Miz on Team WWE at Summerslam? A Backstabbing in the Making?

No he probably won't even join the team. The last spots a surprise so you buy it. I had to reset my password because im tired of idiots like you being so ignorant. What part of Bryan Danielson has a 90 no-compete clause do you not understand?? Just because he didn't get busted for drugs doesn't mean hes exempt from the rule. Remember Knox, Dreamer, Benjamin, and Mickey got it too? So stop with the Daniel Bryan return rumors cause it ain't gonna happen.

In my opinion, you are the one who doesn't understand the 90-day no compete clause. For one thing, as you suggested , his lack of drug-related offences makes the clause null and void, but that's not even the point.

The 90-day no-compete clause is something the WWE has in place to keep guys from jumping ship, to TNA for example, too quickly. I don't think it applies to re-joining the WWE roster itself. In other words, unless there was a violation of the Wellness Policy (which would result in a suspension with a fixed time frame), I think WWE could re-hire a "fired" wrestler any time they want. They could fire him today, change their minds, and re-hire him tomorrow.

Knox, Dreamer, Benjamin, or James don't apply here. The 90-day clause would be in effect to prevent them from appearing in TNA immediately after being released from WWE, and capitalizing on their WWE exposure to benefit TNA. WWE hopes that by keeping them off TV for 3 months, they'll lose any momentum they have and could carry to the "competition." If WWE wanted to bring either of these people back, I think they could do so at any time. And same goes for Danielson. And the return to the indies and all of that could just be smoke and mirrors if WWE has been planning this from day one.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Anyway, this is why I don't think the Miz joining Team RAW is a backstabbing in the making. I don't think he will be the one to complete Team RAW by becoming their seventh and final member, that spot will go to Daniel Bryan. The Miz will possibly be busy anyway, cashing in his MITB title shot.
Bret Hart was not just thrown into this angle.... remember he as attacked by Nexus and lost his GM Job so yes he does have a place.... All of the members were legit attacked and had reason to join.... Great Khali on the other hand was kinda the odd one out.... and so he is....

And as for Daniel Bryan no compete clause... that is clearly meant for them jumping to TNA and such just like the poster before me stated
Just a thought here and please no rude comments but hasn't there been talks of psycho sid returning over the last 2 yrs or so? Maybe some type of "respect yer elders" type thing just a thought.
As per all the unnecessarily close-minded and negative opinions regarding The Rock returning, take a listen to this interview and judge for yourselves when and if he's coming back, I have my own predictions for when he comes back, but I'll keep it to myself cause it won't be Summerslam(If I am wrong, I will be happy all-the-while);

I think Triple H would make the best final member for 2 reasons; 1. It would make the fans sit on the edge of their seats waiting to see which of Cena and Trips would turn out to be Nexus. 2. He would give the fans the hope that Team WWE would win. Which gives WWE all the more momentum for a surprise heel turn to be successful.

Although he's injured, there is always hope. As someone already mention-John Cena the year he won the RR.

I think Miz would also be a great addition to the team. But I think depending on if the WWE Title match is before or after, it'll be either after he wins the WWE Title from Orton/Sheamus, or to set it up to look like he isn't worried about winning the title right away, only to win after the Nexus/RAW match in the main event of Summerslam. In any case leaving us with Miz holding the US and WWE Title belts as it goes off air. I only say this because to me, they're setting it up for people to presume he'll turn.

For me, HHH or the Miz being the 7th member further cements Cena's heel turn. And what else hints to me it'll be Cena? TMZ/Teen Choice Awards. Just seems like the publicity would be his last venture as a face.
How about this, (assuming the wwe title match is before the 7vs7 match)

Vince announces at the start of the pay-per view that if nexus wins wade barrett gets his title shot at the end of the evening. Miz hears this and gets pissed because he is going to cash in his briefcase. He goes to Cena and begs him to let Miz join the team but Cena says no because he already found sombody else. Miz cashes in the briefcase and wins the title and is on top of the moon.

The six wwe superstars come out and the nexus the hhh's music hits. He walks out to join team wwe but miz beats him down and hhh cant compete( so now he doesnt have to wrestle with his injury). Miz goes and tells cena he has to let him on the team now and cena agrees. people get eliminated and it's down to cena and miz vs barrett. miz is covering barrett, 1...2... and cena rolls him off. cena k.o's miz, barrett k.o's cena and pins him then pins miz for the win.

then barrett gets the ref to ring the bell for his title match and he pins miz again.

I couldnt see that happening, what would it accomplish? The Miz is already a heel, and an over one at that so it isnt like it would a major heel turn and it wouldnt gain him any more heat. Also he is currently occupied with his own push with the US Title and the MITB briefcase so joining The Nexus would take some of the focus away from him which would not be good. It just wouldnt make sense from a storyline perspective.
How about this, (assuming the wwe title match is before the 7vs7 match)

Vince announces at the start of the pay-per view that if nexus wins wade barrett gets his title shot at the end of the evening. Miz hears this and gets pissed because he is going to cash in his briefcase. He goes to Cena and begs him to let Miz join the team but Cena says no because he already found sombody else. Miz cashes in the briefcase and wins the title and is on top of the moon.

The six wwe superstars come out and the nexus the hhh's music hits. He walks out to join team wwe but miz beats him down and hhh cant compete( so now he doesnt have to wrestle with his injury). Miz goes and tells cena he has to let him on the team now and cena agrees. people get eliminated and it's down to cena and miz vs barrett. miz is covering barrett, 1...2... and cena rolls him off. cena k.o's miz, barrett k.o's cena and pins him then pins miz for the win.

then barrett gets the ref to ring the bell for his title match and he pins miz again.


Wow, interesting idea and I hate to criticize since you put a lot of thought into it, but not one thing listed makes sense.

Vince announces at the start of the pay-per view that if nexus wins wade barrett gets his title shot at the end of the evening.
Why would Vince do that? It makes no sense from an administrative or a storyline perspective.

He goes to Cena and begs him to let Miz join the team but Cena says no because he already found sombody else. Miz cashes in the briefcase and wins the title and is on top of the moon.

Miz isn't going to beg, it's not in line with his character. And I'm not sure why in your scenario Miz would want to be on the team.

The six wwe superstars come out and the nexus the hhh's music hits. He walks out to join team wwe but miz beats him down and hhh cant compete( so now he doesnt have to wrestle with his injury).

Absolutely no way HHH is going to return just to get beat down and vanish again until he's better. He's not going to be back until he can work. And I'm still not sure the logic of including this in the story?

And I still don't see the logic in why miz at this point would want to join the WWE team. If he's high on winning the title, it would make more sense for his character to be busy celebrating, not wasting time in a match he couldn't care less about.

people get eliminated and it's down to cena and miz vs barrett. miz is covering barrett, 1...2... and cena rolls him off. cena k.o's miz, barrett k.o's cena and pins him then pins miz for the win.

Why would cena turn on the miz when his team is about to win?

then barrett gets the ref to ring the bell for his title match and he pins miz again.

No way is barrett going to win a title this soon, or in that manner. If he does win a title at some point, it will likely not be a clean victory but because of interference from the nexus.

So I guess all in all, interesting idea and I suppose anything's possible but this sounds more like a pipe dream than anything close to what is going to happen.
I think that Cena will meet the Miz earlier in the night, and Cena will tell Miz that they dont need him as they already have a replacement, thus leaving Miz pissed off. Then Miz either takes out the 7th member during his entrance and takes his place, or near the end of the match interferes taking out the 7th member.

I also don't see him cashing in his MitB at SS as i dont see Miz competing in a Hell in a Cell match 2 months later, as much as i love Miz i just dont see him fitting into that type of match.
There's so many scenario's i could see with this match, which i love. This is the first ppv in a long time where i really don't know where they're going with the main event match.

I could see Miz joining, doing something selfish and walking out on the team thus costing them the match.

I could see no one joining the team and having it be 7 vs 6 with Nexus winning but because of the man advantage the WWE guys still look strong despite the loss.

I could even see Triple H showing up at the last minute like Cena in the Rumble a few years back.

And any of the WWE guys turning on there teammates to help Nexus is possible. Jericho, Edge, Miz, Cena, Triple H. I can see a scenario where any of them could play that role. I hope not, but i could see it.

I'm just genuinely pleased that WWE's managed to keep me guessing as to where they're going with this.

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