Best finisher in TNA history?

Who has the best finisher in TNA's history?

  • "Ankle Lock" by Kurt Angle

  • "Styles Clash" by AJ Styles

  • "Warriors Way" by Senshi

  • "Unprettier" by Christian Cage

  • "Canadian Destroyer" by Petey Williams

  • "Blackhole Slam" by Abyss

  • "Muscle Buster" by Samoa Joe

  • "Cop/Gringo Killa" by Homicide

  • "Carbon Footprint" by Matt Morgan

  • "Spinal Tap" by AJ Styles

  • "Swanton Bomb" by Jeff Hardy

  • "BME (Best Moonsault Ever)" by Christopher Daniels

  • "Border Toss" by Hernandez

  • "Cradle Shock" by Chris Sabin

  • Other (please specify)

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I picked The Canadian Destroyer, I have never seen such an awesome move. The first time I saw it, I thought it was crazy. It takes a lot of work to pull it off, and the pay off is great. Everyone whose ever fallen victim to it sells it very well, and it definitely seems like a realistic move. It is one of the main reasons I miss Petey Williams.
I picked The Canadian Destroyer, I have never seen such an awesome move. The first time I saw it, I thought it was crazy. It takes a lot of work to pull it off, and the pay off is great. Everyone whose ever fallen victim to it sells it very well, and it definitely seems like a realistic move. It is one of the main reasons I miss Petey Williams.

GAHHH. Listen, clearly it's a very popular move, winning this poll by an enormous margin, but there's no way you can defend it as realistic. Seriously? As I said on the first page, the victim has to perfom a back flip to take the move. A noticeable back flip. This move could never be pulled off in a real fight. How in the world is it realistic?
Hollywood must have missed the memo that Hogan doesn't do the leg drop anymore!

Canadian Destroyer was the one move that made me rewind and watch it again. The Gringo Killer is pretty sick, Warrior's Way is just scary. I love the BME and Cradle Shock, I hope we get to see these again, and aren't forced to bear witness to Pit-y City every week. It seems the guys with a couple of different finishers seem to be the best to watch, for me at least...Styles with the Clash & Spiral Tap, Daniels with the BME & Angel's Wings, Angle with the lock & Olympic Slam...I guess there is more drama when a wrestler doesn't have to set up the same way for each win.
Best real looking finisher: Tie between Styles Slash (you are landing on your face!) and Desmond's Lariat (Anyone who has seen him do it to Johnny Fairplay knows why).

Best overall looking finisher: Canadian Destroyer. Added points to the fact that he has never hurt anyone with it (to my knowledge)
Canadian Destroyer. no contest. It's just crazy and Petey has often pulled it our of nowhere. Including from the top rope and I think a spine buster reversal. Sickest move ever

honorable mention: Jerelle Clark's think he pulls a 450 but ads half a spin to into a senton. The best top rope move EVER! (other than Jason Cross' Crossfire Shooting Star Press into Legdrop)
I'm gonna have to go with the Canadian Destroyer as well. Living only 3 hours out of Windsor, Ontario, I've seen Petey perform the move in person a few times. Incredible. I have to agree with the poster above me though, the 630 and the Crossfire are amazing finishing moves to see. Everytime I see either of them do it I think "omg, they're not going to land it!" and they always do. It's crazy there's people out there doing moves like this and WWE shits a brick everytime someone goes to the top rope.
94 votes for the Canadian Destroyer? Fucking really? This should not be such a blowout.

The Spiral Tap won AJ the X Division title and the tag titles in consecutive weeks within TNA's first month. The BME is quite possibly, the legit best moonsault ever. The Muscle Buster is fucking painful.

Beyond all that, I went with the finisher of my current favorite wrestler in TNA, the Cradle Shock. That move was a finisher. There wa no kicking out (unless you're name is AJ Styles), and it was different from anything else you saw in the X Division. It's such an amazing move, he still uses it to finish matches with the MCMG.
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but Aj's Spiral Tap off the top ropes is absolutely insane. I root for him to do it in nearly every match, but he hasn't used it in a very long time. Not since the early days of TNA actually. If you've never seen it, I advise you all youtube immediately.
The TNA finishing move that got the biggest reaction out of me the first time I saw it was A.J. Styles with the Spiral Tap. It was his corkscrew body splash but it was the first time I'd ever seen a move like that and it just looked cool. To be honest, I seldom watch TNA and am not really a fan of theirs but I do have a favorite TNA wrestler and that would definitely be A.J. I'm just sad that I haven't seen the Spiral Tap in a couple years. Does he still do the move ever or has he just backed down to just doing the Styles Clash, Pele Kick, and stealing the opponent's finisher?
t's always hard to pick just one, there have being some legendary finishers in TNA but really there has to be just one that clearly is the best, petey williams Camadian Destroyer, it is such a marvel to watch and although it looks like one of the most dangerous moves in wrestling it has never led to any injuries.

My second pick in this catagory would be tara's widows peak. first time i saw it i thought it was legit.

In third I'll give it to Kazs Flux capacitor it looks like it takes quite a bit of skill on both parts to pull it off. Incidently, during Ultimate X I saw Suicide Use it but no one seemed to notice(Funny that).
I don't think it has been mentioned here so I'm gonna say the Pounce. It definitely made me start paying attention to TNA more.
I have to vote for the warrior's way. Someone jumping off the ropes and putting all their weight into your chest like that would easily put you out for 3 seconds. I always loved watching Low Ki do it because he could make it look so clean. I imagine it would be really hard to land the way he did and not hurt yourself or your opponent.
I think the canadian destroyer is one of the sickest things ive ever seen

Homicide's Cop killa is brutal and the tag team version with low ki stomping on the opponent's head is insane

Sabin's Cradle shock is a really cool move.though i havent seen him use it in a long time.

AMW's death sentence was simple but cool and looked effective

But my 2 favs are probably Kaz's Flux Capacitor (the first move to truly make me say HOLY SHIT!) and im surprised no one has mentioned it yet but
Roxxi Laveux's Voodoo Drop looked fuking Brutal
I know they're not on the list, but I figured they'd be worth mention here. James Storm's Superkick, and The Eye Of The Storm are both great moves. They're effective, they look good, and he made them look smooth.

There's a lot of moves that aren't on this list, and that goes to show just how good some of these guys are, and how many moves they used to finish people off.

Honorable mentions really need to go to the Death Sentence, as well as Made In Detroit. The Death Sentence may be the most devastating double team finisher since the Doomsday Device, and the Made In Detroit just looks awesome, and would definitely hurt.
There's a lot. Here's my top 5.

1) Canadian Destroyer. What everybody said. I like moves that make you go "OH!" and the CD never fails.

2) BME. I stil can't find any other person that can pull off a moonsault as well as Daniels. His Moonsault is worthy of the name "Best Moonsault Ever"

3) Styles Clash. That move just looks painful. I remember seeing AJ botch it on one of Maffew's vids and I think the danger factor that goes along with the Clash is what draws me to it.

4) Mount Morgan Drop. I'm somewhat new to TNA and I don't know if he currently uses it, but I saw a really old clip of Matt Morgan using the Mount Morgan Drop on TNA so I say it counts. Goddamn, talk about pain. Lifting him up in a suplex then driving him down like a Rock Bottom. That takes lots of strength and technique and it just looks like it hurts like a bitch.

5) Ankle Lock. Still one of the best submission finishers in history. And Kurt Angle is definitely not the guy you'd want to recieve it from. When he grapevines the leg as well. You ain't going nowhere. You better pray some random guy will give him a chair shot or something cause he ain't letting go.
The Canadian Destroyer is the most sickest moves ive seen in a REALLY long time. He can pull it off in almost any situation.Too bad he got released.
I'm going to go with the Border Toss. It looks devstating when he just tosses them half way across the ring. It just looks like if he threw you a bit harder you would land on your head, it looks painful and looks great. Another move is The Spiral Tap, it looks phenomenal and it suits him perfectly, he won countless championships with it in the early TNA and its a finisher that everyone wants to see. Its a shame he doesn't use it anymore because it gets the crowd on their feet everytime.
i am a fan of the blackhole slam. they way abyss can grab it out of nowhere makes it really exciting for me. also the fact half the time you think there isn't enough momentum for him to pull it off, abyss somehow puts a little bit more stink on it and it looks twice as deadly.
Like the majority of you I went with the canadian destroyer. Yeah, it's a bit fake but it looks sick. However, i'm really surprised no-one has mentioned Amazing Red's 'Code Red' - it's quite similar to the candian destroyer.

I do have a few issues with some of the other picks though...

Unprettier: Whilst the final part of the move is great i'm not convinced by the way christian sets it up. When he grabs their arms and turns around it looks like you could get out of it really easily. I don't think he has long enough arms or is big to be able to control the other person enough to make them turn around.

Hellavator: Sometimes it doesn't look like Morgan is doing it to the other person, it looks like they are doing a ddt on him! However, I absolutely love the name and i think that's something tna do way better than wwe - the finshers have better names. My favourite finisher name is Beer Money's "drinking whilst investing"!

Of course, none of these moves are the best ever in all of wrestling. That's obviously Scotty 2 Hotty's 'The Worm'!
Hey my first post!!
Ok back to the thread, yeah I agree with most of you, the CD is incredible, I also agree with wiKid, the Black Hole Slam is one of my favorite finishers. It looks viscious and Abyss snatches his opponents off the ground swift and violently, spins them uncontrollably and smashes them into the floor, it's awesome!! The Muscle Bustsr is another viscious finisher along with the choke, TNA is actually full of very cool finishing moves
Whooo, here's a fun thread.

Firstly, I absolutely hate the Styles Clash, though the springboard 450 and Spiral (not spinal) Tap are both great moves.

Christain's Unprettier/Killswitch is pretty good, though I prefer the original name, the Impaler from the Brood days.

The Black Hole Slam is good because it can just happen out of nowhere and looks like it will really knock the wind out of you.

I like the Cradle Shock alot, though I don't know about the whole leg-crossing bit.

The Shellshock is one of my personal favorites, though Shelley doesn't get to use it all that often in TNA. (You also don't get to use finishers when you're constantly jobbing, thanks TNA!)

The Canadian Destroyer will always be at the top of the most impressive list just because the first time anyone sees it, it causes the jaw to drop, even if it's a little less than realistic. Though it is much more believable whenever Petey would hit it 'on the run.'

Though it's a double-team, I'll have to say my favorite TNA finisher is Made in Detroit. I marked out hardcore for it the first time I saw it in a match in Japan, and even moreso when I saw them use it in TNA. I'm a huge fan of tag matches and double-team moves (not to mention MMG in general) and that one takes the cake for me.
Like many people here, without a doubt the move that was the most impressive the first time I saw it was the Canadian Destroyer. I mean any more that you have to rewind and watch in slow motion just to figure out how it was pulled off says alot about how impressive the move was.
Styles Clash! its brilliant, ok it doesnt look as devastating as the Unprettier or the Canadian destroyer but as others have said, Styles can hit it from such a massive number of places in the ring... and when i saw him hit it from either the second or top rope for the first time it wos a real 'holy shit' moment... second to this id say the muscle buster cos at the end of a match wen theyre all kinda of beat up joe sits them on the turnbuckle and you know that the 1, 2, 3 will follow and joes hand will rise up... but Styles Clash... looks pretty hardcore and wen he hits it at the end of a match it becomes the difference maker!
The first time I saw the Canadian Destroyer I definitely let out a "OH!" because it just looked fucking crazy. But I'm still surprised to see it have such a huge amount of votes in comparison to the rest of the options on this list. Plus I guess it's hard to define what makes a move the "best" one - is it the one that is most successful i.e. the one that fewer people tap out of? If that's the case, I don't know enough about that to say which one is the best.

Anyways, I voted for the Border Toss because it looks devastating to me. Especially when Hernandez throws his opponent off the ropes. Like someone above mentioned, it looks like if he threw with a bit more force the person would land on their head. Pretty painful looking.

I love the Carbon Footprint as well. When Morgan really gets a good run into it, it looks awesome. Sometimes it looks like he could take the guy's head clean off. I believe that it would be hard to get up from a kick like that.
Canadian destroyer was and always will be a great attention grabber but it has to be a least a little overrated. I think some people think it is the greatest move in the history of wrestling which merely means those people are really missing out on some great stuff.

Amazing Red's code red from outside the ring over the ropes at genesis was pretty sick. I do not think anyone mentioned his Infrared yet which is basically moonsaulting into a spiral tap. I am glad someone finally mentioned the voodoo drop. For pure devastation the Awesome Bomb is nasty.

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