What is the worst finisher in WWE history?

But if I had to give an answer to this question then I would have to say...Bradshaw's/JBL's clothesline from hell finisher!

Say whaaaaaaaat?

You are basically trashing the Lariat. When it is performed well, the Lariat is one of the best looking finishers out there because it actually looks like it could knock someone out enough to pin them.

Most wrestling (pinfall) finishers are stupid because they are sold as if they would knock a wrestler out when at best they'd take the wind out for 1-2 seconds.

As for worst finishers:

Edge's Spear: Just the worst looking marshmallow finisher of all time
I always thought there was something awkward about the Steiner Recliner. I don't know, it just seems like the person was on their knees and they could just stand up.

I think the worst ever is a tie between Edge's Spear and the 619.
just thought of another bad one. Bob backland for the majority of his career (before coming out of retirement in the 90's) used an atomic drop, then switched to a super atomic drop. Now I know most moves have been used so much that they look weak, but all the atomic drop could really do is hurt somebody's ass. An inverted atomic drop could hurt though if done legitimately. Also, I saw someone mention the ddt. I think it is more that so many people use it with little effect now that it isnt believable. Back in the day, it was sold as a legit ender.
For sure Magnum TA's Belly to Belly. I mean a suplex never puts anyone away. A power slam doesn't either.
i never cared for the "rocket" owen hart's missile dropkick finish either, or umaga's samoan spike. oh yeah, ivan putski's axe handle hit. it was just a double handed hit that we see in every match since the 70's. Now i am thinking of old 70's wrestlers...the worst finisher ever is the airplane spin (gorilla monsoon). it isnt mean to hurt anybody and looked awkward because he always slowly laid people down after. if the cesaro swing can't finish off a person, then 4 rotations of an airplane spin which makes the giver just a dizzy as the taker, isnt doing it.
Leg drop. And, not to forget: the people's elbow.
And please stop dissing the cobra. It's terrific - like everything Santion does.
The Cobra hands down. a simple finger strike zzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Plenty of weak ass moves used as finishers but The Cobra is the king of the pathetic.
someone said The Worm, least that was entertaining.
I'm surprised no bodies mentioned Great Khalis Brain Chop/Hand Facepalm Thing

Just a badly done finisher done by a guy who needs to go. It's obvious it does so little damage.
I'm surprised no bodies mentioned Great Khalis Brain Chop/Hand Facepalm Thing

Just a badly done finisher done by a guy who needs to go. It's obvious it does so little damage.

True, but necessary because of his inability to execute ANY other move.
Theres a ton of awful finishers, but...judging by set up...look...possibility of damage....it has to be the overdrive / ozone / playmaker.

Even the stupid cobra can hurt you somehow....the overdrive is just the most stupid move with no logic / reason / impact whatsoever.
Off of the top of my head, I can think of quite a few finishers that were absurd.

  • Magnum TA's Belly to Back suplex. It was a belly to back suplex. Nothing more. Nothing less. And it didn't look that powerful, unless Flair was selling it.
  • Hacksaw Jim Duggan's shoulder tackle. Looked completely dull and was executed poorly.
  • Tully Blanchard's Slingshot Suplex. He had to use that move because the Piledriver was banned in the NWA. It's a suplex that involved the opponent being slingshotted off the top ropes for higher impact. Tully tried to make it look good, but it didn't look effective as a finisher.
  • Jerry Lawler's Fist Drop off the top rope. Once again, had to be used instead of a Piledriver due to it being banned in most territories. Didn't look effective and no one sold the move well.
  • Kerry Von Erich's discus punch. Or as I like to call it, the Twirly Punch. Just lots of LOL on that move.

That's what I can think of off the top of my head. Khali's chop and the Bushwhacker battering ram have to be mentioned, too.
Lots of good ones listed in this thread. I'll disagree with suplex and powerslam being listed though. They look weak now in comparison to all the other moves, but those are two moves that it's actually believable could knock the wind out of you for a 3 count.

The real problem with most of these moves is that wrestling has evolved to such a point now that a wrestler is supposed to be "knocked out" by a finisher. For most finishers this is just preposterous and was not the case years ago. Watching old footage you will see a lot of big matches finish with the loser kicking out just after 3. Now they play dead and often will even stay down while the winner does a length celebration. Very few moves are really capable of making that believable and that has helped kill the believability of wrestling moves.

Good example to me:
Steiner Recliner: It didn't look like there was any way Steiner could force the wrestler to stay in it, nor did it look like it would hurt.

Bad example to me:
Any suplex: for years variations of the suplex would be an effective finisher anywhere in the world.
I'm not going to state the obvious picks like Santino Marella's "Cobra" or Scotty 2 Hotty's "Worm", as they are comedy finishers, and aren't meant to be taken seriously. In reality "The People's Elbow" is pretty much a comedy move but it amazes me it's been taken seriously all these years- max respect to The Rock for pulling that one off!

My pick would be "The Playmaker" from MVP, which was previously used by Randy Orton when he debuted and was called "The Overdrive" back then. It is an awful move, which takes a while to set up and just looks awkward when it's being performed. I remember first seeing it on the WWE games on the PlayStation and just thinking "Wow..that was shit", when I did it playing as Orton..in real life it's just as bad. Terrible, terrible finishing move.

The Great Khali's Chop to the head is another that is painful to watch. I get Khali is very limited as a performer (I don't think he should be anywhere near a WWE ring btw), and is pretty much immobile these days but he SURELY good have a move that requires some athletic ability, surely? He even makes the chop to the head look half-hearted, slow and dull.
Here's a history lesson.

Prior to "Sweet Chin Music," Shawn Michael's singles finished was a Side Suplex.

Let me say that again. A SIDE SUPLEX. It's probably the weakest suplex in the game, left Michaels prone to a Side Headlock or a punch in the mouth, caused his opponent the shortest drop and the softest landing.

The superkick that took Jannetty out was used as a set up move for the suplex, and it was a while before he turned it into his finisher - I want to say it was during the feud with Diesel that the change was made.
BTW. I hate every finisher that needs a certain - hard to achieve - positioning of the bodies. For example the 619. Not only because of the ridicolous ways one gets hanging in the ropes, but because you can not execute it out of nowhere.

Also unstable moves like "Undertaker going old school" (yes, it's not a finisher). I loved it when I was a kid. The announcers sold it like you have to be a super athlete to be able to walk on the ropes... but today I like moves that seem to legitimately knock you out (GTS, RKO, Tombstone PD) and/or can be executed from out of nowhere. I think this moves bring some extra excitement into the match.
BTW. I hate every finisher that needs a certain - hard to achieve - positioning of the bodies. For example the 619. Not only because of the ridicolous ways one gets hanging in the ropes, but because you can not execute it out of nowhere.

To be fair, the 619 isn't really a finisher either. It's the set-up move to the West Coast Pop, which can be set up a few different ways. That aside, though, the rest of your points are very sound.
Anything John Cena Does

Just leave now. Seriously, just leave. Your spamming garbage statement is not needed. This is a thread about finishing moves. Blind Cena hate is beyond old. Try making an intelligent statement and maybe you'll get some credit.

I'm not a fan of the Attitude Adjustment. A simple Fireman's Carry slam doesn't carry much weight, but Cena executes it really well and sells it. Plus, he's hit the move from some odd spots, and the time he hoisted Big Show AND Edge up on his shoulders was epic. The STF is a solid finished, and highly underused. I think Erik Watts used it last, unless you count a variation by Regal called "The Regal Stretch." I could be wrong, though.

And "Can't Spell," just in case you are considering a rebuttle, just don't. I'm far smarter than you are in every way imaginable, and it won't be pretty. Please don't force me to come back to the forums just to give you a verbal ass whipping.
Just leave now. Seriously, just leave. Your spamming garbage statement is not needed. This is a thread about finishing moves. Blind Cena hate is beyond old. Try making an intelligent statement and maybe you'll get some credit.

I'm not a fan of the Attitude Adjustment. A simple Fireman's Carry slam doesn't carry much weight, but Cena executes it really well and sells it. Plus, he's hit the move from some odd spots, and the time he hoisted Big Show AND Edge up on his shoulders was epic. The STF is a solid finished, and highly underused. I think Erik Watts used it last, unless you count a variation by Regal called "The Regal Stretch." I could be wrong, though.

And "Can't Spell," just in case you are considering a rebuttle, just don't. I'm far smarter than you are in every way imaginable, and it won't be pretty. Please don't force me to come back to the forums just to give you a verbal ass whipping.

You are flat out wrong. The Attitude Adjustment and STF are both terrible especially after the guy kicks out of multiple finishers from his opponent.
You are flat out wrong. The Attitude Adjustment and STF are both terrible especially after the guy kicks out of multiple finishers from his opponent.

1. After I say I'm not a fan of the AA, you say I'm flat out wrong and that you don't like the AA. Think about that a sec. But don't hurt yourself.

2. If you think I'm wrong, try explaining to me why instead of just parading around typical blind smarky Cena hate. Unless, of course, you're a typical blind smarky Cena hater, in which case, carry on.
The STF is a solid finished, and highly underused. I think Erik Watts used it last, unless you count a variation by Regal called "The Regal Stretch." I could be wrong, though.

Those guys used it, but I believe Masahiro Chono either made the move famous or invented it himself. When he used it, it was a DEVASTATING submission. It looked like he might kill the guy.

Here's him putting the move on Rick Rude to win the NWA International Heavyweight title.

EDIT: Lou Thesz invented the hold, and gave Chono his blessing to use the move as his finisher. Cool.

Rikishi- Stink face is the dumbest thing in the entire world. And the WORM is pretty terrible too. There is plenty of really bad finishers. The 619 and bronco buster are bd as well.

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