Via Armbar

Holy. Shit.

You are so much full of win at the moment. Desmond is now a rational mind in my book.

Actually, admittedly, I only get to listen to Toucher in the morning. The guy actually used to come from a station called 99X that was based in Atlanta, where I grew up. But yes, I'm well are of the skit, and fucking love it. I hate pink hats, if not for the fact that they ruin going to the actual ball game.

Did you see opening night this year, Desmond? Good game, atrocious opening night

Today's was amazing.

"Why do you like going to Fenway?"

"To watch the Red Sox play... eating the sausages..."

"Name three starting pitchers for the Red Sox."

"...That asian guy... ...That's it."

"What shape is the infield?"

"...It's a... octagon, right? A Pentagon?"

"What position does Josh Beckett play?"

"...First base?"

"...What's the name of the Los Angeles team?" (Keep in mind she JUST LEFT THE STADIUM, WHERE THE SOX WERE PLAYING THE ANGELS)

"...The Lakers?"

I started fucking crying, oh my fucking god.

And yeah, my moronic second cousin and mom left when they were down like... I forget how bad it was at first, 7-2 comes to mind. Cause OH MAH GAWD THEY'LL NEVER COME BACK FROM THIS
I dunno man. Any time during the summer as long as it's not the weeks I'm on a trip. I need to check when Money in the Bank is. Heck, maybe we could do this for Over The Limit even.
Maybe some other people could come over, too, like D-Man or someone. I'll provide chips.
Desmond/Tenta, find the audio of them on the Sports Hub Website making fun of the ICP "Miracles" song from a few weeks ago. I was laughing so hard that I had to pull over. Also, "Naughty Massarotti" is hysterical as well.
Desmond/Tenta, find the audio of them on the Sports Hub Website making fun of the ICP "Miracles" song from a few weeks ago. I was laughing so hard that I had to pull over. Also, "Naughty Massarotti" is hysterical as well.

Do Toucher and Rich still do shit with The Chili Guy?
Do Toucher and Rich still do shit with The Chili Guy?

He was in jail, actually, and they did something with him a few weeks ago when he got released.

I saw him the night of my college graduation hanging down the street of the bar we were going to. Me, my friend, and his girlfriend were walking, spotted him, and my friend and I immediately dropped everything, ran across a street to start talking to him and to try to get his girlfriend to take a picture. Needless to say, she was unwilling to do so and was telling us to "get away from him before we got stabbed and she got raped".

For reference, here is The Chili Guy... an overweight homeless man:

Today Adolfo or however you spell his name interviewed a shitfaced Mets fan outside Fenway, like fucking HAMMERED, it was great
Fucking bullshit and you know it. You KNEW it would just bring people in to bash him some more. Don't like like a fucking idiot when I know you aren't one. You knew what it would result in.

I don't have the time for this right now, so, I'm just going to respond to this one part. TM asking for rep all the time is a fact, not an allegation. If someone is leaving and intends to never come back here, then there's no reason that they should not have something taken away from they that so many other people on here usually strive for, especially if they didn't properly earn it.

I was merely trying to solicit opinions from people on the matter. I don't like TM, and I don't have any problem saying it. How would it have looked if I went to the admins with the request to zero out his rep simply because I didn't like him? That would have looked pretty stupid on my part.

So, you're wrong; the rep thread was not meant to stir the pot up. It was meant to see if what I wanted done was reasonable in the eyes of others. Obviously, given your response in the thread, you didn't think this was the case.
Tdigle, can I give you some positive, constructive criticism, while it also being a compliment?

...I'mma do it anyway.

Your sig(s) make it very hard to focus on your posts.

I feel sad you never mentioned me as being rational...

It's all that crystal meth I did before, isn't it?
I truly do not understand how anyone could like Christian Battlez, at all. Like, everything he did and said was absolutely negative and/or unabashedly stupid. That and he was unbelievably annoying, starting new Book This threads every ten minutes despite the fact that no one gave a fuck about any of them. I remember just being bored and deleting like 40 of his Book This threads one day. He didn't even notice.

That, and you know, he was a whiny little bitch as well as a sour cunt. I'd probably laugh if he were ripped to pieces by a pack of wild boars.

I feel sad you never mentioned me as being rational...

It's all that crystal meth I did before, isn't it?

Apparently I'm not rational. Thanks Tenta.

No but really I think I havn't said a single thing without thinking or through or having an open mind.
I truly do not understand how anyone could like Christian Battlez, at all. Like, everything he did and said was absolutely negative and/or unabashedly stupid. That and he was unbelievably annoying, starting new Book This threads every ten minutes despite the fact that no one gave a fuck about any of them. I remember just being bored and deleting like 40 of his Book This threads one day. He didn't even notice.

That, and you know, he was a whiny little bitch as well as a sour cunt. I'd probably laugh if he were ripped to pieces by a pack of wild boars.

Do you think I went out of my way X to talk shit to anyone? Do you believe that anything I did or said to Battlez was warranted? Apparently I kept bringing it up when it wasn't necessary. Even though the same thing has been done multiple times regarding TM.
Armbar, did you see my last post?

Out of your way? No, you just talked about him for a few days afterwards, as humans do. TM threw a tantrum and left, and I really did not like him or his army, and so I'm going to talk about him with everyone else for a few days until he fades away from our memories.

It was like that with JKO. People talked about him for a few days and now we don't.

Tdigle, can I give you some positive, constructive criticism, while it also being a compliment?

...I'mma do it anyway.

Your sig(s) make it very hard to focus on your posts.

I'm going to go ahead and second this, and what makes it worse is I try to read them as fast as I can while I'm at work due to said picture. Wouldn't look good with that pic on my monitor when my supervisor walks in.

So let's review.

1. The picture is extremely distracting.

2. I have to read your posts tdigs really fast at work while distracted.

3. That picture is amazing please don't change sigs for awhile.
Out of your way? No, you just talked about him for a few days afterwards, as humans do. TM threw a tantrum and left, and I really did not like him or his army, and so I'm going to talk about him with everyone else for a few days until he fades away from our memories.

It was like that with JKO. People talked about him for a few days and now we don't.


People talked and still are talking more about Battlez than I ever did. It would be foolish to argue otherwise. Yourself, Sean and Guy have all continued the joke with more effort than myself. The original thread lived on for days because of you guys, not myself. Not that I think there is anything wrong with that, but apparently Tdigle does even though he has done the same with TM. He is making it seem like I have gone out of my way to talk more shit about Battlez whe I haven't.

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