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What Is Holding Shelton Benjamin Down??



I watch Raw every week and I can't help but wonder why Shelton Benjamin is not a singles compeditor, fighting for the IC title. He is the most athletic talent in the WWE and has the wrestling skills to boot, yet he is featured in pre-show dark matches as part of WGTT and is jobbing to a guy like Cody Rhodes, who has been in the company 2 months and doesnt have half the talent that Shelton does.

Does anyone know why Benjamin aint gettin no love???
I think Sheldon is an amazing athlete,but I'm guessing it is all because of his hair. :)

HAHAHAH!! :lmao:

Could be. he reminds me of Dennis Rodman.

Shelton should be in a spot at the same level as the Hardys. Not at the belts, not jobbing everytime, but somewhere in the middle.

Benjamin really needs to get some time in Japan, or maybe in some other Indie promotion, just to shake a little bit the WWE stale image he has right know.
He easily could be feuding for the US belt if he were on SD.
When he came to RAW in 2004,even HHH gave him a rub.Vince had high hopes for Shelton.He was being pushed until he had some incident backstage with a senior member of the crew(probably a former wrestler like Rhodes or Anderson).It was around about the time he had the horrendous losing streak on RAW& then was given the whole Big Momma crap gimmick.After that,he lost his place on the upper mid-card and he'll never get it back.
Shelton is one of my favourite wrestlers and although it's disapointing to see him job, the reasons are fairly obvious:

1. He has no mic skills or charisma, meaning that none of the kids will get behind him. However, this could be remedied by bringing a manager in and Lashley is getting a fairly big push despite his lack of mic skill.

2. He annoyed someone in a powerful position (as mentioned by mabuza). Up until mid-2005, he was enjoying one of the longest IC title reigns in WWE history and having some great matches with the likes of Y2J. However, he was made to see out the rest of the year jobbing because of a backstage incident and although he won the IC again (albeit for a much shorter time) and had brief feuds with RVD and Jeff Hardy, he never reached the level he did before.

3. He's stuck in a dead-end tag team. Remember in 2003 when TWGTT were dominating SmackDown. Well not only has the reunion stopped Shelton from ever potentially acheiving greatness, but they're even light years away from winning the tag titles.

I think Shelton needs to split with Charlie, move back to SmackDown and feud with the likes of MVP and Finlay for the US title. They also need to give him a manager. Maybe Teddy Long; he's been SD GM for a long time now and made a great manager. He would definitely solve the problem of Shelton's mic skills.

Although it pains me to say it, I don't think the future holds anything spectacular for Shelton.
I really think that Shelton will ever be a upper mid-carder ever again and the reason why i say that is that nobody cares about him. Before reuniting with Charlie Haas, he was getting worst fan reaction than Charlie Haas. You could actually hear a pin drop when he would come out to the ring. So the only way i could see Shelton back to the upper midcard region would be if he gets release from his WWE contract and go wrestling on the independant circuit or TNA because in the WWE, his career is dead.
Shelton has been shown plenty of love. He's had multiple title reigns and even shots at the wwe championship. He even gets more promo spots than most wrestlers. If that's not success then I don't know what is. I don't think he's held back at all.
The only person that's screwing Shelton is himself, and it's very obvious.

The question is this; where is the love from Shelton? Vince McMahon and JR best worded it: there's a lot of amazing athletes in the business but some of them just don't put enough effort which holds a lot of them back.
He is an amazing athlete but i believe one of the reasons why he isnt getting no love is because his mic skills are not that great.he needs basically a gimmick and a make over and i believe he needs to break away from Charlie Haas to become a singles competitor. Basically his image is stale and needs a whole make over maybe a brand change could help him. Move to SD and feud with MVP finlay and HArdy.
r maybe a brand change could help him. Move to SD and feud with MVP finlay and HArdy.

I think switching Brands would be great for shelton but instead of sending him to Smackdown send him to ECW because they need more quality wrestlers because theyre running out of main eventers over there and the move to ECW would immediately establish Shelton as a main eventer
The reasons everybody is giving for Shelton's de-push is stupid. The Great Khali and Umaga don't have mic skills yet they're champions. Shelton Benjamin got into an argument with a road agent and his raw career is buried, yet Randy Orton causes thousands of dollars in hotel damages yet he's fighting John Cena for the wwe title? It doesn't make any sense to me. I say either Shelton gets a huge push or he leaves for TNA and you know how badly they want former wwe superstars....
From what I've heard, the reason Shelton doesn't get the push he deserves is because he picks and chooses when he wants to perform. He could easily be one of their best performers but he doesn't try as hard as he can. If he went out every week and performed to the best of his ability, he'd easily get his push and be right up there, but the general consensus is that sometimes he just can't be bothered trying.

Don't get me wrong, even when he doesn't try, he's still great. Just they want more out of him.
Shelton Benjamin executes moves in the ring that I haven't seen even the Hardy's do. All of that talent, agility, intensity, but lacking the rest of the variables to make him a complete success. He needs a refresher...break away from Haas and go to Smackdown. He should obtain some credit there and then return to Raw when he is more rounded.
Just WWE wasting talent. Mic Work/Charisma is probably the one of the big causes to why he is jobbing. WWE really couldn't give a shit apparently if you have in ring talent or not. That he does have. IMO he's the most athletic wrestler on the roster with multiple styles/skills. He doesn't fail to deliver when given time it showed during his run with the IC Title.

He goes from a big push in 05 a few IC title runs to now jobbing to green newbies like Cody Rhodes. Hmmmm...I'm sure he got himself into some kind of trouble quite a few times(It's been said about some arguement I never heard about) and just got stuck back in the tag divison with Haas.

The WGTT are nothing more than Tag Team jobbers anymore,Rarely used sort of stale... It's time for them to split. The Mid-Card on RAW is weak,Shelton could do wonders for the mid-card and bring back some exciting IC title action. I doubt it happens though they have to rely on the past guys like Hardy and hold back the younger talent. It's typical WWE. Nothing New. All I know is Shelton is one of the most underrated wrestlers I've ever seen. I see him sticking in the lower Mid-Card/Tag Divison for quite a while then maybe a split to regain his Single's career possibly even a move to SD!. It think he would fit in there just as well since the Mid-Card isn't all that wonderful. Hopefully something happens though but for now I'm sure he will be putting over newcomers or tagging with a dead team.
Shelton is THE best wrestler in the WWE and if not then hes the second best. Think about it, this guy got no main event push but put on classics with big time guys. Remember when he managed to beat HHH? That was a great match and it was also very emotional I remember being extremley into this match and rooting hard for Shelton and when he won I went crazy. It was unbelievable the energy that match had.

He then put on another great match with HBK in the Gold Rush tourny. He was the stand out in the first two Money in the Bank matches. This guy can't do much more. His mic skills can use work and its just a matter of time before he can get comfortable with a mic in his hand. Look how far Edge came on the mic.

What Shelton needs is to split with Hass, go on a hiatus and run in on a Jeff Hardy match. These two can start a month or two long fued and they would put on some classics.
i believe Shelton is due and will probably recieve a big push very soon, did anyone notice his new hairstyle on raw this week? that has to mean something right?! i think throw him back into the IC category or even a feud with Charlie Haas would create some classic matches becasue of their wrestling ability... i don't think this would come across however because of their popularity status
Looking at it this way, Shelton is a very athletic guy, in the build of the Hardys as said, but it's rare that Vince gives a push to non steroid ultra-muscular men like Batista nowadays isn't it? Still as BDOG said, his funny new hair must mean something right? I mean, who would change their hair like that if it wasn't needed? lol

As mentioned earlier, I think he would be great on ECW competing as a face (during that brief feud with HHH a few years ago the fans started to like him) against Morrisson for the ECW title, as ECW needs more face characters. Morrisson/Shelton or Shelton/Punk for the ECW title? Now that I want to see.
I have never heard of this backstage incident but that has to be the reason he gets no love. Shelton is one of the best in ring performers in recent history.

My dream scenerio would be that MVP and Matt Hardy agree to each get a partner and face off and the winning team gets the WWE Tag Team Championship. Matt will obviously pick Jeff and MVP makes a surprise and picks Shelton, thus moving them both to Smackdown. This feud could then bring respect to the tag belts and maybe even help Deuce and Domino get over if they could somehow get involved. The US Title could become the focal point of the feud after D and D take the tag belts. I personally think this is too good of an idea for the WWE to pull off.
Benjamin is techniquely a very good wrestler, but now a days it doesn't matter if u couldn't wrestle your way out of a box(matt hardy). You need fan reaction either cheers for faces or boos for heels and for some reason or another(lack of charisma, no mic skills, ect) he gets little fan reaction. It's the reason why a spot monkey like Jeff Hardy always seems to get push cuz he has charisma. Shelton's only hope is to go on to a singles career and get a heel manager(heyman?) or hope for the tag division to get alot better. If not hope he likes jobbing to every producers son(cody rhodes) or any tag team!!!
Bad mic skills... One of the most talented wrestlers on the roster but since he doesn't have the best mic skills and lacks charisma he doesn't receive a push.. I think he could work great matches with someone like Burke or Rey Rey but WWE keeps jobbing him as a terrible tag team
Hopefully the hair is a sign that he's changing his gimmick. Crossing my fingers! He does need to dump Charlie.

I love the idea of moving him to ECW and giving him a title run there. It's true that there are just too many huge muscle guys on Raw and SD for Vince to choose from (I still can't believe he was honestly surprised that Snitsky wasn't over...), which gets tedious to look at. And their head always look disporportional to their bodies...

But anyways, Shelton gets love from me! Or at least like since I'm not a fan of the hair. Haha!
Shelton Benjamin is pretty good he can fly yet hes still and big guy but theres no love for him because of the stupid WGTT shit i mean Haas is a loser and Benjamin did much better with out him along side.
He needs to be a face on the Smackdown or ECW brand. When he first came to RAW, he was great and the crowd cheered him like crazy. You could give him an ECW Title reign there to see if he's ready to hold a title (similar to Morrison). To me, if he was a face he would be easy to pull for. He's got great athletic ability. If people see him going all out in the ring (Gold Rush Tournament) they will cheer him. I cheer him, face or heel.
Here's what I think Shelton should do, he should walk up to Vince and ask him for one big match and if he impresses Vince (which is beyond me why Vince hasn't already been) then he becomes a main eventer. If not then suggest a main event push on ecw or smackdown. If not quit and go to TNA.
If you split up the WGTT then your killing charlie. Charlie wouldnt be the guy he is without being in a tag team... let alone a tag team with shelton.

He needs a bad boy gimmick I think... a gangsta kinda image would do him good.
I agree with all the guys saying that shelton need a brand change hopefully to ECW cause its kind of hard for me to catch Smackdown with my job and social life. I dont get to watch Smackdown very often and i really enjoy his matches so I'd be kind bummed if he went to SD although it probably would be best for him. SB is probably my fav wrestler along with Johnny Nitro, It would be cool to have him feud with Johnny Nitro (I'm not ready to call him John Morrison yet!) i think they could have some really A+ matches.

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