Video Games Tourney hype thread

Here are the games that I "saved".

Crash Bandicoot
COD: Black Ops
Dead Rising
Halo 3
Mass Effect 2
Crusading against Heavy Rain?!


And the Mega Man Battle Network 2 Train starts right here. Right now.
Guess i'll post mine as well.

Ratchet and Clank 3
Banjo Tooie
Treasure Island Dizzy
Final Fantasy VI
Golden Sun

Pac Man
Donkey Kong Country
Alex Kidd (enchanted castle)
Links Awakening.
I don't hate them in principle, I just hate how every single one of them not named Half Life is bland, derivative, poorly written, uber-macho bullshit aimed at right wing, neo-conservative war fetishists with small penises.

Gears of War, I aim that statement at you in particular.

Oh, and Magic Land is so much better than Treasure Island. You don't have to backtrack through half a dozen maps after collecting every single item just so you don't accidentally drop the sodding snorkel. Defend that.
I haven't played Magic Land in a long time, to be honest it's behind Treasure Island, Fantasy World and and Fantastic Dizzy in my mental list.

And you're absolutely right about the shooters. They're like a magnet for angry little tossers.
If it's not on this list then I don't give a shit about it.

The Games I'll Be Supporting
127 Heavy Rain
126 Conkers Bad Fur Day
122 Lylat Wars
121 Theme Park
111 Doom
109 Final Fantasy VI
108 Treasure Island Dizzy
100 Ico
75 Super Bomberman
73 Shadow of Colossus
71 Magicland Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
69 Final Fantasy XII
61 Metal Gear Solid
47 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
46 Final Fantasy IX
39 Civilization II
35 Grand theft auto IV
26 Grand Theft Auto III
22 Metal Gear Solid 3
17 Street Fighter 2
16 Batman Arkham Asylum
10 Super Mario Kart
6 Final Fantasy VII
I'm more baffled that I had to put doom in as a wildpick.
Decent strategy games on consoles used to be very rare, there was only Sim City and Mega-Lo-Mania. When Theme Park came along it offered something different and was most console gamers first experience of the genre. I'll always love that game
I'm more baffled that I had to put doom in as a wildpick.

I just can't believe that Resident Evil II didn't get in. Or Ghostbusters, I was absolutely certain that would qualify. There are quite a lot of genuinely great games that didn't get in because of the damn shooters.
Right now I'm aiming on pushing Arkham Asylum, Assassin's Creed II, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Pokemon Gold/Silver. There are a bunch of other games that I would love to see do well but those four are the big ones for me going in.
No TOmb Raider? Good grief I thought that was in.

Well everyone had chances to get games in so I'll have no bitching, especially from SOM.
The Anyone But Heavy Rain coalition will have to go through me. Did text adventures or RPGs get flak for being "interactive books"?

That game grabbed me by the heart and threw me headfirst back into love with videogaming after over a year of feeling thoroughly cynical and disenchanted.

You're looking at the real deal now! :bringit:
I think the 17th June re release will help our #1 seed.
I think the 17th June re release will help our #1 seed.

Depends on how well it stands up to the test of time.

As for Heavy Rain, it's a great game and I'll be pushing it but not to win. The controls let it down and made it uncomfortably slow for the first half. I don't want to spent 30 minutes just walking around my house, talking to my wife and playing with my kids, I play games to get away from such wastes of time.
I think the 17th June re release will help our #1 seed.

True. Makes me wonder if this is a coincidence :suspic:

In all seriousness, OOT is a great game and if it being re-released pushes it to win this thing than that's fine with me.
The Anyone But Heavy Rain coalition will have to go through me. Did text adventures or RPGs get flak for being "interactive books"?

That game grabbed me by the heart and threw me headfirst back into love with videogaming after over a year of feeling thoroughly cynical and disenchanted.

You're looking at the real deal now! :bringit:

Yes actually, they did. From idiots.

My argument against Heavy Rain isn't that it is an interactive film, it's that it's a really, really bad one.

The first half hour of that game is the most Gods forsakenly boring gameplay/film experience I have ever experienced. If a game wants to ape a movie that's fine, but no film opens with half an hour of a generic male brushing his teeth, shaving, playing with his children and suchlike. The most compelling drama offered during the first chapter of the game concerns the hunt for a missing teddy bear. Heavy Rain quite clearly wants to be a film, but if an actual film tried to feed an audience this rubbish then everyone would ether walk out of the cinema or lobotomies themselves before we got to the second act.

I'm not going to give the game points for originality because it isn't. Every aspect has been simply recycled from Indigo Prophesy, except stuff actually happened in Indigo Prophesy.

Also, interactive movie or not, Heavy Rain is still technically a game, and as a game it falls flat. The movement controls are mind numbingly awful and the preposterous camera angles can turn a simple task like "walk across the room" into a minor logistical challenge. There is no genre specific reason why the controls need to be shit, so I'm not going to forgive the game for them being such.

Beyond the torturous movement the game essentially boils down to a string of QTEs that I fail to see the point of. They aren't fun, they don't enrich the game play experience and they are forgiving enough that you are unlikely to fail any of them meaningfully unless you deliberately try to sabotage your progress. What you are essentially left with is a sequence of cut scenes that simply force you to wave your controller around like a nonce every few minutes. Call me closed minded, but I don't remember watching Die Hard and thinking "man, this experience would be so much more intense if I was forced to fiddle with my remote every thirty seconds".

All of this could of course be forgiven if the story was compelling, but it really isn't. The text or audio based adventure games that people remember contain fantastic writing and deal with expansive and high minded themes that make them worthy of attention. Heavy Rain, despite borrowing so many narrative conventions from Seven and Zodiac, is on about the same narrative level as members of the Saw franchise if the Saw franchise spent half the movie focusing on middle income suburbia.

Heavy Rain forces you to play a game that isn't worth playing in order to facilitate the continuation of a film that isn't worth watching.

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