[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.

I don;t know. I think that sport entertainment is a story being told. You have to be interested in the characters. I think WWE does that well. That why their merchantdising and live shows do so much better. You have to care. I think WCW failure and TNA failure will come when a newer generation steps in and no longer can relate to the older wrestler. The Rock and Steve Austin became huge when Bret,Michaels, Hogan, Savage and the New genertation and golden era wrestlers were on the decline. Orton, Edge and Cena capture a new generation. I saw jarrett and could no relate then. I think th X division is the best part of TNA. X division is better than many main eventers at WWE. The problem is Jarett, Sting, and now Angle are going to the main pushed acts.
haha yeah im really scared , TNA IMPACT just got 2 hours golly gee. RAW has had 2 hours for about 14 years. ha plus TNA is corny as hell. They got some shark thing, and a Kane/Mankind wanna be named Abyss with a manager with sum weird eye brows and is ok but still could be better, seems a little of a paul bearer rip off. Jim Cornette as the "Authority Figure" with all his extremely lame phrases " he'll beat the BeGeazies outta you" and other countless ones. One i found especially funny was when he said " All the best wrestlers wanna come to TNA" lol oh im crackin up now, oh yeah and the dumbass meetings. Oh and when he says that the NWA title is the most prestigious in pro wrestling is extremely unbeleivable. If its so prestigious why is the only people holding it right now mid carders. Um other lame things about TNA commentators(especially Tennay and those stupid expressions he gets on his face when he looks at the camera). The nicknames of some superstars for example "THE WAR MACHINE" yea thats pretty swweet, or THE JAMES GANG and their phrase " NOBODY MOVES NOBODY GETS HURT" lol. But time to get serious and put away pointing out all of TNA's incredible cornyness. Why would any WWE fan be scared of a third rate promotion like TNA. There is nothin to be afraid of, and Vince dont think so either. Or else he would be tryin harder to make the WWE product the best it can be. I tend to laugh when i watch TNA because of many reasons. WWE doesnt even really achknowledge TNA at all while Tna always takes shots at WWE which half the time just make me laugh at tna even more. i mean Rhyno sayin that tna is the future of wrestling, well if that is the truth the future looks weak. And you all keep knockin WWE's wrestling, well their talent isnt all that bad, just cause they are pushin the wrong guys, but by no way is TNA superior. In matches right now yeah ill probbly agree that tna is pretty ok frrom the stand point that they got sum ok high flyers. but they try to do to much, like tryin to flip around like its a frickin KUNG FOO MOVIE. "if you do to many things, no body will remember any of it" or something like that. WWE could Sqwuash TNA right now if they wanted to. WWE's best match would sqwuash TNA's best match. I got more things to say but ill close it out with a sequence of laughter (laughter) and stating that TNA is only alive right now because Vince lets it. therefor the only people who are scared here is tna fans and tna itself because you can talk yourself up all you want but deep down you know that tna is an Ant and WWE is the shoe ready to sqwash it at any moment
WWF-Attitude- said:
haha yeah im really scared , TNA IMPACT just got 2 hours golly gee. RAW has had 2 hours for about 14 years. ha plus TNA is corny as hell...
Actually, it isn't two hours. Raw only went to two hours at the hind end of the 1990's because WCW was stomping their asses into the ground, slick. The difference between Abyss and the two WWE fogeys you mentioned is that Abyss is their gimmick done right...because he can actually wrestle good, and not just for a big man, either. Undertaker averages two good matches a year at this juncture and Kane hasn't had a decent match since he was Isaac Yankem (and that was only because he was going against Bret Hart). Cornette used to be one of the top guys in the company you love so much. I don't see him saying the word "bejesus" as being any worse than another nameless, tubby, Oklahoman who spouts out "slobbernknocker" a few times each week. TNA is no less corny than the complete shit that stinks up USA, Sci-Fi, and the CW each week. ECW was backed by strip-poker of all things this week? Look, if I wanna cop a cheap feel that's what porn and the internet are for, not a damn wrestling show. All the best wrestlers do want to come to TNA. Case in point: Angle. Vince is worried. That's why he pulled ECW off the shelf and bastardized it into the abomination you see each week. Notice that ECW's revival came coincidentally a short time after TNA secured their first TV deal. You and all of the other WWE marks need to lay off the pipe with regards to your judgment of quality wrestling. Even some of the technical WWE stalwarts are missing a step because of the lax work style Vince encourages. RVD and Booker T are majorly boring, a bit slower, and sloppy compared to where they were as little as three years ago because they're usually saddled wrestling talentless hacks who need to steer clear from any wrestling ring. I love you noobs, you're so cute.
My mistake I just assumed they were always 2 hours, I didnt know cause I began watching wrestling around the late 90's. Ok i agree RVD doesnt look as crisp as he did a few years ago but he is still good. I never said I supported the new "ECW", and nor do i support the way WWE is using the "SEX SELLS Technique". Though WWE is not really putting full effort in right now, they dont really have to. If TNA posed any threat I thnk they would kick it into gear. But they dont see them as one and neither do I. TNA is over hyping itself proclaiming itself the future and new face of pro wrestling which both are stupid statements to make. They may got sum talent here and there, but few of them have more then one dimension to them and by that i mean being characterized. most of the superstars that Do have gimmicks and are characterized are corny ex: the AMW team and Abyss is lame seriously . TNA is overall pretty childish, and i know Cena is childish as well as a few other things on wwe so you dont have to tell me. Angle only went to TNA cause WWE released him because of his health, and TNA doesnt care. well thats all for now im out
WWF-Attitude- said:
I never said I supported the new "ECW", and nor do i support the way WWE is using the "SEX SELLS Technique".
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but the new "ECW" is definitely WWE. Stars were dumped from other shows to there and they are taped in the same sessions as Smackdown. If that's not WWE, than I sure as hell don't know what is. ECW is just Diet Raw.
WWF-Attitude- said:
Though WWE is not really putting full effort in right now, they dont really have to.
This was the same lacsadasical attitude they took in the mid '90s and it nearly cost them their existence. It's also disgusting to see wrestlers who have their best years flushed down the commode because the creative staff amounts to nothing more than a handful of chimps brainstorming around a table. At least when this happens in TNA, the wrestling can make up for it.
WWF-Attitude- said:
If TNA posed any threat I thnk they would kick it into gear. But they dont see them as one and neither do I. TNA is over hyping itself proclaiming itself the future and new face of pro wrestling which both are stupid statements to make. They may got sum talent here and there, but few of them have more then one dimension to them and by that i mean being characterized. most of the superstars that Do have gimmicks and are characterized are corny ex: the AMW team and Abyss is lame seriously .
That's okay if you don't. How many of their PPVs have you purchased? How often do you watch the show? I've been onboard since about 2004 and it single-handedly renewed my interest in watching wrestling. TNA isn't overhyping anything because they can back it up in the ring. On average the MAJORITY of their workers can go circles around anyone in WWE with the exception of a few key wrestlers who are being wasted at present. Some of them are one dimensional, but that's because in TNA gimmicks are secondary to actual wrestling. Abyss is no more lame than Kane or Undertaker's dumbass darkside schtick they've been driving into the ground for years. The only difference is that they have a bigger budget to use smoke and mirrors to do their ridiculous entrances. Abyss just goes out and works.
WWF-Attitude- said:
TNA is overall pretty childish, and i know Cena is childish as well as a few other things on wwe so you dont have to tell me. Angle only went to TNA cause WWE released him because of his health, and TNA doesnt care. well thats all for now im out
Cena isn't the only childish thing about that company. The misuse of a large group of stars is pretty damn childish and the push of COMPLETELY untalented stiffs seems pretty childish as well. WWE should be a completely untouchable superpower at present, but the proof is in the pudding. Smackdown has to have piped in crowd chants to cover up for the lack of interest in the matches. A storyline means absolutely dick if the WRESTLING is pathetic, which has been happening more and more frequently (with a few exceptions) as of recent. As for Angle, there are probably a few other mitigating factors that led to his leaving. For starters, how about the fact that undertalented hacks are pushed over him in terms of title pushes. It wouldn't sit well with me if I was a worker so good I was consistently mentioned in the same circles as Bret Hart, only to job to John f*****g Cena of all people and have a tubby redneck pushed as a supposed "wrestling god" even though he helps audiences lapse into a coma by the truckload whenever he performs. Look at WM21. Michaels and Angle stole the show and gave prime example as to how poorly the company is directed. That was the event that made me realize that WWE will get way worse (which it has) before it ever gets better.
That was real original to point that out. Everybody new he spelt it wrong but nobody was stupid enough to care about pointing it out. But you did and thought that you GOT him.
BTW Stubid? Get a dictionary. I mean this site has spellcheck, buddy.
Alot of these "WWE fans' cant stay up past 9pm so of course they cant watch Impact.

I also think its funny to watch them struggle with one post. It's seems impossible to just spell 1 or 2 words right in there post.
Its not just the tag division thats better, but the show in general. The only problem that i can see happening is that they go down the same road as WCW and carry on getting old talent from other shows, because Scott Steiner is pretty crappy to be honest...
Oh ya tna is hyping there show big time. I watch everything wrestling every week and I can tell you that the excitment there commercials "imply" do not match the show. They always show there best stuff on the commercials for impact. As if there giving you a peak at something better and what there showing is just the tip of the iceberg. But in reality what they show on the commercials for impact is the best it gets. Oh ya and that commentator screeming as if he's smoked for years is funny. That could fool just about anyone.
xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big..
And how do you know this? Gives us some names and examples of how you actually know this.
I personally hate TNA, but this is a discussion thread and not a hate thread. So, I'll state my opinions...
I don't think WWE will be scared of any wrestling promotion, unless, say, WCW was back up, or if ECW split apart and became an independant promotion again. But we all know that that will never happen. No matter how you look at it, WWE fans are loyal; each and every one of them. Same with TNA. TNA is trying to bring down WWE, but WWE is so powerful right now, with all of their years of growing, that they barely notice it.
Obzkure said:
I personally hate TNA, but this is a discussion thread and not a hate thread. So, I'll state my opinions...
I don't think WWE will be scared of any wrestling promotion, unless, say, WCW was back up, or if ECW split apart and became an independant promotion again. But we all know that that will never happen. No matter how you look at it, WWE fans are loyal; each and every one of them. Same with TNA. TNA is trying to bring down WWE, but WWE is so powerful right now, with all of their years of growing, that they barely notice it.

Yeah but WWE is slowy losing money also with all the lawsuit there in their music their moives and there food and cloths places Im suprizes they havent been sue for a monopoly yet
WWE not scared of TNA is a big understatement. TNA has grabbed some big names. They took stars that werent big and made them big. If they are not scared why did Mcmahon send Angle a legal copywrite letter? I think WWE is scared but not that fearful to where they think it will cause there distruction and that will cause there demise. I can Guarantee you this. For all of you who said Angle will die along with TNA your wrong. TNA is helping Angle. For all of you who say Angle doesnt care about young talent well again your wrong. You see.IN WWE he never could get that chance to help young talent because he was always on this road. And now Angle will do like one PPV match a month and one Impact match. I doubt he'll even do an impact match each month. He will probally just cut a promo. This gives him extra time with Family and To help young talent.

My secound point is. Why does everyone think TNA will die? There going prime time so many people will get to see it early. Next year there getting alot of 2 hour specials. There Tag division is doing well as long as their heavyweight and X division. WWE RAW has reduced itself big time. They only put up two good matches at best but that rarely happens.
ShaneRamlall said:
WWE not scared of TNA is a big understatement. TNA has grabbed some big names. They took stars that werent big and made them big. If they are not scared why did Mcmahon send Angle a legal copywrite letter? I think WWE is scared but not that fearful to where they think it will cause there distruction and that will cause there demise. I can Guarantee you this. For all of you who said Angle will die along with TNA your wrong. TNA is helping Angle. For all of you who say Angle doesnt care about young talent well again your wrong. You see.IN WWE he never could get that chance to help young talent because he was always on this road. And now Angle will do like one PPV match a month and one Impact match. I doubt he'll even do an impact match each month. He will probally just cut a promo. This gives him extra time with Family and To help young talent.

My secound point is. Why does everyone think TNA will die? There going prime time so many people will get to see it early. Next year there getting alot of 2 hour specials. There Tag division is doing well as long as their heavyweight and X division. WWE RAW has reduced itself big time. They only put up two good matches at best but that rarely happens.

and whats funny when WWE does have a good macth it usually the midcard that put it on or People that Cena beat
Rated R Superstar316 said:
FUCK THAT STUBID TNA. They dont even have a square ring. they get like 500 people per show, wwe gets 10 times that much. fuck tna

See, ******ed 11 year old kids like this is why Cena is champion TNA is way better then the WWE!
ROH_TNA said:
See, ******ed 11 year old kids like this is why Cena is champion TNA is way better then the WWE!

Knock off the flaming. How many times do you have to be told not to attack people?
The Fallen Angel of Hope said:

The Fallen Angel of Hope - Warning for Spam

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well i hope that tna get bigger and attract more fans like wcw did. the period of the monday night wars was the best wrestling on tv in a log time. the wwe got their fingers out of their ass and started to make good talent like mankind, the rock and stone cold. but ever since they bought wcw, there was no one really there to challenge them so they got lazy and raw and smackdown just got worse and worse... now that tna is starting to build a head of steam they'll hopefully push wwe to produce better tv. but at the moment, tna is better by a mile...
WWE is scared, but not to the point where they think they will be destroyed. Actually, they're not scared, they're a bit worried that TNA might force them to start putting out their best show possible. And to those of you who are trying to make yourselves believe that TNA will die quickly, remember that in just one year TNA went from not even being televised, to getting a spot on spike tv on saturday nights, to moving to thursday nights on spike tv at 11/10 CT, to now having a primetime slot on thursdays and close to getting a two-hour slot. In that year, they realized that without star power they couldn't do much so they went out and got the best tag team (arguably) of all time the dudley boys, one of the best heels of all time Christian, they added the best ECW wrestler of all time by getting Rhino, and they went out and got one of the best wrestlers period of all time in Kurt Angle. They've seen that they need better women wrestlers so they got out and got Jackie, Gail Kim, Traci Brooks, and Christy Hemme. They saw that they needed a veteran to bring in fans to watch the shows so they went out and got Sting. They saw they needed a better hardcore division so they went out and got Spike Dudley. They saw that Samoa Joe was finally being recognized by the fans as the best wrestler today so they gave him a push. They needed a big twist in the Jarrett and Sting feud so they got Steiner. Any time that something needs to be done, they go out there and get it done. They don't hesitate.
I am all for competition between the two shows, my only criticism with TNA is that it doesent seem as "professional" as WWE. Its hard to expalain what I mean, but I think TNA is more like WCW was than WWE
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