Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

Hello to all just signed up at wrestlezone and couldn't be more happy to be here. Have tried a few other forums and the conversation on them can get quite repetitive. I like what i see and cant wait to start talking some wrestling among other topics and get to know some cool new people.
Hello to everyone, I just signed up for these forums. I read articles from here all the time and finally decided to sign up and start posting with everyone. I like what I see and I can't wait to start posting my thoughts on the wrestling world as we know it.
Hey everyone, ive been visiting this websites for ages and been reading the forums, but ive now wanted to say and contribute so i thought id make an ccount, ive been watching wrestling for about 2 years now, but ive watched most of the atittude era :)
Hey everyone :)

I've lurked as a guest to check out the site. I'm glad i finally signed up now. It seems like a pretty sweet place to hang!
Hi All,

I've been a wrestling fan for nearly 15 years. I've been coming to this site, and this forum, for quite a while now and decided to join.
Sup Guys!? Ny name is Yannic, i'm from Germany and yea. I like Wrestling & Football. :D any Questions or something.. ask moi.
Hi all, long time reader of the site and forums, had an account years ago, 07/08 I think. Don't think I ever said anything spectacular and I don't even remember the name. Had a big Razor Ramon sig if anyone remembers me.

Over the years I've taken wrestling less and less serious so mainly here for the lulz and banter, I'll probably frequent the spam area. good to see people like xfear, thebrain, tasycles, little jerry, and all the rest of you crazy individuals, all great posters from back in the day :)

...and oh shit forgot about slyfox, I've spent many a night with a beer just watching him verbally disembowel idiots.
Hi everybody. I just posted in the OSW thread about worst ppv endings before noticing that there actually is a newbies section...so here I am. My name is Guglielmo, turning 21 in July, I am Italian and I live in Italy, I lived in Vancouver for one year, my biggest passion pro wrestling and my biggest dream (for which I'm training) is to someday wrestle in USA or Canada (or England or Japan for that matter) in front of a crowd who actually respects your performance. I think that's enough for you to know. Hope to have a good time here. :)
^Yes MGS games are awesome. I love this new age where the fans have finally recognized the greatness(sure wasn't so 11 years ago).

Anyways blue dragon here. You can call me blue for short. Don't worry there is a reason why I picked that name. I might tell you one day.

Been fan of wrestling for years now and also smark for a few years also. So I sure know my way around wrestling related discussions. Been there, done that and really done my homework. Although not purist at heart at all (I did it for the people, characters and storylines) I still enjoy most discussions related to wrestling (everything except all the old "Cena please turn heel since we know what's best for business" types) as long as they are not to repetitive or outcliched.

I will see you guys on the boards and hopefully we will get that ball rolling on something really interesting;).

Blue Out///
Thought I'd say Hello. I'm a long time fan of wrestling. Been around Wrestlezone quite a while, just now using the forums. This should be fun!
Well I thought I'd do my introduction been a fan of wrestling for while and been coming to this site to read the news so finally decided to make myself am account to join the fun.
Hello there. I'm new here on the forums, and also sort of new to the site

I've been watching wrestling for about 2 years now, and I just was interested in it when I first watched. So yeah, I guess that's it. Lol.
registered last night and posted a bit but didn't look around for an intro thread.

I've been watching WWE since around 96/97. I stopped for a couple years after DX returned in 2006. I got back into it when I saw CM Punk start the straight edge society. I've been a fan of punk for a long while, I loved his stuff in ROH but I felt ever since he had gotten to the WWE he was being misused. but once the SES started I got back into WWE so I guess I have Punk to thank for that. I might even be a bigger fan now than i ever was.
Hi all.

I've been browsing Wrestle Zone for about a year now but never really looked at the forums until now. They're a lot cleaner and more well-organized than a lot of other sites, so I'll probably start posting on here from time to time.

My grandfather got me into wrestling when I was about 5 years old. I've been a fan ever since. I'm more into technical wrestling, so I really like guys like Bret Hart, Dean Malenko, and Daniel Bryan. I watch Raw, Smackdown, and Impact, every week and I try to watch Superstars and NXT on my computer.

I'm also really into video games and current events/politics, so I'll be sure to check out those threads too. I've just read the Rules and FAQs, so hopefully my posts won't cause me any infractions.

I look forward to reading and posting on these forums!
Hello one and all!

Been a fan of WWF/WWE since 1988...didn't care much for WCW and don't care at all about TNA.
Have some fond memories of USWA and even G.L.O.W.....all part of my childhood and watched on satellite t.v,when it first broadcasting in the U.k :)

Had a few tryouts as a wannabe wrestler but became an ice hockey player instead.....now I am a song writer and session musician for a London based company ;)
Hello. My name is James and I'm a member of Wrestleforum so don't think I've come out of no were. I'll admit, I'm banned on that forum for a number of days for making a mistake. I hope I'm very happy on this forum though.
Guess I'll say hello. I'm 24 and have watched since I was about 10 with a brief hiatus from 03-05. Might as well confess I'm a HBK and Y2J mark. Also love Punk, Rock, and Edge!
Hey everyone, looooong time wrestling fan here. I've been a WWE/F fan since the days of Ultimate Warrior and Mach Man all the way up through the Attitude Era. I took a break from watching from 2005 to about 2010 before my nephew got me watching it again and I realized why I loved it so much to begin with.

My all time favorites are Chris Jericho, RVD and the Rock, and current favorites are Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk (along with newer Divas AJ and Kaitlyn who I really wish WWE would push)

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