in Low-Mid Card range. Maybe with one Tag reign with someone like Shelton. But the REAL reason I would put Rhodes on SD! is for Holly to get resigned but his time with SD! Which would lead to the turning on your partner rivarly. This will have Holly furious what happened at Night Of Champions. This time Holly would pick up the US title which would lead to a Championship match between Rhodes and Holly for the US titles. The same place where Rhodes betrayed Holly a whole year ago. Now for Mr.McMahon, the reason I would trade Mr.McMahon to the B Brand is that he is always on Raw. Never ECW and Never SD! This would defnitley shake up the brand ALOT. Including a good feud with Vickie Guerrero on who should be running the show, which would run in with Edge & Christian which could lead to be a great feud. Also, McMahon can drop more bombshells on SD! now that he's on there like he used to do on Raw. Last person I have to talk about is John Cena. Well Cena was one of my faves on SD! When he was on SD! he was WAYYY more entertaining and more funny. I think he can regenerate the rap theme again. Also he can have a great feud with Kozlov,Edge and his unfinished feud with Christian in 2005. That's why I think he should get drafted.

That's my opinion...

I completely love the fact that they're getting the draft out of the way, directly after WrestleMania. Having it a week after is also a good thing, as you may likely see a lot of Mania rematches on the following weekly shows. (ie. Cena/Orton on Raw, after Mania, or Christian/Swagger on E.C.W. of course assuming those would be Mania matches)

This also adds build-up to the weak portion of the Pay per view schedule. Backlash has always been the "WrestleMinor" and Judgment Day is quickly become a forgotten event. The newly changed "Extreme Rules" will always have it's build as a gimmick ppv. Then you jump into the lead-up to Summerslam, starting with Night of Champions. So I see this as a great way to bring the draft into a part of the year, that needs something bigger.

I don't have many theories on whom may go where, but a couple I'd thought of recently were as follows:

The Undertaker: (to Raw) Since the 2002 brand split in general, the Undertaker has never been on any other show than Smackdown. (barring an appearance) I think the Undertaker going to Raw is well beyond due. This type of move would allow him to no longer be the sole-main face that's overly depended on. (before Triple H. and Edge, Taker was all Smackdown mainly had)

Plus, feuds with the likes of Cena, Jericho, and Shawn Michaels are all matches I firmly believe everyone would love to see. And a reuniting with Kane, added with knowing Taker and Batista can go. And you have a great addition to Raw.

Rey Mysterio: (to E.C.W.) I said it last year, and I'm still firmly confident on it happening this year. Mysterio isn't a Main Event headliner for either of the top two brands, but on E.C.W. he can be the star attraction that the brand needs to pull in fans, especially children.

Add with that, the fact that Mysterio can pretty much work with anyone on the E.C.W. brand (minus Henry) I think that makes him a prime choice to be a top contender for that Heavyweight title, on top of the fact that he can carry with him a bit of "the original" E.C.W.

C.M. Punk: (to Smackdown) He was too big for E.C.W., and too small for Raw. That pretty much leaves one option for him, and that's the middle brand that he could likely strive off of. Punk on Smackdown has every bit the potential to make him a true Main Eventer, and not the half-assed attempt he was on Raw.

Overall Thoughts: First and foremost, the one thing I've read throughout this thread is the assumed move of either Christian or Jack Swagger. I doubt either will move. Both are what E.C.W. needs right now. A top face, and a future (possible major) heel. If anyone is going to move off E.C.W., it'll be Finlay who I could possibly see going to either Raw, or Smackdown, to mainly just be another filler. As well as possibly Mark Henry to Raw, to play the role of the monster heel.

I can have hope that the likes of an M.V.P. will move from Smackdown to Raw, but the truth is.. would it benefit him? Maybe with an Intercontinental run, but nothing major. Not unless they completely rehaul the entire Main Event list of performers. Meanwhile, Mr. Kennedy needs to stay exactly where he is, on Smackdown. Why? Because he had a massive failure of a run on Raw. (mixed with roids and injury, mind you)

Outside of those thoughts, I don't have many others right now. But that's always likely to change within the next few minutes, hours, days and weeks.
I couldn't disagree more with anything your post says. You want to split up Priceless and the Legacy? Have fun with that. You want Matt Hardy to end a heel turn a month into it????? Have fun with that, too. Y2J going to SD would suck....he's one of the VERY few reasons I still watch Raw.
Great! I'm glad to read this. Especialy since it's after Wrestlemania. The WWE did the right thing when they anounced this, because it means that WM25 is the final scene for a feud. Things need to be shaken up to let the wrestling scene stay fresh and new. I remember the horrible days when Trips vs Cena vs Orton STILL continued after WM24. But thanks to the draft Trips went to Smackdown and Orton and Cena aren't involved with each other anymore. Now we are in the same situation in WM25. Feuds need to end at this grand stage and let other wrestlers feud with the top guys. Just like the circle of life the draft is meant to make changes.
Hey John--Morrison-No.1 don't get your shit in a knot TripleH/Cena to Ecw was a joke....as for Christian going where ever Edge is not that would be a good plan for now. Put him on Raw to feud with Orton or Cena depending on which side of the fence he's on actually he would be fuckin big with Santino in comedic type of feud
Right now, its way too early to tell. In fact, its going to be IMPOSSIBLE to guess who will go where until after WrestleMania.

But there are a few people that you could assume are almost 100% positives to move or not to move strictly due to the other options in where they could go.

For instance, you could assume that HHH and Cena will stay on their shows, as will HBK and Jeff Hardy. Undertaker and Batista could switch, but its not necessary, and I think a more likely trade-off would be Kane switching with Big Show so they can do the less recent Kane/HHH, Kane/Hardy, Kane/Taker, Show/Batista, Show/HBK, Show/Cena situations.

Matt Hardy is almost a definite to stay on Smackdown with Jeff.

Santino is staying on Raw. The writers love him there. But I could see Ziggler going to Smackdown to balance him out.

Finlay is almost a definite to stay on ECW as he serves no purpose on Raw or Smackdown.

I can see Jimmy Wang Yang moving to ECW in a trade for someone like DJ Gabriel or Ricky Ortiz. That's just a shifting of the jobbers.

I could see MVP on Raw but I can't really see CM Punk or Mysterio switching in his place.

Jericho on Raw, I'd like to keep, and I don't think anybody on Smackdown would balance him out, unless they plan on pushing Morrison and Miz on Raw as singles stars, cause between the two of them, you've got a solid upper midcarder that's great on promos (Miz) and a main event guy that is decent but not fantastic on promos and keeps getting better (Morrison).

Really, though, I could see a lot of fake transitions, like having someone move from Raw to ECW or ECW to Raw, just for filler because they wouldn't essentially be moving at all due to the Talent Exchange between the two. For instance, two big moves - Miz and Morrison to Raw. Well, that's not much of a change, is it? Same would be if Regal moved to ECW (which I think he should).
To Smackdown:
Cm Punk

Cena will draw some ratings, like always. He will feud with Big Show, Christian, MVP ect... Cm Punk and Kofi will join the US. Title Picture.

To Raw:
Matt Hardy

Edge because I would love to see a Edge vs. Orton. And it will show that Edge doesn't need Vicky to win belts. Morrison will hopefully win Money in the Bank. And Kennedy and Matt will feud other the IC belt.

Dont really care. But JBL, TBK and such can head over there.
The draft is great and allows so much change within WWE, it sets up the next WWE year..

Matt Hardy (from SD! Hardy loses to Jeff, stays heel and can't bear to be embarrassed by his brother any more. A convenient move for him. Has a few re-matches with Jeff but still loses.)
The Undertaker (from SD! Good lord, The Undertaker has been on SD since the brand split. He will retire soon and he should be on the A show until he does.)
Alicia Fox (from ECW. Fox is a good wrestler, can do good things for RAW's divas. Good match with Rosa Mendes.)
Jack Swagger (from ECW. Swagger surpasses everyone on ECW and he could have some terrific feuds on RAW)
Justin Roberts (from SD! He is the best ring announcer, and plus last year the commentators changed, I wouldn't be surprised to see the announcers to change too)
R-Truth (from SD! The man is great, he could have some good matches on RAW with Priceless, Jericho and Orton)

To Smackdown:
Beth Pheonix (from RAW. I really want to see Natalya/Pheonix at some point, Beth has crushed everyone on RAW, I wouldn't be surprised to see her face Rosa at this years Mania, and maybe drop the title to her, after beating Melina on RAW this week)
Manu (from RAW. New Wild Samoan's with Umaga maybe?)
John Morrison (from ECW. Great worker, needs some recognition, enough said.)
Christian (from ECW. It's an insult for him to stay on ECW. He will take the title over with him after beating Swagger then be beaten by Mysterio?)
Lillian Garcia (from RAW. Because SD has no announcer if Justin goes to RAW)
TJ Wilson and Natalya (from ECW. DH Smith is on SD, they can form the new Hart Foundation)

William Regal (from RAW. ECW could have some REAL wrestlers on the brand, Regal could be the best of them. ECW could be focused a little less on entertainment and be for the REAL wrestling fans with some great match up's featuring the lesser entertainers and more wrestlers.)
Rey Mysterio (from RAW. A new draw for ECW, with Hardy leaving and then Swagger and Christian.)
Nikki or Brie Bella (from SD! A valet for someone)
MVP (from SD! Another draw for ECW. A good wrestler too, some matches there and a title reign perhaps.)
Zach Ryder (from SD! Young guy with potential, needs re-packaging and a singles push)
Sim Snuka (from RAW. Been beaten down by Priceless, him and Manu served their purpose on RAW)
Charlie Haas (from RAW. Good wrestler, could be a draw if he is shown by the writers right.)
Ok, it is early, but there I am going to make a few predictions anyway.

Firstly, Christian will beat Swagger for the ECW title at Wrestlemania. I'm undecided as h whether he will then be drafted and leave the title behind for someone like Rey to pick up, but I doubt it. However, I think Swagger's departure from the brand is inevitible, probably to replace the upper midcarders I talk about in the next sentence.

If Christian stays, and I think he probably will, then they will move an upper midcarder heel to feud with him. This will either be last year's next big thing Brian Kendrick, or an old timer like 1998's current big thing Kane. Whichever it is, they will be joined by 2007's next big thing MVP or September 2008's next big thing R-Truth. I expect Finlay and the World's Fattest Man to stay on the brand to round off a mesmerising main event on the brand.

As for the big guns, I am going to make a slightly out there prediction and say that Orton will not challenge Cena at Wrestlemania. Even though it seems so obvious, they have been careful to say that he will use it on the WHC, only ever saying "World Title". I haven't really thought it through, but if he challenges for the Smackdown championship, then he moves onto the brand, then expect the other Legacy members to follow suit.

Smackdown is light on heels, so I don't expect any to leave, and if Orton doesn't go, then Y2J is Smackdown bound.

Finally, it mentions General Managers being moved. If this is the case, I think Edge and Vickie will be split, probably with her going to Raw, which will be terrible. Meanwhile, Stephanie will move to Smackdown. In kayfabe, this could help her being part of Legacy, assuming Orton moves. In reality, it will mean HHH and her keep the same schedule so they can be together and with their kids. If she doesn't move, I expect The Game to be back on Raw.
Man, the first thing comes to mind is that this draft is way too soon. It feels like the 2008 draft wasn't that long ago, hell I still haven't adjusted to Triple H being on Smackdown. And making it a week after Wrestlemania, I can only see bad things happening. I pray to God that we get at least some post Wrestlemania feuds, starting off at the big event of course. I hope the WWE is thinking what I'm thinking now. This draft is hopefully about placing the upper mid-carders on the right brand so that they can receive the best possible push in the near future.

As previously mentioned, John Cena and Triple H should stay on their brands as I think it's better that way. Orton stays on Raw. Finlay stays on ECW. Rey Mysterio and Vladimir Kozlov should stay on their brands. Jeff and Matt Hardy stay on Smackdown. Batista stays. The superstars who I want to be drafted are:

Shawn Michaels to Smackdown:
I predicted this move last year, but it never occurred as Triple H was drafted to the blue brand instead of HBK. Shawn can have fresh feuds over their with Kozlov, Umaga and a few others. His role on Smackdown can be purely staying out of the spotlight as well as putting over the younger talent such as Mr Kennedy and some others.

Undertaker to Raw:
In place of Shawn Michaels, Raw needs another big name, and who better than the Deadman himself? He's been on Smackdown since the show debuted in 2002, I believe. I think it's time for a change and this can only be a positive move for both HBK and Undertaker, as we all love fresh feuds.

John Morrison to Smackdown:
Surprised I already mentioned a mid-carder? That's because since so many big names were recently drafted, I believe this draft will focus more on the younger guys with only a few big names being moved. Morrison needs to breakout on his own, and he can easily have some great feuds over on Smackdown with Triple H, Shawn Michaels (assuming he moves), right before having a face turn and winning the WWE Championship.

MVP should be the of ECW for a few months in 2009, enough said. Give him an ECW Title reign, whilst holding the Money in the Bank briefcase so that after he's done on ECW, he can move in similar fashion to CM Punk, to Raw. This could be a great move.

R-Truth to ECW:
I think this guy has potential, and with ECW in need of talent and since I doubt R-Truth will go far on Smackdown since the blue brand already has a lot of mid-carders. He can develop further on ECW with a feud with Finlay, The Miz and Mark Henry.

I only posted a few because I will post many more once the draft is at a closer date. Those are just some ideas of what I think would be great moves who will benefit many.
This is what I would do. There were already plenty of new changes from last year's brand exchange, so what REALLY needs to change is ECW.

ECW should be changed to the point where it is truly recognized as a talent farm, and not a brand. MOVE THE ENTIRE ROSTER! Send some to Raw, some to Smackdown. (Doesn't matter who goes where, as long as everyone is on either Raw or Smackdown.)

Ok, now everyone is moved to a brand. What do you do with ECW now that there is no one left on it? Use it in the way it should be used. Everyone who gets lost in the shuffle of their show can have matches on ECW, while still being part of the main roster(s). Make it so that both brands can have people put in matches. Tag Team matches, Divas matches, IC or US title matches, newcomers trying to establish themselves.... all of this could be done on ECW now that it's a talent farm rather than a crappy 3rd brand no one likes.... it makes sense to me.

If you disagree, I am open to debate. That is just my two cents, if you have better ideas, then by all means let's discuss.

Anyways, this is what I think should happen.
Here's my big board of who I see being drafted,where they will be drafted and why they will go where I think they will.

To Raw

Big Show (for Kane)
Michelle McCool (noone left to feud with on SD)
Undertaker (been on SD too long)
Evan Bourne (team with Rey)
John Morrison (practically there anyway)
The Miz (see above)
Vickie Guerrero (in need of a real GM plus splits up Edge & Vickie)

To Smackdown

Candice Michelle (lost in shuffle on Raw)
Chris Jericho (for Undertaker)
CM Punk (more legit Main Eventer on SD)
Kane (for Big Show)
Kofi Kingston (feuds with Benjamin and R-Truth)
Teddy Long (sucks on ECW)


William Regal (credible wrestler/trainer plus feuds with Finlay,Christian,etc.)
DH Smith (team with TJ Wilson)
MVP (in need of a fresh start)

I know I didn't give ECW much but they still technically have Miz/Morrison and anyone else on Raw bc of the talent exchange.

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