The Miz - Summerslam 2011

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Dark Match Winner
The Miz walked out of Wrestlemania 27 still the WWE champion. Even though it was a cheap victory thanks to the Rock, The Miz still went over John Cena. Eventually, after a very long reign, The Miz lost the title to Super Cena in a triple threat match. Vince McMahon, as reported on this site, said afterwards that although The Miz lost the title he was still going to be looked at very highly on the WWE roster e.g he stills flys in the corporate jet.

The questions I pose are: Where will The Miz be heading into Summerslam?

My answer: The Miz is in the finals of Vince's WWE tournament next week. One way or another even with Alberto and the briefcase ( I think he'll play this one out) I see the Miz walking into Summerslam WWE champion. A key word I would use her would be disputed. Because in all reality Punk is the champion.

: Where will the Miz be coming out of Summerslam?

There is much controversy around the WWE title that theres literally anything that can happen here, especially with Hunter in charge now. My early prediction is that The Miz gets another screw job win and walks out on top of the entire situation.

: Will the Miz win the title back at all between now and the end of SummerSlam?

Obviously, Miz mark heavy on this one, as you can read by my posts above I think the Miz will walk out of Summerslam the undisputed WWE champion. The championship is not merged with the world championship but rather it is a simple way to explain that an end result came of punks reign for now. Ultimatly this will come back to Punk, as a face, chasing the heel Miz for the title and it will be awesome television.

Please post your responses to those three questions.
Bonus Question: Am I looking at this too completely one sided or is The Miz going to have a huge Summerslam?
I think i read somewhere that WWE is considering turning Miz face around Summerslam because of how popular he is at the moment. What i think will happen is Miz will win the WWE championship on Raw this week then Del Rio will cash in on Miz and Miz will slowly start going face.
Can you even imagine the promos if Punk VS Miz had a feud?

Punk would view the Miz as everything that is wrong with wrestling, and is an "entertainer" not a wrestler.

Miz is no slouch with promos either. He could say that even with all of Punk's "wrestling" ability, that he will never be famous like he is.
Can you even imagine the promos if Punk VS Miz had a feud?

Punk would view the Miz as everything that is wrong with wrestling, and is an "entertainer" not a wrestler.

Miz is no slouch with promos either. He could say that even with all of Punk's "wrestling" ability, that he will never be famous like he is.

Who would be heel for that feud???

I see Miz vs Alex Riley in one last match with a stipulation to it,maybe a cage match or something to end that feud for good.
Miz vs Rey Mysterio could happen as a number one contender's match :shrug:
If I'm not mistaking, Raw next week is in San Diego, Rey's hometown..

Are they going to let Miz have a win over Mysterio for his hometown crowd?
I don't see Miz walking out of San Diego the champ
Miz winning the WWE against Rey in San Diego would put some decent heat on Miz. Makes sense for him to win it there just as much as it makes sense for Rey to win. Hometown victories can work in favour of either player here.

If Miz won he could be the heel going up against a returning Punk at some stage down the road. Also, remember when Cena beat JBL for the strap and JBL carried around the old WWE design for awhile proclaiming he was the true champ? I can imagine Punk doing something very similar (Also though I would prefer not to see Punk carry around the goofy looking Cena-spinner design). There are alot of options to go from here.
Miz has been kind of on the back burner for a while. The Riley fued has gone on too long and it isn't really all that interesting anymore. Needs something new in it to keep fresh.
The championship tourney is what Miz needs to break out of the Riley funk. I just hope Cena is not the one chaising him for the title. That being said though, the lack of faces on Raw means that it would be Rey after the title. Could be entertaining.
I think the Miz will win next week i truly do!! It can go either way but when rey was the champion twice he reign was ehhhhh ok nothing exciting or anything!! Miz is definitely a better champion but i think the miz might lose it the same night he wins it due to Del Rio cashing in his money in the bank!! This destiny he keeps talking about being champion has to come true at one point!!!
I think Del Rio cashes in on whoever wins. Then Cena vs Del Rio at SummerSlam.

Miz maybe enters a feud with Mysterio that lasts until SummerSlam? I don't know honestly. WZ reported that Mysterio is in for a "big" SummerSlam. For a Superstar of his caliber the only way to go big would be the WWE Championship. Maybe Rey wins, Del Rio cashes in which sets up a triple threat with Cena since he should also have a shot at the title since he just lost it with no rematch. Del Rio vs Rey vs Cena for WWE Title?

Not sure where that leaves Miz really. All I know is that if it's Miz vs Rey then where does the face of the company (Cena), Mr. Money in the Bank (Del Rio), and CM Punk if he even still exists get put into all of this?

With HHH becoming chairman at the END of the show, after the tournament, I wouldn't be surprised if Monday he alters the entire thing and Cena is put in and/or CM Punk comes back and says there is no tournament since he is champion. For some reason I just don't see Rey OR Miz leaving RAW with the title and if either do I don't see it being for long.
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