Miz the Next World Champion?

Ya know, I actually think they have a good thing going with The Miz. The program with Cena is one of the better ones on Raw at the moment. To be honest, what I would like for them to do with Miz is this....

Make him the kind of guy that is damn near impossible to pin. Not saying he has to be some sort of freak, ala Undertaker of 1992, etc. But just give him some friggen courage. No matter how many FU's it takes, this guy will keep getting up. Even if The Miz loses (which he will) people will RESPECT The Miz a lot more for it.

Another example. Say he gets in a match with Triple H eventually. Hunter gives him a pedigree. Miz gets up. Hunter gives another. Miz kicks out again. At this point, the crowd is going crazy, wondering what the hell its gonna take to keep this guy down. I would love to see some small/scrappy guy in the WWE who knows he is overmatched, but yet he has a boatload of courage and heart. Kinda like Rocky Balboa.

Lmfao i'm sorry, but that is a ridiculous idea and thats all i'm going to say about that. But anyway, if this rumor is true, VKM seriously needs to reconsider. Its way to early to give The Miz the WWE title. He should after his feud with Cena,which hopefully isn't a burial, feud with Kingston for the U.S. title for a few months. I was thinking about a pretty cool way for The Miz to win the World championship the other day actually. Say Morrison wins the Rumble and chooses to go after the Word Title which is held by CM Punk. Miz is in the MITB match and wins. CM Punk and Morrison have their match which could be an Extreme Rules match so it would be grueling on each of them. Morrison all busted up wins. The Miz could come out cash in the briefcase and shock the fuck out of everybody and win the World Heavyweight Championship.
Well, what do you think of that, eh? Vince is high on The Miz, apparently. Though I don't see a feud with Triple H actually doing him any good, but a world title match at SummerSlam is certainly a step in the right direction.

Still, I don't know where these news sites get their information from, so it could easily turn out to be bullshit.

Wow. Miz as a world champion? 2 years ago, I would have laughed at this idea. But right now it doesn't seem to be that bad. I think Miz may be actually a credible champ.
Will The Miz be a star one day? Correct. Will he hold a midcard title sometime this year? Correct. Is he ready to be world champion? Wrong.

Why do smarks love this guy? I'll tell ya why he's saying what they're thinking otherwise smarks will go back to the bottom of the chain food in wrestling where they belong. Not to say that they've ascended in the chain food with the arrival of the Miz but they now feel they have a purpose. Let's face the facts Miz can't wrestle, has a boring/weak finisher, and doesn't have the superstar look to carry a company (for now). All the Miz has is his mic work. He's basically Santino.
Miz is evolving nicely. I like the promos he's cutting with Cena, and his in ring performance is pretty good.

I think he may actually make a better champ than MVP would right now. If the PPV is a success, you can bet Miz will get some credit from the company.

They should do like they did in the old days. Groom him by giving him the IC title. I know the IC has changed, but back in the day it was almost like a "test" title to see how the wrestler handles it.

Miz may be champ one day. But, it's way too soon. More evolution of his character is needed.

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