What is the crappiest angle the WWE has ever done

One you all seem to forget is Vince making fun of JR's colon cancer and doing the whole pulling objects out of his backside like a cowboy hat.
It is incredibly hard to script live shows, pay per views, and weekly television 52 weeks per year. That said the angles mentioned here, particularly Katie Vick and Al Wilson, were pretty bad. However, lets not forget...

Repo Man - Watch out or he will re-possess your stuff !! Lousy gimmick accentuated by lousy wrestling

Skinner - Bug eating beared guy who does not bathe - couldn't wrestled either

The Kindnapping - Was it Bobby Heenan who was behind the kidnapping of Matilda, the real live dog mascot of the British Bulldogs tag team ?

The Red Rooster - Give Terry Taylor credit for actually getting this kinda over despite the ridiculous nature of the whole thing. And to think, rumor has it Taylor turned down the Mr Perfect Gimmick !!
Im a Ultimate Warrior mark but he was put in some lame storylines upon his second and third run. What about "The curse of Papa Shango" which lead to The Ultimate Warrior throwing up and having a ceisure on TV. Also I think his feud with Goldust in 96 had a lot more potential. But instead they have the Warrior standing around for 10 minutes smoking a cigar looking stupid and out of character. He hits Goldust with a clotheline and the match ends by count out. They droped the ball with this one, I just wanted to see Warrior give Goldust the Ultimate beat down.
OK, first, I'll go with the honorable mentions..............

Batista mad at Shawn for ending Ric Flair's career......OK, I get the fact that they are playing off Shawn Michaels' past as the WWE's resident EGO, but, they are deciding to go away from the fact that Ric asked Michaels to have the match, to get Mr. Wrestlemania, and that in "Wrestling" the idea is to, you know, win the match.

Katie Vick.....Was it distasteful? Yes. Was there a place in pro wrestling for it? No. Did it do what it intended to do? Yes. It was an angle that humanized Kane, made Triple H into an even bigger dick, and amazingly got people to talk about it. On top of that, even TNA made reference to it years later thanks to the always entertaining Eric Young.

Now that I have that out of the way, here's my Top Five......

Eddie Guerrero is in Hell.....Eddie and Benoit were my two favorite wrestlers for the better part of a decade. When Eddie died, I almost didn't go to the Survivor Series, because the only reason I bought the ticket was to see him live. WWE was still mentioning him as a part of storylines out of respect.....until Randy Orton shat on it by saying those words. Whoever wrote them should have been fired, or Randy Orton should have gone into business for himself there and just not said it.

Torrie and Al and Dawn.....Everyone, including Wrestlecrap has said enough about that one. Next please.

The Invasion.....OK, you buy out two companies, and then you bury them. This angle had so much potential, even though WWE didn't bring in Goldberg, Flair, Steiner, Nash, Jarrett, or any other wrestler that was really a main eventer in WCW with the exception of Booker and DDP. You had one of the greatest talent acquisitions in wrestling history, then bring in Tommy Dreamer and RVD, and then.......fall flat on your face. The angle was effectively ruined when Stone Cold defected to the "Alliance".

"Boring" Lance Storm.....I agree with Mr. Storm here, in that the angle was idiotic at best. If you're going to squander a guy with that much talent, at least put him on Heat, instead of having Stone Cold come out and say that he's Boring. Way to kill a guy's heat, you jackasses. It's almost like Vince Russo wrote that crap. What's worse is that in order to make him seem more "entertaining", they ruined another career in Val Venis. Thank you for playing.

JR is Fired......Yes, he had to take time off because of real life surgery, but don't do the stuff that you did to Jim Ross. The Dr. Heiney skit was way off base and extremely disrespectful. As much as I was angry with WWE for doing the Eddie is in Hell angle, this one almost made me stop watching all together.
My least favorite angle in wwe is Zach Gowen and when Mae Young got pregnant. The Mae yYoung story line is discusting and didnt have to be shown giving birth to a hand. I also didnt like the Zach Gowen story line because he couldnt even hardly move around in the ring.
Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio for the custody of Dominick his son anyone? Everyone talks about the exploitation of guerrero's death but this was some class A bullshit. I watched it on the ladder match dvd and nearly puked, the promo leading up to it made me wanted to put my foot through my tv.
Obviously Mysterio winning the world title was crap and poorly booked and it made Smackdown unwatchable. The whole Orton comment about Eddie was just a bullshit way of getting sympathy for Mysterio and getting bargain basement heat for Orton.
id have to say any angles where that invloved eddie guerreros death. not even a month after his death when they had that tuesday special and they had rey drive one of eddies lowriders to the ring and at the end of the show orton had undertaker on the back of it and reveresed into the smackdown stage i thought that was so disrespectful and it made me sick to my stomache
personally i hate anything involving eddie guerrero. the guy gave so much of himself to wwe and wrestling, and wwe treated his memory like crap ins death. between the low-rider brawl on his memorial show, to rey using all his moves and taunts. it sickened me to see them use him like that

in a dishonourable 2nd, the al wilson angle. pointless and pathetic angle that did nothing to enhance anyone involved. both were crappy cat-fight wrestlers and shouldnt have got so much tv time for it
Katie Vick - I don't even know why the WWE even considered doing that, there are so many other things that they refuse to do in case they offend people - and then they let that go ahead... beyond me!

I also think that the storyline with Edge, Lita & Matt Hardy was a bad one, not because the actual storyline was bad, but because Lita had cheated on Matt with Edge in the real world (or so we are told) and if that is true then it was a ridiculously unthoughtful thing to do... but still there's not much anyone can do about that now.
Rosie O'Donnell vs. Donald Trump it was horrible. I am not that sure if that is really considered an angle, but that was probably the worst match. One of the worst angles I can think of though, is........KATIE VICK. Though the hospital scene with HHH was kinda funny, everything else was stupid and uninteresting. The current Vickie Guerrero-Edge relationship is pretty bad too.......EW

Gobble-de-gooker!- 'nuff said!!!!

yeah Katie Vick was a bit inappropriate but it didn't bother me half as much as the Mark Henry and the Tranny episode or Pillman with a gun, man WWE dropped the ball on those ones!
WWE has really produced some of the most pathetic, poorly executed and written storylines and angles in the WWE. But hey, no creative team, human mind or promotion is of perfection and truly, it's difficult to think up angles and storylines for future use on a daily basis.

Some angles and storylines have been created for a definite attempt at comedy or for fun entertainment that occasionally worked to some minds, while it might have actually been incoherent and idiotic to others. Some angles and storylines were just flat out weak.

Right here, I compile a list of some of the crappiest angles and storylines ever conducted by WWE.

MR.MCMAHON PRESUMED DEAD! - To fake a death by getting in a limo and having it explode for any wrestling storyline is completely foolish and insane, though from its interest and worry, the internet and news media lit up with discussions on if Mr.McMahon was truly dead. What a publicity stunt! Also what deteriorated this storyline to really look bad was the Benoit tragedy follow-up before Vince was compelled to reveal himself only to pay tribute to Benoit before discovering the truth of the tragedy and realizing in his mind, he shouldn't have. This was a total wreckage. I reckon this storyline was suppose to bring out a new Vincent Kennedy McMahon, but failed dead in its tracks.

KATIE VICK - Hilarious and entertaining storyline between Kane and Triple H but honestly, pathetic and something Triple H should have denied to do. You have Triple H introduce some woman of Kane's past who'd been quite conscious that Kane has a "burnt little wiener", lol, that's funny. But Katie Vick revealing to apparently be a doll that World Champion at time, Triple H, mugs to get at Kane? Damn! So much for a supposed-to-be champ beating up a damn little doll. The storyline served the purpose to basically throw Kane's focus off for his match with HHH and show everyone that HHH can do whatever he likes. Again funny but pathetic.

BATISTA RAPES MELINA - How the hell could anyone forget this piece of rubbish. The angle where Melina (with M&N) comes out and states how Batista raped her and how she was planning to sue him. This was just a poor concept and just really dumb for a wrestling storyline, needless to say more.

ROSIE O' DONALD/DONALD TRUMP - One of the worse not even angle but celebrity kick-offs that had fans chanting TNA throughout the boring ass match that they had. I didn't give a rats ass for either of them. I didn't know them, didn't care to know them and couple minutes used to host this match could've been given to a promo.

EDDIE GUERRERO DEATH STORYLINE - It was weeks upon weeks of WWE using Eddie's death to gather sympathy for Mysterio, heat for Orton and a job for Vicki. It made me downright sick how Orton went on that mic and said that Eddie went to Hell and that's one of the reasons I can't fully get to like him, even though I do. It was just sickening to my stomach that they actually scripted for him to go out and say that. This is one of my most hated angles, not really crappiest.

MAE YOUNG'S BIRTH TO A HAND - How can something be so stupid but also be so damn funny. I guess the reason for the birth of the hand was because of Henry's short-comings lmao. Mae Young pregnant with a slimey nasty ass hand, what a stupid classic!

PILLMAN HAS A GUN AFTER AUSTIN! - Well what can I say, buy your ticket, sit back, eat your popcorn, because ladies and gentlemen we present to you, a crime thriller? Huh. But wait, isn't this? Ah forget it. Unrealistic and full of inappropriate and wrongful kind of violence. What were they thinking?

That's all I can think of.
There have been ALOT of horrible storylines over the years, so instead of mentioning one, I'll mention somthing thats about to happen. Hillary Clinton vs Obama Bara... I'm Canadian, I don't care much for this. But still, this storyline isn't horrible like the Katie Vic thing, but it is just plain dumb. Also, anything they ever did with the Boogeyman was terrible. I though he was funny, but did anyone ever think this guy had a future? Same with the Juniors. It could have eventually been somthing worth watching, but all in all it was just stupid.
I would have to say that it is Kane's May 19th angle. That sucked so bad because it didn't accomplish a damn thing, it was only a cheap tactic to plug Kane's See No Evil movie, that's it(along with the failed attempt to turn Kane heel). People were hoping for the Fake Kane to force Kane to put his mask back on thus giving him a big push, etc. but nothing good came from it.

The Katie Vick, Mae Young's Baby Hand, and JR's Dr. Heiney skits were all disgusting, but you can't say that you didn't giggle a bit during each one of those skits, so they at least accomplished what they were set to do, which was get a reaction, good or bad, the May 19th angle was only about the damn movie, did Kane ever get pissed off at the date May 19th last year(or any other year for that matter)? No, It was a poorly done angle where Kane went crazy over May 19th, but every other year it didn't bother him at all.
I agree with Derf. The Obama vs. Clinton was pretty dumb. There was a ton of buildup for this segment, and it was really stupid. I was glad when Umaga came out and cleaned house. Katie Vick was also bad, along with anything Eddie Guererro related after his deatch, and the Mr. McMahon dead storyline. Heel Austin was dumb too.
There was nothing dumb about Obama vs. Clinton. It got WWE some mainstream exposure. There is nothing dumb about that. Something like that would have amused non fans. It might make them tune in this week. It's just the regulars that it annoys.

And people still talk about Katie Vick 5 years on. They don't do that with many other angles. In 10 years time they'll still be talking about it. It was bad, but memorable. Which is something that not many things are in wrestling these days.
There was nothing dumb about Obama vs. Clinton. It got WWE some mainstream exposure. There is nothing dumb about that. Something like that would have amused non fans. It might make them tune in this week. It's just the regulars that it annoys.

The Obama/Clinton match drew attention which is what they wanted. But I doubt it carries non-wrestling fans into next week to tune in and see what would happen.

I wouldn't consider the Obama/Clinton match horrible, but it definately was a waste. This of course is (however) coming from a wrestling fan. So I see the hilariousness of the situation, if I weren't a wrestling fan.. as it makes the "sport" out to look foolish and stupid. So naturally I'd laugh.

All in all though, I wouldn't expect non-wrestling fans who tuned in to see that segment coming back the following week because they suddenly enjoyed wrestling.

As far as the Katie Vick storyline goes. I wish people would lay off it. It wasn't by any means "great" but it was everything (you Jake) said it was. MEMORABLE. I loved the Triple H./dead girl segment. Tasteless, absolutely, Disgusting, sure.. rating grabber.. definately!
6. The Big Bossman feeds Al Snow his dog, Pepper- Does PETA know this shit goes on in the WWE?

7. The Big Bossman drags Big Show's daddy's casket behind the Blues Mobile- The Big Bossman makes two of these? Big friggin suprise.

LOL, i loved both of those angles personally. Watching Big Show being dragged around on a coffin, cryin his eyes out was hilarious.

1. Paul Bearer being abducted and eventually buried alive in cement by Paul Heyman at The Great American Bash. One of the most poorly written, poorly executed, and poorly filmed segments on any wrestling program EVER, and disturbingly offensive.

Taker threw the switch not Heyman

Was never really offended by all the illness, pregnancy ,death angles it's the exact same stuff you see in soap operas all the time, and wrestling is a male orientated soap opera so....

Vickie/Edge storyline wins it for me

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