Video Games Tourney hype thread

Yes actually, they did. From idiots.

My argument against Heavy Rain isn't that it is an interactive film, it's that it's a really, really bad one.

The first half hour of that game is the most Gods forsakenly boring gameplay/film experience I have ever experienced. If a game wants to ape a movie that's fine, but no film opens with half an hour of a generic male brushing his teeth, shaving, playing with his children and suchlike. The most compelling drama offered during the first chapter of the game concerns the hunt for a missing teddy bear. Heavy Rain quite clearly wants to be a film, but if an actual film tried to feed an audience this rubbish then everyone would ether walk out of the cinema or lobotomies themselves before we got to the second act.

I'm not going to give the game points for originality because it isn't. Every aspect has been simply recycled from Indigo Prophesy, except stuff actually happened in Indigo Prophesy.

Also, interactive movie or not, Heavy Rain is still technically a game, and as a game it falls flat. The movement controls are mind numbingly awful and the preposterous camera angles can turn a simple task like "walk across the room" into a minor logistical challenge. There is no genre specific reason why the controls need to be shit, so I'm not going to forgive the game for them being such.

Beyond the torturous movement the game essentially boils down to a string of QTEs that I fail to see the point of. They aren't fun, they don't enrich the game play experience and they are forgiving enough that you are unlikely to fail any of them meaningfully unless you deliberately try to sabotage your progress. What you are essentially left with is a sequence of cut scenes that simply force you to wave your controller around like a nonce every few minutes. Call me closed minded, but I don't remember watching Die Hard and thinking "man, this experience would be so much more intense if I was forced to fiddle with my remote every thirty seconds".

All of this could of course be forgiven if the story was compelling, but it really isn't. The text or audio based adventure games that people remember contain fantastic writing and deal with expansive and high minded themes that make them worthy of attention. Heavy Rain, despite borrowing so many narrative conventions from Seven and Zodiac, is on about the same narrative level as members of the Saw franchise if the Saw franchise spent half the movie focusing on middle income suburbia.

Heavy Rain forces you to play a game that isn't worth playing in order to facilitate the continuation of a film that isn't worth watching.

Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Isn't the whole tournament based on opinion? It isn't like certain games being better than others is a fact. Otherwise there would be no purpose for the tournament.

SNS you are baffling me today.

Everything I've seen from you today has made a ton of sense. I've already repped you once but would rep you again for this.
Well yeah, SNS, that's why I'm saving myself for the actual tournament to really address his opinions with which I disagree.

What made you want to save Black Ops?

Because of the games there, it was was one of the 5 that I enjoyed most. Well, that is not strictly true. I was actually going to put through all of the Crash Bandicoot games that had been left out but thought better of it, in the interest of fairness.

Apart from that, Black Ops was a very good game and I would suggest to you that the campaign mode is probably one of the best ones I have played from a COD game. Considering the amount of stock that they consistently ship, I would say that is an achievement. I loved Black Ops and preferred it to a lot of games that had missed out.

So, yeah. That's why.

As for Halo 3. I am not even a big Halo fan but a lot of people like the games. I enjoyed Halo 3 as a multiplayer experience in the campaign and that is what swayed me with that one.

Also, I have a great sense in videogames.
Halo 1 is already in. And yes you do have rubbish taste :)

But nevermind that shit, it's tourney time. Some amazing matches up already. And the match that's sure to be the JTG vs. Shad or Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox of the first round.
The Hyrule region is up today.

Tomorrow will be Gia
Saturday Mushroom Kingdom
Sunday Sera
Que people lining up to vote against a game they've never even heard of and taken no time to learn about, let alone play. Lame.

I'm not calling you out here because quite frankly I know your more than capable than killing in me in a debate and you weren't really targeting any one in a hostile way, but I know that this is going to be a recuring thing throughout the tournament for me so I'm just going to addres it now to get it out of the way.

There are a ton of games that I have never palyed that are consider classics from Final Fantsay to Call of Duty to pretty much everything Loveless and Gelgarian are voting for . So I'm going to be voting soley for the games that I know and love. Whether the general consensus is that they are better or not than the games they are up against is going to mean fuck all in my criteria.

I will say that I do empathize with games that have little to no main stream exposure though but that is just the way shit goes. As SNS said a few posts back, it's all opinion.
I'll try to put in some support for the Princeof Persia series in the tournament. There is only Sands of Time and Two Thrones, right? No Warrior Within?

Wonder why people are so apathetic about this series? In a world where a first person shooter games are being made almost everyday, surely this offers something different.
I've never played X Y Z game so I'm voting the other. Please don't bother King Hustla.
I'm not calling you out here because quite frankly I know your more than capable than killing in me in a debate and you weren't really targeting any one in a hostile way, but I know that this is going to be a recuring thing throughout the tournament for me so I'm just going to addres it now to get it out of the way.

There are a ton of games that I have never palyed that are consider classics from Final Fantsay to Call of Duty to pretty much everything Loveless and Gelgarian are voting for . So I'm going to be voting soley for the games that I know and love. Whether the general consensus is that they are better or not than the games they are up against is going to mean fuck all in my criteria.

I will say that I do empathize with games that have little to no main stream exposure though but that is just the way shit goes. As SNS said a few posts back, it's all opinion.

That isn't voting based on opinion, it is voting based on ignorance.
Why are people taking voting in this this so seriously?

Besides, who has the time and/or resources to jump up and go 'FUCK! I NEED to find and/or buy [game] just so I can have an opinion on it so I can what is the *right* game to vote for in the WZ game tournament!"
It's a tournament. What fun would it be if everybody just let everything slide without debating anything?
I'll avoid debating right now, just giving my reasons why I picked a game over the other. Nothing too serious to debate quite yet, when we get to the later rounds is when the heat is turned up.

And rapidly.
Considering all the matchups total up to 129, I'll leave you to work out the fixtures. Heavy Rain though, dear me I am looking forward to that one :lmao:

128 Super Smash Brothers
127 Heavy Rain
126 Conkers Bad Fur Day
125 Sonic 3
124 Duke Nukem
123 Super Smash Brothers Brawl
122 Lylat Wars
121 Theme Park
120 Super Mario Galaxy
119 Little Big Planet 2
118 Ms Pacman
117 Starcraft
116 Mortal Kombat
115 The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
114 Alex Kidd (enchanted castle)
113 Donkey Kong Country
112 Pac Man
111 Doom
110 Golden Sun
109 Final Fantasy VI
108 Treasure Island Dizzy
107 Banjo Tooie
106 Ratchet and Clank 3
105 Mass Effect 2
104 Halo 3
103 Dead Rising
102 COD: Black Ops
101 Crash Bandicoot
100 Ico
99 Banjo Kazooie
98 Worlds Apart
97 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
96 Shining force II
95 Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within
94 Pong
93 Pokemon Stadium
92 Paladin’s Quest
91 Mega Man Battle Network 2
90 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
89 God Of War
88 Elite (ZX Spectrum)
87 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
86 Dead Space 2
85 Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
84 WWF No Mercy
83 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCube)
82 Simpsons Hit & Run
81 Resident Evil 4
80 Punch-Out!! (NES)
79 Pokemon Black/White
78 Mass Effect
77 FIFA 08
76 CRAWL - Stone Cold Soup
75 Super Bomberman
74 Soul Calibur
73 Shadow of Colossus
72 Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (PS2)
71 Magicland Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
70 Legend of dragoon
69 Final Fantasy XII
68 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
67 Final Fantasy IV
66 Deus Ex
65 Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
64 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
63 Sonic the Hedgehog
62 Okami
61 Metal Gear Solid
60 Fallout 3
59 Donkey Kong Country II
58 Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex
57 Championship Manager 01/02
56 Tales of Symphonia
55 Super Metroid
54 Need for speed Most Wanted
53 Donkey Kong 64
52 Demon's Souls
51 Age of Empires 2
50 Shenmue
49 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
48 Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Arcade)
47 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
46 Final Fantasy IX
45 WWF Smackdown 2
44 Sonic the Hedgehog CD
43 Gears Of War
42 Tony Hawks Pro Skater
41 Jet Force Gemini
40 Dragon Quest VIII
39 Civilization II
38 Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
37 Halo
36 Gears of War II
35 Grand theft auto IV
34 Contra
33 The World Ends With You
32 WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain
31 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
30 Portal 2
29 Duke Nukem 3D
28 Uncharted 2
27 Half Life 2
26 Grand Theft Auto III
25 Sonic the Hedgehog 2
24 Red Dead Redemption
23 Assassin's Creed II
22 Metal Gear Solid 3
21 Kingdom Hearts
20 Super Mario Bros. 3
19 Chrono Trigger
18 Super Mario Galaxy 2
17 Street Fighter 2
16 Batman Arkham Asylum
15 Super Mario Bros
14 Mario Kart 64
13 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
12 Tetris
11 Super Smash Bros Melee
10 Super Mario Kart
9 Final Fantasy X
8 Pokemon Blue, Red, and Yellow
7 Super Mario World
6 Final Fantasy VII
5 Pokemon Gold/Silver
4 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
3 Super Mario 64
2 Goldeneye
1 Ocarina of Time
Heavy Rain will never get the credit it deserves for trying something new and different in a stagnant time where every other game is a bland as shit FPS.

At least it's going out to a heavy-hitter.

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