What happened to all the Cena hate?

I "might" be missing the point, but it seems to me that the best wrestler should be the one who entertains the most people
So, you agree that John Cena is the best wrestler?

in which case, if people hate Cena, and the reasons are irrelevant, he is doing something wrong. A lot of people are entertained by Cena, I don't care who is, theres a lot of them, but there are a lot more that go shit crazy when HBK/Taker come out, and on the flip side a lot more boo/hate Cena compared to those other two.
You're looking at it from completely the wrong perspective.

Let's put it like this. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, in the mid 90s, was booed by most people every where he went. Did that mean he wasn't entertaining? Of course not. Because, at the end of the day, those fans who packed the arenas to boo him, were still there because of HIM. They were there to show their hatred of the Hollywood Hogan character.

So it goes with Cena. Even if people pay their money to show up and boo him, they still show up and pay their money to see HIM. And we know that more people show up for Cena than for anyone else, because ALL indicators have said so. From an increase in ratings every time he comes back to Raw, to incredible merchandise sales, to loudest pop of the night, to the increases in live event attendance for several years in a row, we know that John Cena is possibly the ONE person, more than any other, who has an effect on the bottom line of the WWE.

And, because we know that he is the biggest draw for the company, that means we also know he is the most entertaining. Because, how many people repeatedly put down their hard earned money for something they don't enjoy, and doesn't entertain them?

Thus, since we know that Cena is the best drawing wrestler on the roster, we know he is the most entertaining. And since we know he is the most entertaining, we know that he is the best wrestler, as you said so yourself.
I think that's slightly anecdotal, if the rating rises from 5 million to 5.1 million (theoretically) because of Cena, who are/were the rest of the audience tuning in for? I would say there is a buzz around anyone who is returning and notable, a 5 time champion on the current roster will usually hoax people in, I'm not questioning Cena's drawing power, but in terms of a ratings increase, I'd put that down to a short term buzz which will wittle down to the usual mean rating, that can be just as much Cena as it would be anyone else big, I wouldn't make that exclusive to him. People do not pay money to go and boo Cena, they go to watch a WWE event, to cheer their favorites is a lot closer to the truth, while I can't question Cena is a huge superstar in that we all have an opinion of him, in terms of entertainment I don't think those booing him are entertained, it's a different type of booing from a different set of fans to those who boo Edge/Orton, at least for the most part, I think theres a distinction to be made there.

The pops for Cena are a mix of Boos/Cheers, I'd have no complaints that it is the loudest (at least some weeks anyway, it changes weekly really), but when 60% are cheering and 40% booing (Tends to vary, but that's what I hear on TV a lot of the time) it's not as good as 95/5 (even with slightly less people) as you get with the very, very best superstars, even for all the bitching Triple H gets, the crowd is pretty much always crazy for him, I don't even really care for him extensively, but when I saw him at Smackdown last year I went crazy.

I don't see too much difference of opinion, frankly the only one is that I don't believe people who hate Cena pay to see him (which has a knock on effect into other points made), in the 80s you might have said that for the Hulk, from what I hear (and I don't like treading this territory nor anything since before I started watching wrestling in about 2000) was "THE" superstar of the day, but Cena isn't that today, not yet anyway, I don't see anything that really separates him from the pack of main guys, I certainly wouldn't like a WWE without Cena, but I wouldn't like a WWE without a tonne of other superstars, it doesn't make them the most entertaining guy WWE has today.
Does Triple H really sustain the crowd's interest like Cena, though? Certainly over the last few months in his segments with Orton, some of the pops for his entrance have been dull and non-existent. Additionally, at this point I think 60-40 is an overstatement in most places and the hate has died down.

Who are you to make such a call that Edge and Orton get entertainment boos and Cena doesn't? How does one make that objective distinction? I know when I boo those two it's a "Get the fuck out of the ring, I hate you with all my heart" kind of boo. Surely I can't be the only one. Just because a lot of posters have hard-ons for heel work, doesn't mean heels get booed at shows because people find them entertaining.

If Cena hasn't seperated himself from the pack yet for you, I'm not sure what to stay. He is the poster boy, the most frequent main eventer, and the guy who gets the loudest reactions. That's definately THE top guy in my book.

I honestly think Cena just does something screwy to people where they can't think right. It's always the most unique reactions for him, on-screen and on the boards.
So you have made the distinction - By saying it's a unique reaction you're seeing it, who are you to make the call then? It's obvious that Cena is not intended to be booed, however I have tossed around the idea of Cena being a tweener in recent weeks (as in he is one now), it's something I think might be true to an extent, he acknowledges the booing and so do the commentators, that changes things a bit, but until everyone else sees Cena as playing that role, I don't think I'm qualified enough to make that judgement, I thought I'd throw it out regardless.

Cena is right at the top of the pack, he's on a level with Taker/HHH/Jeff and Mysterio in terms of being really marketable, the former two are insanely popular, I just don't put him at a distance ahead of them, he's the one the ball has been given to (which is probably why he is seen as "the" name to some people), and he has run with it, and people just don't want to see it, I wouldn't quite put myself in that bracket, I'm just of the opinion that he is not the best in the world today as an entertaining superstar.

I'm not sure I have much more mileage in terms of responses, I might leave it at that, I'm not a complete Anti-Cena extremist, it's a lot easier for them to argue it than me, who can only have limited responses in a thread like this.
I still hate the way Cena is booked, hate his ring work, and his 6 moves of doom make me want to put a hammer to my head, but I've always respected Cena. Nobody works harder than Cena in the WWE and for that, he deserves more credit than he's given. And also for what Cena did with Swagger on Raw a couple weeks ago, and what Triple H refuses to do with the TOP HEEL in the company in Randy Orton, Cena still gets respect. Some people don't separate John Cena the man and John Cena the character when they talk about him and talk shit about him. People need to differentiate their opinions.

John Cena the man is a man that nobody... and I mean NOBODY should EVER be talking shit on. He's a promo machine, he loves the business, he does whatever is good for the business, and the work he does with Make A Wish is simply impossible to top. His movies... another story. He gets a paycheck from them and wants to just do a "cool action movie." For that, mission accomplished but his acting... I detest but that's for another story.

John Cena the character... is just plain boring. Yes he will come up with a good and funny promo now and again, but his ring work is just awful. Again... his 6 moves of doom seriously need to stop. How long can he keep winning this way? SOMETHING has to give sooner or later. But then again Hogan did it the same way forever, so it may never quit. The shoulder blocks, the slam after the shoulder blocks, the fame-asser off the top rope, the FU, and the STFU are moves I don't even want to see again. I can't even watch Cena's matches because they're so effing boring.
So you have made the distinction - By saying it's a unique reaction you're seeing it, who are you to make the call then? It's obvious that Cena is not intended to be booed, however I have tossed around the idea of Cena being a tweener in recent weeks (as in he is one now), it's something I think might be true to an extent, he acknowledges the booing and so do the commentators, that changes things a bit, but until everyone else sees Cena as playing that role, I don't think I'm qualified enough to make that judgement, I thought I'd throw it out regardless.
Cena's been a tweener since 2006, going against faces like Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, Lashley, etc. It's not like this is new, and neither is them recognizing that people boo him. They've been on-point with this for years.

And everyone can make the distinction that Cena's reaction is unique, not just me. Ask around.

Cena is right at the top of the pack, he's on a level with Taker/HHH/Jeff and Mysterio in terms of being really marketable, the former two are insanely popular, I just don't put him at a distance ahead of them, he's the one the ball has been given to (which is probably why he is seen as "the" name to some people), and he has run with it, and people just don't want to see it, I wouldn't quite put myself in that bracket, I'm just of the opinion that he is not the best in the world today as an entertaining superstar.
He moves more merchandise than anyone has since Steve Austin. He gets the best reactions on the roster. His psychology and ability to connect with the audience is tops. His selling is on par or better than that of Jeff or Mysterio. He's the top guy. Taker is only around once in a blue as a special attraction. Cena is the company man, the spokesperson, and the go-to guy for a reason.
I've never hated Cena, but I wish they would slightly change his gimmick to be a bit more edgy.

I can't believe the "Cena can't wrestle" debate is still going on after all the great matches he's had in the past 3 years, I was amazed at the matches he got out of Lashley, Khali & Batista (although I like Batista) and I can't think of a better title reign this decade than his one from 06-07, not only because of the length of it, but the great matches/angles with Edge, Shawn Michaels, Orton etc.

I don't think the Cena hate will ever completely go away, you have grown men in the crowd wearing "I Hate Cena" shirts who look like they're ready to kill someone when he comes out, anybody who takes a fake sport that seriously is ******ed.
I am a BIG Cena fan, but it's not because of his ring work. Cena is probably one of the biggest team players in the business. He sees the forrest through the trees and for that I have a lot of respect for him. Not only does he put people over, he also promotes the business and volunteers the little time he has to the kids. He is an awesome person and an entertaining performer.
I'm so sick of haters talking about moves this and moves that.

Moves don't mean anything.

Look at Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker at Wrestlemania... can you honestly say that match was AWESOME because of the variety of MOVES done?

Hell No... it was good because those dudes when out there and killed themselves and told a story.

That's what makes Cena good, he tells a story, a good guy vs bad guy story, and I am eagerly anticipating Edge VS Cena... because these two are GREAT story tellers.

Thank you
I hate the argument that even if you're booing Cena then he's doing his job. No, he's not. Call this a double standard if you wish but cheering for heels usually means that they're doing their job of trying to piss you off so well that you can't help be admire them for it. Booing a face means that they're trying to get you to like them but you just aren't buying it. I go to my fair share of WWE events, I dislike Cena but I never go for the sake of seeing Cena lose. Him being on the card is never factored into my decision to buy a ticket or not. I went to the Rumble because I wanted to see a good Hardy/Swagger match, a possible Christian return and Orton win the Rumble. Cena/JBL was just a match I knew would suck (which it did) that filled time.

One of the main reasons why I don't buy the argument is because of the announcer's reaction. Cena is NOT a tweener. At least, he's not one by choice and he doesn't act like one. The announcers are always scrambling to come up with an excuse when fans cheer for the heel and boo Cena. They just call Cena controversial and basically insinuate that the fans at the current arena are weird. Yes guys, we're weird because we don't cheer the guy you tell us to cheer.

I won't doubt Cena's overness. But I have to doubt a guy who is supposed to be the companies top face and while he's always one of the top cheer getters of the night he's also always one of the top boo getters as well. Something is fundamentally wrong in his character and I'm sick and tired of people telling me that it's MY fault. There's no fault to assign to fans when all they're doing is expressing their opinions. In the same token, I don't think any of Cena's fans are wrong either. I absolutely disagree with you and I find it hard to understand what aspects of Cena appeal to you but I will never pass judgment on you.

I won't even talk about Cena's wrestling ability of lack there of it. I think everyone has driven that point into the ground. People say he's had amazing matches in the last few years... I haven't seen very many of them. I've seen Cena's matches but I haven't seen many great ones. Try to convince me that he had good matches with friggin' Khali and that his hour long snoozefest with HBK on RAW was good. I'll just politely chuckle to myself.

Cena entertains the fans. No question. No debate. But he also irritates just as many fans. Hogan, Bret, HBK, Rock, Austin, etc. When all of those guys were the undisputed #1 guy in the company like Cena is now they NEVER got as much backlash as Cena has consistantly for about three years now. Because of that and that alone Cena is doing a good job but far from a great job.
Lord Sidious said:
I stand by the fact that Rapper John Cena, given the same monster push he receives today, would actually be a Pop Culture icon in this day and age. He would unquestionably draw a Hell of a lot more, with an edgy character, than he does in his "goody two shoes" one.
How so? I really think the appeal of hip-hop and the culture connected to it is overrated. It's a niche that has reared it's ugly head into the main stream, but it's not something I define as THE main stream or as icon-making. I think with the rapper gimmick, Cena would be exactly where he is now because there would probably be that rap-hating segment of the audience also booing him and wishing he'd go away.

How so? I really think the appeal of hip-hop and the culture connected to it is overrated. It's a niche that has reared it's ugly head into the main stream, but it's not something I define as THE main stream or as icon-making. I think with the rapper gimmick, Cena would be exactly where he is now because there would probably be that rap-hating segment of the audience also booing him and wishing he'd go away.

I didn't hear too many people booing Cena when he was billed a Face with the Rapper gimmick.

But this was John Cena's niche, that differentiated him from all the other marquee names in WWE in the past. And they essentially threw it all away.

Hulk Hogan was the All-American Goodie 2 Shoes Goody Guy that trained, said his prayers, and ate his vitamins. It was a gimmick that worked exceptionally well for its time.

Steve Austin was the rogue, Anti-Establishment, loner, Anti-Hero of the WWE who was exactly what the WWE Fanbase was looking for during the time of the Attitude Era. It was cool to cheer on the "bad guys" during this time frame, so the gimmick worked exceptionally well.

The Rock was the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. Exceptionally talented and brought an audience to life like no other could. Wisecracking, Witty, Cocky, Suave, and Cool.

John Cena is .... what exactly? Is he a marine? What is his gimmick? Is he the Hulk Hogan of this day and age, goody two-shoes babyface? That is what I feel they try to market him as, but it is not as successful as it could be because of the day and age we live in.

Hulk Hogan himself would not have worked in this day and age, if he was just starting out and making a name for himself. He is however, still the most over talent that still gets the largest pop of anyone because of nostalgia from the wrestling fans, who are appreciative of the impact he had on people's childhoods. But he wouldn't work in this day and age if this were his prime, as evidenced by John Cena.

I think there still needs to be a degree of rogue in today's Top Babyface. Where as they don't necessarily need to be out drinking beer and giving people the middle finger every show ... I do feel they still need somewhat of a loner, anti-establishment persona about them.

Rapper John Cena worked, because he was that loner, and he was out for himself, where as he is nothing more than a Pro-Establishment, Pro-WWE player in this day and age.

Cena got tremendous reactions as the Rapper, and no I don't think the hip-hop culture is necessarily over-rated. You may not like hardcore rap music. I actually despise it, myself. But that doesn't mean that I am going to let my distaste for rap music get in the way of an awesome character.

Take a look at the pops Cena received as the Rapper, and how he had the crowd in the palm of his hand. He was remarkable ...

John Cena vs Vince McMahon

John Cena va Kenzo Suzuki

John Cena vs Big Show

John Cena vs Brock Lesnar

This one is actually one of my favorites, because it actually occurred on Sunday Night Heat before a PPV. And I truly believe that Cena didn't spend a large time memorizing this bit just for Heat. I think the stuff just rolls off his tongue, which is extremely, extremely impressive.


Rapper John Cena, given the same push he has today, would be getting much better reactions and have a much larger following, instead of being the goody, two-shoes Face, in my view. He was edgy, witty, a loner, spoke his mind, wasn't afraid to use coarse language to make his point, and could definitely be construed as somewhat of a pop culture icon. Can you actually refer to John Cena as a pop culture icon today? Hardly.
. as far as making people look good, cena did that with swagger. he made him look like gold.

Please dude cena did not make Swagger look like gold, Swagger made cena look like gold, swagger is a true WRESTLER with actual talent and knows how to carry a match, cena cant even sell a move for christ sake, & ide also rather hear Swagger's little lisp over Cena screamin on the mic all the damn time

And for people who have stated Cena made Jericho look like gold...Your out of your mind Jericho is known for making okay wrestlers look great so he was able to make cena look from Bad, to almost good,

jericho knows wrestling cena knows "thuganomics" maybe he should stick to them..
No way. The hate was as bad as ever going into his title defense against Randy Orton. I think the haters didn't really dramatically change until he came back at Survivor Series, at which point he was a white-hot face in most towns.

Actually I am wrong, it was back when he was feuding with Khali when a couple of internet people started to appreciate how hard working he was.

After that match Cena got praise of several people, that was the start. He wasn't getting any before. Cena carried that match and it was obvious. He got a lot of respect for it.

The hate he had going into the Orton match doesn't mean much. The hate was going down, but it wouldn't be noticeable for a while. A few fans who appreciate him aren't going to be able to out cheer people who dislike him. Certainly now when people have only just started to notice how good he was or at a show like SummerSlam.

A good way to gauge is on forums.
I never hated Cena, hell, I even felt bad when he was getting booed constantly even when he was supposed to be the ultra-baby face, you could see it in his face, he was hurt by this. What I disliked was getting Cena shoved down my throat almost constantly and then getting his Superman never loses routine each and every time, I found it boring with Hogan and I found it boring with Cena, I didn't hate Cena, I hated the WWE for trying to push their choice as mine. Now Cena is actually losing some matches, this makes him watchable for me, because he's not longer predictable and boring like before.
Rapper John Cena, given the same push he has today, would be getting much better reactions and have a much larger following, instead of being the goody, two-shoes Face, in my view. He was edgy, witty, a loner, spoke his mind, wasn't afraid to use coarse language to make his point, and could definitely be construed as somewhat of a pop culture icon. Can you actually refer to John Cena as a pop culture icon today? Hardly.

I disagree with this for one simple fact...when Cena first came to RAW he was still in the "Ruck Fules", Chaingang phase of his character. He was still rapping and cutting freestyles, and you know what, that's when the crowds began turning against him.

I remember on this very board where people were saying how "lame" his raps were and that a wanna be white rapper from Mass. had no place holding the WWE championship belt.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Cena's gimmick when he was part rapper. Unfortunately, I don't think had he stayed with that gimmick that it would have made any difference to the reaction he gets.
There are many factors that contributed to the Cena hate.

First of all, some people felt his WM21 title win was far too early.

Additionally, talking points such as "he only has five moves" and "he always does that Superman comeback" gained popularity in spite of the fictitious nature of both claims.

Cena doesn't ALWAYS use the Superman comeback. But even when he does, there is nothing wrong with that. Wrestlers have been using the "get beatdown and mount a comeback" rountine long before Cena. It's a time-tested ploy to evoke a large crowd response for a big finish. Cena deserves special recognition for his use of this forumla as his connection with the crowd and selling ability are both in a league of their own and make that formula come off very well.

Oh, and he has more than five moves. I've counted.

As his title reigns went on, some people probably grew tired of him because they felt he was overused (Remember the "Same Old Shit" complaints and the chant at One Night Stand?) and they weren't accustomed to accepting a champion reign at the length he had in this day and age. I find it unfortunate that people might feel this way about long reigns, as Cena's third title reign may easily be the best of his era.

I feel the fans have finally come around to him because since his return from injury at the 2008 Royal Rumble to the point when he was re-injured in the summer, he did not regain a world championship. Despite Cena still being the top face in the company, he is exposed far less than he was at the peak of the Cena-hate.


You are right that Cena uses more than five moves. Besides, didn't Hulk Hogan, who was hugely over, have only three moves (punch, bodyslam, legdrop), and every match was him making a Superman comeback (shakes the head, waves the finger, a couple of pushes, bodyslam, runs to rope, legdrop, pin). Yet Hogan is held up as one of the biggest things in wrestling ever. How soon people forget!

I think Cena needs to improve his intensity. I remember in a feud with Randy Orton, Orton kicked Cena's dad in the head. The next week, Cena came down, smiling and saying that what Orton did "wasn't cool". He should have come down and angry, ready to tear Orton apart.

Cena needs to show more anger. I have found that his best promos are when he is more intense. This way the true wrestling fans will capture his passion for the business, and see that he shares their passion.

BTW, thanks for your picture of the hottest diva on the planet, Katie Lea.
I always liked Cena but even I was one to hate him for a wile. It simply was that he was champion for an entire fucking year. Every paper view was the same, "Watch the powers that be throw some ridiculous odds at Cena, and watch Cena over come those odds, once again!" It was boring, and his gimmick is boring. He is a great worker and is the best the company has and deserves to be as big as he is, but his bland goody too shoes character really doesn't leave much room for depth and gets really boring over time. When he was in the main event scene for 2 years it just became how boring he was, his injury took the heat off him because people were ready to have him back. I think if he went heel and went back to having the "Ruck Fules" character he did way back when on smackdown he'd be much more interesting.


Didn't Triple H and JBL both hold the title for ridiculously long periods in the past few years? So, it hasn't just been Cena.

Edge could do with a Cena-type run with the title, instead of seven two-months reigns. like he has had.

Didn't Hulk Hogan, the most over wrestler of his era, hold the title for three years straight?

Also, I think longer title reigns aren't such a bad thing. I mean, it makes the title more important if they are harder to win. The problem is that there are too many PPV's, so people count how many PPV's someone walks away as champion, rather than how many months they hold it.
I disagree with this for one simple fact...when Cena first came to RAW he was still in the "Ruck Fules", Chaingang phase of his character. He was still rapping and cutting freestyles, and you know what, that's when the crowds began turning against him.

I remember on this very board where people were saying how "lame" his raps were and that a wanna be white rapper from Mass. had no place holding the WWE championship belt.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Cena's gimmick when he was part rapper. Unfortunately, I don't think had he stayed with that gimmick that it would have made any difference to the reaction he gets.

You are free to disagree. I honestly don't remember there being very many boos at all at any point in time when Cena was a Face and had the Rapper gimmick, though. After going through several past videos of him rapping, I definitely didn't notice any boos when he was a Face.

As far as people on the Internet complaining, that is going to happen no matter who you are. I don't think it was to any significant degree.

I think people really got fed up with him AFTER he lost the rapper gimmick and when they gave him the superhuman push with the never-ending title reign.

I would have still given him the championship, but I would have kept the Rapper gimmick, and probably have cut his reign in half.
He had the rapper gimmick in his feud with Jericho in the summer of 2005. To the best of my recollection, that is when the crowd began to turn on him.
He had the rapper gimmick in his feud with Jericho in the summer of 2005. To the best of my recollection, that is when the crowd began to turn on him.

I was actually there at SummerSlam that year when he fought Jericho. The Rapper gimmick was gone by that point. The rapper gimmick was actually gone around Wrestlemania 21, if my memory serves me right. He was barely rapping anymore, by that point. No where near what he used to do.

That was when he also lost "Word Life" as a theme song, and his character began transforming. I don't think the crowd had a problem with him up to Mania 21. After that at some point, the crowd began turning on him, after the Rapper gimmick was gone, and he was starting to get shoved down everyone's throats.
Jericho and Cena had done a rock vs. rap segment on Raw leading into the match, I believe. The impact of Cena's hip-hop influences were still felt at the time. Christian had also been calling Cena a Marky Mark ripoff. It was still present in the product.
Jericho and Cena had done a rock vs. rap segment on Raw leading into the match, I believe. The impact of Cena's hip-hop influences were still felt at the time. Christian had also been calling Cena a Marky Mark ripoff. It was still present in the product.

Where as they did the one "concert" between Jericho and Cena, Cena by that point, had essentially stopped doing the Rap gimmick on Raw and his character had already began the transformation into what we see today.

I consider his Rapper gimmick to be the time period when he was coming out and rapping basically every week with the crowd, such as the segments I posted earlier. He has basically ended that by the time he fought Jericho, had ended the raunch and the language which got him over in the first place with the rap gimmick, and was only doing actual raps very sparingly by that point.

It basically all but disappeared after this feud with Jericho.
In my book, the rapper gimmick disappeared BECAUSE the fans were starting to turn on him and thus the WWE wanted to tweak (Mick Foley, FTW) his gimmick. Like it's been said, he had a rap/metal battle with Jericho leading up to Summerslam. Even when he was drafted he had a rap battle with Christian. Prior to that he came out with Trademarc on turntables at Judgment Day. So, in my opinion, to say that his rap gimmick was ending at WrestleMania 21 is false.

The Cena boos started at Vengeance and continued over to Summerslam so the WWE decided they needed to change his gimmick ever so slightly. But then they did one of the stupidest things possible and booked him in a series of matches with Kurt Angle who was one of the few heels in the WWE that would always get cheers and at the very least, tons of respect.

How I pine for the days of a heel Cena rapping. I miss the days when he would actually put forward effort into all of his promos and in ring action instead of just pandering to the kiddies. *sigh*

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