Video Games Tourney hype thread

Quick question that might have a quick answer:

Why do most 'non-casual' games play games that could give the impression that the guy is a miserable fuck? Like most games listed in this thread, to my knowledge, are like shooting shooter games and/or just kill a bunch of people with very little variation in color scheme and overall homicidal game concept?

I am so glad Nintendo doesn't cater to people like that tbh. I will take a pudgy blue guy with a bad perm any day of the week over those kind of games.
Apart from the games coming out this year I want which include the new deus ex, the new Duke Nukem, Rage, New hitman, and the new Elder scrolls game, I have just found out that Eidos will be releasing the long awaited fourth installment of Thief! I'm literally hoping one of these will be delayed.

whoa, whoa, whoa....There's a new Hitman coming?
Quick question that might have a quick answer:

Why do most 'non-casual' games play games that could give the impression that the guy is a miserable fuck? Like most games listed in this thread, to my knowledge, are like shooting shooter games and/or just kill a bunch of people with very little variation in color scheme and overall homicidal game concept?

Because, for the most part, they are miserable as fuck. Why else would they spend so many hours secluded in their spot of choice investing their lives into kill counts if they had something better out there waiting for them ? One of the reasons I don't play video games all that much anymore.

No offence meant to anyone btw.
Because we don't have enough Pokemon games already? I really think this tournament would be stronger for putting "upgrade sequels" under 1 nomination. If something like Ico missed out because there are 5 Pokemon games or all 5 Call of Duty games instead, it would be a shame.
Is there somewhere we can find the results from last year's tournament? I want to see what kind of a chance Arkham Asylum has in these things.
The game was released after the tourney last time (last tourney was in 2009).

Because Deux Ex was produced for the glorious, now near extinction, PC gaming master race. New Deux Ex is being produced for the console tards. That's the short answer.

The original Dues Ex was produced by Warren Spector, one of the greatest game directors of all time. When it comes to blending FPS gameplay with RPG elements there is nobody better in the industry. There is a reason why Deus Ex and System Shock still haven't been topped since their production.

The last time an attempt was made to update one of Spector's creations it produced the massive steaming pile of shit known as Bio Shock - otherwise known as Baby's first FPSRPG. Basically they took System Shock 2, cut out all of the depth and strategy, dumbed the difficulty down to ****** levels and then spent the rest of the afternoon rendering the Big Daddy sprites.

The end result was a completely generic, brown FPS with a few meaningless RPG elements tacked on for good measure and a bland an uninteresting moral choice system. The story was completely mediocre, disguised only by the bottomless depths of shit served up by most other games in a genre (Read: Gears of War and Halo).

This is exactly what I expect from Deus Ex. After the shit Kane and Lynch went through there is absolutely no way the game is going to limit the ability of the protagonist's gun play. As such a franchise that was originally all about stealth and finding alternative ways of doing things is now going to present the player with the ability to run and gun through every situation. Released footage pretty much confirms that I'm right about this.

I'm sure the developers will still produce multiple routs to every objective, but when every player can simply shoot their way through every circumstance there is little incentive to take any of them. There also won't be anything like the depth of game world presented in the original. That's simply a product of the time period, with so much rendering now required to make a game graphically acceptable there is simply no possibility of building a world comparable to that of the original Dues Ex. It's the same reason Enix has been refusing to remake Final Fantasy 7 despite the whole game world clamoring for it for for years. This console generation has hurt game design like never before, and that is why you see so few PS3/360 on my list of game submissions.

Story will be shit. I have nothing to back this claim up, but I'll still be proven right. This game has been hyped for an age and is being marketed directly to a main stream gaming audience. As such you can guarantee not to run in to any challenging thoughts or ideas throughout the entire game play experience. If the narrative can manage to match that of the last worthwhile Call of Duty game then I'll consider it a bullet dodged. Low expectations.

At the end of the day, if you've never played Deus Ex then there's a good chance you'll like this. If you enjoy FPS gameplay and thought Bioshock was a really clever game then you'll probably get similar satisfaction out of this. However; if you've actually played and appreciated the original Deux Ex then you'll recognize Human Revolution for what it is. A repackaged, dumbed down version of an all time classic, inferior to its predecessor is almost every way.

Nothing would make me happier than being proved wrong... but I won't be.
Because Deux Ex was produced for the glorious, now near extinction, PC gaming master race. New Deux Ex is being produced for the console tards. That's the short answer.

The original Dues Ex was produced by Warren Spector, one of the greatest game directors of all time. When it comes to blending FPS gameplay with RPG elements there is nobody better in the industry. There is a reason why Deus Ex and System Shock still haven't been topped since their production.

The last time an attempt was made to update one of Spector's creations it produced the massive steaming pile of shit known as Bio Shock - otherwise known as Baby's first FPSRPG. Basically they took System Shock 2, cut out all of the depth and strategy, dumbed the difficulty down to ****** levels and then spent the rest of the afternoon rendering the Big Daddy sprites.

The end result was a completely generic, brown FPS with a few meaningless RPG elements tacked on for good measure and a bland an uninteresting moral choice system. The story was completely mediocre, disguised only by the bottomless depths of shit served up by most other games in a genre (Read: Gears of War and Halo).

This is exactly what I expect from Deus Ex. After the shit Kane and Lynch went through there is absolutely no way the game is going to limit the ability of the protagonist's gun play. As such a franchise that was originally all about stealth and finding alternative ways of doing things is now going to present the player with the ability to run and gun through every situation. Released footage pretty much confirms that I'm right about this.

I'm sure the developers will still produce multiple routs to every objective, but when every player can simply shoot their way through every circumstance there is little incentive to take any of them. There also won't be anything like the depth of game world presented in the original. That's simply a product of the time period, with so much rendering now required to make a game graphically acceptable there is simply no possibility of building a world comparable to that of the original Dues Ex. It's the same reason Enix has been refusing to remake Final Fantasy 7 despite the whole game world clamoring for it for for years. This console generation has hurt game design like never before, and that is why you see so few PS3/360 on my list of game submissions.

Story will be shit. I have nothing to back this claim up, but I'll still be proven right. This game has been hyped for an age and is being marketed directly to a main stream gaming audience. As such you can guarantee not to run in to any challenging thoughts or ideas throughout the entire game play experience. If the narrative can manage to match that of the last worthwhile Call of Duty game then I'll consider it a bullet dodged. Low expectations.

At the end of the day, if you've never played Deus Ex then there's a good chance you'll like this. If you enjoy FPS gameplay and thought Bioshock was a really clever game then you'll probably get similar satisfaction out of this. However; if you've actually played and appreciated the original Deux Ex then you'll recognize Human Revolution for what it is. A repackaged, dumbed down version of an all time classic, inferior to its predecessor is almost every way.

Nothing would make me happier than being proved wrong... but I won't be.

I've played the first Deus Ex and am in the midst of the second one now. I also played System Shock 2 and Bioshock and enjoyed them both immensely. I suppose it's a toss up for me then? :shrug:
I originally said the 14th for deadline for your game lists but I've brought that forward until the 10th. 3 days to get in a list if you haven't already, I'll be announcing the non mod who'll be helping the tourney in that time (after I tell them of course ;) )
I originally said the 14th for deadline for your game lists but I've brought that forward until the 10th. 3 days to get in a list if you haven't already, I'll be announcing the non mod who'll be helping the tourney in that time (after I tell them of course ;) )

A mod intern? Oooh!

I already know who it is but you guys will love it!
Also on the 11th I'll be posting a fantastic opportunit for you guys to get your fav games some extra points.

You can either wait til then or I'll post it now, as well as explaining the points scheme of how it's to be done.
There will be 128 games in the tournament. The top 100 games via points will be in automatically. The top 10 will be seeded the rest will be a random draw.

So the points scheme is as follows.

Posters list:
1st seed = 15 points
2nd seed = 14
3rd = 13
4th = 12
5th = 11
6th = 10
7th = 9
8th = 8
9th = 7
10th = 6

Your non seeded games all get 1 point.

Last tournament rankings
Goldeneye automatically gets 15 points to start with due to winning the tournament last time.
Any game that made the Semi's gets 10 points (OOT, GTAIII, Super Mario 64)
Any game that made the quarters gets 5 points. (Halo, Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario bros, Metal Gear Solid.)


I'll ask on Wednesday for people to send me a list of 5 games. That list of 5 will get five extra points. Simple? Of course it isn't. On the list you cannot have two games that appeared on the same console (so for example you can't have OOT and Goldeneye as they both appeared on the N64) and the max extra points a game can have is 5 points (so if both doc and stormtrooper want Majora's Mask to have 5 extra points, tough it'll only get five points). This extra 5 points scheme will be open from 00:00 EST on 12th May until 23:59 of the same day. I won't accept any sent beforehand.


That's me, Dave and a yet to be named third person (non mod)

Our points will be 20-11 for our top 10 and one point for our 40 others. We also get 10 5 points pick. In addition the organisers will pick 5 games each that are not in the top 100 to make the tournament.

That leaves 13 games left and we'll do a random polling just like we did last time.

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