Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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This is similar to the New Blood vs Millionaires club feud and the nWo angle.

Now here's something interesting, New Blood Vs Millionaires Club I believe was a Russo storyline, and A FREAKING AWESOME IDEA, with one INCREDIBLY MAJOR DRAWBACK! When you call a team "Millionaires" and that team includes Savage, Piper and Nash, how can you expect them to be faces when the young talent is being held back?!

If TNA switched it and the Originals were the faces it would work rally well I think, but would there be enough top tier original talent? and how many so called Imports would want to job every week? The balance would be tough to do but I think it could be a masterstroke if performed carefully.
The best storylines are the ones that the fans believe are based off of reality.

That's why the TNA Originals vs TNA Imports Storyline would be so interesting. Whether they are face heel or anything in between, there is heat between them. The TNA Imports would spout that TNA was nothing before they got there while the TNA Originals are angry at Jim Cornette for giving the imports there spots.

This is similar to the New Blood vs Millionaires club feud and the nWo angle.

I'll go one better...
Why not Jarrett vs. Dixie for controll of TNA?
This (unlike the WWF/WCW versions) would be very realistic as they do both controll the company after all.

Jarrett could have his buddies from WCW and WWE, Dixie could have the TNA/X dev. guys.

Now tell me THAT wouldn't make a GREAT feud. Maybe they should save it until TNA has grown a bit. I think its deserving of a bigger stage.
You know I think one of TNA's problems really is the gimmick matches. Don't get me wrong, I love TNA.

But take the Terror Dome for example. There was barely any build or hype for that ridiculous structure. Sure it was for an X Title shot, and later because of Angle the winner got the World Title shot, but it still seemed like the match wasn't of very much importance.

It seems like it would be better business, if you're going to have a match like that, to have it be of more significance and be the main gimmick match of the show.

Hell, they could have used it to replace the King Of The Mountain match next month.

What WAS nice about it though, was it was simple; to win you had climb out of the hole. Very easy for everyone to understand. I had to explain the rules of the Makeover Battle Royal/Ladder Match to my girlfriend over and over. And then the immunity deal made it more confusing. And I know I'll have to do the same for the King Of The Mountain match next month. (My girlfriend isn't a regular wrestling fan, just a casual viewer when I make her watch it with me, so the over the top gimmick matches can be hard to understand for her.)
I will agree with most people that the crowd was stupid for starting a "Fire Russo" chant. I don't think that Vince Russo is the problem, but the fault has to lay on the TNA roster. I will say that I am more of a WWE fan, but there are certain wrestlers in TNA that could make it big. But the problem is that you have great idea's for gimmick matches, but they put sub par talent in them. Especially in the X division. How can you have great matches with people like Shark Boy, Curry Man (extremely dumb gimmick) and Kaz (sorry, I don't think he has any talent)? Not to mention you have alot of the older wrestlers that are trying to cling to their own personal spotlight (Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Dudleys, Sting). TNA has alot of young talent like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, LAX, and others that need more focus to maybe bring the company to a new level.
I think the only thing that Russo is guilty of is recycling old storylines from his WWE and WCW days, and just putting new people in them. He needs to come up with some new stuff, and find a way to build it up more. Also, get rid of Mike Tenay. He doesn't really have that good wrestling voice (my opinion). Give more mic time to West.
One last point, TNA should keep people like Scott Steiner and Sting off of the mic. They and others are just horrible.
Much props to the women division. They are the most talented women in the business (better than WWE) and probably some of the best talent TNA has.
I will agree with most people that the crowd was stupid for starting a "Fire Russo" chant. I don't think that Vince Russo is the problem, but the fault has to lay on the TNA roster. I will say that I am more of a WWE fan, but there are certain wrestlers in TNA that could make it big. But the problem is that you have great idea's for gimmick matches, but they put sub par talent in them. Especially in the X division. How can you have great matches with people like Shark Boy, Curry Man (extremely dumb gimmick) and Kaz (sorry, I don't think he has any talent)? Not to mention you have alot of the older wrestlers that are trying to cling to their own personal spotlight (Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Dudleys, Sting). TNA has alot of young talent like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, LAX, and others that need more focus to maybe bring the company to a new level.
I think the only thing that Russo is guilty of is recycling old storylines from his WWE and WCW days, and just putting new people in them. He needs to come up with some new stuff, and find a way to build it up more. Also, get rid of Mike Tenay. He doesn't really have that good wrestling voice (my opinion). Give more mic time to West.
One last point, TNA should keep people like Scott Steiner and Sting off of the mic. They and others are just horrible.
Much props to the women division. They are the most talented women in the business (better than WWE) and probably some of the best talent TNA has.

you're going to be hard pressed to find ANYONE that agrees with your assertion that kaz doesn't have any talent.
hahaha, oh man. Give more mic time to Don West? Take Scott Steiner and Sting off the mic? Are you serious? Tenay is a great play by play guy. If anything a new color commentator could really spice things up.

I agree with giving some of the younger guys more of a focus, but that's what they are currently doing. They are building the AJ/Angle feud, Samoa Joe is the WORLD champ, and LAX are the tag champs. What more could you ask for out of those guys?

Personally I think LAX and Abyss are the two best things TNA has created. I can't wait until Abyss comes back. He could be a big draw for the company if they bring him back into a good program and push him. I REALLY hope they don't bring him back without the mask though. For the love of god don't take the mask off of him. Just pull a WWE and pretend like he never took it off. please.
you're going to be hard pressed to find ANYONE that agrees with your assertion that kaz doesn't have any talent.

I agree. Kaz is easily one of the most talented wrestlers on the TNA roster.

That being said, there IS one problem I have with TNA's booking at the moment- the X Division wrestlers look like crap. I mean, when I first started watching TNA, you had X Division wrestlers being treated just as smaller wrestlers with their own division, BUT they could still hang with the heavyweights, etc. Kaz is doing alright, but is he even considered an X Division wrestler anymore? What I'd like to see is someone like Jay Lethal being treated as being on the same par as some of the bigger wrestlers (Not just Team 3D) and have him enter a feud with Kaz or something and build the X Division around them. I dunno if that makes sense or not, but that's just my :twocents: Dos sentos.
IMO they're not pushing their own talent. when i first started watching TNA there were things that i thought were far better than the WWE. the X Division and the Knockouts. since then i dont know what has happened to the X Division as i dont watch TNA as much. the Knockouts are doing good though.

i remember when people so desperatly wanted Joe as champ. well he's won the belt!!! what has he done since he has gotten it? nothing. the Angle/ Christian fued was better than Joe and Angle.

their biggest downfall is that they use alot of WWE's gimmicks and old storylines. after a while people get tired of hearing TNA wrestlers complaining about WWE. all they're doing it for is to start a War again. Vince is smarter than that, he wont fall for the trap.
I have actually just done an indepth analysis on ratings for iMPACT from their debut on iMPACT to this past week on iMPACT and amazingly (sarcastic) it is now a FACT that Vince Russo's TNA draws ratings.

Here are the ratings results for month by month of iMPACT (sorry for the length):
October 05- 0.8
Nov 05- 0.8
Dec 05- 0.8
Jan 06- 0.9 (Can be attributed to Sting)
Feb 06- 0.8
Mar 06- 0.8
Pre-Thursday April- 0.8

Post- Thursday April- 1.0
May 06- 1.0
June 06- 1.0
July 06- 0.8
Aug 06- 0.8
Sept 06- 0.8
Oct 06- 0.8
Pre- Primetime Nov- 0.8
-0% growth on Spike TV Pre-Russo Era

Post- Primetime Nov (Beginning of Russo Era)- 0.96
Dec 06- 1.0
Jan 07- 1.0
Feb 07- 0.9 (One week up against Raw)
Mar 07- 1.0
Apr 07- 1.0 (One week had change in timeslot)
May 07- 0.9
June 07- 1.1
July 07- 1.1
Aug 07 – 1.0
Sept 07- 1.0

October 07- 1.0 (Due to switching to 2 hours, ratings are harder to maintain)
Nov 07- 1.0
Dec 07- 1.1
Jan 07- 1.1 (One week reached highest viewing audience ever)
Feb 07- 1.1
Mar 07- 1.08
Apr 07- 1.03
May 07 (3 weeks)- 0.9
2 Point Growth since Pre-Russo Era which can also be noted ranges from 600,000 new viewers if not more.

TNA Pre-Russo had more timeslot changes. Post-Russo era also added the two hour iMPACT which makes it harder to maintain ratings.

Look at the facts. Prior to Russo coming into TNA the only things that bumped ratings were Sting and the move to Thursday Night, which TNA couldn't maintain afterwards and the ratings were slipping until Russo and Primetime got on there.

After Primetime there were no jumps but amazingly ratings were maintained and grew over time. Russo maintained ratings through a second hour, through Thanksgiving and against ECW. In January, TNA gained its record biggest viewing audience. Things were good until the buildup for Destination X where things got boring. Ratings continue to nosedive because of the current direction of TNA.

This is evidence that Russo's Shock and Crash TV Style may be a traditionalists and the IWC's worst nightmare but is also what viewers want to see.

Why do you think that is Marty2Hotty? Can you present this information to TNA Officials Glen?
People can blame a lot of Russo, but he is the not the only booker. There are other writers, and every decision must be approved by Jeff and Dixie.

TNA is still a new company. Yes, they have been around for a while, but they could be considered new. It took WCW a long time to get enough momentum to compete with the WWF. Getting Hogan helped push them to the big time, and we saw what happened once Nash and Hall went over.

TNA has a lot of talent. The problem is you can air just wrestling matches, but you won't draw a huge rating. The average wrestling fan, those that will flip through the channels and tune in, but only if they like what they see, want to see good angles. Take the Attitude era were ratings were huge, most people tuned in for the angles, once more wrestling was shown, they would tune out. You need to develop solid angles, and build the wrestling around it.

In my opinion, the reason the knockouts draw some of TNA's highest ratings is because they are attractive, got excellent gimmicks, and can wrestle. They are fun to watch, and they are not doing the same thing as the E. It is an alternative.

As for the "Fire Russo" chants, lets see those people try to create angles for 52 weeks, and have them work. Look at games like Total Extreme Warfare, it is just a game, but trying to develop good storylines is not easy. Wrestlers might not mix, and you need to rethink your ideas.
I can't believe people still think it's Russo. The problem is SAMOA JOE!!! Seriously nobody LIKES HIM except the internet smarks. Of course TNA will do crappy ratings with a overweight ugly guy who has no character and can't do promos. NOBODY wants to watch him.

TNA had a golden opportunity to put the belt on Steiner and give him a last huge run, a guy who looks awesome, is WELL KNOWN and LIKED outside the IWC smark crowd and who can promo in his sleep.

UNFORTUNATELY!!! TNA rather listen to the IWC club and put the belt on a fat guy who can't do a promo if his life depended on him lol.. I used to be a huge TNA supporter but I won't even watch it with sloppy joe as the champ because frankly he is nothing more than a nobody who is fat and can't do promos, maybe Mr Gilberti could answer me.. Just why I should watch Joe? I sure as heck don't see any appeal in watching him, and watching Joe vs Grandaddy cool won't make me want to go back to the tv either.

Seriously TNA, shape up, or slip out, put the belt on a real character and don't put the belt on Sloppy Joe, Kaz or the others until they are READY, don't put the belt on them because the IWC wants it
Going off what Kim said, I don't know if it's Joe's fault as much as it's TNA's fault for waiting forever to put the title on him. Back in 2006, Joe pinned Jarrett clean at the show before Bound for Glory. At that ppv, it was Sting vs. Jarrett for the title. At the time Joe was the biggest thing in the company. The obvious move was to put the title on Joe then and there, even for a short run, but TNA was afraid to pull the trigger, and now Joe is stale and he's stopped doing anything, and in my mind its the same issue Kane has. Until their current title reigns, they had gotten nothing in forever, and even when they were doing their best, they got nothing, so why bnother trying? That to me is TNA"s biggest issue: Their inability to make a move when it needs to be made. They wait around forever and when they finally make a move, it's a year or so too late. You'll see this again in 2009 when the MCMG finally get the tag belts.
Scott Steiner? The steroid freak? Come on now. I don't consider myself an internt mark, or any of that crap. I am a wrestling fan, and have been for many years, since the 80's. I remember when Scott and Rick were a great tag team, Scott was awesome then. Now, he isn't as entertaining, for me at least.

Joe could be a great champion, but he lacks direction. He could be great, but yes, TNA missed the chance to put him over.

Jay Lethal though, TNA did hit the mark with him. I find him to be very entertaining, even doing an impersonation of Savage.

Like WCW, TNA has to learn from their lessons before they can compete with the E. I give TNA 10 more years before they are really ready, then it will be WWE vs TNA.

The E needs a competitor badly, and the only hope is that TNA or someone else will be that competitor.
Here my take on this. Sure Russo is part of the problem but he's not main reason that TNA isn't able to move foward. It's pretty much the fault of everybody on the booking staff and all the other people in management. For some weird reason, they still live in the past, everything they have been doing for about a year is stealing old story lines and character from the WWE. The problem is that the fans of the attitude era of the WWE don't necessarily want to watch stuff that they saw ten years ago. They want to see something new and fresh and having a multitude of Gimmick match on ppv and using story lines and character that have been use over and over again for the last 10 years isn'T going to bring them new fans and it might alienate the fans that they already got if they're not careful. If you want to see what TNA need to do to actually get new peoples to watch IMPACT, just look at how they book the story between Kurt and Samoa Joe and how simple it was, look at how well the lockdown PPV did because of that match. The story was easy to follow, you didn't have a overly complicated gimmick match to try to explain to the fan and because of that, people wanted to see what would happen between these two at Lockdown and they actually made money out of it. Also look at the knockout division, there another example of what to do to make TNA successful. These segments of impact are always the highest rated segments on the show and again is because the story's are simple to follow and they actually deliver great matches while telling the story. If they could do that with all the male wrestlers on the roster they could pretty much be in the same league as the WWE but instead they want to be like what the WWE used to be 10 years ago and it's not going to work.

So it's simple, stop using over complicated gimmick matches like King of the mountain and terrordome and all these reverse type matches that they got going these day and go on and use a more simple approach of telling story. Having 2 guys hating each other and wanting to fight to prove who the best is a simple concept and it works.
WOW I can't believe the last few posts have actually been pro-Russo and that the fans in Orlando are "stupid morons". What's with the Russo love all of a sudden? Don't you guys think TNA was a good wrestling product before they hired him? Oh and he deserves to get those chants for the stupid things he did in wcw. The wcw fans are morons for not chanting that back in 2000.

I suggested to Sean Oliver of to never have Vince Russo as a "Guest Booker" because he's unpopular and the dvd would probably suck because he's not a good booker. I guess a lot of people here would buy that dvd. I think they should have a Guest Booker with Lance Storm re-booking TNA in 2007.
Oh yeah, the Lance Storm product would be VERY entertaining!

There is no Vince Russo love fest going on here. I have always thought Russo was underrated in the world of wrestling. Russo has his good parts and bad parts. The good being his entertaining characters and storylines/promos while the bad is definitely his booking.

The only thing that was better in 2005 was the booking. However there were fewer storylines and the ones they had were all pretty much the same. That is boring to me. There were one or two gold mine storylines like the Orlando Screwjob but that didn't carry the company.

Did you know:
-When TNA went to Spike TV their monthly ratings never increased past a 0.8.
-The highest monthly rating they got was a 1.0 and that was because of the move to Thursday Night. After that initial time period, the ratings sunk lower and lower. The only thing that could boost ratings were a Sting appearance. Ratings were back down to a 0.8 until Vince Russo came on board.

-When Vince Russo came on board ratings rarely went below a 1.0 (500,000 to 800,000 new viewers). Russo had to gain back the audience lost by the previous regime (which he did) and increase the ratings (which he did).

-During Russo's era ratings were hitting 1.1s and 1.2s. They held their ratings during Thanksgiving and up against ECW. In January TNA Ratings gained their highest audience ever in two straight weeks. Then things changed.

-Russo and TNA Management had to listen to Internet Fans and change te direction to be more serious. Since then TNA has lost ratings and fans. TNA can't cut a break despite this much "cleaner" product.

What I am saying is TNA has to go back to what they were doing at the end of last year because the IWC likes a product that doesn't grow.
Oh yeah, the Lance Storm product would be VERY entertaining!

There is no Vince Russo love fest going on here. I have always thought Russo was underrated in the world of wrestling. Russo has his good parts and bad parts. The good being his entertaining characters and storylines/promos while the bad is definitely his booking.

The only thing that was better in 2005 was the booking. However there were fewer storylines and the ones they had were all pretty much the same. That is boring to me. There were one or two gold mine storylines like the Orlando Screwjob but that didn't carry the company.

Did you know:
-When TNA went to Spike TV their monthly ratings never increased past a 0.8.
-The highest monthly rating they got was a 1.0 and that was because of the move to Thursday Night. After that initial time period, the ratings sunk lower and lower. The only thing that could boost ratings were a Sting appearance. Ratings were back down to a 0.8 until Vince Russo came on board.

-When Vince Russo came on board ratings rarely went below a 1.0 (500,000 to 800,000 new viewers). Russo had to gain back the audience lost by the previous regime (which he did) and increase the ratings (which he did).

-During Russo's era ratings were hitting 1.1s and 1.2s. They held their ratings during Thanksgiving and up against ECW. In January TNA Ratings gained their highest audience ever in two straight weeks. Then things changed.

-Russo and TNA Management had to listen to Internet Fans and change te direction to be more serious. Since then TNA has lost ratings and fans. TNA can't cut a break despite this much "cleaner" product.

What I am saying is TNA has to go back to what they were doing at the end of last year because the IWC likes a product that doesn't grow.

Yes, i think the Lance Storm product of TNA would be Entertaining. At less, the storylines wouldn't be complicated to follow and we would'nt have all those complicated gimmick matches that Vince Russo is giving us. Have got to give Russo credit, yes he was able to get the rating up a little bit since russo started booking the show but it didn't traslate in PPV buys and let's face it at the end of the days, it's all about the PPV Buys because that's were the money is. If You Look at the number of people that actually bought a TNA PPV since Russo started booking, you will see that Russo has done that good of a job since around the same number of people buy there ppv as before Russo started booking. The only PPV that actually made money since russo started booking is last month Lockdown and that's because of The Angle/Samoa Joe match and how it was book during the month before the ppv on IMpact. If they could book more storyline like this one, they would be more successful that what they are right now. What TNA need is a balanced between entertainment and wrestling and that's not what they are doing. They got they entertainment part right but the storylinees are so complicated to follow that most of the time, i don't even remember why guy A is in a feud with Guy B. Also, the rule of the matches are to complicated that i don'T even cared about understanding what the matches is all about. Why would you need to have battle royal/ladder match/hair match.

Like i said before, it's not all of Russo fault if TNA's Booking sucks right now, it everybody fault if it suck and unless they start listening to the people that actually bought Lockdown last month and started un complicating the product, they will continue to stay at the same level they are now and at some point they might even lose some of the die hard fans.
if anyone has ever spent five minutes with lance storm then you would know that he is arguably one of the most boring unentertaining people you would ever meet in your life, to the point that his friends are entertained by the fact that he's so boring. fact. wanting to see a lance storm wrestling product would be like choosing a night out on the town with william f. buckley jr. when you could hang out with tommy lee instead.
I can't believe people still think it's Russo. The problem is SAMOA JOE!!! Seriously nobody LIKES HIM except the internet smarks.
I don't know what point you're trying to prove. I liked him before I joined the internet wrestling community, back when he debuted in TNA.

Of course TNA will do crappy ratings with a overweight ugly guy who has no character and can't do promos. NOBODY wants to watch him.
Nobody wants to watch him? Regardless of the viewing population drop and gain per each segment, do the 1+ million people that are watching his matches/segments not count? As for the overweight thing, grow up.; you don't want me to insinuate that your hero is a steroid freak, do you?

TNA had a golden opportunity to put the belt on Steiner and give him a last huge run, a guy who looks awesome, is WELL KNOWN and LIKED outside the IWC smark crowd and who can promo in his sleep.
What if Scott Steiner wants to put younger wrestlers over. And I wonder, is calling a fellow employee a ass-kissing, butt-fucking bastard God's gift to promos eveywhere? And also, Chris Benoit (I hate him, but as an example), CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, and AJ Styles have all been popular within the IWC, and they have won world titles and have won several high profile matches. Whether you like it or not...

UNFORTUNATELY!!! TNA rather listen to the IWC club and put the belt on a fat guy
I can say that Steiner is a steroid freak; I have no proof, but I am not immature either.

who can't do a promo if his life depended on him
Chris Benoit was a 2-time world champion, your point?

maybe Mr Gilberti could answer me.. Just why I should watch Joe? I sure as heck don't see any appeal in watching him, and watching Joe vs Grandaddy cool won't make me want to go back to the tv either.
Glenn said that Joe although needed more mic skills, he had great ring psychology and he could see Joe having a title run.
Seriously TNA, shape up, or slip out, put the belt on a real character and don't put the belt on Sloppy Joe, Kaz or the others until they are READY, don't put the belt on them because the IWC wants it
Why can't Kaz win the title? Did he not have a gay gimmick? Is he not 40 years old yet? Has he not won every title in WWE and WCW? Has he not been over 280 lbs???

And, again, I find it ironic that you bash the IWC, when you are a part of it. If you don't like the IWC, then leave. Samoa Joe is champion, get over it.

EDIT: To other people; quit your bitching about the Orlando crowd; if you don't like the chants, then there is a button called MUTE. Use it. Jesus Christ.....
To do that TNA would be following in bad foot step path down a no return road WCW did that, ingnoring there own talent that should off got the attention it deserved no one in that company relly got a break accept for bill goldberg and in doing that they sealed there fat. So what your saying is that they need to use already established talent and ingnore the freash new faces that if given the right push are the futer of this buisness someone needs to stand up to WWE and there not gonna do it with WWE established icons they need to produce there own talent and play them right and Joe from my view and their's has the ability to do so. So like it or not he and many others Kaz, Aj Styles, Petty willams, and yes eric young hopefully will take TNA Wrestling to a hole new leval, but it don't hurt to have back ups like Scott stiner, Sting, Cristan Cage, and (yuck) Kurt angel as back ups.
I can't believe people still think it's Russo. The problem is SAMOA JOE!!! Seriously nobody LIKES HIM except the internet smarks. Of course TNA will do crappy ratings with a overweight ugly guy who has no character and can't do promos. NOBODY wants to watch him.

TNA had a golden opportunity to put the belt on Steiner and give him a last huge run, a guy who looks awesome, is WELL KNOWN and LIKED outside the IWC smark crowd and who can promo in his sleep.

UNFORTUNATELY!!! TNA rather listen to the IWC club and put the belt on a fat guy who can't do a promo if his life depended on him lol.. I used to be a huge TNA supporter but I won't even watch it with sloppy joe as the champ because frankly he is nothing more than a nobody who is fat and can't do promos, maybe Mr Gilberti could answer me.. Just why I should watch Joe? I sure as heck don't see any appeal in watching him, and watching Joe vs Grandaddy cool won't make me want to go back to the tv either.

Seriously TNA, shape up, or slip out, put the belt on a real character and don't put the belt on Sloppy Joe, Kaz or the others until they are READY, don't put the belt on them because the IWC wants it
if anyone has ever spent five minutes with lance storm then you would know that he is arguably one of the most boring unentertaining people you would ever meet in your life, to the point that his friends are entertained by the fact that he's so boring. fact. wanting to see a lance storm wrestling product would be like choosing a night out on the town with william f. buckley jr. when you could hang out with tommy lee instead.

this is some funny stuff. i remember listening to one of your interviews and you helped come up with the character he had in WCW. he was entertaining as hell being boring.. and well, given tons of stuff to do.. like embracing Canada.. renaming the us title to saskatchewant hardcore international title

as for vince russo, there's nobody else that can write like the guy.. the most compelling characters, great twists and turns, edgy comedy, and just a shitload of great entertainment that the masses can enjoy.

glenn needs to write WITH vince russo for TNA. i suggested that to TNA/dixie months ago and I think i sent another email today because of how low the TNA ratings have gotten. I don't think TNA would give a rat's ass.. but i hope glenn and vince together can do something about it..

bring in mark madden to commentate as well. russo is always about reality. and i want a lot of shoots and reality to come on the show. the feuds need to be compelling like they were during his wwf and wcw runs. I think NB vs millionaires ahd a lot of emotion. just listen to the crowd reaction

if they really need help, bring in Oz creator Tom Fontana to help write.. oz was awesome and about screwing people over.. and there'd be factions etc
In my opinion tna is still struggling to figure out what to do with the tag team division in my opinion mine alone tna needs to add more singles matches to impact by making samoa joe face someone who he hasn't faced before booker t yeah some may say that booker doesn't deserve a shot if that's the case make booker prove his spot by making him fight for the x-divison title at least he can hold on to the belt for 3 to 4 months then drop the belt to eric young or aj styles then face samoa joe which by that time joe vs cage 50 will occure russo ain't the total fault of tna he is however a big contributer to tna's headackes the wrestlers need to put their opinion in as well
Wow I can't believe people think I meant that TNA should ignore their own talent and instead just focus on ex WCW/WWE guys, that's really not what I meant.

Of course TNA should focus on their own talent.. BUT not ONLY because they are their own talent. TNA HAVE to focus on talent that is GOOD!!! That's the most important thing. If talent isn't good (SAMOA JOE) they shouldn't focus on him.

The IWC seems to want to focus on TNA's talent solely because it's their own talent and that's just silly, look at WWE, they saw that Orton as champ didn't work and the belt is back on HHH. Simple business, Orton is simply not ready, it's nothing about HHH wanting to screw Orton over, I couldn't care about Orton but I think HHH is an awesome champ. It's really that easy.

TNA is gonna do suicide if they put the belt on homegrown talent that isn't ready just because the IWC says so. I mean c'mon the IWC wants CM Punk to be the WWE champ :LOL:

No TNA, use your REAL talent, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Sting, Christian, Angle until a guy is READY!! and that's Matt Morgan or Tomko! Used right Morgan could be the next Goldberg, PLEASE don't screw that up TNA!
Wow I can't believe people think I meant that TNA should ignore their own talent and instead just focus on ex WCW/WWE guys, that's really not what I meant.

Of course TNA should focus on their own talent.. BUT not ONLY because they are their own talent. TNA HAVE to focus on talent that is GOOD!!! That's the most important thing. If talent isn't good (SAMOA JOE) they shouldn't focus on him.

The IWC seems to want to focus on TNA's talent solely because it's their own talent and that's just silly, look at WWE, they saw that Orton as champ didn't work and the belt is back on HHH. Simple business, Orton is simply not ready, it's nothing about HHH wanting to screw Orton over, I couldn't care about Orton but I think HHH is an awesome champ. It's really that easy.

TNA is gonna do suicide if they put the belt on homegrown talent that isn't ready just because the IWC says so. I mean c'mon the IWC wants CM Punk to be the WWE champ :LOL:

No TNA, use your REAL talent, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Sting, Christian, Angle until a guy is READY!! and that's Matt Morgan or Tomko! Used right Morgan could be the next Goldberg, PLEASE don't screw that up TNA!

So correct me if i'm wrong but it seem to me like you really don'T like samoa Joe. And the only type of wrestler you like are bobybuilder type wrestler or over the hill legends that should be wearing a heavyweight title ever again.

Let'S face it, you say that JOe isn'T ready to be TNA Champ based on what exactly, it's not like the he's not a good wrestler because he is. He could pretty beat up anyone of the top guys in the WWE in a really fight. It'S not because he'S not good on the mic because lately he delivered some pretty good promos. It's not because the fans don't love him because they do, he'S one of the most popular guys in TNA and it's not just IWC (which by the way you are a part of) that like him. So please explain to me why he's not ready and why he's not good because i don't get your logic.

If it was up to you we would still have the same main event guy doing the same thing that we had 10 years ago. Let's face the fact here, they tried putting the belt on christian to get ratings, it didn't work then they try to put the belt on Sting to get ratings, it didn'T work, then they try to put the belt on Christian again for ratings, it didn't so they thought that maybe having angle with the belt would work but then again it didn't. So my point is that for the past couple of years, TNA has focused on using establish star to carried the company and it didn'T chance a thing, all it did was leave them in modiocrity and losing a lot of money. So now they are trying something mew with a guy that TNA fans actually wants to see get a shoot and you're all over them for that. No wonder you actually thing that HHH is a good champion but that something completly different that it might want to dicuss on the WWE forum.
I don't think Vince Russo is dragging down TNA. People seem to forget that TNA is also booked by Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantell. When there is a storyline that people hate, they automatically blame Vince Russo instead of Jarrett and Mantell . Some storylines do have elements that resemble Russo's style of writing but that does not always mean that the storylines are written by Russo alone. I don't think that TNA is listening to the IWC because they would not have suggested matches like the makeover battle royal and the deuces wild tournament. Samoa Joe is not the problem either because ratings have decreased even before Joe won the world title. I think the problem is that there are no interesting storylines that the fans can get into.
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