What is the greatest submission finisher in WWE history?

One that I haven't seen listed that I was always a huge fan of was Lance Storm's rolling boston crab. It was flashy yet effective. He could hit it either while the opponent was running at him or from a simple standing-grapple position.
My personal all time favourite submission hold would have to be the Crossface Chickenwing made famous by Bob Backlund.
Honourable mentions go to the Dragon Sleeper, Rings of Saturn & Sharpshooter
sharpshooter is my fav with the figure 4 at second but the best submission ive seen used that would fuck your shit up in real life and its quick and easy to apply to someone is the sleeper hold
The Sharpshooter takes the win here due to it's popularity and because it's been used in some of WWE's biggest moments e.g Montreal Screwjob

But if you're basing it off a submission that looks legit, I'd go with the Regal Stretch. I believe it would genuinly hurt in real life, it puts massive torque in your neck, shoulder & arm but especially the neck since unlike most submissions, Regal stretches the neck sideways not backwards. It would be hard to break out of too. The Regal Stretch is so underrated.

I see people picking the Liontamer but I think that's unfair to the other submissions since that's rarely used in the WWE, so it doesn't really count as a WWE submission. It was mostly used in WCW but in the WWE, his main submission is the Walls Of Jericho, so it shouldn't count.
I would have to say the best finisher is the cross face chicken wink made famous by Bob Backlund. Since then there have been many names for it but the original name was the cross faced chicken wing and so far no one has been able to get out of that finisher if applied properly.
So many to choose from but tried and true i gotta go with The Lion Tamer!!! Jerichos version of the walls the way he torques the opponents body and with his knee pressed down on the opponents neck,it looks badass and very painful. Really when he locks it in barely anyone can get out of that hold!
It depends if you’re going by realistically or just by it looks painful and devastating. Realistically I would go with the Tazzmission since it is considered a chock. I know someone said Hells Gate but that move is rarely moved that way and also the way he applies it lags and doesn’t have the "o-my god out of nowhere" feel. I would put the dragon sleeper and the ankle lock before that one. Dragon sleeper is more of a neck crank and the ankle lock if it was meant to mangle your foot/ankle/leg it would. Also the anaconda vise is kind of like a 97% completed key lock. I know you’re going to say alberto arm bar but like how Undertaker applies Hells Gate the arm bar looks fake how he does it.

Now if you’re going by looks and wrestling entertainment factors I would go the mandible claw or Bret Harts figure 4 around the turnbuckle. I also liked the chicken wing.

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