What is the crappiest angle the WWE has ever done

Soul Reaper

Occasional Pre-Show
What do you think is the worst angle the WWE has ever done. There are lots to choose from.

I'll start things off. To me the worst angle in not only WWE history but all time is that Katie Vick crap. I dont understand why HHH would do a dumb angle like that.

Another dumb angle was Vince Mcmahon & Shane Mcmahon vs HBK & God. I wonder if Vince felt bad at all after that. Fighting God in a match is a very controversial thing to do. I'm surprised Shawn actually went through with it due to his strong christian beliefs.
Okay, first of all...

I don't think Katie Vick is crap. That angle gets a LOT of heat, but I enjoyed it. I thought the idea of giving Kane a human streak from his past was a good idea, and you can't say it wasn't more interesting than a generic "RAWR, you dun gon n hit me wit a steal chair and now I am the mad! Kane eat you now!". It was a developed angle. Like it or not, at least it was an effort.

As for my vote for worst angle, I am going to go with ANY angle involving Hulk Hogan after 2003, simply because almost all of them were an excuse for him to come in for an absurd paycheck for no workrate and beat someone clean with no return investment to the company whatsover. Its a quick, cop out draw, and nothing more. The last decent thing Hogan did for the company was job to Lesnar. Which I didn't agree with because for everything I don't like about Hogan, he is greater than Lesnar, and I despise Lesnar more than any other wrestler who ever lived.

My second vote would be for Rey Mysterio was World Heavyweight Champion. I've said this before in other threads, so I won't rehash and old rant.

Reader's Digest Version: Short lightweight man with no force or momentum behind his wrestling wins the world HEAVYweight title. Enough said.

And if I need a third choice, I'll go with Zack Gowen. Take everything wrong with Rey Mysterio, add a missing leg, and then have whine about taking bumps. Please.
Wow, there are so many to choose from. Can I just do a top ten, in no particular order? lol

1. The Gobbledy Gooker-
You bring Hector Guerrero into the WWE for THIS shit? Oh come on, that was even low for WWE.

2. Mae Young gets pregnant- All of that shit and she gives birth to a hand? No wonder Mark Henry's career has never amounted to crap.

3. Molly Holly and Spike Dudley fall in love- This was so bad that Molly ended up waking up a Super Hero, which was even worse.

4. Zeus comes to the WWF to battle Hulk Hogan-
Let me get this shit straight. The WWF's answer to an unstoppable force is Debo? Might have been good is Hogan didn't beat and KILL him in the movie!

5. Earthquake crushes Damien to death-
This was just in bad taste all together. The only thing worse was...

6. The Big Bossman feeds Al Snow his dog, Pepper- Does PETA know this shit goes on in the WWE?

7. The Big Bossman drags Big Show's daddy's casket behind the Blues Mobile- The Big Bossman makes two of these? Big friggin suprise.

8. The One Man Gang becomes Akeem- The white punk rock mammoth becomes a brutha? Aint that some shit. Only in the mind of Vincent Kennedy McMahon

9. Linda McMahon is comatose- Another angle in bad taste. Comatose people around the world miraculously snapped out of their comas long enough to get up and turn the tv off.

10. The League of Ultimate Fighters- Ken Shamrock versus Dan The Beast Severn. it had potential. Of course, adding Steven Blackman to the mix made for horrific matches and even worse matches. Hey, did I mention that the matches also sucked? lol

Honorable mention- Vader picks Steve Blackman(a fan who jumped in the ring) to be on his survivor series team, The Vader Shuffle, The NWA, The NEW Diesel and Razor Ramon, Kamala become a man thanks to Reverend Slick, Torrie Wilson's Dad marries Dawn Marie and dies.
Spawn I agree with all of your choices. I forgot all about that dog eating crap with Al Snow that was dumb. Earthquake crushing Damien to death was always funny to me for some strange reason. I forgot to add Mae Young giving birth to a hand with Mark Henry on my list that was also funny to me. That storyline didn't make much sense either did it? I've always wondered what goes through VKM's mind when he thinks of these dumb story lines.
I hated what they did with Eugene, thank God thats over with! I also hated what they did with the King Booker gimmick. When you give a wrestler a gimmick as sh*tty as that they should be allowed to use whatever substance they want!

I never knew about Vince and Shane vs. Shawn Michaels and God...when did that happen?
I never knew about Vince and Shane vs. Shawn Michaels and God...when did that happen?

The Backlash PPV after WM22.

Id have to say anything to do with scott steiner. He got loads and loads of hype, lost a world title match to HHH and then faded into the background and i think he became a heel.

The Lesnar/Goldberg angle too, It had a lot of potential going into WM20 but that match was the biggest piece of shit ever, Hell if the great khali was around he may have made the match better! But then again neither of them were really in it tbh.
Hmmm, the crappiest WWE angle ever? With so much McMahon made crap to choose from over the years, that's a tough question. So much crap, so little time! Well, being that this is WWE Hall Of Fame week, I now present my list entitled "WWE Hall Of Crap" (drumroll)

10. Hornswoggle, 'nuff said.

9. Torrie Wilson's father Al's "affair", "marriage", and "death" due to Dawn Marie. Just plain stupid.

8. ANYTHING involving Rey Mysterio, especially the World "Heavyweight" championship. Some of the most boring segments ever on Smackdown have involved "Rey Rey". If I hear that name one more time I'm going to puke.

7. The Undertaker's "supernatural powers" (i.e. lightning bolts), and the "walking dead" angle. Completely unbelievable, silly, and stupid.

6. The recent "incest" angle. Disgusting.

5. ANY storyline involving Mr.McCrap. Go away Vince.

4. Teddy Long's "heart attack" during the wedding to Krystal Marshall. Poorly written, poorly done.

3. Katie Vick. In bad taste.

2. Lita's pregnancy and miscarriage involving Snitsky. A dead baby is not entertainment.

1. Paul Bearer being abducted and eventually buried alive in cement by Paul Heyman at The Great American Bash. One of the most poorly written, poorly executed, and poorly filmed segments on any wrestling program EVER, and disturbingly offensive.

That's a whole lotta :shit:
Hmmm, the crappiest WWE angle ever? With so much McMahon made crap to choose from over the years, that's a tough question. So much crap, so little time! Well, being that this is WWE Hall Of Fame week, I now present my list entitled "WWE Hall Of Crap" (drumroll)

10. Hornswoggle, 'nuff said.

9. Torrie Wilson's father Al's "affair", "marriage", and "death" due to Dawn Marie. Just plain stupid.

8. ANYTHING involving Rey Mysterio, especially the World "Heavyweight" championship. Some of the most boring segments ever on Smackdown have involved "Rey Rey". If I hear that name one more time I'm going to puke.

7. The Undertaker's "supernatural powers" (i.e. lightning bolts), and the "walking dead" angle. Completely unbelievable, silly, and stupid.

6. The recent "incest" angle. Disgusting.

5. ANY storyline involving Mr.McCrap. Go away Vince.

4. Teddy Long's "heart attack" during the wedding to Krystal Marshall. Poorly written, poorly done.

3. Katie Vick. In bad taste.

2. Lita's pregnancy and miscarriage involving Snitsky. A dead baby is not entertainment.

1. Paul Bearer being abducted and eventually buried alive in cement by Paul Heyman at The Great American Bash. One of the most poorly written, poorly executed, and poorly filmed segments on any wrestling program EVER, and disturbingly offensive.

That's a whole lotta :shit:

I agree with Horswoggle, agree with Al Wilson, and more or less agree with Rey, although he did good as a cruiser. Remember the Mattitude feud? Awesome. I totally disagree with the Undertaker, he has one of the best and long running gimmicks, and it works. I agree with the incest and the McFat. I agree with the Viagra T-long deal, but I disagree with the Katie Vick thing, simply because I'm a Kane mark, and that was the closest he got to a world title in a long time. Same with the Kane getting Lita pregnant thing, that angle was done so well with Matt Hardy and Edge in between. I do agree with the Paul Bearer. But you're forgetting the single worst angle in the history of wrestling.

1) Fake Kane/ Fake Undertaker.
Horrible, not well done, had potention, flubbed.
All those are great examples and to me there is two things. The first is when HBK put the Canadian flag partially in his nose as part of the Canada vs USA. I understand you are at "war" but to disrespect a flag? I don't think Hart took the American flag and wiped his behind. Why? He knew that was wrong.

The other thing was McMahon against God was another bad idea. If HBK has indeed found god, then why in the hell did he agree to do the match? I mean would you take the Koran and descreate it? No.
Anything to do with playboy, I've seen this s**t at WM in 2005, 2007 and now 2008! It's not wrestling and it's embarrasing for women.

Zach Gowen was preety terrible too. In fact anything where someone jumps the barrier is bound to suck.

And this recent angle with Katie Lea and Paul Burchill is unnecassary, it's like Vince is using it so he can have a laugh with Triple H. They've brought in two talented superstars just to intentionally send them to Heat.
Mea Young pregnant angle was pretty bad. Giving birth to "a Hand"?!? Who writes this crap! Vince should kick him self in the nuts.

Then the Bossman making Al Snow eat Pepper! WTF! Which led to a Kennel from Hell match which was worthless! Nothing good came out of either of these angles!
The Mae Young one hands down for me. Katie Vick storyline was bad & in bad taste but it is humanly possible to happen. The HBK & God one was kind of in bad taste but isn't that bad, because it was just HBK and his will to win, there wasn't actually a person dressed as god or anything. But the Mae Young one takes it a step too far and is an absolute joke....(i also hated the Dr Vince w/ JR thing although that was less a storyline & more of a skit!)
And this recent angle with Katie Lea and Paul Burchill is unnecassary, it's like Vince is using it so he can have a laugh with Triple H. They've brought in two talented superstars just to intentionally send them to Heat.

I'm not even sure, the incest angle is still gonna go through..it's been quite awhile since it's actually been mentioned...maybe Vince has come to his senses...hopefully.

BUt the Mae Young pregnant for Mark Henry and giving birth to a hand was the worse angle ever. It was just so unrealistic and disgusting, it wasn't even funny. At least the Katie Vick storyline while pushing the lines, was funny (IMO at least).
canadian knight i agree with you 100 percent the whole vince and shane vs shawn and God not even funny? thats a stupid storyling especially for people who are religous (me) but it still didnt make sense its not the worst storyline but it sure was stupid vincent kennedy mchmahon has one of the weirdest minds ever nuff said
But you're forgetting the single worst angle in the history of wrestling.

1) Fake Kane/ Fake Undertaker.
Horrible, not well done, had potention, flubbed.

Thanks for the nauseating memories! You are right, that was the worst crap ever. I'm not sure whether I forgot about it or just totally blanked it out of my memory as a survival instinct. Anyway, we have a new number one. :thumbsup:
My most disliked angles, in no particular order....

Vince & Shane vs HBK & God... I gotta agree with Canadian Knight too... I'm not exactly super-religious, but that entire angle came across to me as poking fun at religion. I seriously wonder how HBK would have agreed to do that angle, if he truly had found religion..... I know I wouldn't, even if I would get 'demoted' for refusing to do it.....

Katie Vick... I just thought HHH making out or having sex with a dead body disguised as Kane was just in poor taste.... (And yes, I know he didn't really do it.....)

Gobbledygooker..... Lame. If I'm going to buy a PPV, I want to do it for the WRESTLING, and wrestling-related segments. Having a well-known wrestler "hatch" out of a giant egg dressed in a turkey costume, and dancing in the ring with Gene Okerlund, that's just waste of airtime imho....

Mae Young giving birth to a hand... Again, a waste of TV airtime. It was funny for maybe 3 seconds once the hand is first shown, but the entire rest of that segment was just boring... And saying "3 seconds" here is being generous...

Shawn Michaels sticking the Canadian flag up his nose.... The whole Canada vs. USA thing between the Hart Foundation and DX was certainly interesting enough, but as a canadian, watching Shawn Michaels stick the flag up his nose was offensive... (And one reason why I don't like Shawn Michaels...)

I know there are others, but can't think of them off the top of my head...
Gotta go with theGobbledy Gooker. All the build up going into Survivor Series (especially Mene Gene mentioning the idea of "Playboy Bunny" seconds before the egg hatched, which got a huge pop) and yo get one of the great luchadores in a goddam turkey suit. It was painful to watch to Mean Gene make a fool of himself, I mean, at least Hector had a suit on!

The only reason I can watch it again is to listen to Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper try to put the Gooker over despite the obvious anger by the live crowd.

I think any "fake" angle is pretty lame too. Fake Diesel, Fake Razor Ramon, Fake Goldberg (Gillberg). EXCEPT for the fake Undertake of DiBiase. Coz you just knew the real Taker was coming back to kick his ass.
Hi here are my top 5-

5. Hornswoggle/Vince McMahon- Vince wasn't even involved in the match at W/M shows what he thought of it!

4. Mae Young gives birth to a hand. Mark Henry has never been the same...

3. Lita's miscarriage. Dead babies aren't entertaining!

2. Katie Vick. It was just a bad idea- why did HHH even agree to it?

1. HBK & God vs. Vince & Shane- A lot of people take pops at religion but this wasn't even funny. Why did HBK agree to it?
In no particular order:

Katie Vick - Do i really need to explain why this was the stupidest storyline ever?

Big Show's Dad/Bossman- This was just so unbelievably chessy, especially when Bossman attaches Big Show's dad coffin to his truck and peels off only to have Big Show holding on to the casket for dear life in the cemetary.

Shawn Michaels Tag Team partner...God? Isn't it ironic that as soon as Vince hired a bunch of Hollywood writers with little to no prior experience with the biz, and renamed his company WWE; that the company and wrestling business started to go in the sh!tt*r? This storyline was a clear-cut example of how it sadly came to be.

Hornswoggle - Again...Who cares?

Snitsky's foot fetish - WOW, how creative.

Anyone else see a pattern here? These angle have all happened within the last 8 or 9 yrs. A slow but steady decline of the wrestling business that i unfortunetely do not see changing anytime soon.
I'd say at least 60% of WWE's angle's are a load of shite.
Any angle that takes the piss out of peoples illnesses is bad taste (i.e. Teddy's heart attack/Eugines disability/Linda's coma).
Any angle that tries to showcase death as entertainment is sick and has no place on T.V. (i.e. Lita's miscarriage).

Personally, my pick would be the Vicky/Edge shite going on now. How the fcuk can Edge sleep at night when he is pissing on the memory of Eddie (one of his friends) by sticking his tongue down the widow's throat on a weekly basis ?!!!? It's not like Edge is some mid carder who is new to the biz, he is well established and is surely in a position to turn down that sort of story if he really wanted to. I can understand Vicky thinking she has to do it as she needs to provide for her family now the breadwinners gone, but Edge man, you totally suck dick for this!

On a lighter note, I think unmasking Kane was a mistake. Does anyone remember the angle they toyed with for about 2 weeks where Kanes mask started talking to him through the titantron? Man, glad that one never took off!
The unmasking angle has been the death of the Kane character in my eyes. How long before he drops this belt to someone like Boogeyman? Incidentally, why does WWE constantly spoil Kanes matches by giving away the result before the bell rings? If he's gonna loose, he does the pyro before the match. Do they really think we're dumb enough to not notice?
I think one of the most distasteful storylines ever was Linda McMahon being in a Comatose state. There are way too many people who are actually like that in this world, and to have The WWE make light of the situation is beyond unfunny its down right disgusting.

Another one would have to be The Katie Vick angle, although it was pretty funny at how far they went with it. Other than that it should have never even been thought of. But still to this day seeing Triple H in a casket humping a mannequin still makes me laugh a little.
I'd say at least 60% of WWE's angle's are a load of shite.
I can understand Vicky thinking she has to do it as she needs to provide for her family now the breadwinners gone, but Edge man, you totally suck dick for this!

On a lighter note, I think unmasking Kane was a mistake. Does anyone remember the angle they toyed with for about 2 weeks where Kanes mask started talking to him through the titantron? Man, glad that one never took off!
The unmasking angle has been the death of the Kane character in my eyes. How long before he drops this belt to someone like Boogeyman? Incidentally, why does WWE constantly spoil Kanes matches by giving away the result before the bell rings? If he's gonna loose, he does the pyro before the match. Do they really think we're dumb enough to not notice?

Edge sucks dick 4 other reasons also. Remember stealing Lita from Matt. Thankfully I stopped watching the suits at stamford years ago. Stuff like this was 1 of many reasons why. That's clever of you bringing that up on the pyro. I notice a lotta things but not that, never paid attention. I agree that Kane's career ended when his mask was removed. Here are a few that I still remember that hasn't been talked about.

1 on anyone's list. Vince pulling a Jack McCay=faking death in a car. Doing an angle on wondering who blew him up & weeks later a wrestler died 4 real. Coincidence...I understand doing something for ratings & something different but some things should be left alone. Perfect example, when 2pac & proof did videos of them getting shot 2 death, they got shot dead in real life. The last videos they've done. Yes I know if they were somewhere else, they might be alive 2day.
2. Pillman/Goldust/Marlena angle. It was exciting, & yes Pillman was a married man but i'm sure there were kids out there who might have thought Goldust had murdered Pillman when Vince reported that he died. There had been people murdered cause of love triangles. Had he lived then I wouldn't have put this on the list.
3. Raw angle with Vince stopping Benjamin & Trish from kissing. ******ed MNF parody. I felt that Vince was racist on this.
4. Stephanie winning the womens title. She ain't a wrestler. Female version of David Arquette winning the WCW world title. What's weird is that when Vince said she was facing Jacqueline, there was no mention for the womens title. And the way she won the matches. UTTER GARBAGE.
That's all I can think of now.
4. Stephanie winning the womens title. She ain't a wrestler. Female version of David Arquette winning the WCW world title. What's weird is that when Vince said she was facing Jacqueline, there was no mention for the womens title. And the way she won the matches. UTTER GARBAGE.
That's all I can think of now.

Have to disagree with you on this one, while granted she wasnt a 'wrestler' as such the title lineage immediately before her was jacqueline - hervina - miss kitty - ivory. So you have a wrestler who won it from a man who won it from someone whose claim to fame was being jerry lawlers girlfriend in an evening gown pool match. I also remember that she held the womens title while HHH held the WWE title. It made sense in the story being the McMahon-Hemsley era, being that the two big champions were running the show.

Also i remember that the match between her and Lita where Lita beat her for the title was the first time ever that the main event on RAW was for the womens title. It was the biggest heel against the biggest face in the womens division and i seem to recall that the crowd was going nuts for it, and i marked out completely over the ending when the Rock counted the 1-2-3 and also Steph pulled out some good moves for a non-wrestler.

As for the way she won her matches how is it any different from any other cowardly heel cheating to win? Her charisma totally made up for the limited wrestling ability and it was good to see the title actually mean something again.
Have to disagree with you on this one, while granted she wasnt a 'wrestler' as such the title lineage immediately before her was jacqueline - hervina - miss kitty - ivory. So you have a wrestler who won it from a man who won it from someone whose claim to fame was being jerry lawlers girlfriend in an evening gown pool match. I also remember that she held the womens title while HHH held the WWE title. It made sense in the story being the McMahon-Hemsley era, being that the two big champions were running the show.

Also i remember that the match between her and Lita where Lita beat her for the title was the first time ever that the main event on RAW was for the womens title. It was the biggest heel against the biggest face in the womens division and i seem to recall that the crowd was going nuts for it, and i marked out completely over the ending when the Rock counted the 1-2-3 and also Steph pulled out some good moves for a non-wrestler.

As for the way she won her matches how is it any different from any other cowardly heel cheating to win? Her charisma totally made up for the limited wrestling ability and it was good to see the title actually mean something again.

The 1st paragraph you wrote, I didn't like that either. Or winning the title on stripping clothes off. Far as i'm concerned the women's title died 4 good when that happened. It was just stupid. And the last paragraph, I know that's how a heel wins by cheating but that's stuff's so played out. Try something new. Angle doesn't always cheat to win, Mr. Perfect only cheated once as a heel[likable heel] At least they done it differently. Yall bear with me on my comments cause i've 4gotten a lot of stuff on wrestling.
The 1st paragraph you wrote, I didn't like that either. Or winning the title on stripping clothes off. Far as i'm concerned the women's title died 4 good when that happened. It was just stupid. And the last paragraph, I know that's how a heel wins by cheating but that's stuff's so played out. Try something new. Angle doesn't always cheat to win, Mr. Perfect only cheated once as a heel[likable heel] At least they done it differently. Yall bear with me on my comments cause i've 4gotten a lot of stuff on wrestling.

Sorry sidenote - you didnt like the way i wrote it or the way the title changed hands?

Back on topic - It is just the way that Steph was, it complimented her as a non-wrestler having the title. She shouldnt have been able to beat the likes of Lita in a fair fight so that was the way her character was portrayed, as a cowardly heel to win her matches. How else could they have her win without her opponents looking extremely weak? To play her out as a dominant heel, or winning without cheating would have been a mistake, not only to her character but also to the whole division, not to mention the heat she generated by her doing playing her role.

The crappiest angle IMO is the way they played off Eddie's name in the Rey Mysterio push. If Rey was pushed on his own merits - fine. But that was not the way it went down. It also doesnt help that i loathe Rey Rey i suppose.

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