Was Bret Hart added to Team WWE as a Red Herring, to distract from Cena Turning Heel?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking about the Nexus angle today, and the supposed betrayal of one of team WWE's members to side with, or even lead Nexus, when it came to me: Alot of people think Bret Hart was added to Team WWe to betray them, and reveal himself as the leader behind Nexus. Perhaps as a revenge plot to pay Vince back for the Montreal Screwjob. It would make some sense, and would be fairly easy for creative to explain. I mean, why else would you add him to the match? He can hardly wrestle, his mic work hasn't been great, and he pretty much has lost most of his drawing power.

Unless WWE wants us to expect this, so they can swerve and make Cena the leader. Cena, to me, is the most logical choice to lead Nexus. He has the mic skills, the star power, and if booked right, could be quite reviled by the WWE Universe. Plus his promos leading up to this hint at him turning, and the fact that he didn't attempt to help Mark Henry, Khali, or Edge when the Nexus ganged up on them. Sure Nexus may have roughed Cena up a few times, but maybe Cena was just selling the Angle to set up for his betrayal, if memory serves, people have been attacked by stables and turned out to be the leader, i.e. Vince Macmahon and the Ministry.

The way i see it going down is John Cena and Bret Hart being the last men standing against Nexus, Bret gets a hot tag, sets one of the members up for the sharp shooter, and Cena nails him out of no where, costing WWE the match. This would also be ideal as a way to start a Cena Heel turn off strong, by attacking a legend like Bret, and getting him some legit heat.

So as always, what do you guys think?

* Was Bret added as a Red Herring to set up for someone else to turn?
* Will it be Cena that costs them the match, or another member of Team WWE?
* Will anyone turn, or is this just wild speculation?
I think he was added more to get Cena more heat if he does turn heel. Think about it, if he turns on morrison would he get as much heat? but turning on a legend like Hart will get Cena alot of heat. maybe even stone cold type heat when he turned back in the day.

Great point, i forgot to add that to my original post, Thank you for bringing it up. Bret Hart is beloved by the WWE fans, and is a major legend, which would score major Heat for Cena if he does turn.
I think he was added more to get Cena more heat if he does turn heel. Think about it, if he turns on morrison would he get as much heat? but turning on a legend like Hart will get Cena alot of heat. maybe even stone cold type heat when he turned back in the day.
For some reason, I feel like Bret Hart is going to turn heel along with Jericho and Edge (already heels, yes). I feel like all 3 will turn on their team costing them the match. I don't know why but with the way Bret was "taken out' by Nexus leads me to believe the purpose would be later revealed that he is the mastermind.

Cena turning heel seems too obvious and I don't think now is the time for him to turn heel being the face of the company.
I don't see Cena being in cahoots with Nexus, in any way. As a general rule, thanks to the internet, wrestling fans have been trained to look for the swerve. In this case, the swerve is "The reason Nexus beat the shit out of Cena so often was because he let them, and he was really playing along to screw people over."

That's a metric shit-ton of suspension of disbelief, for something that will remove the company's top financial draw from that position. And, if the "Matt Hardy attacked Jeff Hardy" storyline from last year can be used as a guideline, WWE does pay attention to the internet, and tries to steer away from things that people see coming.

But, I do believe that someone should turn on Sunday, since a clean win for Nexus leads the storyline next to nowhere to go, and a clean win for WWE kills the heat of the Nexus group. (I agree with the article on the site's front page in this regard.) But, the question is, who should it be? I disagree with everyone listed in that article, however. And, this is given a lot more creative leeway, due to what seems to be the elimination of The Great Khali from the match. Exactly who is the 7th man on the team? And, could that person be the traitor?

My biggest evidence lies in one thing. Everyone who offered to be a part of Team WWE was destroyed by Nexus. The Hart Dynasty: Destroyed. Mark Henry: Destroyed. Everyone who even spoke on the subject was straight up taken out. They were..... Well, there was one guy who more or less offered to join the team, and he walked away, free and clear. He also had a bit of time to get to know each of the members of Nexus, since he was a Pro during the first season of NXT. Sure, his rookie isn't around anymore, but a common dislike of that guy could be just another thing they all have in common.

Okay, for the 3 people who put 2 and 2 together, and got "Thomas Jefferson," I'm saying that I think The Miz will be revealed as the leader of Nexus this Sunday. It also makes sense in that it will give him backup for when he cashes in Money in the Bank. Plus, that gives the storyline a bit of an out over the next few months, where the group could split into two 4 man teams over who to side with when Barrett finally gets his PPV title shot.
I'm sorry but..... I am completely sick of people speculating and blah blah blah, about a heel turn, I usually don't post on threads, but this is getting ridiculous. I honestly hope that John Cena NEVER turns heel just to piss everyone off.

Now that I got that out of my system, the only thing I agree with is Bret Hart and John Cena being the final 2 on team WWE. Team Nexus already has a leader, and it's Wade Barrett. I don't ever remember them saying that they had a "Higher Power" backing them up. This is all on there own accord. If somebody.... wait let me rephrase that IF somebody turns, I think it will be Bret Hart, not because I want to see it but because it'll be damn interesting.
I think he was added more to get Cena more heat if he does turn heel. Think about it, if he turns on morrison would he get as much heat? but turning on a legend like Hart will get Cena alot of heat. maybe even stone cold type heat when he turned back in the day.

Great point, i forgot to mention this. Bret may not be muchof a wrestler anymore, or a great talker, but he damn sure is respected and beloved by fans everywhere, and having Cena attack him would be instant heat.
Great point, i forgot to mention this. Bret may not be muchof a wrestler anymore, or a great talker, but he damn sure is respected and beloved by fans everywhere, and having Cena attack him would be instant heat.

thats exactly what i posted before, he was added so if cena is going to attack someone to cement his heel turn, it would have to be hart, not somoen on the team who is pretty much all heel, and if he attacked them it would just be for the troubles they caused, doing it to hart would surefire seal the deal
I'm sorry but..... I am completely sick of people speculating and blah blah blah, about a heel turn, I usually don't post on threads, but this is getting ridiculous. I honestly hope that John Cena NEVER turns heel just to piss everyone off.

Now that I got that out of my system, the only thing I agree with is Bret Hart and John Cena being the final 2 on team WWE. Team Nexus already has a leader, and it's Wade Barrett. I don't ever remember them saying that they had a "Higher Power" backing them up. This is all on there own accord. If somebody.... wait let me rephrase that IF somebody turns, I think it will be Bret Hart, not because I want to see it but because it'll be damn interesting.

I am, like most people, speculating that there will be dissension in the ranks of team WWE. Cena turning and joining Nexus has been teased alot on Raw, so i'm not offbase in thinking that it will happen.

Bret turning and joining Nexus is the most obvious decision ,because he sticks out ,ost on the team, but that is why it won't happen. Plus, if he did turn, where would it go? He wouldn't be useful to Nexus, unlike Cena, whom Nexus have shown interest in recruiting.
I do not want to see anyone turn heel and "lead" Nexus. Wade Barrett is the leader of Nexus, I don't want to see any WWE guy jump ship. It makes no sense.

Bret makes no sense at this stage in his career, he's a legend and the crowd will cheer for him no matter what. He serves no purpose as a heel at his age.

Cena makes no sense seeing as how he is still incredibly over with fans and still selling loads of merchandise. Both Hogan and Austin were at the tail end of their careers when they made their turn. Hogan's red and yellow merchandise wasn't flying off the shells like it used too and WCW needed to do something big to get fans attention. None of this applies to WWE or Cena.

Oh, and my least favorite potential Nexus "Leader" is the long rumored Triple H. YAWN. Been there, done that. Plus, if Trips turns and "leads" Nexus, then the whole thing becomes about him and NOT guys like Barrett and Gabriel. Trips would be the worst choice of all.

So I hope NO ONE from WWE jumps ship. Let Nexus be there own stable.
caitiff i totally agree with you. anyone who even thought about team wwe was taken out by nexus except for the miz even the great kahli who they have been trying to turn got attacked. i want cena to turn heel but i doubt it will happen since we are in the dark days ofwwe im speaking of the 2 most evil letters in pro wrestling( pg ).
i dont think it will be bret since the hart dynasty got attacked. and i doubt its tripple h since sheamus is like the only wwe superstar who hasnt been attacked. i see it as miz reasons. 1 he is still heel. 2 for the backup everytime he tried to cash it in he has been thrawted.3 he was a nxt mentor and had time to get to know them. i just hope they say who the gm is cause it cant go on forever without going stale.
mmk i agree with you if tripple h is the leader which i doubt he will use his backstage tenure aka sleepn and being married to the bosses daughter. to make it all about him and all the nexus crew will lose any push they have because of him
Ugh, here we go yet again. Have you even sat down and thought of how stupid it would be for Cena to be the actual leader of The Nexus? They beat him 'within an inch of his life' and cost him multiple WWE Championships. What in the bluest of fucks would be his reasoning for this!? This isn't TNA, random illogical shit isn't just going to happen because you are all tweeting to the president that you want to see it.
the actual reason that bret hart was added was as a last minute replacement for ricky steamboat,who nexus beat the hell out of and who was supposed to be in the spot but couldn't because of health complications.....so take that for what you will
Alright, to clarify, i'm not saying this is how it should go down, i'm saying that this is how i see it going down.

Just like when Hogan sided with the NWO or when Austin sided with the Alliance, it's become almost typical to expect a top face turn in these situations for a massive shock. I'm sure the NWO and the Alliance would have worked without their respective turns, but they would not have had the impact they did. And, like it or not, Cena would give alot of momentum to the group, and make them even more imposing. People like Miz and Sheamus wouldn't give the Nexus as much of a push, because both are already Heels, and need to be dominant on their own right now.

Do I think Nexus will move on well on their own? Yes. Does it mean there won't be a mastermind behind them? Absolutely not.
I was reading everything & saw some tremendous posts. I then thought to myself, hey, what if there's two heel turns? What if Cena does turn on Hart, which by all accounts is what's going to happen, and what if Michael Cole is revealed to be the manager of Nexus? Like what if after the turn Cole gets off the mic, Lawler looks crazy & then he gets in the ring and announces he's like the new manager, in a sort of Eric Bischoff move when he joined the nWo? Just a thought.
Am I the only person that thinks this will be just a straight up match with no heel turn from anyone? For once maybe Vince and the WWE is going to give a story line a shot without the "Big Swerve".

On another note I doubt we will see a Cena heel turn anyway because I strongly believe the Suprise GM will be heel and that would make for more than enough heels on one show (Nexus, Edge, Miz, Jericho, Sheamus).
Am I the only person that thinks this will be just a straight up match with no heel turn from anyone? For once maybe Vince and the WWE is going to give a story line a shot without the "Big Swerve".

On another note I doubt we will see a Cena heel turn anyway because I strongly believe the Suprise GM will be heel and that would make for more than enough heels on one show (Nexus, Edge, Miz, Jericho, Sheamus).

agreed! like i said before! it ust came up as the IWC wanting a heel turn from Cena, then it turned into something its not, u dont think with all the discussion that its going to happen? not a chance..

did reports leak of austin turning heel? just curious, its to obvious now they wont let that happen right now
Cena turning heel, no way, not happening. And he isn't the leader nor is he joining Nexus, that makes no sense of any kind, not even in a freaky bizarro way.

Hart turning out to be the real leader of Nexus, more than likely, why else would he be there? Can't wrestle, blows on the mic and shit, sometimes he can barely move.

But forget all that, Wade is the leader of Nexus. It was probably going to be revealed that Tripple H was the actual "leader" of Nexus but he is still too injured to return so creative had to change the story line, for now.
I may be the only one here... but I think a Nexus clean victory could keep the story line going.. depending on how they do it??

Have Cena be the last and they beat the holy crap out of him.. and have Danielson come for the save.. or something.. I am not sure what more they can do here.. Turning Cena heel would make no sense.. I know we all talked about HHH coming back and turning. But that means he would have to end his "feud" with Sheamus unless Sheamus becomes the tweener sort?

I don't know what is going to happen. I just don't want Cena turning heel.. like a poster above said.. it would be a ton of BS the last few months if that is the case.
I too am one of these peoples who believes that NOTHING will happen at Summer Slam.

No heel turns. No fucking TNA style swerves. Just a match. For those of you busting your baby nuts on eachother and saying "Yeah! Yeah! Cena Heel Turn. Cole Manager! Makes sense makes sense. Agree with me!" Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

3 months Nexus has been around. 3 months. Do you honestly think that this is it? Let's reveal everything now? No. It's not. This will go ALL YEAR LONG.

We have Night of Champions, Hell in a Cell, Bragging Rights, Survivor Series, TLC, Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and Wrestlemania left for major plot points.

Why in the blue fuck would the WWE take this Nexus storyline and blow it open right now with a heel turn/alliance at Summer Slam? Why? You know what, don't answer. Because your answers will be half as bad as half of the posts before me, and they will make me barf so hard it'll come out my nostrils and I might blow a squeeky fart.

John Cena turning heel? Stop it.

Mike Cole the manager? No. Mike Cole the GM. Well...maybe GM. Probably not.

Bret Hart leader of Nexus. Fucking dumb. I mean, like really fucking dumb.

Triple H. Not a chance. By the way for many of you posters...Triple H has only 1 "p".

I know it's fun to speculate and I have a lot of fun doing it. But, you need to stop saying “just like” Bischoff turning, and “just like” Hulk turning, and “just like” NWO running wild, and “just like” anything. The WWE will not do this angle “just like” any other angle before.

There has never been a stable of rookies. There has never been a stable that did what they did on their debut. There has never been anything like this angle ever. So when the time comes to reveal “THE BIGGER PICTURE” as Barrett says, you will get something you don’t expect.

Bret Hart is a red herring. Shemus is too, and so is the Miz. We will get maybe a few more. Whatever it is, you won't see it coming until it happens. Then you'll be able to piece it all together.
I really don't see how Cena turning heel can work. Basically, WWE would ask that you forget everything that has happened over the last 2 months. They could try it, but it would be so laughable, it just wouldn't make any sense at all. How would Cena explain it the next night on RAW? He's gotten his ass kicked by Nexus more than anyone else. The most logical trun would still be HHH, & it could be done, even if he's injured. They have an open spot on Team WWE. So, Miz tells Cena & Hart he won't join the team, & WWE starts the match with 6 guys. Near the end, with 1 WWE guy left, HHH comes down to thr ring, & everyone thinks he's going to save Team WWE. He doesn't, & Nexus wins. It could even work if HHH is hurt. He could just hand Barrett a sledgehammer or hit Cena w/a low blow.

There are a couple of ways to explain HHH letting Sheamus off the hook. First, HHH could say the Sheamus earned his respect. He could say that what Sheamus did was something a young HHH would've done. Then, he could say that Cena was a bigger threat to the future of the company. If they really wanted to, HHH could launch an attack on the entire "PG" direction the company has taken. He could say that he needed to attack Vince to save the future of the company, to protect his family.

There's just no logical way Cena can turn heel, which means he probably will.
I wouldn't be suprised either way (Big Swerve or Straight Match), but, if a betrayal has to happen it would be perfect if they could include Danielson.

Think about it.

He comes out as the 7th member (assuming Kali is out, hopefully), the crowd goes bonkers, he eliminates a Nexus member or two, and then at the end (Danielson and Cena left against Barrett), stabs Cena in the back and sides with Barrett. It is pretty obvious from a fan point of view, but kayfabe it would work. Cena has been attacked more than anyone and Barrett already said Danielson was kicked out for having reservations.

That would continue the storyline because Nexus is still intact (stronger even with Danielson) and it doesn't have any forced heel turns from established WWE faces.

Not even remotely likely, but I think that would be a tremendous end to the match.
I have been reading for a while now, but I had to register just to set one thing clear.

Why are you all saying that Cena turning wouldn't make sense. I can agree with you that Cena being the leader is a stretch but Cena turning isn't.

Cena gimmick is the man of steal, the guy that never give up and a couple of week when he was about to join the Nexus before revealing his team they were on something. Cena could turn on team WWE. The next night the Raw ratings would be close to a 4 and Cena said I tried to fight them, I even tried to form a team to beat them but then I thought why am I even doing this when I saw the fight in my team.

It's simple, just have him give up and he will turn heel by joinning them, not being the leader.

Bret et HHH the turning would be aweful, but Cena would be awesome. I don't think the Nexus need a leader beside Barrett but they could use an ally or a new member and have co-leader. That would push the stable and that would push Barrett as an "equal" to Cena.

Then to the guy who said that we are looking for the swerve, the story was built for a swerve. Someone said that we never heard about austin turn. Sorry but I was probably in my late teen year when that happenned. Do you think the kid that cheer for Cena today think he will turn at SS? No. But we think that he will because we saw it happen with Austin. I really hope that Cena turn heel has a kick to the ball to all his fan and make them react with anger and passion to shake things up and keep the product fresh. Cena is more than due for a turn.

Edit: If people want a swerve it's because it would fit, it would be perfect and it's the time to do it. Knowing WWE and how lately (well before the Nexus) it was deception after deception, I expect a clean match where nothing will happen. And for people saying it's to obvious that Cena or Hart would turn it won't happen. I could have tell you 2 months ago that Kane was the attacker of Undertaker, just like HHH was the attacker of HBK and Matt was the attacker of Jeff, the people who is trying to catch the culprit is the one most of the time and it will probably still happen. Except if WWE swerve us with Rey.
I like the idea of the miz being the leader because he is still in the early part of his career and fits in nicely with the nexus gimmick, but he did help the pros stomp the rookies on the first episode of nxt season 2.

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