Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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Glenn is one of the smartest wrestling minds in the business today next to Vince Russo. Both are employed at TNA and if both get to write TV together no holds barred, I'm going to guarantee a ratings surge within one year. They're not afraid to take risks and both know what the public wants.

Stop kissing ass and acting as if you know them personally. Saying you're going to guarantee anything with the example you just used is ridiculous because you can't guarantee a thing. Russo's proven he doesn't know what the public wants because they don't want stupid gimmicks, constant shoot promos over and over and over again, or crash tv.
Again i got to disagree with you on this because unless most IWC is over 50 years old ,they are not the biggest fans group watching TNA right. The majority of people watching TNA are over the age of 50. Another thing i got to say is, like i said on my previous post, the only thing that hurting TNA right now is Mike Tenay and Don West that it.

I don't know, I just heard the ratings breakdown myself; a 50yr old plus demographic is difficult to believe. I never held much stock in the breakdown of nelson(neilson, neelson?) ratings. To tell you the truth I don't know anyone over 40 who watches TNA. You would think WWE would appeal more to the older crowd, given the "E's" long-standing history. That being said I don't live in the US. Canada seems to have a slightly different wrestling fan base, these ratings could be indicative of a more accurate representation then I'm aware.
(the United states does have 10 times the population).

If TNA was able to get the announce time to actually cared about the product casual fans would watch this show. If you where a casual fans watching TNA and during a match between Shark Boy and Johnny Divine, the announce team would start speaking about anything but what going on in the ring or even worst, something is happining backstage then after they go to the announce team and the don't even talk about what just happen backstage, has a casual fan, would you be interested in watching the show? I sure wouldn't...

You can't blame Mike Tenay and Don West, for what's clearly and executive decision. The announce team address the topics they're told to address. That's why all fingers should point to Russo, Jeff, Kurt and whoever else is currently running the show. Sure West gets a little loopy and over exited/anxious, but at least he's trying. Every time Smackdown's Michael Cole opens his mouth I feel like winging a brick at the TV.

Yes, I do believe the show needs to draw more attention to the matches. That pisses me off too.
Oh i was told by another poster that brisco/pat vs msp drew 8.2 unopposed.. im not kissing ass. I'm just telling it the way I see things. true story i made a bet that if russo was given one striaght year to write, they'd come close to WWF within a 1.0 rating (or 1.5) i dont remember. This was during wcw 2000.

But TNA did do a pretty strong show this week, I have to hand it to them. but i really miss the characters... they had some but i want more.

xfear. Russo brought the rating from 1.9 to 6.9 in the WWF. He wasn't given 2 years to write WcW although he signed a 2 year contract. I woudl have bet that the ratings would be VERY close had he wrote the full 2 years he was signed to do.

As for humour/larger-than-life characters.. how are people going to enjoy when people online shut it down immeidately much like they shut down the rock and sock segment. I think TNA has done a really good job at comedy. When they are at their best, TNA is better than most comedy on TV, imo. Stuff like thanksgiving, stuff like AJ Styles at his comedic prime, or even Shark Boy's house. Russo is great at writing promos, comedy - even Mean Gene in WCW saying "blow it out your ass" was great, Screamin' Norman Smiley, Positively Kanyon, The Cat/Jung Dragons, Lance Storm, Tank Abbott loving 3 Count.

Russo/Glenn can write great stuff if they were allowed to. Russo can write great drama too. It's doing everytihng that can make the masses enjoy the shows

But yeah, Jeff Jarrett has got to stop listening to the fans online. This may apply to Dixie Carter too. As soon as Russo is allowed to write what he wants for a long period of time, the show is going to take off.

As for Tenay/West.. They need a Mark Madden to come in. He was absolutely a great heel commentator and hilarious.. and not afraid to push the envelope.

I think Tenay/West do a great job of hyping the main stories. That one time last week was just one..

Bottom line is TNA has to exponentially grow their audience and get people talking about their show. I think TNA was doing a great job a few months ago.. and I thought it would be just time before the fanbase continues to grwo. but yeah, ratings for wrestling are down for all shows I think

I think there is a lot of potential for TNA and I loved Russo's WCW/WWF runs. I just hope that he can write his vision for TNA as well so all characters can have something interesting/exciting to do on a weekly basis
Oh i was told by another poster that brisco/pat vs msp drew 8.2 unopposed.. im not kissing ass. I'm just telling it the way I see things. true story i made a bet that if russo was given one striaght year to write, they'd come close to WWF within a 1.0 rating (or 1.5) i dont remember. This was during wcw 2000.

But TNA did do a pretty strong show this week, I have to hand it to them. but i really miss the characters... they had some but i want more.

xfear. Russo brought the rating from 1.9 to 6.9 in the WWF. He wasn't given 2 years to write WcW although he signed a 2 year contract. I woudl have bet that the ratings would be VERY close had he wrote the full 2 years he was signed to do.

As for humour/larger-than-life characters.. how are people going to enjoy when people online shut it down immeidately much like they shut down the rock and sock segment. I think TNA has done a really good job at comedy. When they are at their best, TNA is better than most comedy on TV, imo. Stuff like thanksgiving, stuff like AJ Styles at his comedic prime, or even Shark Boy's house. Russo is great at writing promos, comedy - even Mean Gene in WCW saying "blow it out your ass" was great, Screamin' Norman Smiley, Positively Kanyon, The Cat/Jung Dragons, Lance Storm, Tank Abbott loving 3 Count.

Russo/Glenn can write great stuff if they were allowed to. Russo can write great drama too. It's doing everytihng that can make the masses enjoy the shows

But yeah, Jeff Jarrett has got to stop listening to the fans online. This may apply to Dixie Carter too. As soon as Russo is allowed to write what he wants for a long period of time, the show is going to take off.

As for Tenay/West.. They need a Mark Madden to come in. He was absolutely a great heel commentator and hilarious.. and not afraid to push the envelope.

I think Tenay/West do a great job of hyping the main stories. That one time last week was just one..

Bottom line is TNA has to exponentially grow their audience and get people talking about their show. I think TNA was doing a great job a few months ago.. and I thought it would be just time before the fanbase continues to grwo. but yeah, ratings for wrestling are down for all shows I think

I think there is a lot of potential for TNA and I loved Russo's WCW/WWF runs. I just hope that he can write his vision for TNA as well so all characters can have something interesting/exciting to do on a weekly basis

Who are you kidding? Stop doctoring facts to try to prove a point that's not a point. The WWF was not doing a 1.9 before Russoe, they were doing high 2's and low 3'2. Russo doesn't deserve sole credit for the success of WWE at that time, Vince made the choices to change the direction of the entire company otherwise none of it would have happened. And if anyone thinks the success of ECW at that time didn't influence the product they're kidding themselves. All you have to do is compare the changes in both WWF and eventually WCW to ECW to see it's influence. Marty2Hotty, you were just claiming that Russo was the reason for the upswing in the Impact ratings, now you keep claiming that he's not being given the opportunity to write by TNA, stop contradicting yourself.

Tenay/West are horrible, simple as that. They'll either ignore a segment or storyline that's just taken place, or they're overplay it to ridiculous lengths that are just annoying to watch and listen to.. there seems to be no in between with them. Don West is annoying to listen to, and they always talk over segments happening and end up taking away from the segment because of it. I can't think of one good thing about TNA's announce team.

Also, the thanksgiving, AJ styles comedy, and sharkboy's house were all really bad. If that's the best comedy you've seen on television you're obviously not watching anything at all except TNA to compare it to, those segments were bad. Very bad. I've never seen any comedy in TNA that's been good except for Kevin Nash's segments with Alex Shelley.
Russo's Era of TNA has had more growth than Pre-Russo Era TNA. Pre-Russo started around .8 ratings monthly and ended with 0.8 ratings. Russo's first month got 0.9 monthly ratings growth and throughout his time has consistently got 1.0 monthly ratings and even a 1.1 monthly ratings. During his time TNA hit their highest viewing audience.

The writing isn't bad its the booking thats bad. I love so many things about TNA but the level of continuity and booking skills are really low. You can have as much character development or storyline development you want but if the wrestler is booked horribly they won't get over.

I would like for TNA to have a backstage meeting, determine where the want to take the company, what they want the TNA Brand to mean and go right into it full speed. Personally, I like the Drama and Backstage segments but hate the lack of wrestling on iMPACT and the bad booking.

I have realized that when I watch iMPACT to be enertained, I am just that. However when I analyze the show, it comes off at a lower level than when I first watched it because I am picking apart the show. That is why more casual fans love TNA and why the IWC Hates them.

I am not sure but I think that the segments for the show are taped after the initial taping and inserted later. Maybe Tenay and West didn't talk about the Black Machismo/RnR Infection beatdown because it wasn't in the initial script. That is possibly why things all need to be done at once.

The Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Party was entertaining. I too found TNA to be comedy gold and I have watched alot of comedy. The IWC Criticizes these segments for various reasons but when I talk about them with casual fans, they loved them.
Seriously, you find those things to be funny? Are you guys ten years old? Do you laugh at fart and pee-pee jokes as well? TNA has produced some of the most abysmal attempts at humor I've ever encountered in all of TV history. The Sharkboy is dying thing? I had to change the channel is was so incredibly bad, it was so bad that I couldn't even stand to watch how bad it was. I simply stared at my TV and said "What the fuck are you guys thinking? How much fucking coke and acid are you guys on?".

Seriously, attempt to explain to me how any of TNA's humor bits are "funny" when compared to virtually any TV show. I find more humor in an episode of Law & Order then I do Impact, and what's really sad is that's not even an exagerration.
I am a Kindergarten Teacher so that could be a reason TNA humor is so funny to me.

I don't laugh at Pee Pee Jokes because when you have to wipe it off toilet seats, it aint a funny thing.

You have got to remember that different people have different likes and dislikes. I watch guys like Carl Mensa or whatever his name is and while many people find him funny, I find him crude. I just like the way they act which is why the whole thiing is so humorous.
TNA has produced some of the most abysmal attempts at humor I've ever encountered in all of TV history.

Exaggerate much?

Seriously, attempt to explain to me how any of TNA's humor bits are "funny" when compared to virtually any TV show. I find more humor in an episode of Law & Order then I do Impact, and what's really sad is that's not even an exagerration.

Humor should not be explained, as it's an acquired taste. Some people find TNA funny, because it's deliberately goofy. Some of AJ's promos, including the facials and interplay with Angle, were very amusing in my opinion. The inside jokes are quite witty as well. There has also been some humorous visual comedy (the ridiculous sight of Kurt Angle stalking through the Impact Zone in his speedos springs to mind). I'm not suggesting that they should be nominated for "best new comedy", but some of the humor segments in TNA have honestly had me laughing out loud.
Exaggerate much?

No actually. I can quite honestly say that TNA's attempts at humor are the bottom of the barrell. Until I saw that Shark Boy skit, I had never previously looked at my TV in absolute disgust and felt actual pity for the writers of a certain scene. TNA changed that.

Humor should not be explained, as it's an acquired taste.

Wine is an acquired taste. Cheese is an acquired taste. TNA's attempts at humor are just bad. I guess it's an acquired taste, if the particuliar taste you're looking for is a mixture of disgust and pity.

Some people find TNA funny, because it's deliberately goofy.

I hope you don't honestly think that they do things such as AJ dressing as a turkey because they know it's "deliberately goofy" and kitschy. TNA's writing is not nearly that intelligent.

Some of AJ's promos, including the facials and interplay with Angle, were very amusing in my opinion. The inside jokes are quite witty as well. There has also been some humorous visual comedy (the ridiculous sight of Kurt Angle stalking through the Impact Zone in his speedos springs to mind). I'm not suggesting that they should be nominated for "best new comedy", but some of the humor segments in TNA have honestly had me laughing out loud.

And I'm simply wondering why? I guess I see the humor in Angle walking around in a speedo, but 9/10 of TNA's "jokes" are just sad. They're so bad they've exceeded my ability to enjoy horrible things. I can sit through Timecop, but I can't last through 5 minutes of TNA's "humor". That's pretty bad.

But yeah, you may find it funny, but it's really not a well-written show at all from a creative standpoint. Criticism is still allowed, yes?
No actually. I can quite honestly say that TNA's attempts at humor are the bottom of the barrell. Until I saw that Shark Boy skit, I had never previously looked at my TV in absolute disgust and felt actual pity for the writers of a certain scene. TNA changed that.

To each his own, I suppose. I just find this a rather strange and slightly over-the-top reaction to a tongue-in-cheek wrestling segment. It's not like this was a scene in a HBO drama or something.

Wine is an acquired taste. Cheese is an acquired taste. TNA's attempts at humor are just bad. I guess it's an acquired taste, if the particuliar taste you're looking for is a mixture of disgust and pity.

That's just your reaction to it. Personally, I don't think I've ever watched TNA and felt disgust and pity. The worst I have felt is, as I've already mentioned in this thread, the current feelings or mild apathy and slight disappointment. They are capable of better.

I hope you don't honestly think that they do things such as AJ dressing as a turkey because they know it's "deliberately goofy" and kitschy. TNA's writing is not nearly that intelligent.

You're serious?! You think that those episodes were designed for something other than laughs?

And I'm simply wondering why? I guess I see the humor in Angle walking around in a speedo, but 9/10 of TNA's "jokes" are just sad. They're so bad they've exceeded my ability to enjoy horrible things. I can sit through Timecop, but I can't last through 5 minutes of TNA's "humor". That's pretty bad.

It's not really bad. It's just not to your taste, which is fine. If you've watched recently, a lot of the humor or "humor" has dried up anyway.

But yeah, you may find it funny, but it's really not a well-written show at all from a creative standpoint. Criticism is still allowed, yes?

Of course criticism is allowed. It's a forum, after all. However, you seem to fall into this trap of assuming that your opinion reflects the views of the majority of viewers. It doesn't. You'll lose any debate if you hold that view. I'm merely saying that some of the humor content TNA has thrown out has had me in stitches. Whether that's the best approach for them to take creatively, though, is a separate point...
some people like south park, some people like robot chicken, and some people liked saved by the bell, and some people like curb your enthusiasm and seinfeld, and others like major dad. what is so difficult to understand that different people have different tastes. i could argue with someone all day long that courage the cowardly dog isn't funny, and we still wouldn't get anywhere. xfear's argumjent would have more merit if he prefaced it with "i didn't like..."
Seriously, you find those things to be funny? Are you guys ten years old?

I find those things funny too. As a matter of fact, I thought those segments were some of the better ones we have seen from ANY wrestling promotion for a while.
I think the only thing that is missing from the segments is that they are not broadcast live so you don't get the audience reaction in the background which I think makes a MASSIVE difference (note to Disco).
Look at the difference it makes to shows like Friends etc.

TNA has produced some of the most abysmal attempts at humor I've ever encountered in all of TV history.
Your opinion, fair enough. You cannot then bitch at somebody else's OWN opinion. Thats just making yourself look like a hypocrite.

The Sharkboy is dying thing? I had to change the channel is was so incredibly bad, it was so bad that I couldn't even stand to watch how bad it was. I simply stared at my TV and said "What the fuck are you guys thinking? How much fucking coke and acid are you guys on?".
So what was your opinion when WWE did the Jim Ross segment where McMahon was pulling chickens out of his arse when he was GENUINLY in danger of dying with colon cancer?
Is it OK for WWE but nobody else? At least TNA's segment was only entertainment and not based on real life issues...
Maybe TNA should start hiring siblings to get off with each other...would that be a more entertaining to you?

Seriously, attempt to explain to me how any of TNA's humor bits are "funny" when compared to virtually any TV show. I find more humor in an episode of Law & Order then I do Impact, and what's really sad is that's not even an exagerration.
How can ANYBODY begin to explain that to you? That is just stupid! Each person has their own sense of humour. You couldn't explain something to me to make it funny if didn't come accross as that in the first place.
I don't find Simpsons funny yet they constantly have massive ratings because plenty of other people do.
Difference is that normal people don't start filling up forums trying to rip shows like the Simpsons apart. I really don't understand you people.
I despise WWE (at the moment) but I certainly don't waste my life bitching about them. And who am I to tell an established company where they are going wrong?

At the end of the day, people should get behind TNA because the wrestling industry NEEDS more than one company if it going to survive. FACT.
If you support a football team then obviously you hate all the other ones, however you still need them to compete against otherwise what would be the point of having a team?

Hey Disco, you let Jarrett and Russo know that there is people out there that actually support them mate.

Keep up the good work...
Regarding comedy, I like Da Ali G Show. I also like the humour in Rescue Me. Curb Your Enthusiasm is okay, but I really like The Office and the "David Brent" character in the UK version. I think the US version is shit. but yeah, everyone has different tastes

I also think the first 30 minutes of Eddie Murphy's Delirious Stand-up he did in 1983 is probably some of the funniest stuff ever. The Simpsons seasons 2-6 are some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen.

As for TNA>. some of my favourite stuff not mentioned here includes the episode where AJ was trying to make a decision on whether to join Christian or Angle. I think that led into the PPV. He would go to Eric Young for help and EY would say the funniest stuff ever. He would go to Nash and Nash would bring up the time he had to choose from the black/white and black/red nWo. Extremely funny. I think that show did a 1.2 becuase it was so damn entertaining.

MisterRob.. WWF was doing low 2s at worst.. and Russo took it to 6.5 in 2 years straight. He wrote edgy stories, characters, twists/turns, language, sex appeal, did all that well and did it consistently to the point where people talked about WWF on a weekly basis. Russo said he never paid attention to ECW at all. He did enjoy what Bischoff was doing with the nWo. ECW catered to the internet only.. and i dont think their show would ever do well mainstream-wise. Russo just wrote what the masses enjoyed.. and can stil do it today if TNA gives him the chance

MisterRob... I do like the risks that Russo took in WWF and WCW. Russo helped write the VKM stuff with BG/Kip and I found that shit interesting because it was different. It got cut off. I loved BG saying "Vince McMahon, you accept our challenge or you prove to the world that you're a gutless piece of shit".. very controversial.. i loved that..

What happened to that stuff? I miss some reality.. comedy doesn't hurt.. good drama doesn't hurt as well. Shark Boy is not on the next two tapings.. wtf?

I dont know where wikipedia got their information from but if you go on the Russo page it says TNA producers credit the upswing in ratings to Vince Russo (this was posted in January I believe)

As for Tenay/West.. you know what. i dont really care what they say. if the shows suck, the best commentary can't make it better. If the shows are awesome, i'll just watch the show and their comments won't make it that bad or better. Good commentary would make it better though. If Mark Madden said some heel stuff i think it'd be awesome

As for comedy on TNA.. that's your opinion. I really loved the Thanksgiving episode and think it's probably the best stuff they did. THe stuff at Shark Boy's house was gold. Stuff at AJ's house was great. Kurt looking for his belts and clothes in his underwear in the Summer of 2007 was great and ended with a hot segment with Joe battling Angle and Angle putting Joe through the table. That show had lots of great comedy with Angle, Sahadi, Shark Boy. Deal or No Deal had a lot of great stuff too. Christian was looking for his partner and hummed the nWo theme while asking Nash. Nash said he was busy. Christian said what.. Nash said "doing what i do best: sitting back, doing nothing and getting paid".. that was hilarious

"i know where you can get a partner.. down there"

christian: "down where?"

nash: DOWN HERE (points at his crotch)

crystal laughs. christian: "you're laughing at a 9 year old kid with gray hair"

Christian then is lingering at the back while booker was cutting a promo and asks Booker too.. Christian ends up fighting the match alone and gets his ass kicked i think.

I think that show did a 1.2 (or 1.1). not sure. but lots of great stuff..

The wedding segment where AJ kissed Karen angle... that was extremely funny.

As for Nash/Shelley, I never found shelley funny. he just doesn't have the "it" factor when it comes to comedy. Nash is always hilarious.. he just knows what to say.. and is often hilarious.

The show with the ANgle awards.. and he said he got a university degree online.. that was funny. Petey when he used to say "WWAD: What would arnold do" ja ja... that's great..

Steiner getting swerved by cornette and saying he wants to be "the best" referring to teh x title was great... jb simulating a blowjob to Angle.. when Karen walks in on the. and it turns out that jb was comparing the suits..

That show was about making decisions.. Kurt cuts a promo about making decisions and saying real men do that.. then he wasn't sure what suit to pick.. there were so many great comedy moments in TNA>.

I haven't seen much great comedy for TNA>. but I still see snippets.. every now and then. but it's more subtle.. like Booker not knowing who AJ was.

TNA has got to continue doing what they do best.. just let russo write the comedy, characters, drama and if the matches are short, so be it.. if it gets people talking and watching.. that's what they need to do.. Stop listening to the fucking internet and concentrate on growing your damn audience

Ithink when TNA is on their game, they can be the funniest show on television. RUsso wrote TONS of great comedy in WWF/WCW, and I believe he was behind all my favourite comedy moments in TNA. I dont think anyone else there (except Glenn) can pull off that type of humour. A shitload better than crappy shows like 30 rock, the office (us), and better than glenn's favourite show curb your enthusiasm (well, most of them) and a shitload better than all the shows that feature long wrestling matches and lack of intrigue.
I have a few questions for gg inferno. Does Vince Russo know about this thread? Did you tell him about it? If so what does he say?

I'm sure since he's a Christian now, he wouldn't use profanity when referring to his critics on here. I don't think he's done any interviews since re-joining tna back in late 06 addressing his critics. I will say this though, if his idea was "the beautiful people" then I applaud him for that because Sky and Love are the only reasons to watch Impact.
Vince Russo is only human, he's put forth some some great ideas and some not so great ideas. But from my understanding the guy knows what he's doing, he has a good understanding of the business, he knows what people want to see, and he knows how to manipulate a storyline in order to capitalize on an opportunity.

A perfect example being the Beautiful People, a team that has turned out to be a breadwinner for TNA
I agree Ech, like everybody, he's never going to have world-changing, unique ideas every time. He's human and he's trying to give TNA an edge that people on here seem to be asking for, something to set it apart from WWE. I dont understand why people complain about re-using WWE ideas, when they destroy TNA creative for trying.
It never fails to amuse me that, when so many online critics try to claim that Russo isn't "relevant" and a "failure", merely mentioning the name "Vince Russo" is certain to garner "War and Peace"-length forum threads. So far, this thread has nearly 20,000 views and 40 pages.

Here's the typical online logic: When TNA has a good show, Russo had nothing to do with it. When they do something wrong, Russo's fingerprints are all over it. If someone like Flair criticizes Russo, he's speaking from the heart. If someone like GG, Samoa Joe or countless others praise Russo, they are merely "towing the company line".

Problem with this logic? It's not very logical.

Russo's critics go out of their way to tell us he has minimal input when things are going well, but then they tell us he's calling the shots when things aren't going so well. What?!

He's also a guy who has been head writer for TNA (to some degree), WCW and WWF. Call me strange, but that seems pretty relevant and successful to me....
I have a few questions for gg inferno. Does Vince Russo know about this thread? Did you tell him about it? If so what does he say?

I'm sure since he's a Christian now, he wouldn't use profanity when referring to his critics on here. I don't think he's done any interviews since re-joining tna back in late 06 addressing his critics. I will say this though, if his idea was "the beautiful people" then I applaud him for that because Sky and Love are the only reasons to watch Impact.

the answer to your question is yes he does know about it. we laugh at it because it's pretty funny. vince had considerable input to beautiful people.
the answer to your question is yes he does know about it. we laugh at it because it's pretty funny.

He laughs about it?! You laugh about it?! Everyone in the company laughs about it?!

You think it's funny that a bunch of ill-informed nerds are chanting for a guy to be fired over segment(s) which he had no control/input?

You think it's funny that these people will not get their intended result?

You think it's funny that, despite how much these people think they know just by reading some biased sites and newsletters, they're usually completely off-base?

It's not funny at all. It's hysterical!
the answer to your question is yes he does know about it. we laugh at it because it's pretty funny. vince had considerable input to beautiful people.

Vince always has input to things that look to be working but when something bombs he had nothing to do with it.

If Vince Russo is not bringing TNA down who is responsible for the ratings going down? And who is responsible for the company not being able to climb over a 1.1 and stay there??

Come on .. somebody has to be to blame?

Why is TNA a 1.1 .. and done??? Stop hiding from the topic!!!!!!

Front Office

Owner (the money) .. Dixie Carter: Maybe a smart business woman but doesn't know enough (being kind) about the wrestling business.

Booker .. Jeff Jarrett: Understands the wrestling business from a wrestlers point of view but has not been a part of a front office in the former big three of WWE, WCW, ECW. Is still learning how the game works but as the main man in charge he's seemed to have hit a brick wall better known as 1.1.

Booker .. Dutch Mandell: Understands the wrestling business from a wrestlers point of view but like Jeff has not been a part in one of the former top three. Only limited knowledge of running wrestling promotion.

Writer/Booker .. Vince Russo: Considered a big phony by certain people that have insider information from WWE and WCW. Believed to have exaggerated how much input he had in the WWF Attitude era. Dropped the ball when it was handed to him in WCW so they were forced to bring back Eric Bischoff.


TNA's current management have pulled out every trick in their bag and have yet to climb out of the 1.1 hole that they have been trapped in for about 2 years.

1. They have brought in Sting, Christian Cage, Rhino, Kurt Angle, and Booker T.

2. They have switched back and forth from a WWE comic book style to a WCW more serious style to even a ECW "almost" hardcore type of style with new gimmick matches.

3. They have created a more serious womens division and even featured them.

4. They have used veteran wrestlers to help bring out TNA originals like Robert Roode, AJ Styles, Petey Williams, Kaz, and Samoa Joe.

5. They have brought in sports celebrities to try to get more exposure.

One can NOT say that TNA management has NOT tried different way to push TNA higher up the wrestling tree. Indeed they have tried.

BUT ...

NOTHING HAS WORKED! They are still stuck at a 1.1 in a country where millions of people LOVE pro wrestling.

So what does this mean?

In my honest/non bias opinion I believe that it is time for Dixie Carter to look to bring in someone from the big three.


My short list would be:

1. WWE .. Shane McMahon: Of course it's not going to happen unless there is a major fall out in the McMahon family.

2. WCW .. Eric Bischoff: Like him or not Bischoff knows how to run a wrestling promotion. He's one of the smartest minds in the business and he's also friends/business partners with Hulk Hogan. If Bischoff comes Hogan will be with him. That's almost a 1.5 rating already. The beauty in this is Hogan knows he's not much of a wrestler anymore so TNA would not have to worry "much" about him trying to be the main star.

3. ECW .. Paul Heyman: Listed number 3 on my list but he's the most likely and possibly the best choice. Many inside the wrestling business consider Paul Heyman the best booker and most brilliant mind in the business behind Vince McMahon. Heyman's ECW did not reach WCW or WWE type ratings but it was a success in its own way. If you think the Paul Heyman that ran ECW was good imagine how good he would be now after he has been inside of WWE for years watching how Vince McMahon runs his business. If that's not enough for you look at the guys that he probably can bring with him to TNA ..

Rob Van Dam
Bobby Lashley
Brock Lesnar

All of those guys love Paul E and him going to TNA would make them think really hard about following him there.


With all that TNA has tried in the past the only answer to "how do they climb higher" is .. UPGRADE THEIR FRONT OFFICE!

TNA needs more than just guys with a bunch of short range ideas they need someone with experience and a vision to lead them to the promise land of 1.5 and higher.

The only question left is .. "WILL THEY DO IT?" Will they (Dixie Carter) make a change??
Vince always has input to things that look to be working but when something bombs he had nothing to do with it.

If Vince Russo is not bringing TNA down who is responsible for the ratings going down? And who is responsible for the company not being able to climb over a 1.1 and stay there??

Come on .. somebody has to be to blame?

Why is TNA a 1.1 .. and done??? Stop hiding from the topic!!!!!!

i'm not exactly sure what you're implying. tna works on a limited budget compared to wwe, they have been placed on a network, and the network is happy with the show and the ratings. jeff jarrett is head of creative. and your first statement is ironic at best. blaming vince russo for whatever would be like blaming the offensive coordinator on a football team because you're so misinformed that you think he's the head coach. it's the perfect definition of ignorance.
i'm not exactly sure what you're implying. tna works on a limited budget compared to wwe, they have been placed on a network, and the network is happy with the show and the ratings. jeff jarrett is head of creative. and your first statement is ironic at best. blaming vince russo for whatever would be like blaming the offensive coordinator on a football team because you're so misinformed that you think he's the head coach. it's the perfect definition of ignorance.

People shout Fire Russo, even if its not Russo fault. Why? Because they do not like the shitty product that TNA Creative is churning out.

As for the "limited budget", they always seem to find money to sign ex-wwe guys....
Not everyone chants it though and it's a fact of life that you can't please everybody, and what i don't understand is why you would go to an event if you don't like what's going on. Really, the best way of voicing your disapproval is DON'T GO!!!

Kingdom_come: the thing is that Vince Russo hasn't denied being behind everything that bombs, and it was only said because someone actually asked about it. I'm sure Vince Russo is man enough to admit when something doesn't work
Not everyone chants it though and it's a fact of life that you can't please everybody, and what i don't understand is why you would go to an event if you don't like what's going on. Really, the best way of voicing your disapproval is DON'T GO!!!

Kingdom_come: the thing is that Vince Russo hasn't denied being behind everything that bombs, and it was only said because someone actually asked about it. I'm sure Vince Russo is man enough to admit when something doesn't work
like admitting deuces wild wasn't the best idea of all time.
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