WrestleZone Forum Members - Some Changes

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Excellence of Execution
There have been a few new changes made recently to the forum, so I'm just going to let everyone know what those changes are.

1) The Top Stats module at the bottom of the main page has been removed. It was determined by the always helpful Buffaloed, that the Top Stats module was the reason the forum was glitching a couple of days ago, so it was removed.

2) You may see some regular members with different font for their user names. These people are former members of the Staff, who served well for an extended period of time, and stepped down in the good graces of the Staff. It is an honor to recognize their former contributions to the forum.

Additionally, you may notice that current Staff members have also received different fonts on their user names. We hope this will make it even more clear who is currently on Staff and who is not, especially for the new members.

3) I have added the WZ Frequently Asked Question to the official "FAQ" link in the black navigation bar at the top of the forum. Now you can search easily through the FAQ to find answer to the questions you want to know. And you can do it from any page, without having to go to the Site Administration forum. This is a very helpful tool so don't be afraid to use it.

4) The Archives at the bottom of the forum is currently being sorted. By the time the threads are sorted, it should be much easier to find threads in our Archives. It should be fairly easy to see how the threads are being sorted. Instead of having one big place for every thread on the board, now each thread will be categorized. I believe this will make the Archives a much better tool for reliving the past on WZ.

5) The rules have changed for requesting a new User Name. Instead of waiting one month for a new name, now you must wait two.

6) The Debater's League 2010 will be beginning soon. You can follow it in a sub-forum in the General Wrestling Section

If you have any questions, post them here. Thanks.
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