Via Armbar

I don't have the time for this right now, so, I'm just going to respond to this one part. TM asking for rep all the time is a fact, not an allegation. If someone is leaving and intends to never come back here, then there's no reason that they should not have something taken away from they that so many other people on here usually strive for, especially if they didn't properly earn it.

I don't remember arguing about him begging for rep. I believe you and others that say it happened.

was merely trying to solicit opinions from people on the matter. I don't like TM, and I don't have any problem saying it. How would it have looked if I went to the admins with the request to zero out his rep simply because I didn't like him? That would have looked pretty stupid on my part.

You didn't go to the admins because you wanted people to have the chance to talk more shit about him, don't act like it was for any other reason. You wanted to add insult to injury. I gaurentee you wouldn't have made the request or thread if somebody you like were banned.

So, you're wrong; the rep thread was not meant to stir the pot up. It was meant to see if what I wanted done was reasonable in the eyes of others. Obviously, given your response in the thread, you didn't think this was the case.

You tried to rally people up to get his rep zeroed out. You knew very fucking well what would go on in that thread before you made it. You knew how people thought of him, why would you need to see if others were with you? You presented the chance for people to get some more in, that's it.
TM was a bigger deal than Battlez, so naturally he will be talked about longer.

So that makes it okay how? You are missing my point Doc. My point is that in no way did I go out of my way to talk more shit. That's it. Tdigle and others have. That's all I'm saying.
So that makes it okay how? You are missing my point Doc. My point is that in no way did I go out of my way to talk more shit. That's it. Tdigle and others have. That's all I'm saying.

Personally I'm not sure it's "going out of their way". He vrought it on himself, so it's best to get it out of the way in one place rather than take shots at him through several threads.
Personally I'm not sure it's "going out of their way". He vrought it on himself, so it's best to get it out of the way in one place rather than take shots at him through several threads.

It wasn't done in one place though Doc. Did I ever make more than that one single thread on Battlez? I didn't.

It just sucks that now I'm getting this reputation as a fucking bully or a negative nancy. I'd love for everyone to get along and I don't think I've done anything to prohibit that from happenining.
I think the reason people are assuming that Armbar is a bully is because he's gained a reputation as a bit of a hardass. Granted, not as much as some of the other barflies, but enough to be notable.

But, really, people just need to take things in stride, is all.
Bully? No way dude, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that the TM hate will just ride itself out.
I think the reason people are assuming that Armbar is a bully is because he's gained a reputation as a bit of a hardass. Granted, not as much as some of the other barflies, but enough to be notable.

But, really, people just need to take things in stride, is all.

Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. This. Thread.
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Razor, Zero, seriously, come on, your feud is so lame compared to all of the mega drama we've had the last few weeks. Either step it up a notch or squash that beef gentlemen.
Razor, Zero, seriously, come on, your feud is so lame compared to all of the mega drama we've had the last few weeks. Either step it up a notch or squash that beef gentlemen.

True. I'll ignore him until a few weeks have passed, then I'll EXPLODE HIS KIDNEYS ala Jack Swagga and the Gutwrench Powerbomb.
So I'm done with this thread and everyone else should be as well. Apologies if anyone thinks I have been overly harsh or mean to anyone whether I think they deserved shit or not. Apologies to Tdigle for being more of a dick than I wanted to be.

Everyone do their own thing and move on.

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