What happened to all the Cena hate?

I hate cena, and not because its the "cool thing" but because I actually despise the character.

He cant wrestle, he's a strong guy how hard is it for him to just throw in some random body slam or vertical suplex, thier basic moves for wrestlers, yet it would help create the illusion he knows how to wrestle if he just did these at random and not just learn a new move and add to his 5 moves of doom, like the stf and that ugly leg drop off the rope.

I cant stand his gimmick I hate rap/hiphop, and its pathetic how he salutes and wears dog tags from a horrible movie (from what I heard I never went to see it hehe). He is a total kiss a$$, His character ruined the WWE title, and how hard is it for him to strap on a pair of wrestling boots.

Some may not agree but he sucks at his job, he is meant to be a ultra face yet he gets way to many boos to be a good guy, Orton said it in an interview about being a bad guy if your not getting booed your not doing your job. Cena is not getting the huge cheers he is not doing his job. It makes me mad when people try to compare him to the hogan and others, hogan would get huge cheers at the arenas.

And about him making swagger and jericho look good the past few weeks he didnt mean to, he just sucks so bad they made themselves look good because swagger and jericho are very talented in the ring.

There is still cena hate, and until he learns to wrestle/changes his looks (some sort of wrestling attire)/his gimmick/and quits kissing the peoples a$$.

Oh he also has some medical problem, he is quiet and talking all "thugga like" then a second later he is yelling at the top of his lungs like he's some sort of motivational speaker, like he has some kind of bipolar dissorder or something.
i loathe john cena. the guy simply makes me sick. and i am refering to his character, not the person. never met the guy, haha. his move set is total crap, his promos are crap, and like triple h, every time i see him with a world championship i just wanna scream until i die. i respect him for everything he does. but dammit, as soon as i see his face on wwe programming, i just can't stand it. i've tried. but i just can't.
the reason is becuase hes not pushed as heavily down our throats, before it was like the wwe was forcing us to like him.now tho that he has the belt more hate is gona come to him. mostly becuase hes taking the oppurtunity of guys we like better their chance at the gold
I hate cena, and not because its the "cool thing" but because I actually despise the character.

Hey I'm fine with that. I'm not here to force anyone to be a fan of Cena. There are plenty of wrestlers that I don't really particularly like in the WWE that others might consider to be top stars, but that's a discussion for another thread...to each their own.

He cant wrestle, he's a strong guy how hard is it for him to just throw in some random body slam or vertical suplex, thier basic moves for wrestlers, yet it would help create the illusion he knows how to wrestle if he just did these at random and not just learn a new move and add to his 5 moves of doom, like the stf and that ugly leg drop off the rope.

Some may not agree but he sucks at his job, he is meant to be a ultra face yet he gets way to many boos to be a good guy, Orton said it in an interview about being a bad guy if your not getting booed your not doing your job. Cena is not getting the huge cheers he is not doing his job. It makes me mad when people try to compare him to the hogan and others, hogan would get huge cheers at the arenas.

And about him making swagger and jericho look good the past few weeks he didnt mean to, he just sucks so bad they made themselves look good because swagger and jericho are very talented in the ring.

This right here is what I would characterize as "Blind Cena Hate". He made swagger and jericho look good because he sucks? That's an utterly ridiculous statement. I'll say it again, it takes 2 people to make or break a match. You can try to argue that Jericho carried their match and sound credible because Jericho is awesome and he's been around forever. But to say that swagger carried Cena in that match is complete BS.

Cena. Put. Swagger. Over.
I know that's hard for Cena haters to swallow but it's true. end of story.

There is still cena hate, and until he learns to wrestle/changes his looks (some sort of wrestling attire)/his gimmick/and quits kissing the peoples a$$.

Hating Cena's look is a matter of personal opinion, so I can't fault you for your stance there. I know there are people out there who wish like you that Cena would conform to what the norm is for wrestling attire. I personally think the fact that he is different then everyone else is a good thing. Again though that's just my opinion.

Such wrestling purists also despise the WWE title in it's current form. I happen to like it. Again, just my opinion - doesn't mean that you or I are wrong, we just disagree on that point.

As far as being a "Kiss A$$" is concerned, I think that's called playing his role as a Baby Face.

Not every Face character needs to be a F*** Authority rip off of Stone Cold Steve Austin. Just because it was successful for Steve Austin, doens't mean that's who Cena needs to be. Cena's gimmick is all about Respect. He's not a Rapper anymore, He's not a Marine rip-off, so stop trying to criticize him for what he was in 2006-2007.
To answer the original question, I think the IWC is cyclical. They find someone to hate and then hate on him hard. After a while though when it becomes clear that the person they're hating isn't moving out of the main event they get tired. They move on and start to begrudgedly respect the guy in question. Then they decide to make fun of the people who truly hated the guy in the first place with legit reasons. The bandwagon jumpers turn on the people with legit beef. It's all very disgusting and I'm sure the Cena fans will tell me that I couldn't be more off base.

As far Cena the wrestler goes I just don't like him. Jericho's promos actually explain my feelings very well. Cena is like Hogan in the fact that he comes out week after week, panders to the fans and wrestles pretty boring matches. Mind you, Cena isn't nearly as bad as Hogan. Cena has some talent but he just chooses not to use it which might even be worse about him now that I think about it.

To me, the Cena character has no substance. The rapper gimmick made sense. It was new and it was solid. Now he's some sort of amalgamation of all the gimmick tweaks he's tried in the past. It doesn't feel like an evolution of the character. It feels like they're throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks. He has a rap theme. He salutes. He randomly changed his hand gesture to 3D. Instead of cutting a promo he just screams buzzwords like "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect." The man is like a Speak-N-Say.

As far as long title reigns go I don't have a problem with them. But look at what Cena did. He had a nice 10 month reign. But it was only interrupted for three weeks because Edge had to use MitB eventually. Cena added another 5 months to his reign. The crowd was hot for both RVD and Edge but that stopped because Cena apparently needed another 13 months as champ! That only ended because of an injury. He returns and wins the Rumble. Sure, he jobbed on a few PPVs in row. That was good. But he destroys that good will when he returns from another injury to win the title AGAIN from arguably the hottest guy in the company, Jericho. That reign is only stopped so he can say he won the title at 'Mania yet again.

Long reigns are good but Cena simply doesn't stop. Give someone else a chance. Besides, if he's supposedly so damned over with the fans then he shouldn't even need the belt. Here's an interesting statistic to look at. Look at all the PPVs that Cena has been on since he won his first title at Wrestlemania 21. How many of those PPV matches have NOT been for the WWE or World title? Batista/Cena, Cena/JBL a couple of times, Cena/Sabu, the Rumble he won... you can basically count those matches on one hand give or take and that's covering four years. Cena is always champ. The rare times he isn't champ he's challenging the current champ (and usually beating them.)

Cena may be a nice person but the Cena character is going to burn out. I've used this reference in the past. People were so hot for Hogan in the 80s, weren't they? But in the early 90s the flat out turned on him. Beating Yokozuna for the WWE title at 'Mania was the straw that broke the camel's back. If Cena continues on this trail where he can't possibly stay out of the title picture for more than a couple months baring an injury the fans will turn on him. I'm not talking about the IWC. I'm talking about the little kids too. Those kids will soon become teenagers and they will rebel. It always happens. The other shoe will drop.

Cena can be a valuable asset to the company but the absolute best thing for his career at this point would be to get away from the title and turn heel. With 14 PPVs a year a guy playing the same bland, vanilla face for over four years isn't going to end well. He's still getting cheers now but I don't expect it to last.

I'm sorry but who is walking around proclaiming Batista, JBL, Kane and Show as great wrestlers? I'm pretty sure they get dogged on as well. It's not the extent of Cena but no one is calling them a technical wizard either.

This is always the worst argument in the world. When someone can't deny a claim they instead focus on something else. Even if it was true that Rey was being shoved down our throats... so what? Does that suddenly make Cena okay? Just because something stupid is happening with a second person it doesn't make the stupid thing okay with the first person.

Oh, and I'm sorry but you can't compare Rey to Cena. Get back to me when Rey holds the World title for 28 out of 32 months like Cena did.
I think you're pretty much right. The IWC is cyclical. I remember when everyone hated Triple H when he was heel because he was power-hungry and never dropped the belt. Then peopled loved him for his hard work and dedication around WrestleMania 22. Now people hate him again because he didn't put Orton over at WM25. The extreme Cena hate will probably start up again once the show starts revolving around him again.
CKO asked a question in a recent post this week for people to explain other than his 5 moves what it is about him they don't like, I sent a private message detailing exactly what it is. Now I don't hate Cena I actually think he is the best thing WWE has going for them. I don't care that he only uses a few moves, my main concern is that he doesn't do them properly. The main one is that damn shoulder tackle, it looks so weak and barely looks like it hits his opponent, the 5 knuckle shuffle misses by an inch or so regularly and when your watching on tv its very easy to notice, the STF where to even start on that one... next time Cena does it pay attention to the fact that he doesn't even crank back on the neck, maybe its one of the moves they are told to ease up on because it could potentially injure someone but if that's the case then he shouldn't use it at all.

His promos, while I thing he is great on the mic he just isn't mean enough, the best faces in the business have all had a bit of anger and frustration in them and that's what drives them, but with Cena it just seems a little bland.

If anyone saw his match with Swagger on Raw last week and his match with Jericho this week you can clearly see the guy is capable of really good matches and putting people over, but he just doesn't have the 4 or 5 star matches as often as a guy in his position should.

So I don't hate Cena I actually think he's fantastic for WWE business and image, but he just needs to be a bit more crisp in the ring and mean on the mic.
The only thing that has changed on my part is that I've grown to hate his fan base more so than that talentless man himself. His stupid fan base fuels what hate already subsists.

A bit off topic, but his movies are also a joke. The second movie is so like the first; his blonde bimbo gets abducted and his fortitude is challenged blah blah blah.

--Hey! His movies are just like his matches in that mean. Long, talentless, boring, nothing more than hype and the same thing every time. And only people with no taste enjoy his matches and movies.
Well, at first I thought it was because all the little children who thought they were cool because they knew nothing about wrestling had grown up, and finally understood what it means to be a good wrestler like Cena is, but upon reading this thread, I guess my mind must be changed.

It's obvious the Cena haters are still around, which is a shame because all they do is ruin a show, with their obvious arrogance and lack of wrestling knowledge. I find it humorous they'll say that John Cena sucks as a wrestler, and yet Hulk Hogan, Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, Vince McMahon, Bret Hart, Steve Austin and Kurt Angle have ALL endorsed John Cena and his abilities. But, I guess the average 15 year old fan who makes Youtube videos talking about how awesome wrestling was when they were 6 just know more about wrestling than the greatest names in history.

The hardest part that Cena haters have is the fact that the guy IS so damn good. He's put on classic matches with just about everyone he's been up against, and he ALWAYS seems to get the best out of his opponents. I mean, seriously, name one other person in the WWE that has gotten the quality of matches out of his opponents that Cena has. You can't say Triple H, because his matches with Orton have sucked (unlike Cena's). You can't say HBK, because his match with Khali and Orton can't begin to compare to Cena's. You can't say the Undertaker because, well, let's be honest. The guy rarely works anymore. Rey? Nope. About the only person who could have made such a claim was Chris Benoit, and we all know how that ended.

One of these days, Cena haters will just have to face the truth that Cena fans have known for years now. That John Cena is the best worker in the business.
There are some rediculous Cena-haters out there. And you'll never change their mind. I for one do not cheer for Cena usually. And I boo him at the arenas. I dont hate the guy though. I think he's a great guy, probably the single hardest worker, and not that bad of a wrestler. It's just his GIMMICK!

Its a gimmick that "gives you no choice". He automatically is supposed to be the good guy, and it comes close to WWE Brainwashing. I think that's what alot of fans have a problem with. Its too....good.

Anyway, I do have MUCH RESPECT for John Cena. And lately have found myself MAYBE pulling for him some... haha. Except for last week against Jericho. ;)
It's odd because I don't hate him anymore. I honestly just think it's because they stopped shoving him down our throats so much. When he was in every main event defending the title in identical fashion, overcoming all odds, never ever losing, beating Triple H and Shawn Michaels at back to back Wrestlemanias, it was too much.

He got injured, he came back, he failed to win the title, had a feud with JBL, actually lost in the final match of that feud, lost to Batista, was out injured again, returned and beat Jericho in what I have to saw was a pretty good match, defended it for a couple of months, losing to Shawn Michaels along the way, then lost in the Elimination Chamber, going out nearly ten minutes before the end, then won the triple threat at Mania in another good match (well, far better than I anticipated at least).

He's been knocked out by Edge and in my opinion will narrowly win the Last Man Standing and then get beaten by CM Punk. It won't weaken his character, just like when Edge beat him. He'll fight back as best as possible but fatigue will be his undoing.

Put simply, he isn't superman anymore. Triple H is the man again and whilst he isn't phenomenal, he's better and is in better feuds, based on emotion. When he was the champion he was the key attraction, it was him and DX goofing around in the background. Now he's one of many. There was Jericho, Orton, Batista, now there's Triple H and Big Show and others. I think he's thriving from that.

I saw him live on Monday and he had a very good match with Jericho. He bleeds wrestling and he works to improve. If you look at him now vs the start of his career he IS better and HAS varied his moveset gradually. I just don't think you can hate on someone that works THAT hard for the company.
I never hated him, I did tire of him when he initially turned face. I just love to root for heels.

I still turn the channel during his promos and entrances, sometimes his matches. I actually watched the Swagger promo/match for Swagger and found myself tolerent of Cena.

When he won WM21 and beat Trips, my boys wanted to storm WWE Headquarters. But now, 4+ years later I'm disliking so much more about pro wrestling I can no longer BLAME Cena.
the thing about cena is, i'll probably always hate his gimmick simply because he reminds me of a particular set of douchebags at my highschool who act like they're all that. you know what i mean. but my hate has been subdued by the class act that he really is

he doesn't do steroids (too much invested by vince for him to screw up now. it would ruin the company's image like nothing else,) he is a nice guy to the fans, at the one house show i've been to back in august, he knew that as long as he was within 200 miles of chicago and in illinois, cm punk was the man, and he stood down (he knows his place and when the champ really is "here")

all that aside, i think one recent event changed it for me, and that was him making jack swagger look like pure gold on the draft raw and STILL beating him. it isn't the easiest task in the world to put a younger guy over and still look good, and some guys might have too much of an ego to even do something like that with new talent, and i have to respect the selflessness there. so i still may boo him every now and then because he's being put in the spotlight a bit much, but deep down, i'll always have respect for him and his love of the business, and that will show more than any small grudge regarding tv time.
Well, at first I thought it was because all the little children who thought they were cool because they knew nothing about wrestling had grown up, and finally understood what it means to be a good wrestler like Cena is, but upon reading this thread, I guess my mind must be changed.

The very essence of a child is the inability to tell the definition of wrestling from entertaining (looking back at your silly Cena thread).

It's obvious the Cena haters are still around, which is a shame because all they do is ruin a show, with their obvious arrogance and lack of wrestling knowledge.

Lack of wrestling knowledge does indeed ruin a show, but with his five moves and all, who's the one lacking it? Calling him out for it in boos should then be encouraged since he's a shame and all.

I find it humorous they'll say that John Cena sucks as a wrestler

Again, I find it humorous how you can't differentiate wrestler from entertainer. "Match psychology" as you put it is all under the entertainment aspect; technicality, skill, etc. are under wrestling mechanics. If he puts on a good match not short of match psychology and what not, he's a good entertainer; however, he still sucks at wrestling in and of itself. Aside from that quandary, I haven't ever enjoyed a John Cena match, but if it was remotely good I would have his opponent to thank.

and yet Hulk Hogan, Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, Vince McMahon, Bret Hart, Steve Austin and Kurt Angle have ALL endorsed John Cena and his abilities.

Funny how the first endorsement you named showcased a new epitome of a bad wrestling abilities every time he had a match. And why wouldn't he endorse Cena? He's just like him after all: same old crap every single time. But then again, you didn't say what abilities they endorsed. I certainly wouldn't guess pure wrestling abilities. Maybe strength, motive, etc. etc. but that again makes him a good entertainer (if it were true but that's besides the point) and not a good wrestler. Did they endorse his moveset or something? If so, show me or you're still skewing the two definitions up.

The hardest part that Cena haters have is the fact that the guy IS so damn good.

I'm sure as we read on you'll tell us why...ha. Onward:

He's put on classic matches with just about everyone he's been up against

Regurgitating <5 moves makes a match look like crap, never mind "classic". The only person his matches ever make look good is his opponent, considering how boring he is and all.

I mean, seriously, name one other person in the WWE that has gotten the quality of matches out of his opponents that Cena has.

This kind of reinforces what I said above. Your premise is that he's a good wrestler; no match has ever made him look like a quality wrestler.

One of these days, Cena haters will just have to face the truth that Cena fans have known for years now. That John Cena is the best worker in the business.

With a spokesman who practices objective subjectivity? Hardly.

But it would do you well to discern definitions and not equate one with the other. Your conclusion doesn't support your premise at all and also manages to strengthen what I said about getting in a skirmish about what it is to be a good *wrestler* ("John Cena is the best worker in the business." But that's a whole other thing that can be disputed. You'd think if a guy's in a wrestling and entertainment business he would learn 2/2 by now -- or, you know, before being awarded the Heavyweight Championship. Good God...the filth that he has brought to the belt...)
The very essence of a child is the inability to tell the definition of wrestling from entertaining (looking back at your silly Cena thread).
So, why the fuck are you posting on the WZ forums? Because these forums are dedicated to professional wrestling, which is nothing BUT entertainment.

Lack of wrestling knowledge does indeed ruin a show, but with his five moves and all, who's the one lacking it? Calling him out for it in boos should then be encouraged since he's a shame and all.
5 moves? This...this is a joke, right? See, your post is exactly what I'm talking about. You don't have the first fucking clue as to what professional wrestling is about.

You think the moves a guy uses is what makes a wrestler good, and that's so far from the truth that it makes you look silly.

Again, I find it humorous how you can't differentiate wrestler from entertainer.
False, YOU are the one who can't differentiate.





A professional wrestler is nothing BUT an entertainer. If they were a real wrestler, then they'd be competing in a real sport, not in a scripted live scene.

"Match psychology" as you put it is all under the entertainment aspect; technicality, skill, etc. are under wrestling mechanics.
Again, you know not of what you speak.

Match psychology is the two actors in the ring, working a match that is believable with each of their characters, and in the story/context of the match. That IS the skill of a wrestler, along with their ability to make the match look believable.

The skill of a wrestler has fuck all to do with what moves they use, as you, and so many other wrestling children like you, seem to think.

If he puts on a good match not short of match psychology and what not, he's a good entertainer; however, he still sucks at wrestling in and of itself.
So, if a guy 6'2" and 250 pounds starts rolling around on the floor groping another man, that makes him a good wrestler? Do you know how ridiculous that is?

John Cena's character is that of a super strong brawler, a rough and tough guy, who made his way up as a street thug and is now using that experience to become the best in the world. Why the fuck would he waste his time with arm bars, greco-roman takedowns, headscissors, and the like? That'd be fucking stupid.

Cena works the match in accordance to how his character would work the match. Which is what all good actors do.

Aside from that quandary, I haven't ever enjoyed a John Cena match, but if it was remotely good I would have his opponent to thank.
Remotely good? He's put on great matches with everyone from Jericho, to Angle, to Edge, to RVD, to Triple H, to Bobby Lashley, to Batista, Orton, HBK, JBL and so on.

Funny how the first endorsement you named showcased a new epitome of a bad wrestling abilities every time he had a match.
You mean the same guy who was the most over worker in the AWA, a company that was based on mat and technical ability moreso than any other wrestling company in the last 50 years?

Yeah, good point. :rolleyes:

And why wouldn't he endorse Cena? He's just like him after all: same old crap every single time. But then again, you didn't say what abilities they endorsed. I certainly wouldn't guess pure wrestling abilities. Maybe strength, motive, etc. etc. but that again makes him a good entertainer (if it were true but that's besides the point) and not a good wrestler. Did they endorse his moveset or something? If so, show me or you're still skewing the two definitions up.
Here, since you don't seem to be a big fan of Hogan, allow me to post what Jericho and Angle had to say about him.

Chris Jericho said:
I told John not to let people make him believe what they're saying. I told him, you're a good worker. You just need to show people that yes you know what you're doing, because you do. I can't think of the last time I saw a bad PPV match involving John Cena. The guy delivers every single night and he goes above and beyond to help other guys look good."

Kurt Angle said:
Kurt Angle continued by praising Cena, recognizing his natural ability and work ethic. "I knew John would be special. I give him a lot of credit; he works so hard at it. He's a great kid, and when I worked him, we were on TV every week, but my job was to teach him, and he was a great learner. He's one of the guys in the WWE I still really respect. I'm proud of him, and I'm proud to say I helped him a little bit."

Good enough?

But it would do you well to discern definitions and not equate one with the other. Your conclusion doesn't support your premise at all and also manages to strengthen what I said about getting in a skirmish about what it is to be a good *wrestler* ("John Cena is the best worker in the business." But that's a whole other thing that can be disputed. You'd think if a guy's in a wrestling and entertainment business he would learn 2/2 by now -- or, you know, before being awarded Heavyweight Champion. Good God...the filth that he has brought to the belt...)
And, once again, we're back to you not understanding that professional wrestling is nothing but entertainment, and the guy who is the best wrestler is the one who works the best as his character, and can put on the most entertaining bouts that make sense within the context of the match.

Which is why Cena is so great.
I think Cena haters got tired of posting on a message board how much the guy sucks and telling us that, maybe they use his matches now as bathroom breaks or go play SvR2009 so they can have Triple H beat the shit outta him or play Legends of Wrestlemania and put him in the sharpshooter and keep it on until his legs snap in half!
I have a lot of respect for John Cena, the man who works 300 days a year, and the fact that he was on the road from 2005-2007 is just enough to earn him that,

but as for John Cena the wrestling character, he's quite stale to say the least, and I know for a fact he can wrestle before he took on the gimmick of the powerhouse rapper/ganster, but the fact is, his gimmick limits the ability he can do..

anyway, I guess all the Cena hating can be attributed to the mere fact of John Cena being shoved to our throats (but the kids love him), and to the mere fact that during his initial run he made the people we grew up with look bad (Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels), but then again, we can't blame Cena for it, he's just doing his job, being told by the writers what to do, and those guys themselves actually allowed Cena to put themselves over..

Anyway, for me during the height of the Cena hating era, I felt that the reason why I hated him too much was cause I felt like it was too soon, I mean, he became world champion before a guy like RVD can become one, and the sad fact was at some point RVD was a bigger draw even before Cena got to the WWE. And anyway, I'm almost certain that the bigger population of the Cena haters are the long-time WWE fans who, like me, couldn't stand to see their long-time favorites jobbing to Cena..
i have tryed to like Cena so many times and failed, he just pisses me of to me nothing about him is even the slightest bit good, worste entrence ever PERIOD, when his on the mic his every second word hs him sounding constipated, and his gimmick is what? a FUCKING MARINE SOLDIER yeh ok, when he wrestles it just looks horrible, he punches like he's mentaly fucked, i have never EVER seen Cena do a great performence, yeh he's been in good matches, but what made those matches good was the other wrestlers such as hbk,angle,jericho putting him completly over,

will Cena ever be able to put the performence of someone like HBK or Undertaker? hell know, and belive me i'm not one of those people who belive the only good wrestling style is SUPLEX THIS SUPLEX THAT,

another thing i dont realy understand is why Cena is called the HARDEST worker in the buissness, i meen people like jeff hardy are way harder workers, lets look at what cena has to do in his matches..

1get beet up 2 superman mode 3 either FU.. oops aditude adjustment, or STF

jeff hardy gets chucked around the ring like a sack of shit and has to deal with it

i respect cena in one way, i belive he is a realy good guy in real life but i dont give the slightest bit of a shit what happens in a wrestlers real life, if i wanna watch nice people on tv living there lifes ILE WATCH BIG BROTHER
Jeff Hardy is a spot fest and that's all. that's what makes his character. he does that because he feels that's what he needs to do to stay where he is and it's because that's what the fans expect for him to do.

cena is called the hardest working wrestler right now because not only does he do his job in the ring, he does it outside the ring as well. he's constantly on the road promoting the wwe every chance he gets. while others are at home with their families, he's out somewhere doing what's expected of him, like going to iraq, he's been in every single show that's happened over there. does he have to do it, no, but he does it anyway. that is what people mean when they say he's one of the hardest working wrestlers today.
another thing i dont realy understand is why Cena is called the HARDEST worker in the buissness, i meen people like jeff hardy are way harder workers, lets look at what cena has to do in his matches..

1get beet up 2 superman mode 3 either FU.. oops aditude adjustment, or STF

jeff hardy gets chucked around the ring like a sack of shit and has to deal with it

I think what people are saying is that he is a hard worker behind the scenes. You know, constant appearances and obligations. At the end of the night guys like Punk and Hardy can go chill out in their hotel while Cena is whisked off to another interview.

I am not really a fan of his character but come on, he's not that bad. He's certainly not the worst there is on WWE (ahem Mark cough Henry). People need to understand he put's people over, he's a very VERY loyal employee and will do anything/everything he can to make WWE a better promotion.

Cena cops more shit than he really deserves. But hey, that's the IWC for you.
i undertsand what you guys meen but (mark henry isnt shoved down my throut so i realy dont care if he wins a match very now and then)

and i understand what you meen by he goes of and does interviews and all, but he's the top face of the company, when the requests for interviews are there, wwe would noty go, hmm Mark henry could you go on OPRAH and tell them how great wwe is..............

+ every interview he does gets Cena more and more populer so ofcourse he would do them it's not asif he doesent get the bonus million for all those interviews he's done
I have never been a fan of John Cena, from his clean cut Ruthless Agression debut, to his Vanilla Ice heel gimmick, to the face turn and everything after it, I just don't care for the character, but I do respect a lot of what he has done in the ring. Damn near jobbing to Jack Swagger of RAW to make the ECW champion look like a main event was one of the greatest things I have ever seen. I have seen the man go tlc, cages, elimination chamber, gimmick match after gimmick match. Do his best to get a good match out of The Great Khali and Batista. Like I said, the character isn't my favorite, and I do my best to fast forward thru his promos but I enjoy most of the in ring work.
I still don't like John Cena, and I never will. It has nothing to do with how much work he does, or how much money he makes for the company - they're reasons to respect a wrestler, and I certainly do respect Cena. However, when it comes down to liking someone it's based on what they do in the ring. I was a big fan of the rapping Cena, but I don't like this one now.

If you're looking on this forum specifically, Slyfox owned every noob on the forum over why they should like Cena, and people either listened or stopped expressing that hate after a while.
I respect John Cena, but I'm still not a fan. Back in 2007, I literally hated the guy. He was so boring to me, and his reign lasted far to long for my liking. But after keeping the belt off him for a while, and slightly out of the main event, I eased up on him.

I'm still not a fan, but I can tolerate him a bit more now. I hate his character more than anything really; he's too much of a goody-goody for me. And he tries to hard at times to be funny or badass. His promos are what annoy me most. He either doesn't make sense, like in the promo he had with HBK and JBL leading to the Rumble:

Cena: Shawn, you don't have to work for JBL. After our match last week, you proved that you still had it, you're still the showstopper.

HBK: John, I'm working for JBL to save my family. I have no choice.


JBL: I know he still has it, Cena. That's why I hired him.


Or he lamely over-acts. Like his last promo with Edge.

Edge: Cena, I will be the last man standing!

Cena: NOOO!!!

I miss his rapper gimmick. He was hilarious, badass, and just plain cool. The watered down rapper/marine/plain Cena just doesn't do it for me.
i undertsand what you guys meen but (mark henry isnt shoved down my throut so i realy dont care if he wins a match very now and then)

and i understand what you meen by he goes of and does interviews and all, but he's the top face of the company, when the requests for interviews are there, wwe would noty go, hmm Mark henry could you go on OPRAH and tell them how great wwe is..............

+ every interview he does gets Cena more and more populer so ofcourse he would do them it's not asif he doesent get the bonus million for all those interviews he's done

This is why he is one of the hardest workers in the business. Because he is the face of the company and does all the media shit and what not. This is going to be weird to say because if you know me i am a big Jeff Hardy fan and not a big Cena fan BUT there is no justification in calling Jeff a harder worker than Cena.

Cena get's alot of shit, i just personally don't think he deserves half of it.
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Slyfox said:
And, once again, we're back to you not understanding that professional wrestling is nothing but entertainment, and the guy who is the best wrestler is the one who works the best as his character, and can put on the most entertaining bouts that make sense within the context of the match.

Which is why Cena is so great.

I "might" be missing the point, but it seems to me that the best wrestler should be the one who entertains the most people (A sentiment I agree with but also the one that I drew from the whole of your post, only for you to sidestep it a little in the conclusion), in which case, if people hate Cena, and the reasons are irrelevant, he is doing something wrong. A lot of people are entertained by Cena, I don't care who is, theres a lot of them, but there are a lot more that go shit crazy when HBK/Taker come out, and on the flip side a lot more boo/hate Cena compared to those other two.

I don't give a crap about him having 5 moves, I don't care that he always has/had the title, you can attribute those same sentiments to my most endeared wrestlers, some of my favorite wrestlers are completely bollocks at everything according to some people, but they still have their fans, and if you want all wrestling fans to take a "Slyfox guide on who to like" 2 week course then it's not going to fly, by all means you can defend Cena if people have a misguided opinion, but telling people that they should be entertained by something after they haven't been entertained by it is a little bit frivolous.

I figure if Cena entertained those who hated him, they wouldn't have such a resentful reaction towards him, as for me, even when I was 12-14 I didn't really like Cena, I've never taken to him, my friends all loved him, I suppose it's my problem for not finding him entertaining.

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