Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

So if you could give me authorization to post new threads, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You can make threads after you have made 10+ non-spam posts. Please review the rules before you set out to accumulate those posts. We would love to hear your thoughts on all sorts of topics, so get out there and have fun. :)
This is just me asking a favor to wrestlezone. You guys write articles about your opinion on topics like Josh's worst wrestlemanias but almost everytime there is bad facts mistakes like when josh is talking about wrestemania 14 when infact he is talking about wrestlemania x8. Just please get facts straight before you post your articles because mistakes like this basically makes your opinions based on facts worthless to your readers.
thank you and please proof read too before posting.
I made a thread, I am awesome

No, that's a post. Threads are the topics that contain the posts.

This is just me asking a favor to wrestlezone. You guys write articles about your opinion on topics like Josh's worst wrestlemanias but almost everytime there is bad facts mistakes like when josh is talking about wrestemania 14 when infact he is talking about wrestlemania x8. Just please get facts straight before you post your articles because mistakes like this basically makes your opinions based on facts worthless to your readers.
thank you and please proof read too before posting.

We have next to nothing to do with the main page articles, you'll have to contact one of those guys themselves.
Alright WrestleZone, Jack, 21, from England! Wanna start posting threads so filling my 10 count up! Looking at the above, I better read the Extreme Rules!

MANIA; 6 DAYS AWAY... :icon_cool:
My name is Alex Roggio and I'm from San Juan Puerto Rico. I've been watching wrestling for approximately 15 years., but I'm not only interested in the wrestling forums as I enjoyed reading some posts in the Newswire as well. Hopefully I can contribute constructively!

Thanks for having me!
Hello people I am new to wz.
I am starting here a bit late.
I am Niranjan.N from India
Please mods turn on my Post count.
Hi I'm Whostine some people from BT may know who i am, for i have been a registered user for about a month but never got to introduce myself to everyone. I posted here before but it seems all the comments i made before hand were deleted and i just wanted tell you all Hi :)
Umm, OK, im JDUDE... big ECW fan... I write on efed and stuff, but i wont advertise.... please message me, also, I want to know if there is any fanon stories, or like an efed on here, or anything like that.... because I would be interested in that stuff, also, if there is a chat, i would be interested in.... please buddy me, and message me.... ok thats all

Decided to sign up here after many years hiatus! Dont know if any of the Wrestlezone originals are still kicking around here, but if so...hit me up :)

I'm Kobain (Hugh), 29 from Scotland...creator of the original WZCW actually!

Quick question, I know no links to any other wrestling sites are allowed etc, and advertising is frowned upon, but there is a rather well known Betting website over in the UK that are actually taking bets on Wrestlemania tonight and thought this may interest fellow posters. Am I allowed to share further info on that?
Whats going on everyone Im not really a new member but never got to start posting. Looking forward to some good convo on here. Peace!
Hey guys,

I'm from Wales, UK. I'm about 90mins drive West of our Capital City and WWE Tour venue Cardiff. Been a fan of the 'E on and off since about 1990, and TNA since 2010. I am not English or from England!!!! ;)
Anyone want to know anything drop me a reply! :p
Hi. Former fan, friend got me watching RAW for the past month and let me piggy-back to watch Wrestlemania at his house with a couple of drinks, and really liked the show. Kind of thought I could join a forum and be the average fan's perspective that doesn't believe in expectations, dumb wipster terminology, or over-critiquing.
Looking forward to some intelligent wrestling talk with fellow fans. Just got back from WrestleMania and finally felt compelled to create a WZ account.
Favorite Wrestlers ...
HBK , Bret Hart, Undertaker ... cmpunl
Welcome to all of the new members.

Guys, please be sure to read our rules and the Thread Creating Etiquette before posting. We want to make sure you all start off on the right track.

Happy posting!
Hey everyone! I'm Nicola, 27 and I'm from Scotland.
Long time fan! Can't wait to post.
Hey Guys I am new to the board. Looking forward to some good intelligent conversation about wrestling. Figured this is the best place
Im sure its obvious and is posted somewhere on the site. But i have went through the FAQ's and still cant figure out how to create a thread.

Can someone please help me.

Ice Tigers are go and ill let you become an Ice Tiger if YOU help me
Hello everyone. New to the forums here but have been reading them for years and am excited to contribute. Just got back from WrestleMania 28. Can't wait to go to 29

Hi Everybody!
I've been using the wrestlezone website for years, but just recently started reading the fourms. I signed up a couple days back but decided to read the rules and regulations sent to me from Slyfox696, before posting. I've also been busying reading threads on the Site Administration site, discovering how to post pictures ect. (hence Dr. Nick). Without realising it or even knowing a single detail about me, Theo Westside really helped show me the ropes. Thanks Theo! :)
Hi, I'm a big WWE fan and this forum seemed the place to be. Lost interest in it a while back but started watching again a couple of years ago and hooked on it again.

Looking forward to how the post WM28 raw develops over the coming months.

Secretly hoping Batista will return this year, been a fan since Evolution was formed.

Look forward to speaking to you all soon.

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