Was Bret Hart added to Team WWE as a Red Herring, to distract from Cena Turning Heel?

I too am one of these peoples who believes that NOTHING will happen at Summer Slam.

No heel turns. No fucking TNA style swerves. Just a match. For those of you busting your baby nuts on eachother and saying "Yeah! Yeah! Cena Heel Turn. Cole Manager! Makes sense makes sense. Agree with me!" Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

3 months Nexus has been around. 3 months. Do you honestly think that this is it? Let's reveal everything now? No. It's not. This will go ALL YEAR LONG.

We have Night of Champions, Hell in a Cell, Bragging Rights, Survivor Series, TLC, Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and Wrestlemania left for major plot points.

Why in the blue fuck would the WWE take this Nexus storyline and blow it open right now with a heel turn/alliance at Summer Slam? Why? You know what, don't answer. Because your answers will be half as bad as half of the posts before me, and they will make me barf so hard it'll come out my nostrils and I might blow a squeeky fart.

John Cena turning heel? Stop it.

Mike Cole the manager? No. Mike Cole the GM. Well...maybe GM. Probably not.

Bret Hart leader of Nexus. Fucking dumb. I mean, like really fucking dumb.

Triple H. Not a chance. By the way for many of you posters...Triple H has only 1 "p".

I know it's fun to speculate and I have a lot of fun doing it. But, you need to stop saying “just like” Bischoff turning, and “just like” Hulk turning, and “just like” NWO running wild, and “just like” anything. The WWE will not do this angle “just like” any other angle before.

There has never been a stable of rookies. There has never been a stable that did what they did on their debut. There has never been anything like this angle ever. So when the time comes to reveal “THE BIGGER PICTURE” as Barrett says, you will get something you don’t expect.

Bret Hart is a red herring. Shemus is too, and so is the Miz. We will get maybe a few more. Whatever it is, you won't see it coming until it happens. Then you'll be able to piece it all together.

I agree with you about Bret Hart.. As of now I really enjoy this whole angle, however IF the "bookerman" put's Bret Hart as leader of Nexus I will instantly fall out of enjoying this storyline, feud, plot, etc.
Wade Barrett has mentioned that the Nexus is part of a "Bigger Picture." He has also alluded to the fact that he not be making all the decisions. I see this like a Captain of a Team. He makes the calls in action, but doesn't actually make the play calls and the game strategy. Barrett is Nexus' Captain, but not the leader. I think in the end the anonymous GM, will be aligned with Nexus.

At one point, I thought it would be Abraham Washington. He has all the motives. He worked as the GM in FCW where all these guys are coming from. His show was cancelled when ECW went off the air. However, I just don't think he is a big enough name at this point to be revealed as the GM/Nexus Mastermind. If he was then the bigger picture would be making room for New Talent. I would have loved to have seem them tie this in to these guys not being hand picked to be the next Golden Boy. They could have been pissed over guys like Sheamus being picked by HHH and McIntyre being McMahon's chosen one, or having to compete in stupid Challenges that have nothing to do with wrestiling on NXT.

In the end, I think the storyline will eventually be a let down. If Hart is the leader, I instantly don't care about Nexus. If its Cena, I don't see the tie in and it immediately lowers Barrett. If they are bringing in a new leader, it should be someone who doesn't wrestle. A mouth piece or a manager. I think eventually, it will have to tie in to the New GM angle.
Right now I think that anything could possibly happen. But the way Cena sells merchandise, I don't think that him turning heel would be smart for sales. In a parents perspective buying merchandise for their child, who would want their child to look up to someone that betrays their friends?? I hope Triple H doesn't become the leader so that the Nexus can all eventually develop into individual main eventers. Main event Heels to Face ratio on RAW is what?...Randy Orton and Cena vs.....Everyone else??? There are really no legitimate Faces on RAW beside those two. So, if there is going to be a turn I would think it would be someone that is already a heel, that is a main eventer that could lead Nexus with little no no opposition from them, as well as bring even more heat than what they already have..... That would be The Miz, considering he help them and they help him cash in his MITB briefcase to get the WWE title, Sheamus who already has a "truce" with Nexus, or Edge and/or Jericho.....They already have an alliance with each other....Joining Nexus could put both Jericho and Edge as well as Nexus over the top as far as dominance............

HOWEVER...........I wouldn't be suprised if we see Super Cena as the last man standing against a defeated Nexus team. Or if Cena loses dirty because an existing member of Nexus gives him a low blow or something.....
i think you all forgot about wade barretts title match , he can challenge anyone with the wwe championship and yet he never talks about it like as if he doesnt want it , i think nexus has something big in store for everyone .. john cena turning heel isnt impossible , it wouldnt be in favor of the wwe financially but this is what we all want to see , i think triple h will become leader , make wade barrett take his title match and take the title from wade like how he did orton when orton did benoit .
but im personally tired of cena being the kiss ass in the wwe , well on raw .. i think they should send him to smackdown.. i would love to see another orton and cena fued or even a cena and orton vs triple h .. or maybe if triple h come back as a heel , sheamus will fued with him as a face .

anything is possible in the wwe .
im just pumped to see whats going to happen! i havent seen anything exciting like this happen at a PPV in a long time when we were expecting someone to get screwed over, since HBK at the chamber! i hope something cool happens and they have something very well hidden to surprise us at the biggest party of the summer
I do not want to see anyone turn heel and "lead" Nexus. Wade Barrett is the leader of Nexus, I don't want to see any WWE guy jump ship. It makes no sense.

Bret makes no sense at this stage in his career, he's a legend and the crowd will cheer for him no matter what. He serves no purpose as a heel at his age.

Cena makes no sense seeing as how he is still incredibly over with fans and still selling loads of merchandise. Both Hogan and Austin were at the tail end of their careers when they made their turn. Hogan's red and yellow merchandise wasn't flying off the shells like it used too and WCW needed to do something big to get fans attention. None of this applies to WWE or Cena.

Oh, and my least favorite potential Nexus "Leader" is the long rumored Triple H. YAWN. Been there, done that. Plus, if Trips turns and "leads" Nexus, then the whole thing becomes about him and NOT guys like Barrett and Gabriel. Trips would be the worst choice of all.

So I hope NO ONE from WWE jumps ship. Let Nexus be there own stable.

I am pretty much with this, although I also think neither team can get a clean win because it would be weird to have a winner in such a match as this. So, I like the above, and I think right now, Wade Barrett is one of the main and maybe only reasons I care to watch right now because he is so great on the mic. But, I also think if done correctly, they could have someone be the overall leader besides Wade but it would have to be someone more than unexpected and I don't see that happening. It would be soooooo terrible if they have it be HHH. I mean seriously, that would kill the entire idea for me. Nexus is the best thing going right now and HHH would kill them quickly! Cena doesn't make sense because I honestly think angles of "taking one for the team" is only in the case that some guy is unconcious backstage only to find out he was faking it. You can't have guys brawl and hate each other only to be in cahoots in the end. Bret like someone else said is too much a legend and not a legit every week character that again, pointless if he was the leader. The only way I could see it workingif it were someone LIKE The Rock, or Goldberg, or even though I am in no way saying it will be those guys in any way. I just think it would have to be that big to work being that Wade is already so great!
There is still a lot of speculation going on for who is really pulling the strings on Nexus, but each one has some serious questions to answer.
John Cena- If Cena was the leader of Nexus why would he allow them to cost him the title?
Why would Cena allow Nexus to attack him week in and week out ? Why would Nexus interfere in Cena's title rematch ?
Triple H- Why would he have Nexus form a truce with Sheamus ? When Sheamus still bragging he ended Cena's career it doesn't fit.
Sheamus- Seems logical the Nexus has never touched him in any form, they have a so called truce. But it would be too obvious but still a logical choice.
Brett Hart- He is a legend if he turned heel all of a sudden would this ruin his legacy ? Why would he offer up his own family to Nexus ? What would he bring to Nexus ? It could work if Brett is still really the Raw manager but not for a long hall.
The Miz- Here is another logical choice he decides to join WWE team but in the end he betrays his team which is not out of line for his character. Could this be why Cole keeps referring to him as the future ?Would this push Miz into the Main event ? I honestly believe Miz would be a great choice and it would propel him all the way to the title.
Personally I really don't think Cena will be turning heel at Summerslam. I know we all want a Cena heel turn to happen but if he is in fact the leader of the Nexus it will make ZERO sense. Nexus has been beating on this guy for a month and a half and have constantly cost him big matches. Like some have said the title means everything to Cena, so why would he have nexus constantly cost him the 1 thing that means most to him? I'm not saying it can't happen, I just think everyone wants it to happen so much that they'll assume anything. I figure that Bret is the most likely member of Team RAW to turn against the WWE as he makes the most logical sense. Personally I think it will be someone that we haven't seen in a while and has a good and has a legitimate reason to turn on the WWE and lead the Nexus (like Paul Heyman, even though we all know it will never be him).

I also hope that when Cena does turn heel, it is completely unexpected and gives a good payoff (hypothetically, if he faced Taker at WM26 and turned heel then by cheating Taker out of his legacy, that would be an excellent way to turn Cena heel).
Everyone has their right to their own opinions, and I don't put people down for their opinions or thoughts. I do think it's crazy that someone has an idea about how Cena will turn heel and makes a thread about it almost everyday. I'm surprised a moderator hasn't merged it with one of the other 50 Cena heel turn threads.

In my opinion there's no way Cena will be heel anytime soon. Especially at Summerslam as part of the WWE 711 promotion Cena is doing a cross promotion with The Make A Wish Foundation. Many of the children sponsored by them are going to be in attendance at Summerslam. How would that look if the hero of a bunch of very ill children turns bad. That would destroy WWE's relationship with them, and in the PG era Vince would never let that happen.

I don't think Nexus needs a leader besides Barrett. The WWE has down a great job with this angle in my opinion. Keeping people speculating about who's behind it or who's the limo driver. At first they made it look like Cole was behind it in someway. Now it looks like it will be Bret Hart turning he obviously can't wrestle he has legitimate beef with management.

If anyone turns out to be behind Nexus I think it will be someone who hasn't been around for a while like Triple H or less likely Danielson. If Hart or another member of team WWE is taken out prior to the match. The person who replaces them will be the traitor if they go that route.
(hypothetically, if he faced Taker at WM26 and turned heel then by cheating Taker out of his legacy, that would be an excellent way to turn Cena heel)

This is one of the better ideas I have heard. Imagine he becomes so obsessed with greatness and the title (assuming Taker had it at WM 26) that he cheats to win. The streak is so highly esteemed that anyone and everyone would seriously despise Cena if he ended it unfairly. Great idea!

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