What do people class as Wrestlemania main events?


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Just so people understand my question, me and my friends have had an ongoing discussion as to what is a Wrestlemania "main event". On one side (my argument) the main event is always the match that closes the show, but their argument is both title matches and usually a Taker or HBK match can be classed as a main event and sometimes special attraction matches. An example is they claimed WM 24 had 4 main events:

Taker v Edge (WHC)
Big Show v Mayweather
Cena v Orton V HHH (WWE Title)
Flair V HBK

Now I would class only Taker V Edge as the main event since that match closed the show, but they argue that because of the stipulations and the names in the other matches they should be classed as main events too.

Your thoughts?
Well, a Wrestlemania main event to me is either the best match of the event or the match with most anticipation (sometimes both).

For example a Wrestlemania main event being the best match of the event is Shawn Michaels vs John Cena main evented Wrestlemania 23 but I believe Undertaker vs Batista was the better classic of the two, thus it's the main event (seeing how it contained the rumble winner this year).

And for example a Wrestlemania main event being the most anticipated match was last year's Wrestlemania 26 between Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker. No title on the line, only anticipation. Yet it belittled the two world title matches within a gigantic deal.
To me there should only really be two official main events at wrestlemania. that's the WHC match and the WWE championship match. Or, the last match for smackdown and the last match for Raw.

But the WWE class a ME match by who is actually in the match. if the wrestlers are in the match, it's a Main event match. I think they call it that just to make it sound better.
Main Event matches to me are either Championship matches with exceptional build & hype or a normal match that's build & hype equal or better that of said championship matches.

Doesn't really matter to me who is in them, those classifications work on any level.
Technically, the Main Event is the last match. The match that sends everyone home happy. But with WM lately, it's been hard to tell which match will be last. People have been giving the past few Manias about 3 or 4 Main Events, which is kind of redundant. That's half the card! The Main Event is what draws the majority of the consumer to buy the product, so it's the most anticipated match whether it contains a title, career, hair, or whatnot.
I think world title matches are automatically main events, and any huge matches that are on either between the world title matches or after can also claim main event status. At any other PPV, I think only world title matches can be classified as main events.

You can't argue that the best match is the main event for 2 reasons:
1. You've sorta gotta call them main events beforehand.
2. Sometimes a lower or mid-card match can just 'steal the show'. The prime example being Jericho vs. Michaels at WM19. That had 5 matches after it (Only 4 of whch I would call main events) yet it was still the best match on the card.
i have to disagree with some of these definintions. i attanded wm 8 in indy and that had to be crap. the best match was piper vs hart for the ic title which was the best match on the card to be honest. half way through the card was flair vs savage for the only heavyweight strap and the (as it was labeled)other main eventwas hogan vs sid justice which that match was full of botched spots including the late arrival of papa shango. the only thing that match was good for was the return of the ultimate warrior. the "main event" had no special stipulation or no titles or nothing. it was jus a lame match starring hogan with a few run ins used to set up somebody elses feud
There is trully only 1 main event and that is the match that closes the show.. But at WrestleMania there is always more than 1 match that is classes as the main event.. I always see them being the WHC, WWE and another match that has been well hyped or considered to be a great match... e.g. last years wrestlemania HBK vs Taker, which wasn't for any title but also then again it closed the show..
I agree with you and also your friends. I don't know how to clasify a main event at Wrestlemania, because there is always 2 world title matches and them normally another big name match which tends to be Undertaker's streak defence. I would class all three as a main event.

The WWE title match would be the Raw main event and the world heavyweight match would be the Smackdown main event.

Then the other big match would probably close the show if it's Taker's streak defence and that'd be the main main event because it'd close the show.

So at Mania I'd say there are 3 main events total. RAW has a main event, SD has a main event. And then there is one overall main event to close the show.
The main event is the show-closer, end of. That is the match everything else is building up to, it's the event that has been judged to be the most important which is why it's on last. Anything else is just an attraction or badly prioritised.
Technically, the main event is supposed to be the last match of the show. But through my years of watching wrestling I have started to classify the main event as the best match on the card. It doesn't even have to be Wrestlemania to prove a point, on Raw, when John Morrison vs Miz was the first match, it stole the show the entire night and the rest of the product was crap to be honest. To be honest most the "Main Events" at Wrestlemania in the past few years have been major let downs with an exception to Taker vs HBK. WWE puts what they feel are the "Over" guys instead of putting the new talent in the Main Event. When I look at this years Wrestlemania in ATL(which I will be at the HOF to see HBK getting inducted) I want to see John Morrison vs Miz for the WWE Title, not Cena vs Miz or even Orton vs Miz. I want to see the young guys in the main slot and really give the crowd what it wants, and that is an exciting match, not one where the guys are getting tired out 1/3 of the way through the match because they are past their prime and should have retired already. So I think the term "main event" has gone down the toilet for the most part and now is just a meaning to say okay, this is the last match, not the best match.

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