[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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My opinion is this.

The WWE fans are not scared for one reason- TNA is still a national company getting global recognition. The production quality of TNA is horrible, the 6 sided ring works to they're advantage however it makes the entire company look less legitamate to the marks and to the smarks- Well, the ring clearly works to TNA's advantage. TNA's storylines remind me of WCW about 1994, and if you recall, 1996-97 was when they hit the big time. While TNA has a bright future, that future could easily be dimmed in a hurry.

As for the WWE fans being scared- They have nothing to be scared about. WWE is the undisputed leader in the industry. No if's and's or but's. As much as I dislike the WWE shuving John Cena down our throats and how Smackdown has become a joke and as much as i'd like TNA to compete with the WWE, they are still years from being a competitor.

There is no possible way any WWE fan is "trembling in fear" and if you believe so, grow up, look at the facts and please make an opinion on those facts.

I disagree. Not on all points. I DO think that TNA is nowhere near competition at the moment, but they are not years away from it, they are simply $millions away from it. If TNA can get their prime-time 2 hour long show on Spike, and thus get the undisputed support of Mr. Carter (owner of TNA) then is when they will become competition. Carter has been described on numerous occassions as being cautious with TNA. He wants to support it, but also wants to see the company position itself properly within the market before throwing money into it. When this does happen, thats when TNA will become capable of competing with the WWE.

Its simply a matter of money. If TNA gets a huge cash injection from parent company Panda Energy and begin touring and begin heavily advertising the brand and start getting the attention of the average passive fan, they will finally find themselves in a position where they can say they are a legitimate threat to the competition.
Even if TNA had the money, they have no stars. People already see TNA as a second rate company where all the rejects from the WWE go when they are fired. Which is essentially true when they hype the Dudleys and The James Gang. It's going to be years before the wrestlers in TNA properly get over with the superstars of the WWE.

Don't go off and call Raven, Jeff Jarrett and so forth so on a Star- Because they simply aren't. They are good wrestlers, good on the mic and so forth, but they just aren't over with the general audience (The Marks).
Agree but dont underestimate how easy you can sell things to people. A famous quote: 'Its amazing how smart our marketers are and how dumb and gullable our people are' (referring to the people of USA). This is a reference to brand-based commercialism. TNA, like the WWE and WCW when they first started and came out of nowhere, can sell their stars as being the biggest thing in the industry. All it takes is a fuckload of exposure, i.e. media-conferences, appearances, tv commercials, endorsements. I know this sounds laughable but it is fact. Thats how guys like Cena get over. Because they are continuously sold to an audience. They are all over tv, radio and print-media, they are on WWE TV every week (allowing for fans to connect with them) and they develop a following.

All TNA needs to do to get Samoa Joe over for instance is have him make a few appearances and plug TNA. The people watching tune in to TNA to see what its all about, they see Joe kick some guys head off of his shoulders and BANG!!! they are hooked. Its really not that hard. Its all about marketing. Why do people buy Nike and Adidas? Because Nike and Adidas tell them to.
TNA Wrestlers are mostly rookies looking to get noticed by Vince Mcmahon and WWE, and the veterans in there (Sting, Lex Luger, Bagwell, Raven, Konnan, Dean Douglas, Roaddogg, Billy Gunn, Team 3D) are just polishing their skills waiting to get another call from Vince, so if everybody on TNA is using it as a platform to make the Big Jump, TNA absolutely means no harm at all for WWE
Dkko said:
TNA Wrestlers are mostly rookies looking to get noticed by Vince Mcmahon and WWE, and the veterans in there (Sting, Lex Luger, Bagwell, Raven, Konnan, Dean Douglas, Roaddogg, Billy Gunn, Team 3D) are just polishing their skills waiting to get another call from Vince, so if everybody on TNA is using it as a platform to make the Big Jump, TNA absolutely means no harm at all for WWE

Do you realize how much of an idiot you look like right now? Luger and Bagwell aren't even officially a part of TNA, Raven, Team 3d, Rhyno and all of them all got contract offers from Vince, and all turned them down. Sting turned him down for the past 20 years.

And the "rookies" you speak of (funnily enough a lot of them have been in wrestling for quite some time....) have mostly all been offered contracts. Styles, Daniels, Joe, Sabin, Senshi (formally Low Ki). All of them (aside from Sabin) have performed in the WWE for tryout matches and were handed contracts, and all of them turned them down. With good reason too. NONE OF THEM WANT TO GO TO WWE!!

Except the big ego guys like Monty Brown (who completey sucks). He thinks he should be world champ....and he isn't so he is complaining and wants to go to WWE. Ron Killings wants out of TNA because he isn't champion again. Thats it. Everyone else loves where they are at.

And trust me...I have said it before. If both companies offered me a contract...WWE's contract could be worth three times as much as TNA's....I would still choose TNA. Because to me, WWE is not the big leagues. It is where you go if you want more money. Me, I would want to be known for being a hell of a competitor, a hell of an athelete, and would LOVE to own the belt with the most prestige in wrestling history...
sevastra said:
Do you realize how much of an idiot you look like right now? Luger and Bagwell aren't even officially a part of TNA, Raven, Team 3d, Rhyno and all of them all got contract offers from Vince, and all turned them down. Sting turned him down for the past 20 years.

And the "rookies" you speak of (funnily enough a lot of them have been in wrestling for quite some time....) have mostly all been offered contracts. Styles, Daniels, Joe, Sabin, Senshi (formally Low Ki). All of them (aside from Sabin) have performed in the WWE for tryout matches and were handed contracts, and all of them turned them down. With good reason too. NONE OF THEM WANT TO GO TO WWE!!

Except the big ego guys like Monty Brown (who completey sucks). He thinks he should be world champ....and he isn't so he is complaining and wants to go to WWE. Ron Killings wants out of TNA because he isn't champion again. Thats it. Everyone else loves where they are at.

And trust me...I have said it before. If both companies offered me a contract...WWE's contract could be worth three times as much as TNA's....I would still choose TNA. Because to me, WWE is not the big leagues. It is where you go if you want more money. Me, I would want to be known for being a hell of a competitor, a hell of an athelete, and would LOVE to own the belt with the most prestige in wrestling history...

You say the WWE isn't the big leagues and you dare call him an idiot? The WWE is a lot of prestige, even more than the nwa belt because better people have held it and unlike the nwa belt it has been on tv for over 40 years in a row. How old the belt is means crap.
well i must say that i am tierd of gettin jeff jarrett cramed in my mouf every time i sit down to watch tna. Edgevcena is very old. if tna did road shows it would take off.

i like both brands, they both have pros and cons
thechampishere007 said:
well i must say that i am tierd of gettin jeff jarrett cramed in my mouf every time i sit down to watch tna. Edgevcena is very old. if tna did road shows it would take off.

i like both brands, they both have pros and cons

TNA does do road shows, just not many.
DeathIsARight said:
TNA does do road shows, just not many.

I think he meant televised road shows, i.e. for PPV or for Impact! House shows with 900 people in attendance is nothing. And besides TNA has actually only done ONE road show - their first one in Detroit. All other shows have been put together and promoted by other smaller promotions, who have simply used the TNA athletes and the TNA name to get more people to show up. UWF has put together most of these. None of them have been official TNA only shows.

I also disagree with you on the WWE title thing. I mean dont get me wrong you make a very strong point, it HAS been on TV and had exposure for a long time. But then so did the NWA belt up until 1992. The NWA and the WWF used to run neck and neck back in the day, with an equal fan following for the most part. Ric Flair attracted fans to TNA and Hulk Hogan attracted others to the WWF. It was only after WCW separated itself from the WCW the second time around that the NWA lost all its exposure and influence. But your right WWE title does have a lot of prestige - its just that the way it has been treated recently it has lost a lot of that prestige.

First of all there are two World Championships, which immediately waters down the exclusive feeling of the title. It has been bastardised into looking like something out of a 50 Cent video. And for those not into hip-hop, even 50 Cent is laughed at by rap fans for his over-the-top, oversized, spinning pendants. I mean how do you take a title seriously when it has been made to look like it does - it has killed the feeling of prestige. The fact that the other title was handed to HHH by Bischoff a few years ago is still a talked about thing that killed the prestige and credibility of the title, and so much more.

I mean think about it. What if the WBC made their title look like one of 50 Cent's chains? What if the WBC champion passed away for instance, and then the WBC decided that instead of have a tournament to decide a new champion they would just hand it to Lennox Lewis - who was a champion 4 or 5 reigns ago. ITS RIDICULOUS.

Also if you look back at who has held the title in the past, when you assess the names and think about what they have meant to the business, the NWA title has had a more decorated history. Granted, not a great deal more, but more nonetheless. Again i agree the WWE title is a lot more important than a lot fo TNA fans give it credit for, but I think their motivation for attacking it is the way its been handled recently.
first of all wwe worst wrestling ever is bringing a feud between the new well older dx tandem of shawn michaels and triple H.

to feud with Nash Hall and hogan the nwo or better known as the old world order first of all i hate hogan he is the biggest scumbag in the business but i mean seriously these guys there average age is 46 there almost pusing 50 i mean there way too old and past thier prime plus I mean wwe is so out of ideas they have to resort to old memories of the attitude era how pathetic I mean how desperate are they. The only good thing about wwe is the highlanders though i think they shoul be pushed big time
I think TNA really has some talent and good moves. they're storyline used to be crap but over the past months, i personally think that has improved greatly. WWE has competition now, they need to realize that and start puting on better shows. its been the same crap every week. and the Edge John Cena angle is going nowhere fast. I like how TNA and its fans insults WWE sometimes, even thought im a WWE and TNA fan
I read a few pages of this thread but its very long so i'm basing my response on the first few pages.
I'm a loyal wwe fan, and have been for almost a decade. The reason that i like wwe better than tna is because wwe put on solid matches and for the most part, have interesting storylines and characters. Of all the wwe shows my favourite is smackdown because it has the best wrestling matches and usually fits in around 6 or 7 matches in one show. Smackdown gives me all the wrestling i need and Raw gives me the entertaining promos. I'm not scared nor am i interested in the product Tna are producing right now, why should i fear a company who's top star is a wwe reject? (Jeff Jarret)
ooo ya im scared of tna i wish wwe had thought of shark boy first damn if only they sent some talent scouts to the deep blue sea:wwf:
k so people who think wwe has better wrestlers.. You are dumbshits who should go hang yourself. And also if you think wwe has better storylines your still dumbshits.. Like seriously wtf is a Jimmy Wang Yang? Or a white rapper aka John Cena? Oh noesss FIVE CHEERLEADERS ARE GUNNA GET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh not before a big red machine goes to eat me.. Even though Kanes a certified teacher.. Like Jesus Christ who thinks of gimmicks like "King Booker" Or the boogeyman? You don't see stupid shit like this in TNA. And the one who says that because wwe has raw smackdown and ecw doing shows every week will scare tna.. Absolutely positively wrong.. Why do you think the wwe braught back ecw? Because ratings were going downhill and they still infact are. If vince was smart he would take the idea of nwo vs dx and run with it while he still can because if he doesnt. TNA could do the same thing with nwo vs the james gang. And if some people think that wwe has better wrestling you must be a fucked up ****** with no eyes or ears.. You don't see matches like the ultimate x in the wwe or matches like a hangmans horror match. And if u you do see matches like this you see them probably once a year ie : elimination chamber and hell in a cell. So all you little wwe followers can sit down and shutup and get used to TNA being the top brand in wrestling because with Kurt Angle now jumping ship to tna who knows maybe some current wwe superstars might follow. And last but not least.. TNA rules, so suck on that.
As a WWE fan to say I'm scared is rediculous. I try to watch TNA when I can but frankly due to the shows time constraints of it being an hour I feel like it just comes off storyline wise as a jumbled unorganized mess. Personally, I'm rooting for TNA just because I'll always root for an alternative company. Wrestling was at it's peak in the 90's during the Monday Night Wars, TNA drove the WWE to do things different and be unique and the best it can be. I only wish TNA would give WWE the challenge it needs, because when there's competition, there's motivation to be the best friggin company it can be. Unfortunately, TNA right now is not competing with WWE. Hopefully, the Angle signing, new timeslot and Russo can turn this company into a big competitor, but with only one hour to work with a week I still can't see it happening.
mj2sexay said:
As a WWE fan to say I'm scared is rediculous. I try to watch TNA when I can but frankly due to the shows time constraints of it being an hour I feel like it just comes off storyline wise as a jumbled unorganized mess. Personally, I'm rooting for TNA just because I'll always root for an alternative company. Wrestling was at it's peak in the 90's during the Monday Night Wars, TNA drove the WWE to do things different and be unique and the best it can be. I only wish TNA would give WWE the challenge it needs, because when there's competition, there's motivation to be the best friggin company it can be. Unfortunately, TNA right now is not competing with WWE. Hopefully, the Angle signing, new timeslot and Russo can turn this company into a big competitor, but with only one hour to work with a week I still can't see it happening.

And if all this recent activity by TNA does not work, what do they do then?
Jerry said:
And if all this recent activity by TNA does not work, what do they do then?

If this recent activity by TNA doesn't work then the status quo remains. TNA remains percieved as a rinky dink minor league company and the WWE continues to be the fat cats of the industry. I personally like some of the things the WWE has done, I thought Unforgiven was a terrific pay per view, but lets face it their golden age was in the 80's competing with a still powerful NWA, and the late 90's attitude era was when they competed with WCW. Competition brings out the best in Vince and the WWE.
i look at it this way tna is a alternative,it is a show for wrestling purists,the guys who like the in ring action without all the talk .I watched wwe religiously but ever since wwe bought out the competition there product has become stale uncreative with a lack of push behind any new wrestlers.Now for the guys who like the razzle dazzle and the bra and panty matches and the same show week in and week out thats fine.But TNA is full of action and i feel will help push the wwe if they get some steam.Competition is what makes this business great,so for all the tna haters look at this company as a means of making your beloved wwe a better product
DeathIsARight said:
BTW, why is Hogan the biggest scumbag in the business?
Need we start with his ego that is big enough to overflow a dumptruck? Ask Marc Mero about that one (for insulting him backstage about his higher risk working style). Or Luger. Or Sting. Or Bret Hart. He single-handedly killed all of their pushes at one time or another. Maybe it's the insane amount of money he makes for his lousy performances (which he's proudly given since 1990). Maybe it's also the fact that a combination of his influence and unwillingness to step down helped to topple WCW when it was handily throttling its competition week in and week out. Anyone who refers to themselves by their stage name while in their home...with their family...is pretty much a scumbag in my book and needs to re-evaluate thier general thought process. I sure hope Dwayne Johnson doesn't refer to himself in the third person when he goes home for Thanksgiving dinner.
xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.

true tna is getting to be more entertaining than wwe due to it's freshness. though i mean the wwe fans have been arguing with the lack of creativity from wwe for a while now so i'm not surprised that most people are heading to tna where there are fresh wrestlers and new feuds between former wcw and wwe superstars stirring up.
peopleschamp said:
Yeah, but WWE has been using the same formula over the last 20 years, which is the emphasis on Sports Entertainment. Keep in mind that the reason for WWE’s success is that they are always trying to appeal to a wider audience outside of wrestling “purists.” Since 1985, WWE has been the renegade promotion that tries to break pro wrestling into the realms of mainstream entertainment, as opposed to being one of those promotions that tried to maintain the (kayfabe) tradition of pro wrestling (e.g. NWA or AWA). In other words, WWE was never meant to appeal to the purists but the general audience. So there will always be more emphasis on the entertainment side of pro wrestling than the actual wrestling itself.

without reading alot of the thread, and excuse me for replying to one of the first posts, I think that maybe the wrestling world is in fact, just growing sick of the entertainment part. Why do you think UFC is such a thorn in VKM's side right now? The sport, not the storylines.
This topic should just stop right now..You know how much tna and wwe threads are out now and this will just turn into an arguement.
newsboy_88 said:
true tna is getting to be more entertaining than wwe due to it's freshness. though i mean the wwe fans have been arguing with the lack of creativity from wwe for a while now so i'm not surprised that most people are heading to tna where there are fresh wrestlers and new feuds between former wcw and wwe superstars stirring up.

Most people? Then why are TNA's ratings dropping?
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